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A good idea. And hunting for the love of the school well find out how the traditional combat sports in nigeria is attracting international i have to say. I am Eddie Michael jr youre welcome to the program whats with the just end of peace talks in cameroon resulted independence for the regions which will end the fighting between separatists on the military all more blocked said and more people being displaced the 5 Day National Dialogue called for by the president and bed with. Announcing their release of more than 300 separatists will hear in a moment from our reporter on how the hospital received that fast this report. This week of talks were supposed to get everyone together in the same room dad to happen with the leaders jailed the separatists boycotted these talks saying their demands werent met they called the prisoner release made right at the end of the talks a political stunt but others from the separatist region say its a good 1st step it has to be given thick. Gives on these weak to stick with us only grown have to give back something. On the release of prisoners should be an acknowledgment for those of us on the ground even image ised on the social economic and political system to begin to also make some concessions. To the separatists movement started gathering pace in 2017 it was spurred on by a violence government crackdown on peaceful protests in English Speaking regions people in these regions in cameroons north west in southwest feel the countrys french speaking majority has too much say in how things are run because of that the separatists declared theyd formed an independent state called ambers only in october 27th seen. Since then nearly 2000 people have been killed as a result of the conflict between separatist militants and Government Forces and the u. N. Says half a 1000000 people have been displaced. Many of them caught in the middle of a conflict they never wanted like anniston who fled with her children after the separatists turned on her family. He and recently. Kidnapped repaint. The queen back. Gate and if i behaved. Badly i make them go down. It is really nice. Those displaced would love nothing more if this weeks talks are anything to go by piece still looks a long way off joining me now from comedy on as our reporter blaze a young fellow blaze its nice to see you so president colby house ordered the release of 333 prison s. Who are linked to the separatist crisis now the question is how close to peace are we now it is easy to see if we are really close at the moment because remember these are not the high profile of a reform prison is that the whole 1 nation is talking about these get. This some of the people for example these are people some of them off people that we call them we dont and i caught maybe when the bills government was hes made to read in the area and maybe that was suspected to be super tuesday you know but these are all the high profile the prison this is the secret hes talking about and the government itself is looking for so decently not necessarily bring a lot of change now the government has announced quote major lets hear from the spokesperson. Put it through to do not with a card with you know with article 52 of our constitution including the rest. Of. This through a region and the election. Ministry. So the president wants to grans the English Speaking regions special status could this lead to the sort of independence they have longed for. Not at all discussed between dependence on these Economic Needs to fit the ratio which not so mostly in boys hes called all these basically mean i mean we still t. V. s a full diffusion of what the speech up states will be but its going to look Something Like the movie the smokeless and the selfless youd be able to put some of your own like that. You know and some positive thinking from some government i mean she doesnt give in to call authorities but again d. C. Is not a formal diary this is not the tone of me and these piece says you know the duration ok then so all together with the pros and cons of the National Assembly where are we at. The moment rescissions up in the right up to the 5 pieces of the mission National Dialogue since all. These recent shots will be tabled in front of the president and the president with decides to to keep him in d. C. To hear shes going to decide sorry to do that is going to. Demand all the power and the wrist and the hands of the rest beings who got. The rights here all right ok please a young. Reporter many times for a time. Reusing plastic bottles and containers could be fatal well in researching shoes that its in major cause of poisoning particularly in rural areas this is because containers that used to hold chemicals like pesticides used to carry water we met a man who is creating awareness in his community. Mahmoud mohammed not only keeps an eye out for this plastic bottles used to contain chemical fertilizers. And now pose a danger to people and the environment farmers in ghana often leave the used bottles lying around not properly disposed of it can affect the health of the farmer pollutes what our bodies and even. The farmers for. Mahmoud know dean is a journalist and an environmental activist in 2015 he founded an ngo for Climate Change and Food Security focusing on farming he launched a campaign against the use of these bottles here and saw for farmers have had bad