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Tremor killing at least 16 people and injuring hundreds an intensive search and rescue operation is underway to free survivors trapped underneath collapsed buildings or in the capital toronto. Police. Says the tractors from roll into berlin as farmers take their beef about new regulations to the german capital theyve driven in from every corner of the country to protest against environmental rules they say will threaten their very likelihoods and. Come. Up the birthday tina turner one of the voices of rocknroll turns a. Thank you so much for your Company Everyone we begin this broadcast right here in germany where a manhunt is on for the brazen thieves that made off with priceless jewels 18th century jewels i should say in the german city of drazen police are combing now the crime scene at the green vaults museum still looking for clues about who the robbers could be while devastates Museum Officials are trying to work out what exactly they lost treasures that even the french king louis the full team through is said to be jealous of the gemstone sets of the saxon prince elector 3 of them have been stolen the material value is estimated to be in the millions their cultural value is and calculable of it 5. And its a unique collection the biggest saxon treasure of the 18th century which is at the heart of a cultural heritage. Thats just a few years ago the museums previous direct it claimed its sophisticated alarm system was on par with fort knox but on monday this threw a spanner in the works around 5 am a fire in an electricity junction box near the consul suddenly plunged the building into darkness and the thieves struck. You could also influenced the perpetrators entered through a window facing the Castle Square cut through the bars smashed the window pane and targeted a specific display case. Between the. Surveillance video shows them breaking the display case the guards then called the police but when they arrived just 5 minutes later the perpetrators had already fled potentially using a car which had later been found in an underground car park and set on fire with me. I considered the security measures in place at the state collections in the dresden castle to be excellent and extensive we can now see that this wasnt the case experts believe the alarm system may no longer have been state of the art one had to for one could have quite simply prevented such a break in with a decent Security Strategy mechanically and electronically the security was not sufficient. So what will the thieves do with the jewelry the most likely scenario is a simple one you did of the and this eaves and for will break the individual stones out of their casing live then change their cut so that their origin is no longer recognizable. Then they will try to sell them on the global market. And upsetting idea for those who hold these cultural heirlooms dear one small consolation the museums most valuable jewel is the Green Diamond currently still safe and on loan in new york. And just moments ago the museum held a press conference and our very own correspondent aaron tilton know was there and hes also at the crime scene in dresden aaron of course was so baffling about this story is the security or the lack of security was that address at all or during this press conference. Oh it most certainly was the museums head of security actually again raises the question everyone seems everyone here rather seems to be asking whether or not the burglars actually had a man on the inside of the building now the head of security said the attack was unusually well prepared and executed and saying that they may have actually had some inside information which actually allowed them to carry out the attack so swiftly i mean they were in and out in just some 5 minutes time theres also been questions raised about exactly what they knew about the Security System because of well the their attack on the lighting system outside the building we know that they used a small fire which actually killed the city lights on the streets and that was even to darken the inside the building enough to make all the internal security cameras basically useless so the question of the of the hour right now here in todays debate is whether or not they had some inside help all right thats another interesting turn there in this very interesting story i mean what do we know about the manhunt that is under way for this particularly those 2 thieves that were caught on camera during the highs. Well the police have been very tight lipped so far we know theyre taking a very very close look both at the fire at that junction box we heard about in the report there and also the fire in the getaway car which theyve actually now managed to find in the northern part of the city i mean theyre also taking an extreme look an extremely close look at the forensic evidence left inside the building but so far we havent heard anything about whether or not they have theyve gained any leads earlier today one of the Police Spokesman said however that looking for forensics inside that building is basically like looking for a needle in a haystack because the green vault is plays host to some tens of thousands of people each and every day so looking for the evidence of just that of just 2 burglars is rather difficult rather difficult but lets talk now about the priceless jewels the historic artifacts that are lost for now at least what is likely to happen to them. Well as we heard in the report there the scenario most people are kind of assuming will be the correct one is that that they will most likely attempt to break apart the individual pieces of art and then sell them on the open market however museum staff seems to be think that will be more difficult than initially expected because many of