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Welcome to news asia its good to have you with us the chorus of protests against a new citizenship law in india is growing stronger protesters have clashed with police in cities across the country despite authorities banning protests in many areas at least 3 people have been killed protesters say the law which grants of indian citizenship for religious minorities except muslims from neighboring countries is nonsecular and goes against the Indian Constitution there are also fears the law in combination with a possible nationwide citizenship register will strip Indian Muslims of citizenship has more on what people are saying. Any of the museum will be able to get into the citizenship of india over duties nor the muslim world is this is there is this is something this is of discrimination over are on the basis of the modern good democratic goals of our democracy is to include everyone in a democracy nobodys right should be harmed when our rights are threatened of course we will turn out onto the streets every one who cares about their independence but the idea that how many are united we can bring change we have selected the scum and we can make it through to the government is in power because of us we have given them their power without us there nothing either because one of the was a protest issues at dennys john mosque. Massive protests have broken out once again in the National Capital where average on mom was just one of the biggest mosques in the country and protesters have turned out in force to speak out against the controversial citizenship Amendment Act but this is not the 1st time that a protest happening in dandy the act was passed over a week ago in parliament and there have been protests almost every day and theyre also not just stricter to new delhi yesterday a protest broke out across 10 states commissions were not granted for many of these fought us but people have still turned out the missions were not granted for the spot us either which is wired theres also a heavy security deployment on the ground the police has been criticized over the last week for using Excessive Force the example of the jon hammar. University in new delhi stands out where last weekend students a lash of the Police Deployed Excessive Force beat up students and also used tear gas against students who were protesting peacefully the police have deny these allegations and they say that only the. A minimal amount of force was used theres also been widespread criticism of the fact that internet shutdowns have been carried out across the country in different parts of the country where protests have broken out there have also been deaths reported yesterday during the process in 2 different parts of the country that questions being raised if the government is using undemocratic means to clamp down on dissent these top tasks just civil protests have largely been peaceful there have been some reports so while and but most of these protesters standing out only coming out with both does and slogans the critics of this act and the protestors are saying that this act is unconstitutional because it violates the secular fabric of this countrys constitution this saying that granting citizenship on the basis of religion is not something that india should be doing as a secular country this act basically easy for non muslims from afghanistan mung edition pakistan to gain indian citizenship and protesters and critics are concerned that this combined with other policies of the Indian Government could home Indian Muslims the government has denied that this act will impact Indian Muslims in any way but trust justice here are telling us that they will continue with this civil unrest until the government does something that is also high hopes been staked in the Indian Supreme Court the hope is that the Indian Supreme Court will strike down this act as unconstitutional and you can go across to you tube website for more videos go to these protests. Chinese president xi jinping has praised mco as a shining chapter of the one country 2 systems model of governance shes in moscow as it celebrates 20 years since to form a portuguese colony to chinese. Common. Being viewed as a rebuke to prodemocracy activists in hong kong who have been staging protests in the city for more than 6 months now on kong like marco also comes another one country 2 systems form of government but thats where the similarities end with just one hour ferry ride separating aboard these places marco has proved to be more receptive to chinese than hong kong. For china its time to embrace macau more than ever and like its rebellious brother hong kong the city has displayed much more obedience to beijing 20 years after being handed over from political for the anniversary is more than just a celebration its also a chance for beijing to emphasize sovereignty over both former colonies or to. Sense hong kong and macau retired to the motherland dealing with these 2 special Administrative Region is entirely chinas entero affairs are none of the business of foreign forces. But she has little to worry about in macau beijing has already firmly established as power there while protests continue in hong kong just across the bay in macau piece compared to a sibling macau as much smaller and much more dependent on beijing and theres an historical aspect to it after leftist riots inspired by the cultural revolution in 1966 probating forces successfully penetrated all walks of life in macau the administration the to the pressure of probating activists and struggles to keep control of its Government Social disorder and financial instability during colonial rule also drove residents to be more proof. As to 20 years you have a. Big change. As it. Is. More and more