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On the ground enough rain to meet the people caught up in the fighting and the mothers facing a daily battle to stop their children joining the ever growing list of casualties. Saving the children of Islamic State fights as we follow walmart hoping to retrieve his grandson from an iraqi prison and save him from a childhood behind. Germanys biggest bank posts disappointing results more than half a billion euros in losses so what is going wrong dont you back. Plus a grim warning from germanys chancellor as she heads into Fresh Coalition talks on going back there are still major differences between her party and its potential partners the social democrats next weeks deadline for forming a government draws closer well find out what germans think of this protracted political drama. Im phil gail welcome to the Program French government to send Police Reinforcements to the northern port city of cali after craft clashes broke out between migrants on thursday night the city serves as a gateway for illegal migration into britain more than twenty people were injured at least a four are said to be in a Critical Condition with Gunshot Wounds Police say violence broke out between afghan and retrain migrants play me under arrest on organized gangs no arrests have been made. Of matter since in cali a short while ago i asked him what was going on there now filled business as usual i would say for the hundreds of refugees here in the city of kelly at night they try to hop on a fine up on through or try to find some way on to a truck destined for the u. K. And during the day basically its hide and seek play with the police now theyre trying to get some sleep in those towns but you can see behind me at freezing temperatures theyre trying to find some food and were on the side of one of the clashes from last night. Things have calmed down now a lot but a lot of refugees told me theyre still in fear that they might see you further violence so tell us about last nights clashes and gaoled who was fighting whom over what. I talked to a number of refugees today and what they have told me is that it all started out with a fight between eritreans and afghans and what really happens here in cali is as the security is becoming tighter and tighter its getting more and more difficult to get onto one of those trucks is that the different groups here are and that is mainly afghans people from from iran or you know or you rock. The africans are fighting for the best places to get on to those trucks and i talked to a number of them and its basically a gunfight that has broken out thats this month they have to say. Headed. You know. Then will come to him in hit people love going to stand. And or so on the stand yesterday we take revenge because if you continue like this we lose our life you know so we need to stop this you said they would take revenge like this so youre fighting for the best places to get on a truck yeah if you get if you need. To england maybe we hope you get to pick but you know its a moment that if you find. A diagnosis one francis interior minister. Has talked of organized the gangs being behind this violence what organized crime is he talking about. Well there were about six of those organized gangs that were dismantled throughout the past past year and the Police Forces are so still investigating now no other another other groups on that respect it is really the case is not i talked to a number of people who said look i have zero money i cant even afford to pay a gang that could take me to some place but still i need to find a way on the trucks and those trucks stop only in certain parts of town or parts that are particularly suited suited and then you have of course organized crime which is sometimes by micros themselves but also by other people who have x. X. Li come in and organize the transport now one of them told me today that if of course they pay and then if it doesnt work they wont get a refund so some of the some of people have been here for months stuck waiting for their childs waiting for one of the people smugglers to help them out. Now for some of the other stories making news around the world the father of three daughters who were abused by lottery has tried to attack a disgrace to gymnastics doctor in court frontal margraves that asked the judge for five minutes alone with muscle after she refused moderation lunged towards him but was tackled by gods faces hundreds of years in prison for decades of sexual abuse. United nations says that around ninety migrants are believed to have drowned off the coast of libya after the boat they were in capsized three survivors said most of those on board were pakistanis more than two hundred fifty people have died in the past month trying to cross the mediterranean mostly heading for italy. Police in kenya have fired tear gas at opposition protesters after they barricaded a main road in nairobi protesters demanding kenyas three main t. V. Channels be allowed back on the air in compliance with a High Court Order the government shut the channels down on tuesday after they planned to broadcast the mock inauguration of opposition leader. A man who deliberately drove into a group of muslim worshippers in london has been jailed for a minimum of forty three years Darren Osborn was convicted of killing one man after applying a van into people in the Finsbury Park mosque in june the judge said he had been motivated by hatred. For a special report documenting the horrors of life in a war zone dozens of civilians are fair to been killed in less than two weeks in the Syrian Region free thats the battles to expel kurdish fighters next report takes you into the heart of the city to meet the people whose lives are being torn apart by conflict. This cellar is their only protection from the air strikes a descent into darkness and misery this woman says her familys house just southwest of affray has been reduced to a pile of rubble. I pulled my children from the debris and by the grace of god we were able to save them and came here. A lot of. Edu taking on thursday by kurdish activists purportedly shows destroyed homes in the center of affray. Sixty civilians