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Refugee camp of warriors for far beyond its capacity many refugees have taken matters into their own hands to stay warm every night these people cut down the trees and burn them well when i think they can about it how to use the making if the situation goes on like this it wont take long before we have physical confrontation. And also coming up in south africa cheers and change and corruption delegates of the ruling a. N. C. Party have elected a new leader who wants to be the countrys next president but first hell have to survive what outgoing president jacob zuma is leaving behind. So we begin the day with an unprecedented number of people ripped from their roots on this International Migrants day the u. N. Estimates that sixty six Million People around the world have been forced to flee their homes the world has never seen so many at one time the culprits war persecution and a changing climate residence in their home countries more more and. Are becoming refugees in another now seventeen percent of them are in europe and ground zero of the migration misery and mayhem is the greek island you see it right there of less books in just two years it has become home to thousands of migrants trying to reach Northern Europe via turkey many of them now live in what is known as the maria refugee camp and they may be the wacky ones outside the camp more and more migrants find themselves in a legal cold a sack nowhere they can head for and nowhere that they can go back to their only choice are reporters and hidden camera discovered is to stay put in the most squalid of condition and in that is the story that we want to bring see you tonight a story that policymakers and politicians with rather we not report all over salad is with me here the big table oliver has reported extensively from lesbos he has been there firsthand he has seen how the situation for migrants is changed over the past two years how its gone from bad to worse its good to have you here all of us lets talk about it lets talk about what you have seen i mean youve been there many times this time you went there to find out if things have actually improved and you were armed with hidden cameras why because you cannot just go in there and start filming its prohibited the police does not allow tolerate any media any journalists to go inside of that refugee camp so there is a whole there are several holes in the fence and people do get it go in journalists do so one was just arrested the day before we went inside so its quite dangerous i was arrested myself and id go one hour after when i filmed on the island of some was another of these one of these hotspots thats all that we all know you and you had clearance right as a reporter there but still they wanted no filming exactly. Exactly and that was the case there again and so we went in with a hidden camera this time trying to you know get an idea of how the situation is and i have not seen anything as bad as what we found there all right well the pictures are certainly speak more than the words can do lets take a look at your reports. Can be early move his fingers its the morning after another cold night on the greek island of lesbos. And his friends ran out of firewood long ago. Theyll use whats left of this Cardboard Box to heat todays first cup of tea. From iraq hes been here on the island of lesbos for two months now in a makeshift camp just outside the morea refugee camp. We are many. Through but we dont have. A different here just. Next door is the official camp it looks like a high security prison made for refugees that have come to the greek islands in the hopes of continuing on to north and europe they have to wait here until their asylum applications have been processed authorities strictly for bit filming here who are ever youll look youll see garbage and thesis and People Living right in the midst of it the refugee camp is full far beyond its capacity and with more people arriving than leaving conditions here are getting worse every day. Wants to show us whats happening inside the camp so we follow him with a hidden camera. The year is filled with the stench of smoke garbage and feces. The United Nations high commissioner for refugees or u. N. H. C. R. Recently said that moria was dangerous for women and children but they are the ones who must stay here. It seems like a miracle that epidemics havent spread within the camp yet. Please dont give. Me just. What. You see. Many refugees have taken matters into their own hands to stay warm knowledge that its getting colder they simply lied old trees. These trees belong to local residents feel this and still use visits his fields he has to struggle to maintain his composure. Well off to come in then about all these trees are burnt anybody theres nothing left up a bit of these trees wont grow again theyre finished there one hundred twenty trees and now theres only four of all of the others and nobody cares the authorities wont stop this they got in a fight or compensate us every night these people cut down the trees and burn them. The village of moria is in a state of emergency. In other villagers meet to regularly to discuss ways to deal with the situation with. The local mayor nikos truck haleys has just returned from talks with the greek government in athens the news isnt good. If the situation goes on like this it wont take long before we have physical confrontation up to now we are tolerating the looting of peoples assets and its fortunate things have become violent yet. But its a matter of time before that happens. Ahmed left his country to escape. He doesnt want to be lumped together with lawbreakers he wants to leave. But for now a ferry take it to athens remains just a distant dream. Or. When you look at this report theres a horrible conditions for i mean you really want animals to be in the us but someone looking at that obviously theyre going to say why why dont they clean the bathroom i mean the pictures you showed there the bathroom are they allowing it to stay filthy or whats whats the reason why its that way and thats what it was many people ask me actually right now when they see this report and i see the footage that we are twittering in that were showing to the audience as well first of all if you see that camp and if you see the garbage bins that are so full and there is not space to put anything in there that even garbage bags are piling up right next to the garbage bin that they throw these garbage like anywhere on the on the on the fields next outside of that camp and of course you wonder how on earth would you would you be able even if you care if you collected all this garbage and when you want to put that. Garbage pick up anywhere it i mean the people are working there are people working who are collecting garbage but apparently very clearly and as weve seen in the report not enough. That in itself is appalling your your report also makes clear this the potential for