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Made for mines. The old will be soon the big match the more they get the more they want. The human beings are motivated to have a lot of stuff because psychologically speaking it gives them. They may be able to live forever this put a. New money is the thing in me i grew up in the way that still made money even if i was there you know does it then its done my if i believe i have to assert my ego the only way i can he does that is say through this really. Simplicity thats a purpose of. Why do i care that you got more than me if i got enough to sustain me. Thats. Consistent it builds up all. No horses and the prominent one of. The breed. The horses they are go so far as to say it is a symptom of an element of. A war basically in a sense no different than a member we are attracted to anything that fosters life and pleasure they were appalled stunned afraid to go anything that threatens that state of affairs we had to have a balance in life. If we dont see whats going to be cannot flush treat one thing i would love to say that you must always think of your death. A flemish proverb holds the world as a haystack and each man plucks from it what he can and. We humans wish to have to possess. But i ask myself. Can we have anything without taking it away from someone else. In 1657 the portuguese came through mozambique they were the 1st people to be exploited in gold. Up or go as they get a farm. So anybody sets itself up somewhere you could just extract the windows and begin my way. You can imagine that done. 10 times because thats about whats called of us by one person in court it is from. This was absolutely unfair on the african continent. Keith. Jackson to stand by people. He didnt write to or he she will obvious wilsons. Aleric police she was right. And the man has done a lot for me. And assured that the masses. Which they look for and. We may not have kicked off at the best of how things should be but people are catching up and that particular movie met. All the people must. Eat was my new t. G. V. Designated all quality not. Only. On the. Sashes piece the name destroyed my own. Name cathy. And. Not just joy must pass. On to this food pantry full more newbies eat more. Yet be sure to be corny. And. See. When the christian missionaries got to africa how long had the africans been there. For average they were the 1st few moments and when they got there did they say oh we would like to learn about the customs that you have used for hundreds of thousands a years what do they say youre catholic are we. Right so they just said we are the bus the rest. Stop doing that. And youre catholic now lets play bingo. On the back of our head we know that the current western approach to life requires that we directly and directly take advantage of other peoples. And. Go to and they always have. Our ability to consume wantonly work choirs the involuntary subjugation of large swatches of the rest of the world. You cannot be an american and less you can have a banana any time you want to or coffee any time i want while for that to happen i need people to grow bananas. And i need people to grow coffee and they may like to have Something Else besides been a coffee but were just going to send our military and install our businesses there and spend. The military. Leaders of the fortune 500. 00 companies are literally in symbolically inexplicably and. Thank. You say that exploited as in only 5 days in africa is wrong. Most out of being countries have good lives even a new america this new people would take people illegally keep them and give them as lets you know using them. In all sorts of things so that must go because it isnt the right thing to do on on a human being that of a. God to his will for what kind of porn big you can brick the bondage. I doubt. It was i am not i live life on earth. I know not. My way. I. Ringback wouldnt. Fit. In the people call story of people conquered wanted to build a tower that would reach to think that. God punished its pride by creating a confusion of languages. The tower of babel. The alternate symbol of selfindulgent and excess. When him and so aspire to be gods of bad thanks happen. I. I. I. I. I i i. Would have emma had to know if you know its in 1904 who fell and i started working for the bad financial status and she soon discovered some strange things and tried to speak with management about them and docs that it was about politics i dont want but the bad management werent all too pleased about that we did and he was fired and then he became a whistleblower oh its a posse want to see the tax status of the swiss tax authorities he figured theyd take action given that Richard Quest and frank. Was here to go off shore so image but id like to talk about for shoring today this time off shoring i mean not only tax havens but also what i call havens of collusion and concealment and that since he was auckland this is ugly and house in the Cayman Islands and i registered address 1900000 different companies. As president obama set in either its the biggest building in the world the biggest tax scam well its not the biggest has just out is this and. This current estimates say about 21. 00 or maybe 31000000000. 00 us dollars are hidden off show offshore for stake to. Be id im afraid because i was part of a system and i know how hes been able and. Hes a maintenance hes done in. This strewn with corpses is an engine. Ive become an opponents of capitalism because i see what terrible things it stands out of well dont believe that all the west has interest itself with the expense of 3rd world countries on a massive scale siege and a man of that i believe is contrary to all humanity get any of it mentions chi kate minus of its. Being in close who currently hold power will use every means of their disposal to mean childer system remains in place unchanged misty and so lost me as hoyt these. The hubris of the awards of finance is exploitable in a few ways one is we have the highest regard for people who appear to have the capacity to generate infinite amounts of money i think another reason that we venerate is that it just appears to be magic money makers make money out of making money and then finally i just think money has become the new god and kind of a secular universe. Im not saying people shouldnt be in breach you would get them like. There are those who dont actually cant they just take take. It causes problems. When we have the kings who i mean the world from their palaces they knew the value of gold the more i have looked to the