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Japanese court system was unjust and that is arrest had been politically motivated go on scene here in archival footage plans to speak to journalists next week lebanon has now received an official request from interpol to arrest him as a fugitive but neighbors dont believe hes a criminal. And he did help innocent and renault to achieve his stature. As a businessman he did well. In deed as a lebanese man were proud of him a. Journalist Ricardo Carvalho is a close friend of call the scone he spoke to him after his escape. If you knew he was confident about the future hes got a lot of plans and thats the most important thing hes surrounded by his family and friends hes at home here in his country. Guns escape to lebanon is a stunning twist in a roller coaster journey that saw him fall from boardroom to Detention Center here he spent more than 100 days in spartan conditions far removed from his sometimes extravagant lifestyle the auto tycoon stands accused of im reporting his salary to the tune of 85000000. 00 prosecutors also allege he skimmed off millions of dollars from the company for his personal use tokyo has no extradition treaty with beirut japans Justice Department is left holding guns bond worth around 12000000 euros. Isnt shares started the new decade higher on thursday pushed upward by china where blue chips have began the new year at their highest level in nearly a year the peoples bank of china is reducing the cash reserve requirement for banks raising hopes for an economic boost before Lunar New Year celebrations in 2 weeks investors were also encouraged by the announcement that phase one of a u. S. Trade deal what be signed by mid month. Lets bring in our markets correspondent only bartz and frankfurt we have a new happy new year 1st of all and the 1st trading day of the year has some optimism on asian markets so its resulted in some optimism on asian markets now is that cheer universally shared along investors. I dont know if its universally shared but you can see it universally basically across the european markets theyre following the trend set in asia all the markets were trading in the green in the afternoon making gains of just under one percent to a well over one percent here in germany the figure was pegged at about one percent and thats not small potatoes when you consider that in germany for example the tax already gained 25 percent way more than people expected and 21000 so this news from china is helping investors to add on to that you know small potatoes indeed but what impact do you see the planned signing of the phase one trade agreements having on markets for the rest of the year what kind of tone does. It setting exactly the right tone this is what people were hoping to hear and i think they heard it today earlier than they thought theres still bracing though for disappointments there there were all sorts of back and forth mixed signals coming 2019 in the end mostly positive the outcome but people are bracing for disappointments and itll be a bumpy ride probably for 20 for 2020 for that reason people wont believe deals before theyre actually sign it before people see the signature of donald trump now speaking of disappointment there are fears that the chinese economy may slip below 6 percent growth this year are investors around the world very briefly if you can. Yes they are worried china such a big stimulus for growth when it slows the World Economy slows theyre also worried that today the stimulus from the central bank was seen as positive but that the central bank is doing too much and the chinese debt at some point could become a huge problem for World Markets when you parts in frankfurt thank you very much. It may be the start of a new decade but most vehicles still run on petrol or diesel the world doesnt appear to be weaning itself from fossil fuels just how long can that carry on economist jerry Jeremy Rifkin has a proposal for a solution in his book the Green New Deal but before you go and read it heres an extract of an interview rifkin gave to our correspondent all over salad and washington i think what people dont understand is the entire civilization is made out of fossil fuels or fertilizers and pesticides are Construction Materials are synthetic fiber are packaging our Food Additives in preservatives our power our transport our eat our light everything so whats happened now or ever is that we are now in a pivotal turning point for this fossil fuel based industrial civilization. We have now spewed so much Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere to maintain this Industrial Way of life that we are now finding ourselves in wheel time Climate Change frigid winter of 70 below 0 and blockbuster winter snows massive flooding across our land masses in the Spring Summer droughts and wildfires on every continent hurricanes and typhoons across the entire autumn every year around the world our scientists are now telling us we are in the 6th extinction of life on earth so you are essentially describing a situation where the change will come from the economy rather than from politics is that right and which role will the markets play this year the level lies cost of solar and wind has just plunged below natural gas and way below nuclear and coal so whats happened is were seeing