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Brussels today on the progress of braggs that talks but the e. U. It seems will not be playing ball. And going back and puts a positive spin on the first round of negotiations to form a new government the Party Officials warn the road ahead will be long and bumpy. Hello im tony marsh and good to have you with us a crucial deadline is approaching in catalonia the regions separatist leader called this push them on has until ten a. M. Local time thats in less than an hour to tell spain that he will not be pushing ahead with plans to declare independence if he fails to comply madrid could be forced to take the dramatic step of retaking control of the region. These are decisive hours for the future of spain and once again theres one man everyone is looking to cut a line president has pushed among hanging over his head is a threat never before used in modern spanish history its article one five five the stripping of his regions autonomy its powers reverting to madrid is stacked in this drama began last week after catalonia is referendum on declared independence but he immediately suspended it and called for dialogue with madrid that move infuriated his opposite number spanish Prime Minister because if he has declared Catalan Independence the government is obliged by the constitution to respond in a certain way. In other words any declaration of Catalan Independence will trigger article one five five put them on discuss his response with his own Party Last Night the tone coming out of the meeting was harsh. The state put into motion article one five five weve asked the president to lift his suspension of independence and put into effect the democratic mandate. In other words if madrid tries to curtail push demands powers he will declare independence. Demonstrators again took to the streets of barcelona on wednesday evening this time supporters of unity with spain for many of them. Is a criminal whatever his next move this crisis appears far from over. Earlier i spoke with barbara vessel in barcelona i asked her what options the two sides have in this crisis over catalonia. If youre talking terry about options to back down i dont see very much at the moment because both sides have really ducked themselves in which to mine is really determined to somehow get independents underway and that local newspaper close to his government says this morning that he will be sending a letter which were waiting for right now at two hundred saying ok if you tree go one fifty five we will sort of hit back was a declaration of independence and then the standoff will be total and everything that weve just heard will happen madrid has threatened so often now to take over power in barcelona and in catalonia that it just has to come through so things will happen during the day and during the next days because the actual the depths of the crisis the really heat of it will come in the implementation for instance when madrid starts taking over the local police so were waiting for things to happen it will be step by step but the deadlines are just running out now for how bad could things get there you mentioned article one fifty five the constitution that would allow madrid to basically retake control over the catalonia region would that be the were worst Case Scenario is that the Nuclear Option. It is the Nuclear Option because it would mean that madrid really take back autonomy from catalonia and we have to stress this catalonia has a lot of autonomy the local Health Service the schools finances everything is really under their control if madrid takes that back and imposes sort of a central governor like in former times here in barcelona and they take over finances they take over maybe even control of the local or regional broadcaster and finally of course and that is one of the symbolic crucial points if they take control of the Catalan Police then we can we will sort of really see things heating up because it will make peoples blood boil for them that will show that they hated oppressor in madrid is actually has actually come down here and is taking away their rights so yes it will take a few days to come to that point but it can get ugly is there any way barbara for the two sides at this point to maybe save face and get out of this without a major confrontation. Im afraid its too late really thats what all local service say somebody should have talked him out of their trees like six weeks ago two months ago in any case before this fateful referendum attempt at the beginning of october and now both sides are really committed to sort of stay with their course and there is no really way that they could face save face and sort of turn back so it will happen barbara thank you so much to all there in barcelona. British Prime Minister theresa may has promised to make it easy make it as easy as possible for citizens living in the u. K. After braggs it is one of the issues holding up progress in talks with brussels on the u. K. s exit from the e. U. But her concession is unlikely to persuade the leaders to move talks on from divorce terms to trade at a summit in brussels tonight Charlotte Chelsea pil brings us up to speed on the talks so far but not that dont. Respect the European Union over in. Five rounds of to look for a. Marked improvement. And almost an ending stream of metaphors lets put a tiger in the towel and stop letting the grass grow under our feet the ball is entirely in the u. K. Court as we look forward to the next stage the ball is in their court breaks in negotiations are well underway and things are getting theory in your court. Actually thats a game well its clearly isnt a game but if it were today shes been much point for team brecks it here in brussels a real moment of triumph when the e. U. Said enough have been agreed upon for talks to move on to the next phase to really get into the nitty gritty of the u. K. s future relationship with the e. U. And on