more i could have wealth whatever i want and thats how wed close and then make sure that the put of people gets put it we saw that back then and we starting to see today again. For people who are surrounded by poor people for the most part theyre not the proudest its one there is poverty juxtaposed with inordinate riches thats what fosters depression and on wildness. There are people who say this is a good thing the self interested people acquiring as much as they can or that they would like. A rising tide lifts all boats and some people are going to have more thats fine while the counterpoint though as that i dont think it is fine. I wonder is mankind perhaps not an era of evolution. Natures bizarre experiment on a small blue planet. Are we really mentally incapable of looking at. Theres been any number of great civilizations as attacks. That have from time to time and floated on themselves. If you look back historically that societies that have collapsed they often do so right after they appear to be at their most auspicious moment. If we think we can just keep being creasing the number of humans on the planet and provide each of them with the lifestyle that we in the west currently enjoy without turning this into a humanly on inhabited small during hate but i think were deluding ourselves our friends see the sire for infinite amounts of stuff or have the paradox of consequence being the 1st form of life to be responsible for our own expection its very ominous i would argue. Its. Nice to see ground 0 for climate science. For this is for because thats closest to the big ice. And this is whats happening. In 1078 as a run of for the elders akiva talk at the United Nations that depict ice is melting so were not finished standing ovation and this and then they say that that. Alone is a well spoken young eskimo for nobody heard the message. At the time of birth this ice was on average 5 kilometers think for now on me a ridge will be about 2 kilometers that means 3 kilometers of ice has melted. When it gets woma i need these getting warmer every single day more oneself is. The water were literally spanned more than 2 meters. Its only 75. 00 centimeters or by the sea level. None done is less than the main task while. I wanted you to see these big guys to feel what energy. This big ice on the top of the world carries to wish them because everything what happens oh mother earth would end up in the north him as fair fall in and knock tica southam astray and. Horny faces polish seekers. Telling you something. My time is like a teenager. They dont care but whats going to happen tomorrow. I swear milt. In your lifetime you. Before you become old like me most of this one would be gone. Catastrophe is on its way catastrophe you and i be cannot even imagine. Would his. Current. Promethea use stool fire from the gods and gave it to humans. In punishment zeus created to seductively pandora. And gave her a box as a gift. Even though she had been warned not to and to her opened the box. And all the evils of the world escaped. Only hope left inside. The human race we have a tremendous decent track record so far of extricating ourselves from profound difficulties once we understand what produces them. We have that the value way of our use is this important to many because im a culture old maid but the juice having my strings pulled by the society of large were really systematically questioned what i want and why i do what i do. So you either give been despair and do nothing or you do some. Do or with passion and conviction. It was a project that i started for myself to try to. Get rid of everything that i owned. Because i found that the more things i own the less happy i was. Travel and i noticed that i didnt really miss all of the things that i had owned and when i got back i couldnt really tell you what those things were so rather than continuing to keep them i decided to get rid of those things in. The cold it was like a website i put together and i listed everything that i owned at the time and it put a description next to and the price tag. And then over the course of about a year i sold all of that stuff with the goal of trying to get everything down into 2 boxes and 2 suitcases. And kind of my rule was that if i couldnt remember kind of last time that i used something i would get rid of it. I find myself not worrying so much about what im going to buy next but more like what im going to do next or where im going to go next. The idea of minimalism metaphor some self in our work in a lot of ways but mostly because what were known for is really how our product looks. To me that wealth isnt is not measured by what you own or how much money is in your bank account you can also be having experienced a lot in your life i think its very important. For even having some very solid relationships with your friends like theres Nothing Better than a good friendship. And it makes a lot more sense to invest in that than it would when something just feels right but that sell very right for myself. Given the engine to me engineering. Team engine you know. If somebody could take one clever use in every country in this world a person with good vision a person who is honest if every president of every government could say for one day get someone out of the soul society to be a president of that country just fall like that one day it could make a big difference. The manifesto. For us the real youth of the planet the Climate Crisis is a matter of so you World Leaders have known about the climate catastrophe for 25 years we cannot simply sit back and watch those Work Together the climate clock is ticking on. The main problem of this planet is the mind and people who know the consequences of work and happen what did people know what is right in people nor does wrong and still they dont do the right thing. I want to ask why so it makes me both angry and sad like. Im a you know im a human being too like why cant you listen to my decisions about my life like who appointed you ruler of the world large you to. Decide to take away my future so were now here. Because youre frustrated and you want to make sure this can. I just straight. Take. One. Trip. Knowing. That im going on so little. In malawi more than 70 percent the young people so im kind of like ok if the if young people we dont i go to now then when is it going to be the right time in hong kong. There is a lot of youth teenagers they start to think to change decided by their own. The american for example has large Petroleum Reserves because by the by politicians are