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Drastic measures in italy close the schools and universities across the country after the number of deaths from the good of virus rises above 100. Plus honoring the victims of a recent attack in germany political leaders join survivors and their families for a memorial in the western town of han al queda far right gunmen killed 9 people in a shooting rampage. I dont welcome im with that she my thanks for your company. Turkey says deploying 1000 dry police to course the return of refugees whove been pushed back by greek board authorities after trying to cross into the European Union now these refugees and migrants headed there after turkey said it would no longer. Its 2016 commitments to the e. U. To keep them on its territory now with a new crisis looming on the external border off the e. U. Thousands of refugees are now camped out along the turkish side of the border with greece the e. U. For its boss says it stands by athens amid fears that more people arriving on the border could prompt a repeat of the 2015 refugee crisis did obvious imac sonder reports from cast and hes on the greek side of the border where theyve been clashes between refugees and Border Forces in recent days exhausted and with nowhere to turn to these young pakistani men managed to slip into greece. Or says the Turkish Military force them to the border he tells us theyve been walking aimlessly for the last 10 hours. Were being moved from one side to the other the military is doing that were stuck in the middle in the beginning we were 20 to 25 people but only 3 made it the others were arrested they know that if they are caught by the greek police they too will be arrested. Others didnt even get that far. Like these migrants who gathered behind the border fence in turkey in an attempt to cross Greek Security forces used tear gas against them and allegedly even deadly force. These images from the other side of the border were given to us by the turkish government injured migrants being carried around from the fence. On caresses group Security Forces shot live rounds into the crowds killing one and injuring 5 others a claim the greek government has called fake news pressure continues along the greek frontier almost a week after turkey said its border to the European Union was open to everyone its a cross. For the telephone handling of the situation greek authorities have not only received praise by european leaders but also the highest cleric in greece archbishop pell the most traveled to the border town custom yes for a special service in honor of the Greek Security forces and those living in the border region if this is the move. This you know that. We are proud of you. Proud of your struggle if not only for the army not only for greece one and i want. Our european friends should be here as well our partners and allies. Because we have to support these borders together like you miss the would be my c. F. O. And it was these women. Who assume other. People here in the border town of custom yes for along have felt abandoned by the European Union local mayor. Is calling for a common and sustainable solution to deal with migration but for the people waiting at the border he has offered up a little hope anybody can better of this year. And after back up on me it is no chance for these millions of refugees to end up in a 0 and increase game for men and i guess the lava. I wish for all the soil in their destination borders more this thing happening right now its impossible not only for us or him alone but its all in europe to receive these large numbers of them to leave his hmong on. The then board in miami. And his friends have made it to europe but their final destination germany is still a long way to go. Walk on we dont have a core no money no money and nothing to drink. Just walk with god. Guard. As they continue their journey they have no idea if they are going to make it but they know they want to get away from this dangerous from tear as fast as they can. The misses they tend situation turkey has not decided to deploy 1000 Police Officers to its border with greece i talked to our turkey correspondent on mike whats behind that move. Well the turkish interior minister says these extra special forces are being sent here to the border to prevent socalled pushbacks of migrants to tucky these push backs are being carried out by the greek Border Guards now pushbacks are in generally are generally a set of state measures by which migrants or refugees are being pushed back over a border without them having the chance to apply for asylum and this is considered to be a violation of many different laws european law now the great Border Guards here have done this in recent days weve talked to many migrants here on the turkish side who told us they made it to greece but they were detained they were beaten up they say their money was been taken from them and then they were sent. Back to turkey now tacky sending these Additional Forces here to prevent such pushbacks in the worst case basically means that the 2 countries greece and turkey would be playing ping pong with people a turkey has been accused of manipulating the situation and using the desperation of refugees by allowing them to stream towards the e. U. Border so what does this latest move mean for the refugees and their situation there. Well thats not clear at the moment im 2 kilometers away from one of the main crossing points between tuckey and greece journalists are not