Community here frankfurt devastated by the tragedy and speak to those who lost their loved ones he was about to leave or just wanted to finish his meal kid just past his exams or we could girls over so we were going to work together. Plus the iranians are voting for a new parliament will explain why the opposition is urging people to boycott the poll and why thats worrying the countrys hard line leaders. On lilac thank you so much for your Company Everyone german the interior minister horst say offer says the Police Presence that Police Presence rather is being increased across the country to counter would he call the very high Security Threat from the far right well it follows the killing of. 10 people by a suspected right wing terrorists near frankfurt on wednesday well have more on the what he exactly is planning in just a moment but 1st we want to take a look now at how some germans are mourning the victims which included many ethnic turks and a pregnant mother of 2. Fear and disbelief in how now people gather to stand up to hate and xenophobia one of the mourners germanys president. Peacefully and theyre going to demand im standing with people who are threatened by hate and violence and being together we stand side by side nightgowns are against violence and language that degrades and excludes people. All too often paves the way for violent acts. In big. One night earlier in hono a 43 year old German National killed 9 people on a shooting rampage most of them of turkish and kurdish descent the suspect was later found dead in his home his mother also shot dead he was a member of a gun club and was not on the authorities radar. Germanys attorney general has taken over the investigation he said the suspect wanted to send a provocative message olf. Home page has more suspects web page contained a video message. Of manifesto not money fist it. Theyre full of confused thoughts and conspiracy theories almost healed me in all sorts profoundly racist mindset it should be seen im off license in berlin chancellor Angela Merkel condemned the violence thats this was racism is a poison hate is a poison and this poison exists in our society and is responsible for far too many crimes few and far but i think we dont distinguish citizens according to their background or religion yet. We stand with all our strength and determination against all those who try to divide germany after last night and. Curlin is gathered at the Brandenburg Gate to show solidarity with the victims. Even more marched through the multicultural districts noid called to share their courage anger and grief. If you like to the tenets was one of those in git is a good friend of mine what has happened has really affected me and them it sends out them it. Was a place i had often been too young that we had to match not be calm but it gives me heartache. Weve experienced violence in our countries weve come to germany as refugees machine youre going to experience it again here in germany and you know here in judge john 2 of us and that really hurts doesnt it and we think you know the problem is getting worse but gemini is a rich country things are good here and in the state of hessen too i really dont understand it. Many are demanding answers as to how right wing terror has been able to spread in recent years. Well as youve been able to see in the wake of the shooting massacre many in this country are asking why and how a community in mourning is trying to make sense of what has happened so she isnt hannah and dons bronze to give us a Political Correspondent is here with me in that studio want to go to hi now 1st art what more have you learned. Well they are able to identify some people have been identified some of the people who have been killed for example the remaining Foreign Ministry says that it was contacted by German Authorities and the to remain national was indeed killed in fact he was killed literally right behind me on the sidewalk he had parked his car after finishing work as a courier here remaining national and pollen is his name and he just walked out apparently the shooter had already just left the bar where he had killed 2 people and then he saw the man get out of his car and shot him dead on the sidewalk in front of the bar where the shooting took place which is the midnight sports bar behind me to my right and so some people are being identified apparently the German Authorities may be reducing all the names today so we have that and thats the geishas continued the police are here forensic investigators and the people of this city are also getting ready for a demonstration against racism at 2 oclock hour at 2 oclock the 2 you now here in the studio what has been the prevailing response from authorities i think you can say that across the political spectrum with one exception the response has been one of shock one of solemnity and 1st of all people have been giving their support to the victims to the families that have been affected by this but i think the major response has also been that people have said that the german democracy has to holds its own has to stand together against these kinds of attacks that all parties that support them and the democratic order the free free free way of living in germany should stand together and defend this democracy against such attacks the one exception has been from the far right populist alternative for germany polity which is also represented in the German Parliament that party has said that this attack and its right wing background are being used to discredit its positions. Just cool political points against and it is said it should not be regarded as a terrorist attack as a crime committed by somebody who is mentally disturbed so with that exception their response has been lets stand together against this kind of violence so if he is downplaying basically the gravity of what has happened stick around both of you because as weve heard the killings have shaken hung out to its very core the city has a population of about 100000. 