trade. The e. U. Had some conditions. Is demanded sufficient progress on three key issues the rights of u. K. And e. U. Citizens post breaks it how the border between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland will function and most contentious of all how much money the u. K. Owes so far on a major breakthroughs on any of the above meaning progression to the next phase is now unlikely before december but even on that the u. K. And the e. U. On opposite ends of the court. Were ready and well prepared to start those discussions. Im not in a position at this stage to propose to the European Council that it should open discussions on the future relationship they discuss. The issue thats despite mondays last minute Charm Offensive from two reason may in brussels may have looked friendly bots the pressure is clearly mounting the time is running out the clock ticking very fast like a game of tennis these lookers she asians are on a deadline u. K. Shuttle to leave the e. U. In march one thousand nine hundred. Our correspondent gary says keeping score for us there in brussels today georg british Prime Minister theresa may she says that britain and the e. U. Are in touching distance for a deal on Citizens Rights would affect e. U. Citizens living in the u. K. After brags that in u. K. Citizens living in the e. U. Leaders feel the same way that theres a deal within touching distance on this issue michelle but neither chief negotiator the man who in brussels represents the interests of the twenty seven Member States at the negotiating table at least i would say there is Good Progress in the field of Citizen Rights he knows of course as well as does all the twentys other twenty seven leaders that the big question still is the rights that have been agreed in these negotiating talks how will they be guaranteed once the jurisdiction of the European Court of justice seizes to exist in the in the u. K. With brax it so that is still a question why even in this field there isnt sufficient progress these who also knows of course that with threesome a who just sent a letter to one hundred thousand citizens who inquired about their status ensuring that they will be able to stay the e. U. Knows of course she has a vested interest that a workforce of more than three Million People stays in the country. She is on a bit of a Charm Offensive you mentioned this Letter Writing Campaign she did she was also in brussels earlier this week trying to soften up her negotiating partners did that help. I think terry unless the reason may really manages to throw a curveball a surprise offer on this summit im less youre rives with a pretty big check to cover the bill which is the key stumbling block in these talks. The leaders will simply agree with Michel Barnier that there is not sufficient progress to move into a face to and so that really is where things stand at the moment for leaders its very clear they welcome that in our foreign speech he made clear the u. K. Will honor its commitments and that means they will cover a bracks a bill but the e. U. Would like to have that on paper and to have that in numbers for for each field that needs to be covered. Briggs it may be the biggest nut to crack to use another metaphor at this summit there. But its not the only one what about tensions in spain over catalan is independence bid for example is that going to be a topic for discussion i put it in a nutshell terry the e. U. Has made very clear out of the Council President has has made very clear they will only talk about catalonia if the spanish Prime Minister would choose to do that if he brings up the topic on the agenda they have throughout this crisis in the past weeks a suit from me by the side of madrid basically sending out the message particularly if you look at states like italy or belgium where you have sort of strung out on them as regions they do not support any independence movements in the whatsoever york thanks so much matters there in brussels. Now this of other stories making headlines today civilians have been fleeing the syrian city of raka after it was taken from the socalled Islamic State the u. N. Says some forty thousand people have poured into displacement camps in the last days u. S. Backed fighters are removing land mines and booby traps and rooting out the few remaining militants. Investigators norge and tina think they have found the body of an activist whose disappearance two months ago prompted large demonstrations santiago not as was last seen on the first of august hed been attending an indigenous rights protest near to where his body was discovered. Just cinda under will be new zealands next Prime Minister new Zealand First party has agreed to a coalition with labor party the thirty seven year old will be the countrys youngest Prime Minister and its third female leader. Now nearly a month after germanys election the country has begun the process of trying to put together a new government its harder than ever before because the parties come from right across the political spectrum and are ideologically very far apart german chancellor going to medical ended the first round of talks on a positive note but the Party Officials say theres a long road ahead. Black yellow and green for now the colors of the jamaican flag are just hot air on the banks of the river. But exploratory talks are under way chancellor merkels conservative c. D. U. And see as you first met with the business friendly f. T. P. Party and later with the environmentalist greens the Jamaica Coalition would be an exotic combination that has never existed before at the national level. The talks were reasonable there was no tension but we all know how hard it will be and how different our political cultures are equal to and here to some and the c. D. U. N. C. S. Used prospective partners have major differences over a number of key issues including the European Union and austerity policy migration and energy. This could become the most