have died since Operation Olive Branch was launched ten days ago according to officials here. The number of injured grows by the day this clinic treats patients with grave injuries including children. We are currently treating sixty nine people we perform various operations including limitations and abdominal surgery. Done it with go to the good on the infrastructure in the district of africa and has been severely disrupted by the airstrikes this historic temple was also completely destroyed the local government is hoping the International Community will come to their aid lets get more freelance journalist a lot to me. Who joins us from the kurdish capital of bill in Northern Iraq welcome to d. W. What are your sources telling you about the Current Situation in a free. Situation is getting worse because the number of turkish operations hasnt creasing recently because of Better Weather conditions and according to a report of. Organization almost more than civilians have been killed you know there is a need for medicine especially and the hospital. You say the situation is getting worse. Is turkey winning this this this offensive. Well thats difficult to say i mean. I think some areas on the border. But i dont think this battle is going to be over soon because after a large region its not just one town and it has many hills and caves and that the kurds are using to resisting turkeys attacks and its very difficult in this area to use tanks there. And so why did turkey lol just military operation in mills in syria well one of the main drive herself Turkish Foreign policies to on their mind any form of kurdish autonomy in syria iraq also in turkey itself turkey denies the rights of kurds in turkey to have any form of autonomy so its quite logical to see now that turkey is trying to prevent the curse of syria to have any success to create like an entity on the Turkish Border and how has this offensive affected the desire for increased autonomy. First of all now at turkeys attacking city of the three in the turkish president out on thats also present with that other areas like the city of london its and of course of course they are worried that especially in the west or america does nothing. In the turks attack other cities that its good for the future of the person in syria. And of course that they have no International Support these are the same kurdish fighters who had previously been helping the west battle socalled Islamic States yeah the curse of me now. For america and the west the defeat isis in iraq. But now that turkey which is also a nato member is attacking africa and it seems that until now the west is not doing much to stop the turkish attacks so thats why the kurds are getting more and more worried because they dont see a very clear position out western counties including america. Good its just its about me. And bill thank you. Thats children living in a world of terror and violence boys and girls growing up in the brutal rule of socalled Islamic States in the middle east some were born that others were brought up by parents who joined i asked us to fight us as a jihad is lose ground what happens to the children we follow a german man whos trying to rescue his grandson. It is a journey into the unknown the man who has asked us to call him ybor him isnt routine iraq he wants to bring back his grandson who was born an i. A. S. Territory and is now held in prison together with his parents. And. Children arent responsible for what their parents do definitely not the children suffer months or years in prison this is unnecessary i said. In the abbey and he had straight to the german consulate. And. The plot according to the Iraqi Government i will be able to stay here for a week and spend time with a child every day so he can get used to me. Get on with. In the past weeks germanys government has been making efforts to bring back children of german i. A. S. Reporters for humanitarian reasons iraqi officials support this move there are dozens of cases some even involving older children the question is could they pose a threat in the eyes of the Islamic State they were future fighters Security Officials have issued warnings. And of the fastest is are can there is a risk that these children come back brainwashed that they are ordered to carry out attacks so we have to consider that these children could be ticking time bombs in a city but in can on them david lets have modern country the kid doesnt kind of hit these children arent perpetrators they have victims in the first place victims of the circumstances under their parents who brought them into a war zone and exposed them to indoctrination and also doesnt stop. Parents such as those incarcerated in iraqi prisons reporters from german broadcasters and the avidity and the daily newspapers the dutch it cites all were able to meet with three german women and their nine small children one lady agreed to an interview. On the do you look at i. A. S. Critically by now. Thats almost you dont want to comment on that instead of talking about the terrorist groups atrocities she preferred to discuss her children who she wants to go to germany we have altered her appearance in the stronger. One that six zero there are a hundred and six women and children living together in a room that is roughly one hundred square and the it is theres only one toilet and not a square meter is empty. There are matches is everywhere and most children a sick. I mean they played with awful cats they collect bottle caps and use them to pay way. Back to eve raheem hes the first Family Member who with the help of the German Government is able to bring a child of i. A. S. Members back to germany on the condition of a d. N. A. Test he saw the taller in prison twice before taking charge of him the childs mother agreed to his sons departure he is fourteen months old now and apart from stories he didnt know his grandpa at all now he has received his german passport and is allowed to board the plane it remains to be seen how his past will affect him in the future all he knows is war and prison. He will be examined by doctors in germany i think with love and compassion you can succeed in anything but. The grandfather