Transcripts For DW DocFilm - Ringing In The Future 20171204

DW DocFilm - Ringing In The Future December 4, 2017

Nationalism and to find out what this nation mean to you. To share his story join the conversation. On twitter on facebook. Its three meters and thirteen centimeters high three meters thirty six wide and weighs more than twenty five tons thats roughly equivalent to five fully grown elephants its more is up to twenty seven centimeters take more than four thousand hours have already gone into making it when completed it will be the largest free swinging church bell in the world and the pride of a New Cathedral in bucharest where it will bring in gods on up the centuries to come. The contract for the bell went to pay to and your hand is cast mild bell found as in the fourteenth generation almost a year ago in eighteen thirty six the family stopped being an itinerant business it opened its workshop right below the bed insole hill in innsbrook. Its not just any foundry thats able to manufacture a ballot this size yohannes cast maya whos in charge of the Family Business is Administrative Department set the course for this. Year. In the year two thousand we built a new bell sound four hundredth anniversary we expanded this foundry into the courtyard and prepared everything so that we can cast a ballot up to forty tons. Yes. That was forward looking so that my son or my future grandchildren would still be able to use it. The connection between the foundry and book arrest has a little bit of tradition. For anything. You have a few years ago we were allowed to cast new bells for the old patriarchal cathedral it was a much Smaller Church with particularly beautiful bells. They really stood out from other bells with the quality of their sound. That was why we were allowed to cast this big bell here and instruct. Sculptor christina. Is in the factory modeling the bells commissioner out of plasticine patriarch danielle was appointed the head of the Orthodox Church in romania in two thousand and seven his countenance is to be immortalized on the bow the working method for want to mentation has changed little in many hundred years while pater class maya now uses the latest software when planning and constructing the Bell Software he was able to develop in collaboration with universities and expat institutes. It took us fifteen years to create the program oh i thought it would take two to four years now we can cost absolutely perfect belts in a large variety of thicknesses. This bell has to say no just the palmer and bell in st stephens cathedral in vienna but its five tons havea it has much thicker wards which brings out the partials much more so it just sounds more intense. Yes. We calculated the bell and then we drill it and then we transferred it to the struggles and attached it to a spindle it could turn so we could make the move. This mode is made of bricks then rendered with clay and shaped by the street by the end it corresponds exactly to the hollow space of the finished bell now we can cut out the folds bellow from this trickle and foam the folds bell you can see the crosssection of the bell very nicely. In simple terms costing about require three prepare a tray components of which the middle one the full spell is subsequently removed thereby creating the hollow space into which the bell metal is cost the first component the in a mold is ready now the fool spell is made it exactly matches the size and appearance of the later bronze bow a particularly sandy clay is used for this falls bell it mustnt be too compact so that it can be removed again easily later on. And then separating laminate of graphite ensures that the fourth bell can be separated easily from the in a mold. The method for shaping the full spell hasnt changed in center is. Only available employees in the foundry are required five tons of clay have to be layered up after all. And when the vehicle me and the other two trained bell found as also help their boss. The portrait of the patriarch is now ready in the workshop and negative is now made of it out of pasta this plastic cost will allow an unlimited number of copies to be made of wax. While the plasters hardening on the fool spout continues. The lower section is fully formed but the two meters sixty four cant just be walk to from the bottom. The clay wall gets steeper and steeper without the torch ropes to help the place stick it would slide down there in a moment. The plaster casts dissent and the portrait of the patriarch is clearly visible. The hot wax is ready on the stove it can be poor down to the moment this wax cost will later be applied to the fools. A problem has occurred with the full spell despite all the supporting measures some of the clay has slid off the hole has to be patched up again an unforeseen loss of time. Its nice to have cash and. Its three hours work but three hours with five employees is fifteen hours. Its a bit annoying we want to make progress and weve got a schedule to keep in mind either of the fight. But theres nothing to be done about it the full spell has to be finished today otherwise its possible more of the sandy clay will break off overnight as it dries. The workshop meanwhile is ready to proceed the wax cast of the patriarch is a success. And now the tray of the full spell has been redone the hot wax fulfills two jobs it stabilizes the clay and the wax layer creates a perfectly smooth surface which is necessary in order to attach ornamentations to the bell. With a bell of this size the amount of liquid wax required is immense. Four large pots full are spread out over the clay. Yeah and. This trickle goes round and round about every time it goes round it removes even the smallest irregularities the oak and with that this trickle has done its job it wont be needed and. Like many of its predecessors this one too will find an honorary spot on the foundry wall with. The overnight the full spell shamus as if covered in icing. The next morning the sculptors attach they want to mentation all of the spots calculated for the different letters a mocked the wax letters on made to measure in the workshop instead large quantities of different sizes and phones are kept in stock while the sculptors a dealing with the letters Company Management gathers in the office of the head of the company christophe crass my still has a firm place in the Family Business. In our business