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When kid news starts training at 10 oclock in the morning in st petersburg. Its really in the afternoon where your boss lives 4500 kilometers further east on lake by count. Both live in russia the largest country in the act. But russias true greatness it is said lies not in its area but in its people there are more than 146000000. 00 russians each with a story to tell. Stories full of hope and joy. Of sadness and anger. On our trip through this vast country we will meet 6 people from 6 different generations. By. Living each has much to town about childhood and youth about working and growing lot. About life in big cities and in tiny villages about having children and about dying in russia. Through them we discover life in russia from birth to death. The touch lives. I am. This time our journey takes us from the north west across the country to siberia and then to central russia. Cool. At the metallurgical combine days began with an alcohol test. Its one of the obligatory Safety Measures at this company which is one of russias largest steel works. Place. To meet 3 can cause is a process technician at Blast Furnace number 5 which is bigger than any Blast Furnace in europe. Its a fiery giant more than 100. 00 metres high. Iron ore and coke are let in at the top of the structure. At the bottom it spews out more to include iron. 13 and a half 1000 tons every day. A sub and i said whats special about our Blast Furnace is that it runs all year long day and night of. The furnace is nicknamed 70 m. Kind which translates roughly as nordic beauty although said that a young because heat isnt very nordic. Which him is it her job is to give us the smelting product crude iron. Bars are good fats the material we earn our money with accordingly being developed. Just makes doing the crude for pink irony is clear. Pressed and shaped. Timidly it seems to make steel a material that is essential in areas ranging from construction to the gas industry. Its also central to Economic Life and a symbol of russias heavy industry. That michel is that the symbol of the i started here when i was 20 right after the army here it wasnt a random bus station lamplit back then this was one of the best industrial plants you could work out in terms of their pay on the social benefits but its still like that today but. Several young guy provides on of russia with iron less than half of the steel produced here is export it. Blast furnace number 5 seems to live brief and sometimes. To act out when it 1st went into operation more than 30 years ago it was served by more than 700 workers today there are just 176 of them and they take care of the furnace and ensure that the blaze never goes out. Yeah its awful especially as im a steel smelter from head to toe 1st i worked as a smelter at the runoff then as a gas worker and watched them for then i got further training and became a plant operator. Im like a search of the water breaks every day and is only seen as special by outsiders for me this is every day routine so if there are still sitting. With an output of more than 70000000. 00 tonnes per year russia is the worlds biggest steel producer dimitri conconi is proud to be doing his small parts to contribute to that and to secure a livelihood for himself and for his family who will meet later. And him. But 1st we are off to siberia moving 5 and a half 1000 kilometers and a generation onwards to lake by con. Here we meet a woman who is also proud of her working life although it lies a while back. Stop it you. Both more each other is 79 years old and for more than 20 years shes been retired like more than 40000000 others in russia back when she became a pensioner women retired at 55 and men at 60 since last year the retirement age has been raised by 5 years for both. Bob or you as shes lovingly called by her family has been living on her own since her husband died more than 10 years ago you may think that she has plenty of free time on her hands but she isnt entirely alone in her house on the lake she has 4 dogs 5 cows 2 calves and 4 chickens to take care of that takes up much of her day. Even so she still finds time to pursue a passion of hers these are ice skates from the 1943 can you imagine crazy with a 943 and i still use them. The steel blades can be fastened to her simple felt boots and they make lyubov just as happy today as they did 70 years ago when she put them on for the very 1st time. Could. Be. Tonight. You are yes i was that jimmy ice means movement having someone to go. Well that was very they call that the credit i put on the runners and skate around the entire peninsula. Oval office over. The peninsula is lubov more each other of us homeland on the legendary bicolor. Vast mysterious and with a touch of melancholy. Led by karl is sometimes said to be a mirror of the famous russian song. You both says the lake gives her hope and assurance. Played by cole is everything yeah i love to sing the songs about us when the whos in. Benghazi move the wave stay on life doesnt have to swim ha its wonderful that. The above says she is certain that mighty lake by count will grantor on long life at 79 years old she has just passed. The average Life Expectancy of russian women for men in russia the average Life Expectancy is 68 years 10 years less than in the e. U. With this average is rising due in part to falling alcohol consumption. Russians relation