00 with a wide range of ethnic backgrounds the confederation of kurds and germany has confirmed that several of the dead had kurdish origins we met with some family members of those killed in wednesdays attack. Many members of the kaddish community have gathered at this Cultural Center on the outskirts of hama in shock and in solidarity with a family who lost their eldest son on wednesday night the grieving mother and father of the victim needed medical attention they havent slept since they learnt about the death of best son farah at one close relative tells us what happened in the she. Said at this michaels or found out is my cousin as i only know i got a call at 11 pm from his friends that he was taken from us for us going missed. He was about to leave the bar he just wanted to finish his meal he had just passed his exams a week ago we were going to work together. Weve been talking about that a lot. What upsets him in the many here is that they are still seen as outsiders despite living in hammel for generations his grandfather came here in the fiftys as a construction worker and helped build him now his father grew up here for her it was born here he graduated and went to a German School the only thing that differentiated him from the germans is how he looked because now we are just reduced to the way we look that has nothing to do with democracy but they will cut. Across town not to use project nasm to run echoes that view that happened but its got there is an obvious xenophobia has reached the center of our society and we germans with a migration background we feel this. Issue mostly i feel german i was born here but i see from my appearance that others are real germans think i dont belong here on the map this kind that theres just so thats all color. Along with repairing plaque calls for a vigil in holland now not him and his friends were shocked when they 1st heard of the attack happened and that she should ball in the city center its a place they regularly meet and hang out for the future is global oh my dont think i was there last at the shisha bar 2 weeks ago. We were there with friends smoking shisha it all went to 3 makes me tremble it could have been me on my sisters and. My mistress that nasim told us 3 people he knew lost a close relative in the shooting and that terrorist attacks always seemed like something that happened to other people but sadly now its a reality that has touched many here. Arent artists are she is still with us in the now and you to be a Political Correspondent husband with me here in the studio that of course is the crux of everything isnt it you never think its going to happen to you until it does what are people and house saying what do they want the government their government to do to rein in far right extremism. Well theyd theyd like everyone to follow that youre a president s advice. Who spoke yesterday about everyone being careful about what they say because it could be taken the wrong way and also it could fuel expiration for people who have stronger right wing views and they want to do something about it and also they want to see the people here and probably many people around the country want to see tighter laws against gentlefolk his and then and about far right views and things like that i mean when he when the german president steinmeyer came here yesterday he people some people yelled at him saying what he going to do how are you going to protect us and he knows that things have to be changed the entire german political spectrum knows that and the question is what are they going to do now. Tougher laws are being recommended by the people now arent hans how much so arts point has the anti immigrant sentiment in public debate contributed in. Ethnic violence i think you can say very clearly that since the last migration into europe in 2015 the debates on immigration and the end to get immigrant sentiment certainly here in germany but i think probably olds elsewhere in europe has increased has grown that has contributed to the rise of polity such as the right wing populist a. F. D. Here in germany and that party has to some extent also influenced public debate it bases its policies its political success one has to say on the immigrant sentiments all positions that talk about cleaning up germany have been getting back to the old germany that we used to have at some stage and so on and that is a party that also has contacts into the very foreign spectrum there are members in this party that are clearly nazis that would want the german state to be changed into some sort of or the rotarian fascist likes. So all of that has contributed to people who have these feelings getting the idea that they are able to express these feelings more openly which happens also in the internet obviously and also seem to have a feeling that if they commit acts such as this act and commit such atrocities that in fact they have some support in society for that and to do everything like a correspondent has frons it with me here thank you for analysis and in hi now our part to sochi you have reporting thank you for your continued coverage and we will continue to stay with this story and report on the attack and how now on our website dot com you will find much more many more reports Background Information and analysis join us also on twitter our handle is news and we have a you tube channel but for now we like to tell you about some of the other stories making news around the world. The sutures Prime Minister thomas tab on a has failed to appear in court to face charges connected to the killing of a strange his 1st wife his son said he had gone to south africa for a medical check out of police said they would issue an arrest warrant if it was determined that to buy an 8 was trying to flee justice. European leaders are in brussels for a 2nd day of talks on the next joint e. U. Budget after they failed to make headway on thursday departure from the e. U. Has left