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The situation is serious take it seriously since german unification and note since the 2nd world war there has been no challenge to our nation that has demanded such a degree of common and united action. Meanwhile the European Central Bank Announces a 750000000000 euro bonds a fine program to stave off the pandemics economic fallout of european markets initially went up on the news but have since shed games and us cases of the infection jump sharply in the u. S. A mother and foreign she chooses the government off in action. Im serious oh my god its good to have you with us italy has reported more deaths from the corona virus in a single day than any other country so far. Officials say nearly 500 people died on wednesday the region of lombardy as the worst hit hospitals are overwhelmed by the number of patients and the number of deaths as our next report shelves. The city of burger mo has run out of space to bury its dead. These military trucks are taking the coffins to nearby cities for burial the corona virus has hit the lombardi region like no other place in italy. Names and faces of lost loved ones fill the local papers as the death toll keeps climbing physicians and officials are appealing for help we are in full emergency with this coronavirus bania a lot of personal nurses and physicians are working round the clock countless our work to fight these incredible situation we do not know are wrong on the mia will last we are in desperate need of both nurses and physicians together with ventilators and this positive for protection efforts to build a temporary hospital in the epicenter are under way. Its top that 200 intensive care units will be ready by the month and italy has also turned to the country where the virus originated 1st support medical teams from china have flown in to lend their expertise. Now yours are joined by each initial hall the people of our 2 countries will Stay Together and support each other to join the overcome the hardship. For sure i believe the top class teams of experts will learn from each other and make joint effort and surely will be able to subdue the outbreak very soon cheer up italy. Amid speculation that the lockdown could be extended for several more weeks italians are finding simple ways to lift their spirits. The. Goal was. Married to be your. Baby he got it. All. Earlier i spoke to correspondent seem a good thing in rome and with the death toll in the north of the country rising again i asked her if the situation is spiraling out of control. Well the situation is definitely dire north as you said you talked about the situation in the province of the law in the town a bit more definitely a situation that is really on the brink doctors there saying that theyre the full capacity and what we do know is that this virus tends to impact very badly particularly the elderly the population and its lee has one of the worlds oldest population hence were seeing these events numbers now Prime Minister Giuseppe Conti in an interview with the milan based daily caribbean lets say that theyre looking at a possibility of a complete lockdown and that needs also a ban on all Outdoor Activity they say people need to take this seriously to stay at all unless its absolutely necessary because of course you could not show any symptoms you could be fine but you could also be a carrier spreading this virus to others now in one week alone they saw 43000 violations of the lockdown measures and its because of that in tending to amp up these lockdown measures now here in germany the Disease Control center says the number of confirmed cases has climbed by almost 3211000 within the space of 24 hours that comes as chancellor Angela Merkel addressed the nation and where televised speech she said the country is facing its biggest challenge since the 2nd world war. Im addressing you today in this unusual manner because i want to tell you what is guiding me as chancellor and all of my colleagues in the government at this time that is part of an open democracy that we explain our political decisions and make them transparent. That we do all we can to justify and communicate her actions so that they are understandable. I truly believe that we will succeed in the task before us so long as all the citizens of this country understand that it is also their tomsk. While germany says it may call in the military to deal with the impact of the coronavirus defense minister and it could come outline plans for the potential role of bone despair troops that could include repatriating german nationals from crisis regions and supporting medical efforts to treat patients with the virus and our chief Political Editor Michelle Knight has been following the story for us. Could you tell us more about what exactly the armed forces could be doing. Yes and ill start with what they wont be doing certainly for quite a while yet you wont see german troops on the streets there are high constitutional hurdles for that that is limited if that germany was actually under attack from the outside what the army is doing right now is its supporting other ministries its also gearing up efforts to support the medical services here in germany there are 5 military hospitals some extra 900 staff of reservists actually have been drafted in particular from the medical field to simply get up to speed and to expand facilities here in germany mainly. Medical facilities but there is an option on the table certainly for now that if Critical Infrastructure was under threat for whatever reason that could no longer be secured that then the military would help those efforts but no curfew so far here in germany and also no military on the streets how significant is this announcement. Its significant but we see so many of these days right now clearly it is the biggest effort by the German Military in postwar history to actually support civilian structures here