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They responded that way when they felt threatened says the flyers. And german soccer prepares to kick off again as the lockdown is listen to the bundesliga forges ahead this weekend as the 1st Major European League back on the pitch in front of the stands. Im anthony how to welcome the coronavirus starts to take its toll the latest figures show that the German Economy has taken its hardest hit since the 20095 pancho crisis shrinking by 2. 2 percent in the 1st quarter of the year by the measures closed shops and restaurants wiped out tourism and sent manufacturing into a tailspin and the government says theres more pain ahead even before a recovery starts to take shape. Germanys g. D. P. Data is due me even if slowly but surely the lights of the economy are being turned on again. Folks the countrys biggest carmaker opened its man volves board plant a few weeks ago and despite distancing measures is edging towards full capacity. As well as manufacturing the Services Sector is returning to normal hairdressers opened last week while its even possible now to meet friends for beer again some cafes and bars open their outdoors areas. While that suggests some hope a lot of damage has been done the german g. D. P. 1st quarter fall of 2. 2 percent is a dramatic drop after years of relative stability it also means germany has now officially entered recession with 2 successive quarterly falls and the 3rd quarter will be much worse although the drop is sharp its not as bad as analysts feared and its better than most eurozone countries were lockdowns have been longer and deeper although that is not necessarily a consolation for the German Government given the state of the european economy as a whole. I believe that it will be very very important for the revival of the German Economy that the european economy is recovering to its full capacity. Because we all dependent on suppliers all over europe is dependent on exports from all over europe its in our best interests that we do that as it does that is wealthy. With berlins tourist hot spots still eerily quiet due to travel restrictions its a reminder that things wont fully get better anywhere in europe until they get better everywhere. Well stephen bids they say from a business theyve been a shocking set of numbers but a surprise no not really anthony i mean keep in mind that today the Frankfurt Exchange actually ended in the positive territory so everyone is expecting this and if you take a look around you can see that the streets were empty for weeks and that is starting to change now but everyone expected that this would be bad indeed it was and really if you think these numbers are bad then just wait until the next quarter as the report mentioned that could be a double digit minus but again that would be something that would like to be expected and that weve seen in one of our very eyes in general the German Economy has fared better than other economies as the report mentioned factory capacity was actually much higher than in other countries the Construction Industry actually did well in march so some of these factors are playing into what were seeing you refer to the lag case and the question is the economy likely to be back on track and he thomson we are seeing of course that businesses have been slowly reopening here in germany of the last few weeks theres going to be the question of course of demands do people feel safe enough to come out and go to those businesses and are the businesses are they able to serve their clientele in a full capacity we know that with russians for example which are reopening today that theyre going to be able to serve much smaller percentage of their clientele than they would have normally due to distancing measures what does that mean for them for example there are questions and because the industry that industry in terms of the Airline Industry other questions of whats going to happen when short term subsidies provided by the government when those are lifted consider that in the Restaurant Industry here in germany 92 percent of employees of the labor force is actually earning a short term work subsidy so what happens when that is lifted are we going to see unemployment increase and then i would add that probably more important is germany is an export oriented economy so really its business and its g. D. P. G. D. P. Depends so much on how other countries are doing it cant sell sneakers in the us then the German Economy suffers if china stopped. Machinery heavy heavily heavy industry machinery than germany suffers and dealing with whats on their plates right now business is small and large but what about the long term damage anyway the guys that you have a long term damage i think germany is going to end up in a better spot than many other nations the debt to g. D. P. Ratio is always much lower than in other countries what i mean by that is basically germany has much less debt than say countries like italy countries like france people still want to buy german debt so if it needs money they need to generate money if it needs to fund for the recovery it has that ability much easier than other nations do i think a lot of the damage is really going to be on the political side remember that germany does not exist in a vacuum it exists in a major european bloc and the health of that block is really going to determine europes future germanys future and that is going to be the next big struggle is the solidarity of questions like helping italy helping other nations who are starting to wobble under the intense amount of borrowing theyre going to have to do thats really going to determine perhaps