only interested in the money there. Exploiting the ocean explode and dont care that its being polluted by oil and that species are dying out its important that they dont care as long as they make a profit a thing and but the mexican people are profiting from it all. By blood on his gun already you know the theyll keep getting and getting and thats why greed is black people are confused and they dont understand so if they were come somewhere else and they were to be taught Something Different they could probably step out of that and then look back at how their life was and be like oh my god like my life was not actually that good even though i have all this stuff. That. Electricity on me i speak for those that stand by and say this is my continent. Its not too late and the time must come will fight and make a difference. I am. Playing. Live. Live. Live. Humans appear to be the only creatures from existence without purpose is meaningless. I believe there are 2 exceptional days in every life. The day were born. And the day in which we understand our purpose. What is important. What is essential. What do you live for. I think happiness is vastly overrated being happy is not an important but happiness in a knob itself does not ensure that life is meaningful it does not stop us from tranquilizing ourselves with the trivial. If youre just out to be happy. Theres a lot of ways to do good it doesnt render any im not sure and it certainly doesnt render you in a position to sincerely confront the fact that youre in a from a role and to to dust and to die. I would argue that theres got to be more than sue life than the singular. So. You need some stuff but you know i like shoes on my bicycle in my house but im still with mary poppins and the walk around im not for us as good as a feast. To me i oftentimes happiness is found in the things that you didnt expect to find positive so just to give you an example recently one evening i was out with my kids wed taken a walk to the park and we were walking home and weve had lots of what we call fireflies Lightning Bugs for bugs that light up in the evening. And so we spent 45 happy minutes catching fireflies we played with them for a while before we let them go. Its those quiet moments when everything seems to be working well together youre enjoying the people youre with youre enjoying the activity youre doing and oftentimes its found in those situations that you cant buy your. Course. Or you. With this of furnishes best there ever there is a society of people who have crossed materialism and consumerism founded to not be the answer of happiness and peace and perhaps thats one of the diff 1st gate that opens them up to finding answers not an external but finding much more answers within ones self but you may not i think. Youre always in the drivers seat. And therefore you can choose to drive straight or you can choose to drive wrong and saw your own organise your own potential of being mindful is much more powerful. I think happen esus found that there is in a content simplicity and content. You have to go to the school of anxiety in order to ever become one with 2 or human being. It takes courage to say this entity there is an amazing man who was here yesterday and is here today. May not be here tomorrow and will not be here in some vague way unspecified future of a series. Of takes some guts. Were just starting to study what happens to older people as they become more aware of. Some people become wiser become more compassionate and now the trick is how do we better for a quit speaking pop that in a bottle and get young adults to start drinking and. We need so let go. When you will not impress anybody. How many bad shoe cares from a Shopping Center will not impress. What kind of car you drive is not going to impress. The difference. Is what you bring from you in your home to the world. And i want to give you an experience. Which directly relates to this celebration of life. I dont know if you can feel the energy. This is the midnight sun and this is the form on completely opposite to one another. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Whoa whoa. Whoa whoa. Whoa. Your honor the. Life. In itself. So you have to recreate your ceremony to celebrate your life oh thats the key for the change that nor the key. There are solutions. Or hopes of. The grade is a complicated of motivational forces has driven creativity innovation and discovery on the other hand with each uniquely human innovation their spending on an anticipated downside. It is a blessing and a curse. Were probably the 1st faces to run into the problem and evolution doesnt create solutions to problems that dont exist. Evolution is blind evolution doesnt plan for the future evolution doesnt worry about moral consequences. Yamaguchi has moral principles i dont know them to be but we dont live by them anymore. That is our problem we need to listen we not its not always easy. To understand that every action of my father my speech and my color. Interconnect and impact the lives off the others. Yet fact genuine sense selfawareness could be developed human like could be and is the most powerful and the most beautiful gift for everyone oh i can. Put it in one of his notebooks come to terms with if there after anything is possible. The. This is what my mother would do she says old. Oh. For which. Though it is for my you. Believe the sure would. Be. Enough. To find decent accommodation. Matches for. The top 100. 00 christmas. Last minute mason one of which. Secured for the british coming to my. Mate. On d. W. Going to enter the European Union indeed thats what the turkish government owes refugees before the coronavirus come to. The us in a family from afghanistan and many others took it out its was. The start of a painful journey that is still not over. 90 minutes on t w. 7 2. Then beethovens Pastoral Symphony is the foundation of an International Art project. To mark the 50th anniversary of the composers 1st beethoven worldwide. Through project starts june 4th on d w. This is t w news coming to you live from berlin concern grows over chinas plans for the semi autonomous territory of Hong Kong Police step up their presence in hong kong amid protests over beijings proposal for a culture of virtual new security law critics say it will fall in the city also in the program the u. S. Death toll from tobit 19 crosses the 100000 more companies criticism of the trip ministration could have acted earlier and saved thousands of law. Plus president oppose

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