in germany which are so under pressure were talking about very concrete things like infrastructure to get things from a to b. So at the same time we saw the appeal also from the defense minister to the german public to be disciplined or else and this or elles message which source sought after also from the Health Minister certainly the issue of a curfew isnt off the table here in germany yet and the German Military is preparing for what the defense than sykora american effort all right our chief Political Editor michelle it is and i thank you meanwhile the German Foreign office has launched a major airlift operation to bring home German Tourists stranded abroad to the pandemic its estimated around 100000 germans are waiting to be repatriated many of them were left with little option but to stay put when airlines started grounding flights. Arriving home on this plane landing in berlin tourists returning from egypt this was one of the last shared jeweled flights bringing passengers back to germany for many it was a short vacation then came corona and borders everywhere were closed holiday makers feared they might be stranded. There was chaos at the airport some people were not on the list but with some luck we managed to get a ticket but. We are relieved we could get a seat of course. About 100000 germans are being brought home from around the world because viruses prompted the largest airlift in german history they are returning to a country in suspended animation the empty airport is just the 1st sign that everyday life has changed the taxi drivers here know all about it. Destroys everything what is happening we never saw anything like this the drivers are fighting amongst each other fighting about getting a fair that is not right. Wait for 5 hours without getting any business if we taxi drivers dont work we dont earn anything. In egypt alone 30000 germans are waiting for their chance to fly home the berlin government is mobilizing 50000000 euros to make these flights possible passengers will have to pay a fair equivalent to an Economy Class ticket. Australia and new zealand have announced theyre closing their borders to all visitors to try to stem the spread of the virus of the 2 nations are only allowed citizens residents and close family members to enter the travel ban came into force in new zealand starting thursday evening australias ban will start on friday night australia has so far recorded around 600 corona virus infections on the zealand has confirmed almost 30 total cases. All right lets take a look now at some of the other a corona related developments around the world they use chief breaks of negotiator michelle says he has tested positive for covert 19 but he tweeted that hes doing well and is in good spirits spain reported a big jump in new infections and more than 200. 00 deaths since the day before spains total death toll is now almost 770. 00 in iran the death toll has risen to almost 1300 a Health Ministry spokesman said one person is dying every 10 minutes from the virus but in more positive news china reported no new local cases of the infection on wednesday for the 1st time since it started recording them in january theres also good news from taiwan which has managed to keep its infection rate far lower than neighboring countries despite its proximity to china where the virus originated weeks ago the island was expected to become the 2nd worst hit region after china but that didnt happen so what did taiwan do to change the narrative and how is it coping with the ongoing pent up it didnt used to be kong sent us this report from taiwan surgical masks on go girls have become part of dr whos uniform since the coronaVirus Outbreak began. He was among the 1st group of doctors and tyrone to treat suspected patients that was back in january when the virus 1st spread from china across the strait europe are on. Board zones in taiwan is experienced in understanding china. We know what is reliable and when we should be skeptical. And because taiwan has long been isolated from the International Community we must take more steps ahead of the crisis and use our own judgment. So this is how. This is where he ended up sleeping in a dormitory next to the hospital set aside for medical staff like him for time on the jail and as the treatment for a disease with no cure. Is in the us its all new it was hard to identify misinformation at 1st i was scared of spreading the virus to my family. I think this has to be a collective effort if each of us takes very strict precautions ourselves it eases the burden on the health care system. Other than medics and military students and teachers at High School Level and below and now banned from overseas travel. Foreigners are denied entry but containing the virus is not only about Border Control communities have found themselves on the frontline. District officer of the local government gary kwan monitors individuals and a 14 day home quarantine. One of his duties is to take care of the daily needs such as delivering fresh food. There and how do i thought that we helped to make it easier for quarantine people to stay at home she reduce the risk of contagion if anyone least the apartment will be alerted by text message and call the police he or she may be fined 3. Quarantine in taiwan may feel Service Based but its also stringent. Individuals are under surveillance. Telecom providers are cooperating to enable the government to track people via their mobile phones. Health officials believe Technology Helps contain concern and prevent panic. One example is the face mask rationing system where people can place that order and check availability online. Because it is a. New Technology Helps us to systemize containment policies in a transparent way it helps the public build up a sense of trust in the government because they are well informed about the situation. Taiwans next step is to broaden its testing regimen. You know why