allowed anywhere near the area so reporting on the situation of the migrants and refugees there has become very difficult and so i cant tell you what it means right now but we know that many migrants are still trying to cross the green border the border with greece is about 200 kilometers along some are trying to cross the river that runs along this border now it remains to be seen what this means but for people here are still waiting out of water the situation is desperate its Difficult People have been sleeping outside in the open for days in the cold with just not enough food and not enough to drink and we see still small groups of people arriving here migrant refugees who say they still want to go to europe despite all the dramatic scenes playing out here despite all the difficulties. At the greek to border on the turkish side thank you very much for your reporting from there. Turkish president later bedouin and russian president Vladimir Putin are holding talks at the kremlin on the spiraling violence in North Western syria turkey and russia have troops on the ground there but they are supporting opposing sides now as he arrived in last go into on praised what he called good relations with russia turkey wants to agree to a cease fire during the meeting to ease the situation in recent weeks of escalating military action in the province of dozens of turkish troops dead and has raised concerns that russian and Turkish Forces could end up in a direct confrontation. That would draw indeed obvious correspondent emily share when shes in a moscow emily we know that edouard president ed one is hoping to get a cease fire out of moscow but what does russia want from this meeting with their due on. Well ahead of their meeting both leaders talked about deescalating the situation deescalating the tensions in it live and running up to this meeting the foreign minister made the demands of the russian side quite clear he love rovs of a lover of said that he wanted both sides to return to a previous agreement on it live that created a deescalation zone in live that agreement was reached in 2018 by russia and turkey and one of the key demands of that agreement for the russian side at least was that turkey kind of tried to remove the radical what it sees as radical elements from it live and there has been kind of accusations from the russian side repeatedly towards turkey that turkey is not kind of making any distinction between what they see as terrorist groups and and between moderate groups and russia has been making that demand to turkey again so it seems like its a very complicated situation for the russian side on the one hand theyre backing syria which opposes turkey and on the other side theyre trying to keep turkey on side theyre both i think trying to reach a compromise today we may see them returning to previous agreements on and it live. Or trying to find some other compromise in the lunches and need to bump the chemistry between these 2 leaders the pitches me so india as people who are doing their talks they didnt see much evidence of that how much tension has there been in the lead up to these talks between them. Or thats right every time i think it was rather surprising to see how tense the situation seemed to be in those talks when they met when aired and put in met today it seemed like you could cut the tension with a knife there and of course these talks today have been preceded by several other rounds of talks between ministers that havent led to any compromise we see in the rhetoric being amped up on the russian side the russian official government paper today citing an expert for example who talked about turkey not being an ally of russias kind of citing several wars that russia has fought against turkey in the past and calling turkey aggressive and reuters has been reporting a military build up from the russian side as well apparently theyve been bringing in reinforcements for their troops in syria so both sides kind of flexing their muscles ahead of this meeting. And really show them in moscow thank you very much for that. Tuning and now to the latest on the karuna virus in the u. S. Cant afford it has become the latest state to declare an emergency as the number of new infections rises california joins Washington State in florida and letting their governments free up more resources in the battle against the virus the palestinian have ministry has scored for churches and mosques in bethlehem to close after a suspected karuna free switzerland has reported its 1st deaths from the corona virus and iran has closed schools and universities until early april. In addition to iran students the u. N. Has warned that almost 300000000 students around the was face weeks atoll the Italian Government is also ordered schools in the universities to remain closed until the 15th of march the move comes as the National Death toll rose to a 107. 