WHIZ News Dog of the Week They say Canis is not too fussy and gets along well with humans and other animals. “He’s very good with riding in a car, dog selective, seems to only like females, a little too much for cats, and child friendly. Seems to do well with other people. Friendly as well,” Doug McQuaid -a volunteer at the Muskingum County Dog Warden and Adoption Center said. He is affectionate and enjoys getting pampered every once-in-awhile, and since he has been at the shelter, Canis has even been treated to a spa day. “One of our volunteers actually took him out for a spa day. So she said when she took him home and gave him a bath and gave him a big walk and so forth. And then basically after that Canis came in and sat down and pretty much watched TV the rest of the time,” McQuaid recalled.