they will see anyone with overseas travel history fever or respiratory symptoms is eligible for testing. According to research the spread of the virus can be largely contained if 60 percent of infection chains are broken and were trying our best to achieve that you know tens or you dont have time which will show you. The islands remains concerned about a potential massive outbreak while waiting for a Vaccine Community and government that containment is the only way anyone knows how to fight the virus. The c. E. O. Of lufthansa has warned that the coronavirus is jeopardizing the future of aviation cast and said governments may need to fork out a lot of money to save the entire industry from the fallout of the pendant. Only 5 per cent of towns are scheduled flights are taking off right now nearly all planes are grounded juju entry restrictions and the collapse in demand. Is good. If the Current Situation doesnt improve in the coming weeks which nobody expects will talk to the government to determine the basic Flight Services they think should be maintained for a business point of view flying doesnt make any sense right now. Transit no. C. E. O. Says europes Largest Airline isnt good friend and chill shape for now but he did not provide an outlook for 2020 he said nobody can predict the entire fallout of the pandemic according to the Consultancy Firm copy center for every nation most airlines in the world will be bankrupt by the end of may unless governments intervene international in the street group says up to 200000000000. 00 a needed to help cushion the blow off the outbreak. 25000000 people worldwide will lose their jobs because of the corona Virus Outbreak thats the warning from the International Labor Organization People working in the tourism and Service Sector will be among the most affected the number of the working poor holding won awards jobs will also increase significantly at the un agency has said its called for urgent large scale measures to protect workers including paid leave a short time allowance and other subsidies. The European Central bank has announced a 750000000000 euro Bond Buying Program to help stabilize markets or reeling from the fallout of the outbreak its just one of many stimulus plans announced by policymakers across the world. European stocks are making gains after the e. C. B. Announce further stimulus measures in an emergency meeting wednesday evening but that wasnt the case for asian markets the regions main indexes traded in the red stocks extended this weeks. Efforts from europe and the u. S. Didnt stop the decline as was the case on wall street wednesday the white house is plodding along with a stimulus plan of more than one trillion dollars. To war and so you know basically you know what many of the industries are what we want to do is we want to make sure they will Stay Together so that after the war is won we can immediately go right back to where we were even beyond that may not be the case as a global economies have revise us 2020 g. D. P. Growth to negative point 5 percent from 1. 6 percent the euro zones economies also expected to retract as the worlds 2nd largest economy china the chinese economy is forecast to grow 3 percent china has accounted for biggest share of Global Economic Growth Outlook is negative across the world. And we could be a financial correspondent he joins us from new york say its been an ugly few weeks on the markets today starting off just as badly. Nor does it for now we have seen how the dow jones has. Gone back to positive territory its up around 45. 00 points weve run 500. 00 points earlier in the trading session so well still have to take a look to that but before you start of the trading session we also learn now how some companies are already canceling their dividend which means they want to keep that extra payment they normally give their shareholders case to make or ford and another seem to. America also boy is in need of federal money are our lines Hotels Restaurants retailers so all these are still creating a lot of a lot of insight and we could see the mood change in any point here at the exchange was it what about the raft of measures being taken by Central Banks is that having an effect. 5. Look the European Central bank and the federal reserve. Are more than welcome in times like these Monetary Policy needs to guarantee money and liquidity and some of the biggest Central Banks around the world are trying to do that to help encourage that lending and there is enough money in the system but this is just 1. 00 part of the equation be over one comes from government how are they going to guarantee that people can pay the rent to buy food and most importantly support a small and medium sized businesses and when we think about the u. S. We always talk about the our polls the amazones the big corporations but in the end its mom and pop businesses the small medium sized the ones that are the biggest employers in the country and the ones that really sustain the biggest economy in the world and jose i understand that the Stock Exchange itself where you are has actually been hit by the current a virus to people testing positive there tell us more about that. So far we still keep the protocol in place a sense that monday every time that we enter the building here in the chair we fill up a form where we ask if we if we have symptoms or trouble outside the u. S. Then they take our temperature and if we are allowed. In the hand any any individual does present to any kind of seem to actually tested here in place and sending me home right after the only one foreign reporter is standing here and after talking to some on the floor we all woke up to measures taken by the exchange which will close floor operations starting monday markets the door will be fully operational but well have a duty to stay home and i hope youre all staying safe and healthy over there jose luis stay at our financial correspondent in new york thank you. Well the u. S. Has confirmed almost 10000. 