has brought in friends and family to help his grandson settle in and turn a victim of violent terror into a survivor. Throughout your day w. News live from berlin still its a company germanys chancellor says serious differences remain with her potential Coalition Partners the social democrats but what the germans think about give americans government building efforts to bring you the results of the latest poll to give the chancellor sleepless nights. Three weeks ago because it was running so high even i was thinking about jumping around if you didnt i didnt today though i believe the picture is looking a little different youre a very clever boy. Its been a real rough ride not only today but all week for big and some economists are saying this could be the bursting bubble so many people were predicting big corners plunge a low eight thousand dollars as a miserable week for cryptocurrency comes to an end investors is fronted with a melting list of concerns about the future of digital money setbacks include regulatory threats from authorities around the world including south korea india china and the u. S. Then there was last weeks record five hundred Million Dollars heist at Japanese Exchange quite a check plus fears of price manipulation and facebooks ban on crypto currency ads since reaching a record high of around twenty thousand dollars on december eighteenth bitcoin has lost around sixty percent. The chief economist of u. B. S. Wealth management says no reason for concern among consumers like phil unless you were foolish enough to gamble on the cryptocurrency for your bank has just enjoyed its third annual loss in a row close to half a billion euros the lender insists its making Good Progress in cutting costs but that it will take time the pressure is rising on chief executive john cryan he took over in twenty fifteen to turn the banks fortunes around but three years in crimes only posted losses is what crime had to say about todays worse than expected results. You know this is yes it is the third loss in a row. For however it is also first pretax profit since twenty fourteen schwarzer. Will be without the one of hit we took as a result of the u. S. Tax reform wed know be reporting a net profit of almost one billion euros. But the theoretical billion could be headed straight for Company Bosses Bank Accounts and executive bonus hike or all the good work in the midst of scared off by us all to mention all those losses if they were to daniel cope station a dodge a Bank Headquarters for us following the annual press conference and getting reaction to those u. S. Tax reforms really the only one thing the bank can find to blame. Yeah theyre banned from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange that by the way is today very much under pressure because of those very negative numbers of dacha bank shares here are now under the magical line of thirteen thousand points yes the u. S. Tax reform thats what georgia bank is saying has been really hurting mostly their Fourth Quarter without the u. S. Tax reform they were saying that they would have made at least nine hundred million a year or so but john cryan was also very frank frankly and he was saying that even this would not have been enough there are other factors for example the very low Interest Rates then also a problem in the end vesting banking sectors then still lots of pending lawsuits although all of those didnt have a bank at all so a lot of challenges but why why is it taking cry and so long to perform the bank. Well he was already facing those tough questions also during the press conference remember that dodger back in the past has been called also the most dangerous bank in the world with hundreds of different divisions worldwide he is trying to make the bank smaller to be more of a sufficient but it seems that all of this is really taking a lot of time they called for is ousting i mean bolin has been quite vocal about those bonuses. While i was listening very closely to his words and you can really feel that he is under pressure on the one hand because of employees inside of the bank also because of shareholders just during one year shares of were losing more than ten percent in five years actually more than fifty percent and yes they are worth and people are saying if he if he is still the right one for the job on the other hand many people very onset is very unsatisfied because of those bonuses that will be paid to Investment Bankers that are already the ones in the bank making lots of money if you dont you call upon a bank thats meant to be the pillar of the German Economy thank you very much for your analysis. Judgment is not the only company blaming the u. S. Tax reform for we couldnt expected numbers Google Parent Company alphabet says the reform is the reason for its quarterly loss of three billion dollars setting aside eleven billion dollars for taxes as it repatriates profits from abroad without that one time charge alphabet remains highly profitable driven by search advertising but its looking for new sources of income among them Life Sciences Cyber Security and self driving cars. Apple on the other hand has yet again had a record quarter making a profit of twenty billion euros in the final three months of last year better than expected sales of the recently released i phone x. Calls revenue just saw or i think ten i should say but the models hefty price tag has helped obscure a trend likely to be worrying the Company Sales of i phones over rol were down compared to the same period last year. Phil investors keep asking themselves whens germany going to form a government its been quite some time since that pleasure in more than five months since since the election those investors theres no point in asking because i dont know but then im not alone nobody seems to know if germanys chancellor has been warning that there are still major differences between conservatives and potential Coalition Partners they social democrats five months after elections the country still has no new government and german seem to be tiring of the political wrangling but their bosses return to formal Coalition Talks this weekend as a new poll released today indicates