complex series of negotiations in decades. Before the talks were shaped with the intention of looking for solutions about how to reach a Cohesive Society but it is also clear that there is a long way ahead of us. This views the munging moves on friday the exploratory talks will continue with teams from the potential Coalition Parties meeting together it may be weeks before a possible Jamaica Coalition becomes reality. Youre watching news still to come why did the price of corn suddenly shoot up in kenya the government says drought is to blame but others see the real reason is it say the real reason is corruption. Some Business News for you know chinas Growth Numbers are out over yeah they slowed slightly better by european standards growth in china was still looking quite robust it came in at six point eight percent for the worlds second biggest economy so that means that its still on track to meet its annual target those numbers were in from the last quarter now the National Statistics agency did warn all the volatility there and said that the economy was at a quote crucial stage of restructuring meanwhile Chinas Central Bank is warning about the possibility of a sudden collapse in asset prices after a long period of growth while the latest figures will certainly be talked to about the communist Party Congress leader xi jinping still expected to cement his power now the talk there has been about opening up the economy but critics say ive heard that one before. Privatization and a more open economy five years ago that was chinese president xi jinping his plan for economic reform. More free market less state control many hope that would mean the breakup of state owned companies. Opening the door to more private businesses. Allowing the currency to float and a fight against corruption. But five years on many are disappointed. Though there have been some successes in recent years chinas leadership is again promoting economic nationalism. The countrys huge state owned enterprises are once again determining the communist party strategy. Thats true of Many Private Companies too. And the yuan is largely back under the control of Chinas Central Bank. Foreign companies are also dismayed at the sings about turn xi jinping hums greater access to chinas market the promise that hasnt always materialized. In many cases foreigners can only manufacture and market products in the peoples republic with the Chinese Business partner at their side and their restrictions are getting profits out of the country so many are listening to the speeches at the Party Congress with more than touch of skepticism. And that Party Congress president xi saying he was keen to open the market to Foreign Investors once again so lets find out what the state of play is right now for farm businesses in the country and whether they think there will be greater opening up joining me now from beijing is on the day yet a founder of a capital which invests in European Companies to accelerate their growth in Chinese Markets thank you for joining us on the day now you provide support to European Countries in china whats your impression is china opening up well unfortunately it must be said that the train of reforms probably stayed in their Railway Station weve heard a lot of promises specially since for the two thousand and twelve and nothing really materialized i would even say. So some aspects deteriorated for foreign businesses so when the head of the Central Bank Says chinas economy must open up to do more to return to its top standing do you and all of the Companies Take that seriously. Well weve heard these these talks and i think all all those who are holding the speeches especially the governor of the central bank are probably convinced that thats the way to go but what we see on the ground is that reform state owned enterprise reform is not happening actually at the contrary youre creating more and more gigantic monopolies like you can see in a railway or in shipping. There is increased pressure to repatriate data for Foreign Companies in order to have them all in china you have issues about the car market where you have none protection and i mean you have more or less protectionist measures were going to be implemented so all this is very worrying and the mood of a foreign businesses has turned from eldorado to a more much more complicated situation under that we just pick you up on that point regarding the car industry that all reports have big hurdles that the communist party is imposing quotas on at electric vehicles by foreign carmakers does that make foreign firms shy away from china. Well its very schizo phrenic because on one side china is more and more the largest market as far as growth is concerned so probably thirty to forty percent of Global Growth in value will come from china this year so its a market you cannot. Get to get past of course and on the other side the conditions of doing business in china have become increasingly complicated. You talk about the car market and obviously chinese carmakers were not able to to be be at par with with foreign carmakers in the last twenty years so theres a reshuffling and no to this measure the Chinese Government is trying to put again electric car makers from china at the at the forefront so this is this is probably causing concern in a lot of boardrooms and especially in germany where thats pretty new thats turned it round very briefly chinese investors have a strong presence on International Markets what does beijing make of all that capital flowing out of the country also a bit because a frantic on one side you need acquisitions of technology more than ever china needs to. Improving off of tech and on the other side there is Strong Capital flight especially early two thousand and sixteen so the restrictions of chinese acquisitions overseas have become massive since twelve months on a cake yet the head of a capital joining us from beijing thank you thank you. Well to terry