the German Economy in the future just as much as what factories are doing stephen because they with they do believe business thank you. All now and spot at the dismal Economic News many germans have renewed hope about their chances of taking a Summer Holiday thats because the government is lifting quarantine restrictions on travel is imposed because of the coronavirus pandemic but getting other countries to return the favor is now a matter for the highest levels of politics and germanys foreign minister is due to discuss the matter with these counterparts next week. The endless beaches of france and the majestic mountains of austria in any normal summer German Tourists love to head for these and many other european beauty spots but because of the corona virus the route to jim and his neighbors has been blocked at the borders for many the pandemic has given travel a new importance which gets a lot of courses about our health all around the world but they cant take away our freedom to travel not because of corona or an economic crisis and of a tough titties or a spot in front of id like to go to spain i dont get know if thats possible it depends if the spanish open their border at the moment theres no sign maybe well know in 4 weeks one place that youre welcome. But there is a sign from the German Government how it plans to reopen its front is the border with belgium and the netherlands was never closed and from saturday police will not patrol the luxemburg border either to the North Denmark has said it is willing in principle to allow the traffic to flow but needs more time to work out the details germanys borders with france austria and switzerland will 1st see looser controls than at present if theres no new major spread of the virus the checks will be completely lifted in me june. The borders with poland and the Czech Republic have not been closed by germany but by the governments in warsaw and prague those 2 countries are not yet ready to open their front is to germany but berlin is hoping to persuade them you know uncertainty has made some germans rethink their plans. Based on that i think ill just work a lot this summer and then go away in the autumn i hope i wont take a holiday this year it makes no sense and. Theres still a long way to go until europes vacation hot sponsor crowded out from this weekend germans who want to travel at least have a timetable for when they will enjoy freedom of movement once again. Now lets take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. U. S. Republican senator richard burr has stepped aside as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Hours after f. B. I. Agents served a search warrant for his fine its part of a probe into whether he exploited advance information when he sold as much as 1700000. 00 in stocks during the corona virus outbreak. People in central bolivia in south america have defied the coronavirus shut down orders to protest against a run of. The countrys been under lockdown since mid march and many residents want to relaxed their calling on authorities to provide more food and water they have been of a 3000 cases reported in bolivia and around 140 did a. Sudden transfer rainfall has caused the river to overflow in northern milan the flooding of the not led to blackouts in some areas while houses and by students were inundated in one part of the city the borders rose 86 centimeters in just 10 minutes these of now begun cleanup operations. Cold beers are being pulled once again in a strike these Northern Territory with pubs and bars reopening after almost 2 dry months coronavirus in fiction numbers in the outback region have been low the countrys most populous state the south wales is also starting to reopen cafes and. Emergency teams are scrambling to prevent an outbreak of the corona virus in the Worlds Largest migrant settlement a 1st coronavirus case in rohingya camp in bangladesh has been confirmed another person living in the caucasus bizarre district has also tested positive with 19. Officials said the patients were being treated in isolation almost 2000 people who came into contact with them are in quarantine. Have warned that cramped conditions and inadequate sanitation have left 1000000 people who live in the camps dangerously exposed to an outbreak of the virus. But joining us now is. Hes the Health Director of save the children in bangladesh 2 people have tested positive for what measures are being taken to prevent the virus from spreading in this densely populated camp and can a worst Case Scenario really be prevented the. Good afternoon. One cares has been positive in the camp and one is so. If the middle has been taken for the last one couple of phone of the months in the home of the courts or the bottles of coke so those are all true tea. Into the log on for the last 2 months and all the you know the critical interviews in there so. The Health Service providers. You know vote one 7th. By more than 100. 