the diamonds in question have a very very unique cut one that can only come from this collection and at least any serious jeweler will not likely be able to touch them that was that is the the mood coming out of the the. Museum staff at the moment but you know the chance of them actually been able to recover them in the near future are just kind of decreasing with each passing hour a very depressing thought there aaron tilton injuries and reporting a thank you very much. Want to tell you now about some of the other stories making news around the world. Keith shangri a stop a tomato as Prime Minister has resigned over an escalating scandal involving the murder of journalist daphne carolina. Another senior minister also resigned after protesters demanded Government Action before her death daphnia the sia had been investigating corruption in malta. In iraq one protester was shot dead in baghdad and many others were injured in the government south and the escalating antigovernment protests in wasilla or just block the streets to prevent government workers from getting to their work the demonstrations began in october directed at what protesters see as a corrupt political class. Floods have killed at least 39 people in the democratic republic of congos the capital kinshasa to eventually rains lashed the city overnight causing landslides near the university there well at least 2 bridges and part of a major road collapsed the search for missing people is still ongoing. And in albania rescuers are racing to find survivors after a powerful earthquake struck the country early this morning Authorities Say the quake has killed at least 15 people and injured hundreds more a magnitude 6. 4 tremor struck about 60 kilometers northwest of the capital tehran on the e. U. Has mobilized an International Team to assist in search and rescue efforts is the most powerful earthquake to hit the country and decades all right lets get you latest now are joining us now is journalist alice taylor from the capital a tirana alice can you please give us a progress update basically whats the situation right now. The situation im a mentor anyone watching it from the concept is our living room on television and its just devastating death tote just before i came to do to school was a 16 but there are many people still missing and they believe there are many people still trapped under rubble so whats happening now is the all star teams helped by civilians. Very delicate he trying to take their boat is in the slabs of concrete and to try and get to the people that surrender needs and people are terrified as well that there will be enough to say there will be more aftershocks weve experienced quite a number of aftershocks including ones and. The what people are most concerned of is any other big quakes will have a big and more serious effect because of the damage which was sustained just mourning very very harrowing situation that everybody is dealing with there now as youve been reporting and as weve been reporting hundreds of people are injured how are hospitals and other support systems coping with that type of amount of. Patients. Well i mean its a to 600 people at the last times of sustained injuries that required us to see treatments and so did the statelessness isnt been working very diligently to deal with whats been to be nice and particularly how it will bring in such a sad situation is some of the largest private hospitals here but one change i dont listen to is another large hospital how theyve been their doors i dont teach in people since 3 names published legislation here until people if youre injured come we will take care in the room. So from that combines with local people getting involved in the rescue mission and trying to cool people out of the rubble and many 1000 people in the streets where you today come to their in rules or in the things like that there is an Extensive Community spirit their eyes very much indeed are very heartening ive got 10 seconds left is this area especially prone to seismic activity 2. Yes it is but not the case mike ngugi this is something pretty rare and its just not equipped to the government buildings and not not prepared to this type of this quake and i thank you so much alice taylor adjourn the center on out for that update greatly appreciate it. And back here in berlin thousands of furious farmers have rolled into the city to protest against the governments agricultural policies while the farmers have driven in front of cross the country and theyve been causing some serious traffic jams in and around the capital while they are fighting plans to introduce stricter protections for insects and the environment that they say will threaten their very life or hurts. Tractors as far as the eye can see farmers have descended on berlin blocking the big City Traffic Police say more than 5000 to arrive from across germany the farmers are angry about the governments recent changes to agricultural policy. Do land. Farmers are the nations bogeyman theyre blamed for everything we damage the climate the poison the groundwater. Cattle farms do indeed and that more than 7 percent of Greenhouse Gases in germany and they are blamed for the die off of insects due to pesticides and fertilizers use. Thats why the government issued guidelines on protecting insects and the environment in september but farmers say the policy package kills agriculture. Farmers are the nations bogey about their blame for everything about you we damage the climate we poison the groundwater. Were demonstrating so the people can keep having high quality food that stays fresh not just food from a brand that comes to us names minute as miles and so on. But the German Government is under pressure e. U. Guidelines for more Environmental Protection must also be implemented here in order to maintain biodiversity including for insects and to make farming more eco friendly. Existence farmers ability to make a living is at risk when there is no biodiversity theyre extremely dependent on the pollination done by insects thats why its absolutely in their interest that both the climate and biodiversity are protected. No farms no food no future the farmers fear for their livelihoods already only 1. 