now and terry serious concern over food prices in kenya thats right helen a big problem in the horn of africa and also in all of east africa seems a big parts of it United Nations warns that twenty Million People face starvation in the horn of africa south sudan and somalia are the worst hit but the region Regional Power kenya is also suffering a huge increase in the price of food is affecting the middle class as well as the poor in drought hit areas and many people say the problem is not just a lack of rain in kenya they point to a failure of political leadership. And young Philip Schultz report from kenya. Dark clouds hover over to see them which is fields. But as the farmer suspects they wont deliver desperately needed rain. Three rainy seasons have already come and gone in south korea where to see lunas wife christine live all they can find to pick are some legumes otherwise the entire maize crop their main income source has dried up. Now that ive been visiting new thumb of the need to keep my family for a two to three months. Almost nobody even need to keep me for a week seven years ago he began a video project to document the climate changes in his region. Hes experienced a lot of weather extremes including droughts and floods but its never been as bad as it is now. Instead of being able to sell his harvest the farmer has to go to market to buy his maize. A staple in the kenyan diet the amount he can actually afford keeps getting smaller and smaller. I feel neglected because. Feeding my family but the government seems not to. Support us. In the capital nairobi the socalled corn crisis has been a source of bitter controversy for many months. Maize prices have skyrocketed by more than one hundred percent the problem is that the corn silos containing the emergency reserves were depleted soon after the drought started whether the maize had been stolen or had rotted away is not clear. And those responsible have yet to provide a clear answer eventually the government stepped in importing me s. And launching a Subsidy Program to bring prices down. But according to alicante the whole system is totally corrupt. The financial expert says both politicians and Business People are enriching themselves through special import licenses. Folks are able to get access to those licenses and make seriously big and windfall profits at the expense of course of the rest of the country. Big windfall profits and you know the fear is that all of this money circulating back into political spending. Those very officials bristle at the corrupt allegations. They claim the government has done its best to counter the countrys Food Shortages from the getgo. The president declared had not a National Discussion and he called upon all the other stick when to join hunt and support the government so anybody we see interested in helping to join hands and help now but those people are not interested in helping the issue to shut up not booking a video and then since. Former has long stopped looking for Political Solutions instead he and other farmers are working together to design homemade Irrigation Systems for their fields they still have to work out the kinks but its enough to start growing some tomatoes and theres hope that this means theyll be able to grow maize again next season sports now and some football got by in munich returning to their winning ways in the Champions League group stage they welcome celtic to town and while the boisterous away fans took over the city center before the game i am rested back control on the pitch. Smashed from close range on seventeen minutes before yahshua to make made a two new made a two nil ten minutes later laps homo scored after the break to complete the scoring and by an unwilling ending new coach has a three no win on his return to Champions League football. Just reminder the top stories were following for you here today on new day cliff deadline is looming for catalonia separatist leader collis pushed him on has until ten a. M. Local time to tell spain he will abandon any plans to declare independence otherwise madrid could be forced to retake control of the region. And im going ackles party says the first round of talks to form a new governing coalition has ended on a positive note the Party Officials say they face an uphill battle to forge germanys first four way ally so. Youre watching t. V. News coming to you live from berlin to find more in all or stories online a d w dot com thanks for watching. Its on while. There the good way that we can do that with swaggering suit wearing swimmers. And fickle frequent flyers. Can species endangered in germany be reintroduced its hoped that the marsh fertile area and the vultures will make a comeback. Tomorrow today. Entered the conflict zone confronting the powerful. Its a year now since hillary close. The last the u. S. President ial elections of donald trump and the Democratic Party has gone losing in state elections around the country my guest here in washington is near a tongue the a long time advisor to Hillary Clinton while the democrats finding it so hard to miss finding new direction. In sixty minutes d. W. Nationalists are on the rise to the world war and here. I am taking a more straight to highlights different shades of nationalism and to find out what does nation me to you. To show your story join the conversation here going to dublin you on twitter i dont facebook. Twitter history books are brought to life. Maybe the stories therein get a rewrite of. The story of the russian revolution. From the perspective of writers thinkers and to Covent Garden ists what did it feel like to live in times of the revolution the people. Nineteen seventeen the real october starting october twenty fifth sunday w. Told. Welcome to tomorrow today the science show on. Coming up. How scientists are developing a robot to harvest fruits and vegetables. How a conservationist is fighting to bring

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