conflict with the locals who are living there i mean these people have a story to tell to right this front i mean we just met scofield is the farmer who owns these these all of grove there and he also owns several hundred sheep and he told me that forty off his sheep were slaughtered by the refugees and if you look at what kind of food they get and we joined that their full dinner once and he got just one slice of bread and a small piece of cheese so he goes to bed hungry he told us they are fights over food every night so it becomes understandable that some are trying to find food in another way but on the other hand you also see that the local communities really strained and that they are really likes. Suddenly with the situation as well yeah i mean its a shocking to see this particularly when so many people around the world think that the crisis is over all over salad thank you very much excellent reporting its good that youre bringing the story to the world thank you. What would a road map out of this misery look why a new report just published by twelve organizations including the International Rescue committee offers some very important directions so im joined now by young fry in athens and she is the country director for greece at the i. R. C. Young its good to have you on the show. Your report says the humanitarian response in greece has been one of the best resourced in history then how do you explain the camp and the squalor that we just saw in olivers report i mean how how how was that possible i think its a good question and certainly one that weve been asking ourselves a lot and. I think in many ways you could argue that this is a direct consequence of turkey its biggest currently basically youve got. People have to stay on the islands until just talking time within their asylum procedure so then its simple math like you have the number of people who come in and as soon as the asylum procedure conch sheet they have number of people that are written youve got a factor of a few and zaki like extremists your books out in that camp that youre showing in your report currently hosts about double the number that it was intended because you have been threatened that explains. Or vision. So the i. R. C. And other with a virgin who want to end on jet and want to move people up the island and rebel be desperate to put in place. That will ensure that overcrowding that would not happen again in the future. Well the its a good suggestion a but it also begs the question why havent these people been moved to the mainland already mean whats the hold up here for the hold up is what is called the geographical restriction that is placed on people so once they have rights on the ivans they have to stay there until a certain step within the side and procedure so what weve also been asking for is that the. Entire aside im responds all aside the procedure is adequately resourced we need sufficient numbers and sufficient qualified asylum offices lawyer. Staff translate us etc to ensure that everybody who arrives on the islands access to an efficient and. Asylum procedure. What weve been asking for i know that for fun talk to me a little bit about to the people and particularly the children on the island to be you say that youre concerned about the well being of the more than three thousand children who are without their family and on their own in greece there are only about a thousand who are staying in shelters that are set up to accommodate them i mean were talking about hundreds of children who are possibly sleeping on the streets in greece. You know my question looking at that is how can any society allow that to happen but what happens when you go to lawmakers in say weve got children sleeping on the streets whats the reaction you get. The reaction i get to start. There working on it and i think the government is whether way off the problem and theyre planning to open more shows us i think our request is that. Actually funding for these does and opening up does. Beat it out that its its urgent that you showed us bases in iraq and the recent transition that was happening and temple funding and managing the response we actually had existing showed us aces that with force shut down because that funding would have a long debate so we asked. One show to be opened up as soon this. Ok young fry with the International Rescue committee joining us tonight from athens thank you very much we appreciate your insights tonight a very important story. Well still to come on the day and angry message for americal from families touched by terror as berlin remembers last years Christmas Market attack those who lost relatives say the german chancellor failed them when it counted thats coming up in about seven minutes. Which they sold one of the most important political votes in post apartheid south africa the Ruling African National congress elected a new leader Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa edged out president jacob zuma as exwife in a closely fall race thousands of delegates took part in the vote for party leader much of south africa watched as the party announced who had won the poll now the a. N. C. Which is known as the party of Nelson Mandela has ruled south africa since the end of apartheid the last three Party Leaders have all served as president of south africa. Here is what here is that moment when it became official that Cyril Ramaphosa had clinched the agencys top job. Come Great Investors and i mean is received. Two to six one. And come great sinner from a course received four four zero. Lead to. More so i think you. Should know that. You can see right there in that hall how divided the a. N. C. Is im joined here at the big table by the servant in shes a South African journalist she has joined me here many times to talk about the situation in south africa its good to have you back on the show so what do you make of this very close vote what does it tell was i mean the new a. N. C. President he doesnt have a strong mandate from the entire party does he now he doesnt have stolen that at all its basically the dip of parties now divided right down the middle at the top six is of presume the current president of south africa still and half. Vice president of several from a pause and say he has very did leave way too many new there but he said in tears hes a very seasoned leader and if anyone can maneuver out of that position it would probably be him he is considered there but hes also jacob zuma as deputy. So how can we expect him to challenge the establishment to clean up the corruption when hes already part of the established when he has basically campaigned on a ticket Anti Corruption saying if hes elected he will start clearing it up and in the last couple of days a lot of top a. N. C. Leaders who previously didnt share the palace like the chief whip said we support several of them oppose it because we want to sort of fianna have a country without corruption because corruption is the biggest problem