to death determines how our next protectionist makes a living we visit him in the republic of to stand in the town of. 1400 kilometers east of moscow. More than 1800000 people died in russia in 2019 even in earns his living with a burial tradition that is popular here. He makes gravestones with pictures of the dead. The portraits show the deceased in the heyday of their lives yvonne makes and sells the tombstones directly next to the cemetery. On the prologue so i make a special there hardly every day any more still. In russia a persons great is a place where their life can be celebrated their social status wealth and popularity. Here the dead whether cheech or athletes managers and mafia are shown at their desks dancing making music or going for walks. Its a way of summing up their lives and yvonne babin creates a memorial to them. For eternity. This is god each izing grave here with a special needle big by bit but did you ask that you could transfer through the careful it took me a week to complete this headstone you know what each client is different when you know one says i want to square one i dont need any figures others tell me i dont like square one so i need Something Like this if its a new another for the poor the cardinal for if it was through everyone has their own taste their own vision that youre that this has been a tradition for generations i guess somebody thought it up it makes sense of the news. Events profession is in demand in russia with its aging Industrial Society today one out of 3 russians is over 50 and although the number of people who died in 2019 was lower than the Previous Year the government has been raising the alarm that many people are being born in russia and the Public Relation is shrinking. The forecasts say that in 15 years there could be 12000000 fewer russians alive then today. Even babin sees himself as a mediator between the generations. That are gravestones of for the living there the grandchildren and great grandchildren are. Going to digital my children will have me put on my headstone to tell the next generation this was your grandpa that they give the script by me think thats how we commemorate the dead to be a place. From the soul to industry. The fire a steel plant in china projects. Steel is hard and durable. The stuff of russias stable future and dimitri can cause presides over its production hes responsible for the safe operation of Blast Furnace number 5 for several young. Theres nothing romantic about it because i feel. First of all my job is physically and emotionally demanding anything can happen and you might so i have to be vigilant all the time we get there. And things do happen as in every industrial plant there have been a number of incidents involving say very young. 12 years ago a device malfunctioned and caused a fire on the roof of the control room leaving one person dead and several injured and this year an explosion killed one of dimitris coworkers. And we men have always compared our Blast Furnace with a woman with p. T. S. D. You have to watch out how you approach your. Mission. There were times when my colleagues would shave before they shut down the furnace for repairs but. They wanted to make a good impression so that she wouldnt play tricks on them. If they can use them or that sounds silly. Thank you but its true. That. For a long time russia has tried to modernize its economy and make its industry more efficient but in the past few years its growth rate has languished well below that of other emerging economies now the government wants to make the economy expand faster than the global average. Its putting nearly 370000000000 euros into Major National projects to improve infrastructure over the next 5 years by 2024 year president Vladimir Putins current term in office and russia wants to be among the 5 biggest economies in the world and be independent of foreign products for reasons of National Security says the kremlin. A country has to be able to defend itself to be independent. Without the Metallurgical Industry that would be unthinkable so much thats why our plant is so important to additionally we sell steel and earn revenue with it is where they started we create jobs pay taxes and raise russias prosperity. She however takes care of her own livelihood the above is an independent woman. I have a son a daughter and 5 grandchildren that is they live in the city. The city is it could skate around 300 kilometers away and a 5 hour drive from evolves house but the resilient ice skater knows long distances from her childhood then clear up there were starting in the 1st grade i had to travel 4 kilometers to school and 4 kilometers back on my skates. What got this going off if there was no ice we had to walk and i did this we kids didnt like that so much but there werent any cars so we had to go by foot and it was in the Circus School Service Corps although i cant tell you how many times i nearly drowned. Once 3 of us was skating home there was a crack in the arse whatever the well as the most reliable pump i wanted to know where it started so i kicked at it with my skate and suddenly i fell into the water. In january. And i just managed to reach out with my arm so the other girls could pull me out. My friend marcus said uber lets walk on the shore otherwise youre freeze the wind was freezing but in the forest it was warm. And so i headed home and walked in walked in arrived half frozen when i got there my mother said where were you what i said i was and not to studying. The law. Finding you both house is not easy there are no signs or numbers only a narrow unnamed path leads to it. The nearest settlement is called beyond say its 60 kilometers away one and a half hours by car. Its a small town with just 4000. 