00 its dead this outbreak outside china. For children across italy wednesday was the last day of class the government has shuttered primary schools and colleges for 10 days in a bid to slow the spread of the coronavirus ace but online so. I know this decision will have an impact. I hope students can return to school as soon as possible and i will work hard to ensure that this essential Public Service is provided to all our students even if that means for me just and saying. You know student student in. Italy has been hit hard by the corona virus with over 3000 confirmed cases by far the most in europe in just over a week the death toll has risen from 7 to over 100. This Military Hospital in milan is preparing to take in those afflicted by the outbreak faced with a shortage of care providers the government has asked retired doctors and nurses to return to hospitals. Officials are also questioned out on virus profiteers police interior insist great falls of mosques and suits that companies had hoarded and attempted to sell for inflated prices. The governments response to the crisis has gotten personal it issued a decree advising against hunch aches hugs and kisses but amid the outbreak many italians want to be consoled and say they wont keep their distance. Or your i will continue kissing this coronavirus will not stop me i will continue to kiss and hug and you. I also continue kissing no problem with embassies again wheres the salience we love each other and we need physical contact will keep it up as long as we can. Entire communities remain in quarantine mostly in the countrys northern regions the government is hoping its new emergency measures will keep the socalled red zone from expanding south. You know being here today some other stories making news around the. Judges of the International Criminal court in the hague have ruled that prosecutors can open an investigation into alleged war crimes committed in afghanistan the probe would examine the actions of the taliban of van forces and the u. S. Troops the court head and appeal against a previous decision to block the probe. Former United Nations secretary general javier protest has died at the age of 500 the peruvian diplomat served as the 5th u. N. Chief between 19821901 he was known for his peacemaking efforts including brokering an end to the iran iraq war in 1988. Here in germany parliamentarians have been debating how to tackle right wing extremism and hate in the country this comes a day after political leaders join family members and friends in holding a memorial for the victims of a racially motivated killing spree in the western town of ha now the incident has left the community of high now deeply shaken. To see. This. The victims were not foreigners the central theme of the Memorial Service and hano for the murdered members of the citys immigrant community. I am stunned that because of this terrible crime my brother will never again come into our house laughing and happy. Victims relatives and leading politicians joined together to mourn the 9 man and woman shot dead in the far right racist terror attack the mother of the suspected gunman was the town ficta kemah kolchak who was friends with many of the victims said he wants to see actions not listen to words. Yeah. All of us in this town are people who belong to this world to europe to germany. To has but also to have now please let us act together against inflammatory language. Against the hate. Because since the 19th of february people are worried about how to keep on living here. On february 19th a 43 year old german monotype to shisha bars on a kiosk shooting dead 9 people from the tons immigrant community and wounding all theres the attacker held a legal gun permit hes believed to have shot that is more there before taking his own life prosecutors say the suspect held deeply racist beliefs. 650. 00 gas gathered at the event in hono many of them relatives of the victims german chancellor Angela Merkel and president frank father steinmeyer sought with the families steinmeyer appealed to German Society to defend democracy. He demonstrated in some good minds im in london lipped every person who lives in our country must be able to live in safety and peace our state has the duty to protect this right here to wounded you have to do more and must do everything necessary. Authorities plan to rector permanent memorial to the hano attack victims in the citys Main Cemetery some of them are already buried there. Was. To the jail and father went has been debating right wing extremism and joining me now is spot invented and i dont shes a former minister of state for integration and a member of the social democrats now welcome to you know we saw a very strong message coming out of that Memorial Service that we just saw do you see the shooting in hondo as a telling point of how jimmy deals with right wing extremism. Well actually i think that it was so important to have the session this morning in the parliament and it was very important that we came together yesterday to show not only the families but especially of course the families that we stand together that we see the racism in our country and well we notice that it could could have been like every one of us each of us. Who looks like a migrant who is just seen as a migraine and this is very is just horrible for all of us of course. And i think its so important that all in their political ends who are responsible for in their fears also admit that they have looked more for religious extremism so far and not so much 2 words right wing extremists and i think that was just a change right now. In that what is likely to change because in this debate today go potty accuse the far right f. T. As being potty responsibly for creating a climate where driving in 3 muslim is growing but theyve been similar attacks in the past in germany dont all parties including you always have to take responsibility for failing to deal with right wing extremism adequately. Well of course and i mean we have to end this you process also in germany as leaders did like everything that was possible that time but we