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In years and the coronavirus is complicating efforts to assess the damage and bring relief. Also on the show beat not illegally deported human Rights Groups a few police in greece of physically assaulting migrants and forcing them back into turkey. Im going out as welcome to the program more than 5000000 people on our known to be infected with the coronavirus new infections are easing in europe and the u. S. But experts say a 2nd wave is inevitable in latin america new cases in brazil which reported the continents 1st case back in february is seeing the most new cases on wednesday alone the country recalled almost 20000 new infections if the trend continues its likely that brazil could soon. The 2nd highest number of cases in the world. Im now joined by a Christian Lynn my from the World Health Organization in Geneva Christian the w. H. O. Says 106000 new cases have been reported in the last 24 hours the most in a single day since the outbreak began as lockdown was pictures i eased in many places but still far from out of the wood zoe. Indeed we are going to take to you. If we look at the Global Trends we do not see a decrease we actually see a small incline so that shows us that 6 seche as you just mentioned the going down of segas in Central Europe and also in some other parts of the world is not the complete picture its not that if we chart also like turning off the faucet and then suddenly just no more drops of cases anymore the cases continue and actually we will see more cases and many other countries who have been only starting to be hit by the virus now and who may have a weak the Health System especially the cases in brazil also show us that it is important to have also side the approach to social sites and the coronavirus to fighting the great because this way you need to include instead of polarizing you need to include everything from the Health System people to the economy only then can you win this fight for so you just mentioned brazil the situation there seems to be worsening significantly where else do you expect such a escalations. Once fortunately we out 1st of all to see that countries little middle and come country is also enough acuff may certainly be a problematic case and so also the rest of latin america. Because these countries only start to see cases now and remember were talking about a window d of opportunity for about 2 months that we can prepare these countries and these countries can prepare themselves to help them to equip so get the tests ready to get the hospitals ready to get everything ready what they need. A lot has been done 130. 00 times these have been seized the city receives assistance from the world thats in the section but they will still seem to be receiving cases and of course another reason for increasing cases will be that countries as they start using the lock down people will start mixing again will go on holiday as well and starts up being in contact again and so on so we should expect a rise in cases again. The european the European Unions virus response chief says europe pass a prepared for a 2nd wave when does the w a g o expect that in europe. I think dont think we can call it on one of the wave will be should not look from one way its what this wave means its uptake on the us another rise on the relapse in cases that we havent seen in flux and tases off the baby increases have gone down. With all the easing off of measures now and. Communicating and says it could increase its as a context of people again we will see a rise in cases and you know this is the 2nd wave everybody is talking about they may not all be at the same time its maybe their sons from country to country or from region to region but a rise a secondary officer there advising tases is very likely concern and my w. H. O. In geneva thank you. If. India and bangladesh are assessing the damage left by one of the most violent storms in years. Fun has left a trail of destruction and coastal communities and west bengals main city kolkata millions of people that are without electricity and the coronavirus is hampering relief efforts. In a last ditch effort these bangladeshis are preparing for the worst. Feeling sandbags with their bare hands they braved conditions brought on by one of the most powerful cyclings in decades. Meteorologists have dubbed it a super cycle lane and as it headed inland it lived up to that name. It sent water surging inland some 25 kilometers the damage compounded by winds of up to 185 kilometers per hour. In comic conditions inside kirov bangladesh volunteers help to bring locals to safety more than 2 and a half 1000000 people who were evacuated to shelters like this one which brought new concerns amid the corona pandemic of what the union but he said there is a shortage of Drinking Water there are sanitation facilities for them that nurse or should distance is maintained for that reason the fear of the corona virus spread is persistent theyre. Already scrambled to evacuate residents in the cyclons projected path of destruction but that may leave them vulnerable to an increased risk of the fires 50 kilometers west into cop a attempts at social distancing futile. I think there are too many people here its impossible to maintain social distancing i am very concerned we couldnt stay home due to the storm and here is the tension of coronal im just trying to dodge both. And im precedented challenge for millions in pan couldnt have come at a worse time. Officials in india and. 80 people have died in this. Correspondent has been following this story for us from delhi and sent us this update. Well thats just like run up on me remember you will not be sincere and yet and on the leash was sent to be assessing the damage wrecked by the sank you already in the state of vesting quality in india has estimated losses i want to try to begin gold was claiming that one was everything would have to be rebuilt from scratch in the us that have been worst hit the evacuation efforts were forced complicated by the crew and i understand that many people who are concerned about moving into shelters because of crowded situations and invited about contracting to riot is why they would have been sent to us. And also flight have prevented extensively just 20 years ago a similar cycle and saw the loss of life and housing of people that is a case now to be made that is in the engine for