the blocs budget with a massive gap and were states are struggling to agree over funds for Climate Investment farm subsidies and border security. Libyas renegade military leader who. Has said he would accept a cease fire if turkish and syrian mercenaries leave the country an interview with Russian Media he also demanded that turkey stop arming libyas un recognized government this week tripoli suspended un hosted ceasefire talks after half their support says shell the capitals port. The taleban will begin observing a week long period of reduced violence in afghanistan the agreement with u. S. And Afghan Forces is due to take effect on saturday the measure is designed to show talabani militance commitment to peace if it holds it could pave the way to finalizing a peace deal to end the 18 year long war between the Islamist Group and the us. A lets get you more on the these developments im now joined by correspondents. In kabul afghanistan a week of reduced violence what does that mean why not no violence it seems like such a low bar. It is a low bar and the low bar is essentially there as a confidence Building Measure its a wait for the u. S. And the Afghan Government as well as a tall avanti know that each of the sides will abide by a reduction in violence the government and government wanted basically a wall to wall ceasefire but thats incredibly unrealistic at this point and the thing we have to remember is that right now there are 3 belligerents in this war theres the taleban theres the u. S. And theres of one forces and theyve all been leading to increasing civilian casualties over the years so what they all need to prove is that they can all be down their arms in order to move forward towards this negotiated settlement which the trumpet measures are really pushing for. If they get through this have a truce for a couple of days lets say what are the chances that it will help me forward the obgyn Peace Process well that is exactly the point this is what theyre trying to do theyre trying to test that out and if all goes according to plan if no one thwarts this process and the truth is the taliban have nothing to gain by courting this process because essentially theyve done everything they wanted when this process is complete and if they sign a deal with the u. S. On the 29th of february then u. S. Troops will have to begin the process of withdrawal how that will take place is Something Else but they will essentially get that from them so now the question is really whether the kabul government whether the government in islamabad in pakistan and in tehran in iran will take it seriously and really you know stop them being spoilers in this process so its a really big move and it could potentially lead to interrupt long talks it could lead to a final Peace Process it could lead to an actual withdrawal of u. S. Forces so theres a lot riding on these next 7 days. Reporting from kabul afghanistan thank you. Next to china a country has reported an uptick in corona virus cases with more than 400 new infections in chinese prisons along well globally the viral outbreak has infected some 76000 people and killed over 2000 while south koreas reported cases that nearly doubled on friday to more than 200 most of the new cases and members of religious sect the outbreak makes south korea the worst affected country outside china meanwhile on the other side of the world there has been violent clashes in ukraine over fears that evacuees arriving in the country from china were inspected with the coronavirus. The. Fears over the spread of the corona virus trigger an eruption of violence thousands of kilometers from china. Efforts to quarantine more than 70 people evacuated from move on plunged east ukrainian town into chaos hundreds of protesters clashed with riot police into the night. I never went back and that wasnt the fonts you afraid of being infected it just spread all over the world even to egypt but those countries cant be compared with ours i mean isnt that why didnt they prepare and organize to somewhere else not in our village that you personally dont get or know nothing on important you. Love hospitals on the just the 2 i sleep in here. We dont want to come an isolation zone exclusion zone only we are going to live here and we dont want this to become a new rule hard for people to quit your job to move on you know were going to file interacted outside the facility with evacuees and now under quarantine. Locals tried to block the road the lighting fires and pelting the arriving buses with starnes. Authorities say the 45 ukrainians and 27 foreign nationals on board had been screened twice for the virus before being allowed to fly to the you will go when you please in a magician is article a poll of accurate people who are at the hospital healthy them or you can stop most of that there are no reason to say that they are ill or as honestly as a Key Insurance or spine you just go measures are on the way to accommodate people comfortably that is local to the both are going to be going for the middle of the station the Prime Minister has tried to assure locals they have nothing to worry about or out please before the glory of the Health Minister has agreed to stay with these people in this hospital was demonstrates that there is no threat to your craniums world for. Several offices and civilians were injured in the violence. Dozens of protesters were arrested. Polls have opened in Irans Parliamentary elections in which many moderate candidates have been barred from standing while Irans Guardian Council rejected almost half of the candidates the supreme countrys the countrys Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was the 1st to cast his ballot he cant be called for a big turnout describing the vote as a religious duty for all iranians but many are expected to boycott the poll in protest against the countrys leaders the election comes amid continuing Economic Hardship under crippling u. S. Sanctions. And we can take you