they turn takes care of the casting process i deal with our clients and my fathers the master of ceremonies as it were. Made for them he oversees the casting commission before and during the casting. Of the right. Its paid his job to manage the casting process. He has our back so we can concentrate on the actual work ensuring that our clients are perfectly looked after. Christophe grass my cares greatly about another representative duty you know he could be my sons have asked me to do a lovely job which is to do guided tours in our bell museum for which we once won the Austrian Museum prize. We have several guns and im allowed to do the rotor. Since i enjoy showing guests around the museum so much i put myself on the road a lot of. Work has progressed in the pit im more into is used by the wax cost of the patriarch glue sticks they didnt take this to four hundred years ago the feature ornament of the new bell work was very precise it just meant. That. The edges have to lie flush with the full spell there mustnt be a gap that anything could get into applying the wax costs to the full spell is a difficult job. Now the owner mentation is sprayed with a special clay mix that was developed by the family a long time ago up until two hundred years ago the bells were always cost on site because it was impossible to move them across existent transport haitian roots thats why the grass my ancestors traveled off of europe and recorded in their Company Books what they had discovered and learned in the various locations. The how it you know these were still finding things in these Company Books that we want to implement. Says. That theres the only mental clay for example its applied to the only mentation in a very fine layer theres a recipe for it in this book and we were very surprised by the composition so we tried it and it really was even smoother and that. Thats one of the reasons why we have such a lovely surface on how girls beer is one of the ingredients the clay furmans like to use dont we let it stand for several weeks and then it collapses and its very smooth ready to be years. I wont reveal the other ingredients i have to keep some secrets. Ok. As soon as her for layers of the ornamental clay have dried further thicker layers of clay are applied thats how the third component the outer mode is made the economy is creating the mix for it at the park now in addition to clay and hay menu has always been part of this mix once it dries it becomes hard like wood making it the perfect material for the bells outer mold. This is what the outer mode looks like when the clay has been applied and left to drive the bill it is important now the mode in pots made of steel rings helps with that its filled with pure and sand a special mix that hardens completely but first the founders and a ceramic pipes to the base of the bell the idea is to channel the liquid bronze around the mold and let it rise from below. The resulting metal is much denser and better like this than if it were a million added from above. To remove the fools belt the individual parts of the mold involves have to be taken apart and then reassembled again for the casting process to find the exact spot for that again the founders punch the names into the fire and sand after it hardens these markings fit like a lock and key after that the prepared hollow mode for the crown is placed on the full spell once again pipes are laid and the space is filled with her and son. Right at the top of the molding box the founders attach the costin holds a large cost in both is made of bricks that can withstand the bronze when its one thousand one hundred degrees the incoming metal will pool here before flowing down the pipes. A riser is placed at the center it will be used at the end of the costin process. The whole structure is stable enough now to remove the central part the fools belt from the box. When the upper sections are lifted off the name markings become visible now the rest of the mode in box has to be lifted. Since the in a mold has been anchored to the ground the full spell crumbles remaining inside the mode invokes is the bells out of a mold to clean it orally the mode in by. Walks will be lifted next to the pit. Oh dear theyre missing a few centimeters that can happen to the best bell found down again. With so much expertise on hand and with repeated measurements this problem is of course solvable. The moment invokes has to be strapped closer to the crane a second attempt. Success. Now paid time costs my and his colleagues have a long arduous job to do. The five and a half tons of clay sand that made up the bell have to be removed again completely and not just on the inside of the out among. The in a mold in the pit has to be gained to by hand spade by spade. Overnight the outer mode is now heated to melt the box that you want to mend haitians. Thanks. But the file was only able to remove some of the work. And not of the wax that created the ornamentations and the outer mode is still attached to the clay it has to be. Stripped off with a gas been at. The end a mode is dried again to allow any residual moisture to escape through the clay. The wax has now been meticulously removed from every nook and cranny of the outer mold you want to and taishan and the portrait of the patriarch are resplendent in the negative. The plaster cast of the patriarch canal joined the hundreds of other portrayed in the saints of old countless works from decades past away to potential second use for a new bell and. The molding box with the cleaned out a load is returned to its exact position over the in a mold during the casting process the liquid bronze exerts immense forces on the out i loaned to prevent the loading hawkes from shattering the pit is filled with us. Steel buildings provide Additional Support for the mode in box the earth is compacted what are the opening lines of friedrich schillers poem the song of the bell rolled up in a steady burn from clay the moment stand this day and the bell be ready fresh a workman be at hand. The grass my only needs to be ready the following day but first theres a logistical problem that needs solving this that will help but that its to serve as an oversized thermos flask for its day to day operation the foundry needs one furnace in which ten tons of bronze can be molten down but today more than that he tells a needed. One furnace full of