didnt have this clear a number is the right wing extremism against migrants we only have numbers that are too much like against everything and now we see more clearly what is happening against muslims what is happening against migrants we have now all these. Numbers and also. Policy is now looking more clearly to boards what is going on here in the parliament what is being so. Oh pen and what has an effect outside and i think this is so important because when i was responsible for 4 years i have been attacked so many times virtually in the social media of course and now we have totally different laws against this attacks and the social media and you cannot just attack and be sure that nothing will happen nowadays people are brought to court and have some consequences and i think this is a long way but im glad quite glad that we started it at least now i know you said this message of the message coming out of this debate in Parliament Today was that something needs to change in your assessment what is the key thing that needs to change today. Its not something of course what has to change is that we have to be very very clear i mean we have been clear we thought but we have to be more clear when it comes to racism when it comes to you know bring people out of society and it seemed to many people outside not only in the parliament that when you attack a muslim or you attack a jew and its only against that group and what was really quite clearly said here today from every party almost except for if tea was that it is an attack against democracy it is an attack against the whole society and we have to stand together and forget sometimes for a few seconds at least that we have life different ways in our policy and that was very very clear today and also of course these had already what they did it like how police will work differently and how we have to work also in social media differently i think this is one of the most important things because there it starts and you see that some most of those people have been in social media they have probably had an idea there and then when. Out and did these horrible things we have to leave it there this is a former minister of state for integration and a member of the 30 democrats thank you very much for talking to us. Now from sport and we take you to money poor in northeastern india the remote state a city with the birthplace of modern polo now the force there was traditionally the domain of men but the number of men playing has dwindled since an insurgency that began in the 1980 s. Now its money pours women who are challenging stereotypes to revive polo in the state. Readies herself a battle for so many ways she and her teammates have already won in the sport of kings queens have broken the most. When the law if men can play polo why cant we do it too. We want young female players to think like this they watch us play and ask us how to play we tell them dont be scared you will also play like us this is how we encourage young girls to play polo of the mind where the interest. Is essentially hockey on horses the modern version of the sport originated here in indias man a poor state in the early 19th century. Later british colonialists polar ice have died out completely. But out of War Community elders and many poor show interest in other sports but not in our states game polo the state how are women going to ride horses and play polo thats nonsense jessamine tally they have. Challenges still remain polo is an expensive sport money is needed to buy and take care of the ponies. Of all here more women are needed to take the reins and help keep men opposed polo tradition and life. Heres a recap of the top story that were following for you and the w. Russian president Vladimir Putin is hosting turkeys president of egypt that theyre due on for talks on the escalating conflicts in northwestern syria turkey is hoping to establish a safe zone that can take in the millions of Syrian Refugees whove been displaced by the fighting. Coming up next indeed of this program conflict zone Tim Sebastian talks of that yemens foreign minister about the human cost of his countrys civil war coming up shortly. Enter the conflict zone year after year the war in yemen goes on with no apparent end in sight was whos really trying to stop it my guest this week here in munich is the countrys foreign minister Mohammed Abdullah lock on 200. 00 must come to thousands of civilian casualties to be enormous human suffering full beam from nothing the food complex the food. Next on difficulty. They were forced into a nameless mass. Their body. Mere tools. The history of the slave trade is africas history. He describes hoping for power in traffic plummeted an entire continent into chaos and violence the slave system created the greatest player and accumulation of wealth a world had ever seen up to that to tell this is the journey back into the history of slavery. I think we will truly be making progress when we all accept the history of slavery as all of our history. Our documentary series slavery routes starts march 9th on d. W. The war is ugly more than 17000 civilians killed and injured since 2015 i would not give up the future of my children and their children so you can sleep at night they have to come and talk peace soon year after year of the war in yemen goes on with no apparent end in sight but whos really trying to stop it my guest this week here in munich is the countrys farming

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