00 of the partners including the government. Everybody is taking you know. When we do it to get them on the you know the prevention services. And then there is. Going to get a book or services of what do. You know the middle of the dickens of so i mean we had things warnings coming for quite some time but now the outbreak is real how worried are you about the situation there. Definitely situation is much more you know. Because. The situation is very much ground over there. Are known for. More than 40000 people dissident one square kilometer area so you can imagine the call the. Density of the population is over there so. Its it is impossible that spitting on those who do not do go to the you know the maximum limit but we dont know the number but you know. The people they are penny theyre going to the opening of the agencies as they can you know the measure to counter the. Interest group. For one pose invade solution to consent to. This because. Of their drugs well. It seems like the risk of a serious mass outbreak in these camps is real but what does this mean for the whole of bangladesh. Bomb of this so far. Doing to told them. As we know they reported positive. Just increasingly to the increasing diverted we must because i do. So now is almost. You know the you know the so it would be told and this is. Because federally did it is that on one point it doesnt but. You know theyre going fuzz so main addiction is that by the end of me by. The would be so that the more you know the stories are becoming in coming days chime in john from save the children in bangladesh thank you so much thank you. Or fears are growing in china of a 2nd wave of the corona virus clusters of cases where the sufferers have no symptoms have been reported in will hand the epicenter of the original outbreak in the city now i am statistic all 11000000 residents in the coming days. To get a usable sample you have to rob the swab deep inside the throat to test the entire population of wool hand you need to do this 11000000 times that is the enormous undertaking officials at the root of this Global Pandemic are attempting. To dial im a little bit worried it is a huge effort for the government to take these measures to provide a test for everyone. You love you but it shows the care for residents health. For own 2 weeks the chinese city will be transformed into a giant lab after a cluster of new cases spoke to local leaders testing will need to be rapidly increased from capacity of around 100000 tests to more than 700000 per day. Because i think its necessary because after all a cluster of new infections appeared in one neighborhood just a few days ago theres a possibility of a reoccurrence of this epidemic we dont need to spend money out of our own pockets it will all be covered by the government so i think its also a protection for our own lives and property. That i think has a problem. For months residents were forbidden to go outside now theyre being beckoned to line up together and get tested. Not for the 1st time the world is watching. Regular must testing on this could be one route and too few governments can marshal the resources required to pull it off. An official Police Watchdog in hong kong has cleared offices of wrongdoing in the handling of antigovernment protests last year the report by the independent Police Complaints council said police fired live rounds on 12 occasions but acted in accordance with god lines and only in response to the threat of lethal violence by protesters report assessed 6 days between june and august last year nearing the beginning of a months long antigovernment protests over concerns about what used to autonomy from Mainland China protesters accused the police of brutality and are calling for an independent inquiry. Will be doubly reported cherry chan covered the protest in kong kong for us shes now in berlin and following the story for us cherry its been relatively quiet in hong kong in the past months elsewhere what has triggered the publication of this report now. Actually it is a very long walk it was initially going to be believed generally of course. This is a required and i. Think fall since june last year that almost every that can. Be ok but then. And there in the month of protests many people complain that the police but you say that if. They were trying to control the public and also in some incidents they complained at the. Local language well and actually. I think one of the mathy that independent investigation into the use police use of. The government as i. Think. To that. Investigation. Stay with us lets hear what the chairman of the independent Police Complaints Council Anthony neo had decided about the outcome. You have seen from the protests which originally were police or. Generated into violent protests using weapons of all kinds in fact against police and others property was destroyed and this was a situation that a police force was. In their face when situation of course they have to enforce law and they have to protect the girls. And that is the situation that we have in hong kong the words of anthony neo there the chairman of the independent Police Complaints council cherry you saw the protests with your own eyes do these words and more broadly the findings match your experience. Well. I actually. Situation i have seen protests at spring break through i have seen them throwing has broken arms i have seen i think. Prophecies and i think shots or infrastructure on the street that i have also seen in many cases the police very few saying false indiscriminately on the public where i have seen them and you think that the spray lawmakers who are trying to conduct the situation and i have seen them interrogate. The demonstrations and i have also seen that firing again close range and to the end in many cases these islands well its not only used. The protesters but also the press reporters who are there because the situation and to the last one in the nation of what they call the demonstration she. Lost thats. Right i run but she wants 5 projects. From the police so this report. To me like the final incidents and they didnt. Elaborate on this kind of situation and jury just before we go what is playing the reaction in hong kong to the phonics. And actually. Fall is watched that the research has been credited as intended and actually last year there was a revote in the International Experts who were a faker