00 residents half of them are ethnic russians the other half were yachts and indigenous mongolian ethnic group. This part of siberia is one of the most economically disadvantaged areas in russia the official unemployment figure for the country is just under 5 percent here its twice as high in places was. The the east. This is you know i dont have any neighbors but im not scared other people should be afraid of me i have a gun that doesnt shoot but i can get people with it. Ok but if. From the peaceful spot in siberia back west to the settlement of tina shot in the republic of bush quarters than. It has just 4000 residents but 200000 graves. This is where most burials take place from the nearby regional capital a city of 1000000. Stone mason event babin lives next to the gigantic cemetery with his wife marina and their children we met at the cemetery. I was selling flowers i worked in the Personnel Department and on the weekends i sold flowers. Of the house it was just to make money on the side trip but that i would hate drive up in his delivery truck and ask me to marry him. And go look at deluding yourself. That i wasnt and i felt her energy and i knew she was the one for made it pretty whilst at the y. You. Event is not the only entrepreneur at the team a shell of a cemetery gravestones are made in many of the yards here and a sea of plastic flowers extends along the approach to the cemetery sold into caves these are guaranteed to stay fresh for a long time was. Funerals are lucrative business in russia its one of the few branches of the economy that is scarcely regulated by the state. One of these gravestones costs 10000 rubles around 125 euros the equivalent of a months average pension the competition is stiff in this sensitive business. And my work has to do with people soldiers you know what i mean at the. Its not like repairing a car and i think. The clients come to me with their pain by crying. So if they tell me everything. I take it all to heart and at such moments i feel what i do is somehow noble or. At the children yet still melt they dont have time for nobility. At Blast Furnace number 5 dimitri can cause night shift is coming to an end. He takes a pragmatic view of his work to be there with a new boy in which the plant didnt exist my life would be a lot harder than yes im healthy and i have a good head on my shoulders and you realize that what the law i could travel and earn money elsewhere but it would be more difficult. Id have to search a lot and move often. Not that everything here has been easy i pad to work hard every year to get a raise to senior me. Many people in chatter think like dimitri nearly one 5th of russias steel is produced here more than 35000 of the citys 315000 residents are employed in the steel business they earn an average 70000 rubles a month the equivalent of 900 euros nearly double what people are in in many other professions here in china pontiacs. Ago at the the stable incomes and social benefits here are the reason people are peaceful the business grew up the worry that you would theres no unrest or protest here i mean it is that we have any peace because of them near their wards mr people around here earn a decent living for their work and they can count on getting their pay tomorrow and the day after because of the beauty of the posters of the sea there. But not all russians see their future so optimistically Living Standards are going down in the country 13. 5 percent of the population lives below the poverty line thats nearly 20000000 people according to a study by an independent only institute in 2918. 00 more than half of 18 to 24 year olds want to leave the country more than at any time in the last decade but dimitri can cough says its not an issue for his children. Im sure that i can paper my son if he wants to study at university. And i can look after my wife and daughter. What does the situation look like for older people russia is more than 46000000. 00 retirees receive an average pension of 15000. 00 rubles a month or 180. 00 euros for many about especially in the cities thats hardly enough to survive on. Others like the u. Bob murray child of our say they cant complain the cost of living is lower in the countryside than in big towns. And barbara certainly doesnt have to pay for water when the sun is up she gets her from lake baikal the oldest and deepest freshwater reservoir on earth. Look at the stones. The water in the lake is so clean that you can drink it directly. In the skin says just good say i dont have time to be over but theres always something that needs doing. But im not as strong as i used to be i have back pains from the hard work. Carrying water and shoveling out the manure is hard. And there was a bit right. For half a century of moderate charge of art work and a large factory. Like dimitri in a steel mill in china pov yet she learned several technical professions on the job. Worked as a puncher a welder a mother operator and later as a production and. There you are you dirty old things. Were worried you might matilda come here my darling. Any way other than. Your