in south africa. It has become a game against gangs the state he one is Nelson Mandela was as i understand it chosen one Nelson Mandela actually wanted him to become president and it didnt happen that way is this maybe a dream deferred that finally being realized for the country i think its a dream deferred that is but its a bit too late because we have a corrupt state but he was certainly mundaneness prefer if and ainsley at the time which was dominated by people from exiles who bheki who was tumble as if as a natural one say he it was a chance in this twenty years ago when we may have had a very different country because the problem with the a. N. C. Coming from exxon is they did not know the country they came back to and from a poser was in mine and we lead a union leader and respected across the board he lit the biggest mine working and strike at the time and the his office its at the mining houses were really so do feel like i respect that this thing really does say hes hes a very strong character but quiet a quiet but a quiet maybe thats what south africa needs now seems the strong quiet type maybe that will do the economy at least some good on the surfin see as always we appreciate your insights thank you and its lovely to be here thank you. It was the day islamist terror arrived in the german capital tomorrow will mark one year since a tunisian Asylum Seeker hijacked a truck in plowed it into a berlin Christmas Market twelve people died a tragic loss for victims families but theyve had little in the way of comfort from the german chancellor in an open letter to ms americal intitled a question of respect they write almost a year after the attack we note that you have not shared your condolences with us either in person or in writing in our opinion this means you are not doing justice to your office it is a matter of respect and decency and it should be selfevident that you as head of the government acknowledged to our families the loss of a relative because of a terrorist act. Or today almost a year later extended that hand of condolence she agreed to speak in person with the victims families that meeting took place behind closed doors here is what the chancellor said earlier today. So its made to the surface this meeting is very important for me i know that some people might have wished for this meeting to take place but its important to me that we make it very clear once again today how much we feel for the relatives and they enjoy it and how much we want to improve things. Back as the Governments Commission if the victims has brought to light many things that are inadequate. The insulation. Coughed up and. That was the german chancellor Angela Merkel speaking with the tragedy of that day almost one year ago began when the terrorist on this shot and killed the driver of the truck that he would later used to crash into the Christmas Market the driver was from poland his name was orban our correspondent Frank Hoffman met with his family the family that he left behind. Takes candles to the grave of her son lucas the first victim of the attack on the berlin Christmas Market the walk to the cemetery in the polish town of bani a has become a regular ritual for her and her husband. Because you know we come almost every other day we have to tidy up here because so many people come from all over poland even all of europe we have to take good care of the grave usually its visitors from germany who come to lay flowers the cemetery is a fifteen minute drive from the polish german border. Look at his parents feel forgotten they expected more support and compassion from germany theyve yet to receive a letter of condolence from chancellor Angela Merkel. Wont speak on camera too many tears she says the attack in berlin shattered this usually tranquil region of western poland many locals are further dismayed by the way the German Government reacted afterwards. It was only in march this year three months after the attack that a commissioner for relatives of the victim was appointed. I think none of us was really prepared to say that what happened in france could happen here. As a result we made an error in judgment. It wasnt enough for the president of germanys to speak with the victims relatives. It should have been the chancellor thats regarded as a major shortcoming on the part of the government. Cousin. Is angry at German Authorities at the time of the attack he headed the Trucking Firm whose vehicle was hijacked by the attacker. Besides the biggest loss my cousin i had to shoulder enormous expenses because of the attack i didnt even say that early on. The haunting remnant in this bag a fragment of the truck wreckage is a valve that the police returned to our city for months after the attack was out of action because of the official investigation. There was the loss of my very expensive truck for one thing. I had to replace the tractor trailer at least. Then there were three weeks of inactivity and all the lost income relating to that. And of course multiple trips to berlin. He did receive ten thousand euros compensation from the German Foreign ministry the same as the other victims relatives the special commissioner maintains hes done Everything Possible to help her off skis firm recover but a year after the attack the pain of loss is still very present for the family. And we will have complete coverage of the one Year Anniversary of the berlin truck attack of the berlin Christmas Market right here on the day when the day years nearly done the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter you can write directly to me t. V. Dont forget to use the hash tag of the day and remember no matter what happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then everybody. I mean most visible. As a camera man and video was just take a plunge in an icy lake in finland took you so much a let and a miss rang true to undo most of the films but to close some pretty impressive acrobatics and gravity defying stunts so how do they create this. Next. December nineteenth two thousand and sixteen twelve people were killed in a terrorist attack on a Christmas Market kimberlin why couldnt the police stop the islamist perpetrator mistakes miscalculations and missed opportunities our reports analyzes the authorities failures the attack and how terrorism came to berlin. Close up in forty five minutes on d w. On freedom and the whole. World i come from the region is rich in history on talent but so poor in education opportunity and freedom this makes it especially difficult for independent journalists i see many of the younger promising journalists who are now making names for themselves all over the world. Some might get along the way some might follow some with continue. Their experience of freedom in a sense is like that feeling of day you can visit but your call come back for. My name is your fish would i work at. It. With just a week to go before christmas rick

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