experiences with it but i used a Group Chemicals on my from and would just leave the containers there that wasnt good at all as one day my grandchild picked one fish water with it and drank it she felt the treatment was very costly it was a big worry fortunately the agric officer explained to us that we should not leave the used containers on the farm so now we gathered all and put them in a tray cycle which goes to dump them forward of. Course b. Is part of new didnt awareness raising tim he works for the Agriculture Ministry for and passed on his knowledge to the families d d. I mean sent off for. A year now and we have been educating farmers on proper disposal of continuous. Place our farmers. On the face the farmers ive been going through the use of chemicals so. On how to dispose them tell me where induction of these cases many of the farmers are now also taking more care when using the chemicals. On the airfield. Before you start to spray you have to wear boots and a proper outfit you also have to use a mask so you do not inherit the chemicals. Then vironment are trying to get the message across that it would be better to do without the chemicals altogether but it is difficult to persuade the farmers that are gunning for the rises would protect their land better in the long term in particular against drugs a growing problem due to Climate Change its an uphill battle. That we have made across the country. Part of. The one percent of them. The activists are showing to farmers other ways they can help fight the effects of Global Warming for example with Tree Planting initiatives some 500 indigenous species have been planted so far. Sports involving punches to the body and head has become an internet sensation that millions watch online its called dumb be it kind of traditional martial arts which has existed for hundreds of years and i j s are fighting to exports that culture to the rest of the world. These fists are made for punching. The aim of the game to knock out the opponent or force him to surrender in the shortest possible time. Like in the past the fighters used to dip the fabric of the wrecked fist in resin and crushed glass to better injure their opponent thats now illegal but boxers still can leave the battlefield with broken bones and bloodied faces the exact origins of the traditional sport unclear but its thought the began when traveling house to animal slaughter started organizing fights for entertainment todays boxers do it for the love of the sport with. The even before i became a dumbass fighter i always loved to fight. I used to fight with everyone and there was complain to my mom and dad the war would not move me all my dad was a. Successful fighter stand to win pristine and all some money cattle motorcycles and even cars. I know you are no more dime very happy with my life because i get food to eat when i do this sport i use the money for relaxation with my friends and family is the one i do i dont do any other stores apart from to dish no down baby boxing or whatever this is. Done there has become an internet sensation thanks to 2 business minded fans they record major tournaments and post them online to the dumba warriors you tube channel. You are over for the other Companies Going to be going to various ports on this roster ground into an International Recognized sports divorce is about moving this. Down the worst franchise of the sport in the us its enough because like the biggest combat sports in africa. The worriers has 100000 steps. And their most Popular Video has more than 15000000 jews the channels founders are also in talks with major satellite stations as they look to expand the global reach of the sport. Thats a fun hour from did up to news africa ill see you soon after your lovely feature. Im secure in the they were not hard and in the end this is a me youre not allowed to stay here any more we will send you back. Are you familiar with this. With the smugglers were alliance of the whats your story. d d on what numbers of women especially of victims of violence in terms of take part and send us your story we are trying always to understand this new culture. You are not a villa turn other guests you want to become a citizen. In for migrants your platform for reliable information. Welcome to arts and culture as artists consider their contributions to the fight for Climate Action photographer Gideon Mendel stands i level with people up to their necks in floodwater disturbing portraits putting a face to the Global Climate crisis and also coming up. In the rock bands but nationals experimental new take on birth death and everything in between. And how a Palestinian Family brought october fest into the west bank and got thousands of people to join the party. But 1st the painting thats making headlines around the world this canvas by the mysterious british artist banksy was expected to sell its other bees for around 2000000 euros instead it sold for more than 11000000 banksy painted the picture of chimpanzees running the British Parliament a decade ago what was funny at the time now seems pretty accurate. With Britains Parliament in 10 mile over the fast approaching deadline this was the painting fetching millions at sothebys london auction house on thursday. Banks these take on a debate in the house of commons was originally titled question time when it was painted back in 2

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