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I did this spring is 6 kilometers away we have to fetch water twice a day just to have barely enough for our cattle the goats and my family. Over the past 1015 years the situation has grown much worse thats why young people arent able to stay in their villages theyre forced to leave to go to the cities theres no future for them here. Young people are moving away because the lack of water is stealing their future herders are having to leave but the cities because their livestock died of thirst traitors Grain Farmers and hunters people from across northern cameroon are leaving their homes they are climate refugees a sign of things to come. But climate is hardly ever the only reason behind a decision to migrate poverty is often a factor fear of terror attacks can also play a role. Most of the people gathered here fled from the Islamist Group boko haram in neighboring nigeria. They are now unintentionally contributing to the desperate situation facing local cameroonians. People stand in line for up to 8 hours to receive a few kilos of food they wait quietly and patiently and despite the brutal heat. There are 200 sacks of millet and corn 430000 people this help is urgently needed but its only a drop in the bucket. Or you can hear. The winter. Weather 2. Devoted to me because when weve already seen several waves of migration. People keep trying to make their way south to find farmland in areas where there is more rain. Many people have left here heading south. So depressing. That. If you did youre. Here in the mid may region the rains used to begin in april. Now the rains come in late may. And ive sometimes in early june. You know. In the past it rained until october. A lot of the abusee. But last year the rains ended in august. Its a disaster for us farmers. In order to farm properly soil must remain moist for at least 4 months out of the year experts call this the 120. 00 day line if rain last less than 4 months soil will grow arid grain cultivation becomes impossible and livestock die. In the say hill region this line between survival and disaster is moving ever further south toward the equator where theres more rain from 970 to 2016 up to 100 kilometer wide stretches of land that were once arable have become desert. As a result hundreds of camps have a risen in this a hill region filled with people who have lost their livelihoods temperatures reach 45 degree celsius in the shade and 60 degrees in the full sun. People here live at the edge of despair reliant on food deliveries from n. G. O. S. Hes certain golda and her family live in one of these camps they havent a food for now and access to a water pump. But when they fled the drought they lost their independence. Their fields where they used to plant millet and onions grew arid. Lisa her husband and their 5 children are climate refugees. You see was suffering so much. Theres no rain we have no water we dont have enough water to grow anything. He said a ship group of people here heading south. Hoping that theyll be able to grow crops there and find something to eat. Salmon. In Southeast Asia flooding is driving people from their homes. In africa its the devastating drought. Cameroon is suffering as is neighboring chad. Lake chad which lent its name to the entire region is the only natural source of water in the area. Researchers from the International Organization for migration have come to the region surrounding lake chad to investigate the connection between Climate Change and the rise of climate migration. Mashal remove below of the Un Migration Organisation has spent years in the us the hill region every encounter and every conversation adds another layer of detail to his preliminary findings. Today the real and his team are visiting a camp for displaced people near lake chad. Under the shadow of a nearly barren tree he speaks with Mohammad Abraham the head of the family. Game tells no real oh he is a herder the family suffered a terrible ordeal before finally arriving in lake chad it was heat and lack of water that drove them from their home. In the. Climate change has a huge impact on us herders if theres no rain no plants grow and without green plants to eat our animals die so we heard or seen are hit very hard by this. Occupy from the chart the chaps. Becoming onside and the genocide they all depended on this source you can tell us that this lake is unique its just a freshwater we feel. So many livelihood dependent on this if. It to c. D. s and. Because we go to lake chad. We can hardly talk about living. In 1963 lake chad covered an area of 25000 square kilometers. By 2007 it was just 2500 square kilometers more than 90 percent smaller and the lake continues to shrink. If the lake were to completely dry up more than 15000000. 00 people would probably become climate refugees and this figure does not take into account the rate of population growth. Lake chad remains a life source for millions of people but as it continues to shrink water is becoming an ever scarcer and more valuable resource. And so our arable land and the fish in the lake. As lake chad gets smaller competition for these resources will become increasingly bitter. Even now fishermen in the region are competing for dwindling stocks of carp

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