4 percent of all jobs in germany are in agriculture and demonstrators fear that number could window even further. U. N. Secretary general antonio which are as has been holding talks here in berlin where german chancellor americal all the pair are tackling a host of pressing issues including the conflicts in syria and libya terrorism and Climate Change all before meeting chance america over terrorists attended the un internet governance form the conference aimster ensure that the internet is accessible affordable and safe and you dont use michela governor a caught up with terrorists just before his meeting with the german chancellor she asked him if World Leaders were failing to cooperate adequately to address global problems here in berlin you also meeting german chancellor Angela Merkel how concerned are both of you about the state of multi. Well it is clear that the problems of today are global it is clear that no country alone can solve them it is clear that we needs. The multilateral governance we need International Cooperation to the rest Climate Change for the rest its the impacts of these are the technology to address the Serious Problems of terrorism and crime in the world and so multilateralism is more necessary than ever and those that think that they can do it alone will sooner or later recognize that there is no way we can avoid the strong multilateral governance to a lot of our world to be able to face the obvious challenges that are settling us Climate Change the risks of vision of the technologies all the emetic problems of poverty and hunger of the world that look at syria that the political process seems stall before really gets going whats your expectation to or into doctors right now that we see in the very beginning it was good to have a Constitutional Committee but the consul here it is not a political solution we need to make sure that we move ahead with it was it was decided by the Security Council relation to syria is interested in negotiations for a political solution and its necessary that all countries are involved in the syrian conflict and that stands that they need to put their interests a little bit aside and to Work Together to finally end this absolutely tragic situation in which so many syrians have suffered in a way that is totally unacceptable theres evidence that theres large scale abuse of human rights of the weak minority in china what will have to be the response of the International Community that we have said time and time again that is absolutely essential that human rights are respected and whenever there is a situation where the minorities are absolutely essential to have policies that allow for minorities to feel that their identity is respected and at the same time that they fully participate in the society as a whole this is valid in that particular situation is it and it is valid everywhere else in the world secretary general protest thank you very much. Next we shift our attention to the palestinian territory of gaza where daily life is often a struggle the continuing blockade by israel and egypt makes medical care especially hard to come by for Cancer Patients the only choice is often to travel to israel which means leaving home and family and jumping through arduous administrative hoops is a symptom of how the decades long conflict in the region affects peoples lives to the news followed one teenager who had to cross borders to get a chance at a future. Mahmoud is 13 years old he was diagnosed with bone cancer 18 months ago before that he was a talented Soccer Player who loved singing. His father manages to keep the family going with odd jobs but he has no idea how hell ever manage to pay for his sons treatment in that you can imagine what its like you have a son hes happy healthy boy you play soccer hes always having fun even one of the best players then comes the shock of your life. My dad was standing outside our house when i found out that i had cancer he didnt want to come in i saw him crying and i said to him dad you mustnt give up i dont want to see a single tear fall. But its hard to find hope here in the overcrowded oncology unit at the hospital in gaza city theres a shortage of most things medicines painkillers and medical equipment a diagnosis like my moods can resemble a death sentence. Dr kelly knew immediately he wouldnt be able to help mahmoud under such conditions and that his best chance for survival would be through treatment outside of the gaza strip the doctor refers him to a clinic in East Jerusalem he knows that will mean an unpredictable journey for mahmoud because even a sick palestinian child cannot easily enter israel. Mahmoud has become quieter over the course of his illness he hasnt been to school for a year his father doesnt want him to lose contact with his friends so as often as possible he takes them to an Aid Organization that has afternoon care for kids. Meanwhile mahmouds father has to apply for his sons travel to East Jerusalem hundreds of relatives of seriously ill patients are waiting for the travel permit 1st the Palestinian National authority has to agree to the trip and then the Israeli Government has to approve it. The permit finally arrives and the trip is set to begin in the early morning. But lockwood doesnt want to leave he doesnt want to be away from his siblings or his parents. He wants to stay at home and hes terrified of dying. And. Finally his parents