although when i play in macau dont say anything were ok with an ordinary life but when kong people want to fight for a lot of things. Macau has prices from president xi for its political calm but to make sure that stays education from early on its needed. Its commas beijing beliefs patriotism even. Correspondent phoebe kong joins us from across the bay in hong kong good to see you how are president xi jinping in moscow being viewed in hong kong. While from hong kong perspective the people in macau are always perceived as more obedience to beijing partly because half of his population migrated from china and it has a we can. T. End choosing penis remarks is widely seen as a rebuke and are even the lecture to hong kongs current political turmoil that he mentioned. He praised the hong kong people over there a strong sense of National Identity specially these so called Patriotic Education that they have implemented over the last 2 decades and on the same day right after shooting peace remarks the Hong Kong Government has announced some kind of a new measures that theyre going to suspend the duties of the t. Shirt if they got arrested or file a complaint so this is perceived as something that the Education Bureau is going to tighten measures to be the the Education Sector and this is exactly what beijing things. And tribute to the current political crisis so called peephole they think in maybe a handful of beijing the way they will socalled fix hong kong in the way they want in the future. Bride phebe kong speaking to us from hong kong thank you very much for that. For south koreas conservatives the countrys politics is a tale of 2 president s those behind me former president. And incumbent. The thought of a want who was imprisoned for abuse of power back in office and moon j. In out and theyre using the pod of u 2 to galvanize their movement. So the cream conservatives in their army of you tubers have been hitting the streets in force to reverse the impeachment of former president. Into ows current progressive president mungy in from office many opposition politicians blame what they see as a critical and corrupted media environment for pox downfall and see you tube as the key to correcting that injustice moneywise to undermine screws building the etiology the liberal democracy means believing that media egypt has the potential to break a monopoly controlled by the mass media such as the Major Broadcast Networks and major dailies in 2016 massive demonstrations driven by Progressive Social media forced cock from power conservatives have since reacted founding an estimated 223000 right wing you tube channels to present their point of view these demonstrations together with their intense Media Coverage from independent journalists or youtube vids from kind of the feedback loop generated to support for their conservative cause these saturday rallies have taken place for 150 weeks since the Corruption Scandal of the gulf to former president buck and in. Eastern europe actively participates in the rallies he founded his channel more than a year ago Live Streaming from atop his perch and through 8 hour rallies to look at the us all see them in the moon j. In government is not a legal regime and president cancun hey was impeached because of political retaliation as moon came to power south korea became a communist dictatorship so i made a you tube channel to prove constant facts. In facts are precisely what are at stake. Critics allege that conservatives are using the platform to peddle their own versions of the truth emotions are running high on both sides of the countrys political spectrum the youtube phenomenon together with a distrust of Mainstream Media are contributing to a growing gaping political divide president moves approval and disapproval ratings each now hover near 50 percent. Thats it for today you can always catch our show online on our website www dot com forward slash. We leave it all with pictures of the unfolding protests across india over the new citizenship law thank you for watching well see you next time bye bye. Happiness fears for everyone schuman penises are very different from primates we have a totally ridiculous sized view nature david and this is Climate Change crisis sex happiness increase books you get smarter for free t w books. Do you speak this language in. This music shop security cops. Do you feel at home. And does this secure cars come racing. To you come to the right place. Trying to. G. W. 2020 looks like itll be a happy new year at least for the alms business u. S. Weapons suppliers can look forward to big orders as japan increases its defense spending budget. Also coming up russia and ukraine and the European Union agree on a new gas deal. In hong kong retailers bear the brunt of the months long prodemocracy protests as consumers feel less inclined to go out on a shopping spree. And mexicos almost makers are in high demand as business for the christmas ornaments is to make. Them want to get jones and this is do you know your business asia live from berlin. Tokyo has approved an 8 straight annual increase in defense spending to counter the military build ups in north korea and china u. S. Defense contractors can look forwards to get a sizable piece of the action u. S. Presence donald trump already thanks to japan since so are they for buying the u. S. Equipment. Japans constitution prohibits it from buying offensive weapons still the island nation is one of the worlds top customers for all and weapon systems as more and more floods are devoted towards the friends japans the feds budget has jumped nearly 15 percent in less than a decade and now Prime Minister shinzo obvious government wants to boost it by over one percent to 48600000000. 00 thats

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