to. Incessant investigations and they equate that to say i think there is whats left of the power of pesky independent investigative capability and theyre on this path and so. Their report has been released so they are called many people and. They have to go about the findings and that many people criticize the report that it came. To on how the police can do better how the police can be up and they make them and the public and i laugh also on how the fuzzys should have on social media and label me as an exchange of social media and so many people are very happy about this report and the chief executive officer as he gets assessor hours that this report has i mean these and he said its. Very different from how the public the church and many sects. Well the arrival of the 1st typhoon of the year in the philippines is being complicated by the corona virus pandemic tens of thousands of people have been forced to break their lock downs and gather in cramped shelters and several isolation facilities have been destroyed at least one person died as the weather system battered the eastern philippines. When it rains it pours a typhoon in the middle of the pandemic filipinos are used to big storms but now typhoon has forced tens of thousands to evacuate their homes and gather close together when they should be sheltering in place to stop the spread of covert 19. On thursday some 200000 people spent the night in emergency accommodations due to social distancing measures some shelters only accepted half a capacity and people were required to cover their faces with shortages of masks many had to make do with whatever they could find. Where. Theres a lack of supplies and a face masks. Thats why weve started to make our own so we can avoid spreading the virus. Or authorities have been trying to find more space for temporary shelters including reopening schools and churches shuttered for the lockdown. As the weather system passed it left a trail of destruction in eastern provinces thousands of flimsy homes have been flattened or blown away in other regions the storm has left people dealing with floodwater. The capital manila has now started preparing for bone from impact despite weakening slightly as it moved north towards the capital on friday fierce winds and rain are expected. Sport down football fans in germany are celebrating the return of the bundesliga following the coronavirus lockdown when the matches kick off this weekend the 1st professional league games to regime in europe so its not just a sport but an economic driver as well europes big leagues well all be watching how the bundesliga fares with games being played and the unusual circumstances. Since mid march germanys football stadiums have fallen silent now the bluntest league aims to emerge from its coronavirus brick with socalled closed door matches without funds and under strict hygiene rules the idea to get back out on the pitch as soon as possible gets anyone who rejects close door matches neednt wreck their brains about whether the league will have 18 or 20 professional clubs playing in the future because in that case there wont be 20 professional clubs left. Its not only a make or break issue for the German League the other big european leagues are also deliberating how to emerge from the lockdown. The English Premier League is the biggest money maker in european football followed by the bundesliga and by spans. For the premier league and lega t. V. Revenue accounts for more than half of all income. Its slightly less than that for the bundesliga but theyre determined to get the ball rolling again even without spectators if thats what it takes to keep revenues flowing. When matches are aired the advertising boards around the pitch will provide another financial boost in the Current Crisis the upcoming weeks will show how well the new concept works but there is no doubt that the game will be a different scene in south korea where the caley season kicked off last week gold celebrated with social distancing. A sign of the times. And a reminder of the top story were following for you this hour germanys economy fell into recession in the 1st 3 months of this year the cause of the coronavirus latest official data shows the economy shrank by 2. 2 percent. This is news and your up to date if we can remind of before we go that you can pick up the day on our web site with all the latest news and information thats. Dont call me and also follow us on twitter and instagram the social channels at news is the handle money is coming up in half an hours time from now and. See you again. India. Using some of the palaces you again. Say. Innovation projects are helping moco to make the switch to renewable mahmoud may be enough to meet their energy needs go. On going crazy thing in full time. How to handle our new lives in times of the corona and then w. Reporter. Just like everyone else and shes looking for answers and thankfully with the help of in a few other. Ways thank you this is not life as we know it shot. In this together. Web series. Q. What do they dream of at night t. V. As cleaners they see the face of horror. Their job censoring for the social media industry. In manila there are thousands of socalled content monitors to take they scrub the terrifying images from online platforms. Horrific job for starvation wage the strain is enormous. The cleaners social medias shadow industry starts to nates on t. W. Hello welcome to equal weight india a sustainability magazine web be bringing you solutions to some of the most open problems affecting our plot that a focus today is on Renewable Energy and how societies opterons

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