managed to convince him to go with his grandmother at his side. Then at the border theres another surprise his grandmother is not allowed to leave gaza and no reason is given instead mahmouds mother will now accompany her son but they have to leave immediately. Then it finally happens mahmoud and his mother and her israel together. To Victoria Hospital is on the mount of olives in eastern. Islam. Mahmouds treatment this time lasts for hours. And of course i think about dying we read verses from the koran we pray more we ask god to help us sunderland. Now over the course of several months mahmoud has had 30 chemo sessions in East Jerusalem. And hes doing well. The doctors say he is cheering and that one day he may even be able to play soccer again. The ukrainian filmmaker oleg sense off has finally picked up the European Unions top human rights prize well when he was awarded the sacrifice prize last year since off was serving a 2 decade long jail sentence on terror charges in russia and september he was set free in a prisoner swap with ukraine he said he accepted the award as a tribute to all ukrainian Political Prisoners in russia. Oleg send soft spent 5 years in a russian prison camp in the Arctic Circle russian investigators accuse the ukrainian filmmaker of planning terrorist attacks 1st in 2015 cents off was sentenced to 20 years in prison after he had publicly protested against the Russian Occupation of crimea International Observers called it a show trial now free he has travelled to the European Parliament to accept the sakharov prize which he was awarded a year ago during his detention lets bring in my opinion you know. I do not accept this award as a personal one but as a tribute to old ukrainians who are Political Prisoners in russian prisons forces keep your look. In september sense of was freed after a Prisoner Exchange between russia and ukraine he has long campaigned for human rights in his home country and was a key figure in the ukrainian revolution of 2014 for over 30 years the European Parliament has been awarding the zakir of prize to individuals and organizations which fight for human rights this years award will go to the hugo human rights activist who has been sentenced to life imprisonment by china in a recent 2 day trial. A Key Committee at the World Anti Doping Agency says russia should be hit with a 4 year ban from the olympics and other major competitions St Petersburg may also be prevented from hosting matches at football 02020 well the committee made the recommendations after dropping data from a moscow lab was deleted were altered the world antidoping agencys executive committee will make a final ruling next month if the ban is implemented clean russian athletes would be forced to compete as neutrals at next years tokyo lympics of the 2022 beijing winter games. Now whats age got to do with it tina turner turns 80 on tuesday shes been the face of rock n roll for decades a Living Legend a towering icon but on her way to stardom she had to face her share of hard times. She did sign up for well top at the age of almost 70 we dont need another hero was one of the biggest hits of her 2nd korea. First spell and spotlight was in the sixtys with songs like riveting mouth and heart. But its all 176. 00 she share the stage with husband turner later she would reveal that joining the relationship she was regularly beaten and sexually abuse. Her marriage from hell was at the core of the tina turner bio pic whats love got to do with it i mean. Youre me through. The divorce pushed towards financial ruin. When she was forced to perform in tiny clubs and to get a cleaning job but she triumphed over adversity and managed a remarkable comeback. The album private done so it was a global hit and garnered her 4 grammys. Was back on top at the age of 45. And 29 changing that sort of the musical was launched the singer herself says she doesnt intend to take to the stage again. She returned and now lives on lake zurich in switzerland with german in the back who she married in 2035 her fans she will always remain. Happy 80th birthday tina turner youre watching the news coming up next indeed news asia taiwans president accuses china of meddling in the island states upcoming election ill ask a cabinet minister is there any proof and why has the president of the philippines find fired his truck czar just a couple of weeks after hiring or for the job better g well have those stories and a whole lot more for you coming up into the new say asia and ill be back at the top of the hour with your world headlines fred thank you so much for spending this part of your day with us. And now be affectionate later but as affectionately as you can. Be content that in the middle of his Election Campaign in the future now some documentary was filmed for russian television. To turn the camera back on of course the film secretly chronicled a power grab actually everything was precisely played instruction. Featuring a top supporting role. To the freedom of russia. And featuring a lead role like youve never seen before. But im here for their marriage to the ends justify the means. To ins witnesses starts december 13th on t. W. Why subscribe to d w books you mean your favor. Right or. As the kid sky in the strange grown up world. On you to. Take it personally. With people that make the game so special. For all truth. More than football. Show hello halflings this is speaking when i come to the show with. Concerts with the austrians gifts. And credible location. Groups. On t. W. Coming up. Ahead of president ial polls in january taiwanese president. Elect just. To see. Deputy foreign minister of clubs. The Vice President for wasting an opportunity. The philippines as drugs less than 3 weeks. Removed. That experience brought

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