00 cases of the corona virus infection and more than 150. 00 deaths on wednesday President Trump signed a 100000000000. 00 relief package aimed at cushioning the blow from the pandemic hes also invoked wartime legislation to speed the production of critical medical equipment but Many Americans say their governments response to this crisis has been inadequate all over salat met with one of them a mother under quarantine in washington d. C. Walked down hits home its an experience was burns and her family could have never imagined but since their old here was hospitalized with a high fever the burns are quarantined inside their house the only way we can conduct interviews by phone through the window. Initially they. Know and werent too worried about it and then the home is on our little wall that hes run. Are over the next 24 hours. And realize she was negative for Everything Else and no. 9 1 here her record of art were very under all the Public Health authorities said that she. Was burned blames the u. S. Government for not responding to the coronavirus threat quickly enough they could have done a lot more at the beginning. I think we should have learned from the pandemic that had happened in asia and. Other countries more on that very quickly and forcefully. On the streets of washington d. C. Life has slowed down dramatically the usually busy streets remain empty restaurants are open only for takeouts. Universities and schools and many states remain closed putting additional strain on students and families. At the Albert Einstein high school in the state of maryland stuff handled back launches offering some relief for parents penn demigods putting low income families at particular risk some working parents have been laid off and now find themselves in a desperate situation but i think im and theyre not the most there are no jobs for us they canceled everything we dont know how to pay our rent an apartment there and. As a Government Employee it was burned says her job is not at stake but shes well aware that Many Americans are not as lucky. On top of the self isolation and social distancing measures that people around the world are practicing right now there are some simple hygiene guidelines to follow that can help stop the corona virus from spreading take a look wash your hands with soap and water and do it often keep going for at least 20 seconds especially after youve been in a public place alcohol based hand sanitizers are a good alternative. If you cough or sneeze cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or use the inside of your elbow throw away used to shoes and dont use them twice after blowing your nose coughing or sneezing wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces every day this includes tables door handles light switches countertops the desks phones keyboards toilets taps and sinks. Now preparations for the summer olympics in tokyo are continuing despite calls for the games to be canceled today organizers will see the olympic flame in a somewhat subdued ceremony the event in the greek capital athens it was massively scaled down due to the pandemic that the torch had over took place inside the pad a phoenix stadium which was the site of the 1st modern games in 1906 japan and south of the games will go ahead as planned but there is growing criticism from athletes. And one of the worlds most famous statues has been lit up to express solidarity with people suffering from the krona virus the christ the redeemer statue and Rio De Janeiro was alone when they did with flags and maps of countries and continents affected by cope at 19 the light show on the landmark came to encourage people to pray for the victims of the pandemic the 30 meter tall statue which last year saw almost 2000000 visitors is that close to the pope closer to the public as part of efforts to contain the virus. What for all the latest coverage of the corona virus pandemic please head to our website d. W. Dot com where youll also find information there on what to do if you think you might be infected coming up next on your show conflict zone sebastians of stand with nigeria information minister for all of us here in berlin thank you for watching. 2 for the conflict so far from a sister respect to move the law nigerias government stands accused by the International Community of serious human rights abuses i guess this week here in london is live mohammad the countrys information minister how does he defend against the countrys many critics when the evidence of wrongdoing is so compelling looks. Good. To europe schools are closing. In italy lessons have been taking place at home for several weeks now because the internet drastic measures exceptionally challenging times for teachers and students could become much when students learn during this time of corona the. Focus on europe. In 60 minutes on d w. The global corona crisis you can find more Information Online fed d. W. Dot com and on t. W. Social media channels. Each step tells my story. On the people who climbed to me building dedicated deadlines to meet. I am not too dumb to claim convenes on this interest of mine. In the centuries they built me they created. Something truly miraculous. Not too much as i was destroying it. I have mocked my cities days for centuries and accompanied my country through its long hours until the day i mean. Not the time to leave dance april and. I think theres been a lot of. Listeners and just when it comes to the double depressed were doing extremely very well you rank 120th out of 180 countries some of glorious record is that list of things that a lot ok during some little time this chief the assumption has to be that youre covering up damaging evidence doesnt it doesnt it is a group and has been taken care of despite promises to respect the rule of law and

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