prongs was already melted overnight. At half past five in the morning its hot enough to be transported. Over the next few hours the bronze must maintain its temperature in a vat which has been coated with fire and. With that the next load of bronze can be tackled every prongs and god weighs ten kilos meaning there are a thousand in gods to make up ten tons. Thrown into the large vaness one at a time the foundries old furnace has been revived for this casting job several hundred additional in got to deliver the required amount of bronze pallet after pallet the thousand in got same neverending. And. Several sacks of charcoal i did to the prongs in the insulated fact. They catch fire right away and prevent the liquid hot bronze from cooling down. And the bronze in the furnace is has to be brought up to the right temperature over several hours time to ramp up the f. Now. At around lunchtime the preparations for the casting process are going full steam ahead all of the transport routes to the casting whole are heated with charcoal to facilitate the flow of the bronze. For the casting process the bronze has to reach a temperature of one thousand one hundred degrees its hot enough shortly before the casting process the hot charcoal has to be removed again including from the channel to the old fantasy that was built especially for this job. Everythings ready now though the Blessing Comes from higher as chena would remind us to that and father nikolai cling to a close associate of the patriarch has come from bucharest with a small delegation from the congregation to watch the cost thing and celebrate and orthodox service. One tradition is considered particularly important before every balinese cost were all going to pray the lords prayer together everyone in their own language for the kingdom the power and the glory are yours now and forever amen. Then things get hard. To make sure the alloy is well mixed the bronze is given a good stuff. The trunk of an old is used for this job it triggers a Chemical Reaction it. Is the metal and hydrogen that could create gas bubbles during the cooling process is removed from the bronze. The bronze in the vat meanwhile has kept its temperature as soon as the vat has reached its position the process can begin. The sindo will flow to the top of the casting vote and one contaminate the battle tapping the vats is a matter for the boss of course. The founders will open the access from the old furnace first old with the blessing of god of course. When the found hole is more resistant than expected anto rushes in to help. Health and safety a secondary right now the safety glove just gets in the way. And with that the most nerve wracking and dangerous part of making this bell begins nothing can go wrong over the next fifteen minutes. The at. The bronx made to helping hand Weather Channel levels out its a joke to the children at the planet who want ways extremely keen on casting day yes. Thank. God. The bronze of the old fun s. Which is the collecting pool thats the signal to open the big funniness. Once the bronze from the family that is added to the foundry floor resembles a golden river system. This splash protect us slips into the boiling hot bronze but its recovered again quickly no damage has been done. Every second around sixty kilos of prongs flowed to the base of the cost to hit. Thank you its too soon to give the all clear immediately after the bronze rivers dry up. Thank. You and. Thanks. Kate his daughter isabella cant believe her eyes but sure footed climbing comes naturally to a tyranny and even above the remains of boiling hot bronze. Thanks. Its almost done. The ballast full we just have to follow up with that full but the bell itself is full. As the bronze cools down it contracts. To make sure theres enough metal to keep the bell full fresh hot bronze has to be added regularly. Thanks no thanks joe. Thank god the bronze doesnt have to take the detour via the ceramic pipes any more it can be poured right into the top. Ok. You know almost a whole extra ton of bronze is added to the bow this way. The and thanks to more ladles to be on the safe side then everyone involved has and themselves a reward. Thanks. The relief is palpable. The employees are visibly inflated and relieved as they have their photo taken to commemorate this balcony. But they are uncertain t. Remains of a gunnies that she is now in describes an alliance in the us that has received full the mode is happily made when its beauty be perceived so be toil and ought repaid. To get the answer to that question well found as have to be patient the metal has to cool sufficiently over the course of two weeks as winter comes to innsbruck. Finally the pit is opened up again thanks to special diggers that can even dig around whom as the modem box makes an appearance again. A hundred and twenty five cubic meters of earth a sent back they were merely borrowed from a construction company. The moment of truth has arrived there is tension in the air well all the hard work of recent months have paid off. My. Good looks great. Its beautiful its shiny you can see the structure at first glance i give it a thumbs up and the temperatures go to. The balconies cool down nicely. That means the bell can be lifted into daylight. The air. The way two hundred years ago frederick described the following moment perfectly. Now for me break up the building its intent is felt all right that our hearts and eyes be feasting on the most successful side. Swinging the hama swinging till the mantle spring storms. If the balbi now awoke and be the frame in pieces broken. Jaw i am to me god has given see that like a golden strong from its hosking so blank and even peal if out the metal cool yeah. Congratulations to everyone. This is a high large enough four hundred year family history. May this spell like all the bells ring in on are of god but may it also delight its listeners. The main task now is cleaning the bow. In particular the quality of the owner mentation his scrutinised. The feeling in. The pit has to be tied it up to the in a brick mold has been lifted out the individual bricks will be recycled for the next bow. An important part of the bat is still missing however to complete it pater class maya and his sons and high us and. Head over to gemini two and tom jones who. Why do we have to drive so

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