now to a polling station in the in the iranian capital tehran where it didnt you a porter to reset tropper is there for you to reset polls opened a few hours ago what has been the voter turnout. Well the atmosphere is quite different this time compared to previous elections where this polling station in northern tehran was a very busy place and crowded with people eager to cast their vote and today we see something very different its a lot more quiet its known many journalists here and only a few vote us ballot boxes filled very slowly that is because with more than half of the candidates disqualified ahead of the elections many iranians feel not voting is the only way to show that theyre not happy with the situation and that is what many told me theyre doing today theyre just staying at home so were expecting at very no churn out at least here in the capital tehran all right so yes i want to continue our conversation in just a 2nd thirst were going to look at how irans political system works. The Islamic Republic of iran has a complex structure that incorporates both religious and democratic elements the most powerful position is the Supreme Leader ayatollah ali hum in a as religious leader and head of state for life the ayatollah controls the military the courts and the media and makes all fundamental policy decisions in iran he also appoints members to the socalled Expediency Council and the Guardian Council not under his direct purview are the 3 pillars of government that ordinary iranians get to vote on directly the president currently has on rouhani who effectively runs the executive branch the council of experts who select a new Supreme Leader in the case of his death and the Iranian Parliament the parliament has a total number of 290 seats 5 seats are reserved for representatives of minorities jews zoroastrians as well as syrian and armenian christians the rest are voted on by the entire population in Irans Parliament politicians of various convictions often engage in spirited arguments about the future of the country and depending on its. Composition offering either support or resistance to the sitting president iran doesnt have typical Political Parties but rather diverse factions and groups that can generally be identified as conservative or moderate however the allocation of seats in parliament cannot be considered truly free as potential candidates have to be approved before they can run the Guardian Council which is named by the Supreme Leader and the head of the judiciary decide its which candidates are qualified those who have fundamentally different convictions are blocked from running. And that theresa back 1st there in tehran at a polling station this is the very reason why on thursday the u. S. Sanctioned 5 iranian officials on grounds of ela tour manipulation what effect will this have on todays vote if any. Well thats a largely symbolic move that is not going to have any direct consequences here in the Islamic Republic not on todays vote and not on the people affected by those sanctions thats members of the Guardian Council of countries electro watchdog but the fact that so many kind of thats what disqualified the head of the election also drew a lot of criticism inside iran be mainly because it was reformists banned from the election and now many principle a stone have any real competition in some areas of iran so even president has on rouhani himself complained and said iranians should have a real choice at the ballot box. And could this could we still see a surprise result in these elections despite its tightly controlled set up. Thats not very likely because many iranians dont see a reason why they should vote for the socalled reformist this time around the last time they did so because they hoped president Hassan Rouhani and a Reformist Parliament could improve their situation but they failed to do so mainly of course because the nuclear deal collapsed but also because one honey in the parliament failed to address corruption which is also a big issue so reformist voters and not coming to the polls today and the people who are voting today under more hardline approach they want more resistance against the west and thats why its so likely that principle is still going to much victorious from this election today there is a trumper reporting for you from a polling station in tehran where people are turning up for hurt so d. W. I. Thank you so much. And a reminder now of the top story that were tracking for you this hour. Germany has held vigils after a suspected far right terrorist killed 10 people in the town of kano near frankfurt or just. Hes also took to the streets in berlin to demand that the government do more to combat right wing extremism and islamophobia. You want she did a reviews on well america up next our talk show to the point debates whether germany can really call itself a country of immigration and oh forget you can keep up with the news around the clock by heading to our website best student news dot com for having so much more to. Cut. The. Good to. Be. Tough. When the sun goes down over egypts nile delta. Millions and millions of flowers unfold and remains there beguiling the scent. Jazzman is one of the worlds cost plan is essential oils. Economic importance for people in the region is enormous. Jasmine green of cent. Next on d w. In good shape. How do people cope to play with physical disability. Well talk to some more leading her dark their lives despite their disability. And they do that with great strength. Imagination and lots of humor. In 60 minutes on d w. Have fun in pyongyang. The capital city of north korea is reinventing itself. But only a few can enjoy the benefits of those the regime allowing. Kim jong un has introduced and insidious reward system to coerce allegiance to the regime. Those who dont make it into the fun metropolis are often few and hungry. Have fun in pyongyang starts february 28th on w

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