that many germans doubt whether im going to medicals hope for grand coalition would actually happen even if it does the poll found that less than half the country would support it. The numbers are even worse for the social democrats germany sense of left parties looking at its lowest ever approval ratings. Germanys social democrats need to regroup theres still the second Largest Party in parliament but their standing has been flagging since the partys poor Election Results last september. The latest polls suggest if people voted now chancellor on the americans conservatives would score thirty three percent of the vote far ahead of the s. P. D. Which would get only eighteen percent and thats just four points ahead of the far right alternative for Germany Party which would score fourteen percent the business friendly f. T. P. Would score ten percent the greens and the left party eleven percent each. The center left s. P. D. Recently agreed to formal talks with chancellor merkels conservatives with the aim of forming another grand Coalition Public opinion on the prospect is mixed and to this means a standstill nothing will get done its a lame compromise thing for i think its crucial for germany that the two parties unite yet when i was hoping for a different result less than half of those polled forty six percent approve of a grand Coalition Government fifty two percent disagree but just over half still think chancellor merkel should keep her job fifty one percent of german surveyed felt good or very good about the chancellor remaining at the helm while forty six percent had a less favorable opinion of her leadership as a head i would have liked to see a change but you can bridge when i support the chancellor we have no other choice. Both parties will meet this weekend for further talks but even if theyre successful in forming a coalition theres not much enthusiasm for it on the streets. Lets talk through this Political Correspondent to kate brady who joins us from our parliament studio. Welcome kate german stirred same not keen on a grand coalition anymore they were betting governed by well in the last government why they got off the idea. Well the main reason fail is that voters just as we were hearing in the run up to september election is that they want change theres a real sense of political stagnation in germany right now and then weve had to ground coalitions in three of merkels terms in office and weve also seen both of the parties involved well especially two of the three parties involved in this grand coalition moving towards the Center Ground of germanys political spectrum and in turn the social democrats especially have really lost their identity and have been overshadowed by conservatives and shes poached many of the partys policies and this is also the main reason why many people especially from the s. P. D. From the social democrats oppose a new grand coalition because they feel that if they were to join a new grand coalition then this wouldnt give the party the offer to nitty to regenerate and redefine its profile at the same time the only other options on the table are a minority government which is something that Angela Merkel has ruled out on several occasions or wed go back to the polls and see new elections here in germany but as weve seen from the polls that you were just talking about that everybody isnt that much change and so we still see the c. D. U. In the c. S. U. Coming out top i mean well the childs was a popularity the slide how so fishery. Well it certainly has decreased already ten percent since the german election back in september but of course it is a reality that one day she will no longer be germanys chancellor but at the moment there is this reoccurring question and this is a quite important one for her party as well and its who is going to replace angle immokalee because right now there really is no feasible alternative so even if we dont see a deal coming out of these grand Coalition Talks in the next couple of days when not suddenly going to see her disappear overnight so those talks continue into this weekend a do we expect to do. Well the parties involved in these grand Coalition Talks have set a very loose deadline for sunday evening so we could theoretically see a deal as early as sunday night but there is a couple of buffer days and we can see them also going to the wire once again and if they want to reach this goal by east as we keep hearing from negotiators of the new government then the certainly going to have to speed up talks in the coming days. Thank you. Lympics paris is at fever pitch in south korea with a piece on chang winter games just a week away athletes are getting in some final practice sessions on the slopes the whole competition starts in just a few days fans will be able to tune in as early as wednesday when some events are kicking off before fridays Opening Ceremony at the olympic stadium. I said show up today more for you at the top of the hour i resell for the day. To. Kick off life see take football personally. The best of two wells geminis the camera thats not a problem for top talent eric matt seems to pen those things hes a helmet any time hes on a phone. Six next on the phone. She doesnt know if a dog has a knife or dad. Team out some of us one of many chechen mothers whove lost their children to i guess. Why do so many Young Chechens join the islamist militia even parents caught between hope fear. Not knowing if theyll ever see their sons or daughters again. Sixty minutes on. Every journey begins with the first step and every language but the first word published in the book. Nico is in germany to learn german why not learned something simple online on your mobile and free stuff d w z e learning course nico speak german funny to see. Good dropping bombs on civilians. More troops the situation escalates its no longer enough for schools with ruthless calculation military leaders were coping extent of the past good technological her skirts for the comfort gracious massacres going to get to her mom starting february third on t w. Football is a diverse game it can even get a little confusing at times take for

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