trillions of dollars of fossil fuel assets all the pipelines that will never be used all of the exploration rights that have been paid for by the whole industry which will never amortize out all of the fossil fuels in the ground which we never taken up because theyre more expensive so what were seeing here is a massive collapse of the fossil fuel civilization because the market is speaking in spite of germanys weak economy employment numbers were up in 2019 and the federal statistics start to stick spirit scuse me says the yearly average showed 45300000 people in germany were in work a point 9 of a percent increase on the Previous Year that marks 14 straight years of jobs growth and is the highest number in employment since reagan if occasion in 1911 all Unemployment Rate was stable for the year at just over 3 percent. California boasts one of the Worlds Largest economies ranking close to the u. K. In total annual output or g. D. P. Thats why multinational firms pay close attention to regulations in the state and its why the world is watching the states new gig economy law which went into effect in the 1st of january the measure aims to protect free loans and contract workers by requiring many to be reclassified as employees but theres a lot of controversy around the law. The New California law says some independent workers will have to be treated as employees that means theyd be entitle to minimum wage overtime payments and benefits including health care before the law took effect workers for Companies Like it were classified as independent contractors as a result right hayling company uber and Korea Company post might launched a joint legal action against the state of california they argue that the law is unconstitutional and will kill the gig economy which makes their Business Models possible by all sides say they cant afford to pay Social Security and health plans for those who work for them meanwhile some contract workers have complained that their clients have dropped them as a result of the new law kept deiced jobs were 1st tiled as a wife or workers to pick up a little extra to make ends meet but for many workers there now the sole source of income despite the long hours low pay and lack of security or benefits high retailers have joined the battle against ocean pollution by banding single use plastic bags the move will see customers instead paying a small fee for a reusable bag made of cloth like fabric thailand is one of the largest contributors to ocean pollution where citizens go through an average of 8 the supposable bags every day. Plastic waste in the last 2 decades its become the norm on beaches across asia much of the plastic despoiling places like this is from single use bags as the new year begins stores in thailand are trying to break a national have it in a country where citizens goes through an average of 8 single use plastic bags every day several major mall operators and 711. 00 Convenience Stores are asking customers to pay a small fee for reusable bag but ultimately the fight against pollution comes down to a change in Public Attitudes and some people are reluctant to change. How i got to that what if we pay at least 500. 00 baht and then they give us a free cloth bag its not much if we use these bags theyd be better off and richer but other people will suffer you have to give the consumers all the plastic use a tiny. You cannot just change it over lets say in a while 2 months it will take some time but eventually it will go away thailand is one of the largest contributors to ocean pollution with plastic bags regularly turning up in the stomachs of dead Marine Mammals like do gongs. And thats it from me and that the w. Visiting here in berlin for more do check out our website that the w dot com slash business you can also find us on social media or on facebook and on twitter full review with a fix look at all the markets im to the on thanks for watching. Moving back to the sticks and founding a company with elderly residents. Moscow businesswoman. Came up with this wild idea. They produce unique products that give city dwellers a taste of the country to bring life and money back to their village. 30 minute. Im scared that of a war thats hard and in the end its a me youre not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you back. Are you familiar with this. With the smugglers what alliances. Whats your story ready. I mean what numbers of women especially of victims of violence in terms of take part and send us your story we are trying always to understand this new culture. Not a visitor not the guests you want to become a citizen. In for migrants your platform for reliable information. Actually written it just shows the 1st spread of shows how much. The business of power. Comes. The certain way to preserve. Cool. Cool village show. This is d w news life from my name scrambling to escape the flames Mass Evacuations are underway in australia. Both lead the deadly wrong thousands are on the road others the waiting to be ferried to safety by boats in the hot dry and windy conditions are expected to get worse well go to sydney for the latest also coming up turkish awake has voted to send troops to war torn libya and chris says its protecting its own interests but many fear that the move could

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