structure these regions already are very strong and psych one problem and Climate Change has led to the extreme but it was becoming more common in these events. As well reporting that now time for a look at some of todays coronavirus developments the chinese city of the epicenter of the outbreak has issued a total ban on hunting breeding and eating wild Animals Research suggests the virus most likely spread from wild animals to humans through such practices a top u. S. Scientist said people should not count on a vaccine being developed soon William Hazeltine said the best approach was to manage the virus through Contact Tracing and strict isolation measures when it starts spreading irans Deputy Health minister says some 10000 Health Workers have been infected with the virus in the country the Meat Processing plant in the netherlands has been closed after some 45 employees tested positive for the covert 98 virus its the latest in a number of large or breaks in european slaughterhouses. Now lets take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world German Airline towns are has confirmed its close to sealing a deal with the German Government over a 9000000000 euro carona rescue package under the plans the federal governments economic Civilization Fund would require a 25 percent stake in the airline. Severe flooding has hit the u. S. State of michigan after 2 dams failed following heavy rain officials warn a city or 40000 people could end up on the almost 3 meters of water thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes. Votes are being counted after burundis president ial election the day passed peacefully despite fears of violence the Main Opposition Party has accused the saudis of electoral fraud saying its observers were chased away from polling stations there were a few independent observers on election day. Police in greece have been accused of beating up migrants and illegally deporting them back to turkey reports that Greek Security forces physically assaulted migrants emerged earlier this year and thousands gathered in border areas of the turkey encourage them to travel to europe votes now t w and other investigative reporters have been able to confirm some stories of abuse and illegal the petitions of the tracking down victims in turkey they allege greek Police Arrested them without a warrant and forced them onto boats back to turkey. Now and schmidts is one of the coauthors of that report and joins us now from the greek city of tesler nicky florian what have you been hearing from the migrants who say theyve been beaten by greek police. Hello together with our partners like no yelling cats and it touched us how we were able to locate migrants in turkey who basically told us that they were arrested by creek police under false pretenses saying they would be issued no papers and they were taken in almost all of them say that the police confiscated their phones and other personal belongings some told us it was violence involved and then they say that they were brought in and then to the everest river between turkey and greece where they were put on dinghies and pushed back to the turkish site. At the end of march turkey correspondent you interviewed refugees at the Turkish Border dawn of it during air and found people with some similar stories thats just briefly listening. To the recruiters were from afghanistan and weve been working here in turkey for 3 to 4 years or situation is very bad here we crossed into greece in order to go to europe we waited for 3 to 4 days at the border and then we had to thessaloniki there the greek police beat us and sent us back here you know just on the greek police took off all our clothes last night we only had boxer shorts left us we had nothing left. To hit us again and again with a stick to. Telling you they told us to lay down like that when we did they beat us they said get out and then they hit us again and. For those are pretty strong accusations has there been any official response from the greek government. We didnt get a response the government of course denies everything they call the allegations regarding Human Rights Violations like recall an oarsman press you know fabricated and false interestingly though they also say that the measures taken so far have been proportionate to the gravity off the situation great medias eagleton you gentle aggressive surveillance the conservative government here is under a lot of pressure to manage the migrant situation in greece many greeks feel like the country is doing their dirty work for europe maintaining the infamous hot spots on the island and the us support the government even with such drastic measures like pushbacks would also be wrong to scapegoat greece in this situation since brussels has not managed to come up with a sustainable solution for the migrant situation of or on the border situation was difficult enough before the coronavirus what impact has the pandemic had on the situation that. The question is much rather how does corona affect the situation within the country the border between between greece and turkey is officially closed all official dipper taishan procedures are on hold at the same time the coronal look down and the strict measures imposed by the state of greece made it a lot easier for the police to extend into the mainland interest migrants in refugee camps and in the cities so according to the people we talked to the corona looked on initiated a new strategy of push back from greece to turkey for instance one of the authors of this research thank you and you can find the full report on our website thats of course w dot com. From deer venturing into london to the return of rare sea turtles and thailand virus lockdowns have allowed nature to thrive in ways not seen for many years here in berlin a group of wild boar made a day trip into the city last week some 20 animals including piglets robot ends southern suburb of sale and. Then Police Arrived and blocked off the streets to help them safely on their way. And in case youve ever wondered how to refer to a group of wild boars its a sound you know that took you watching the news from berlin im gadol 1st im back at the top of the hour with an update thats all from us here in berlin thank you very much for. Going after. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona update. Coverage 19 special next on d w

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