boss remembers her working life in the soviet union as the happiest years of her life. Shes not alone in feeling that way nostalgia for soviet times is widespread in russia at the moment. A recent independent study found that 75 percent of russians you the soviet era as the greatest period in russian history. Oh i will be. Over oh it hurts my ribs a collapsing i was the matter come on or fiji where were you. The moocher always shows up at meal times. And so do her friends. Think. That it. Really hit. And. We leave this slice of bucolic life in siberia and return to the place where death is part of daily routine to the entrepreneurs at the cemetery. One of the rituals here is the open coffin it enables the relatives to see the face of the deceased for the last time. Was. Come i feel. The final route to the graveyard is lined with small pine branches. And. Even bobbin is familiar with all the rituals but where he works things are loud and busy. Several of the graves at the team of a cemetery are being remodeled. The one other. Government that. Wants are. Those of a base here neither nic of the modern or the i want this job isnt for everyone because you think whats special about it its just a building site with cement but ive had colleagues who had to quit after one day at a cemetery or in most schools and get Business News or. Display something mystical about it mystical. Mystical is a word which doesnt carry much meaning for the former factory employee and atheist new boss of more each other. I thought yes but serious here i think and i was actually my to. Just as thank you. Whatever notable rubbish. Wants rubbish all of that with the church and all that the priests dressed in gold and silver its not for me i cant stand all of that. Whirling all the really do but elsewhere the Russian Orthodox church is experiencing a rebirth after decades of suppression in the soviet era. 65 percent of russians surveyed say they consider themselves believers. Church leaders claim that number is more like 80 percent in any case the strict conservative worldview of orthodox christianity is gaining influence in russian society. Is very well see a way to years is. Less. Severe was. Born in. The world. The lord have mercy is the central prayer in the Divine Liturgy Services can last for several hours. While on the all in one it. Was on. Her can. Only get in if you think about it logically there is nothing up there. Your soul doesnt fly up to heaven. You die and you eat and by worms. And that means dealing with. That means live with a clear conscience live on a sleigh and dont harm anyone and everything will be fine everything will be fine. With us. Dmitri can carve says he lives in harmony with his conscience and with the state he believes in a strong russia and in bloody mr putin whom he considers a strong president. Putin has governed russia for 20 years and he continues to be the countrys most popular politician. So you. Saw him. Yeah you know i respect hooten 1st of all hes a real man like me. I have a mans job in a team of real men. In russia a real man is someone who is reliable and every aspect of life someone you can depend on but. Someone who pursues their goals would be the concern love this different i love my wife and my daughter but i respect i respect him for his insurance his resilience and his poise. Alongside that praise for Vladimir Putin the man meets has a few critical words for russian politics. But. I dont want to go into geopolitical details about the reunification of certain parts of the land or other actions of broad yes. We have enough problems in russia itself like our dying bill is for developing our farming. I dont want us to import cucumbers from china we should grow them ourselves like in soviet times will see a story. But dimitri does not want russia to be isolated from the outside world like in soviet times and he does not want that for his children. After a few generations time will be friends with other countries so and will respect each other. In this place which stands for past there are also thoughts about the future. At the moment in the Municipal Cemetery and. Its about the fate of an old gravestone which iran bought and is replacing with a new one off and the families of the dead can only afford modest headstones immediately after the burial later they are replaced by costly or fancier versions the old ones are broken up and placed inside the grain. Was. Take over the old headstone belongs in the ground. It needs to stay in the grave. From. The new you cant just throw it into the trash heap right on. Russians are believers in a study carried out in 201742 percent of those questioned said they believed in life after death its no wonder that many people have a special relationship with cemeteries. A graveyard is a holy place. But theres no need to be afraid. Hold it quite well but you should be afraid in the c. C. Not here by a. Female but over in the steelmaking city f chanderpaul vs dmitri khan called also doesnt seem afraid. On the contrary he has found happiness here in his professional and his personal life. Here is the signal the whole world fi moved here in 1997 with a single back and now thanks to my job i have everything that you need to be happy. Of course our partner insists. I have a wonderful family and healthy children and relatives. See me i wish it was so i think im a happy man mr new my family is happy to. Live in a good country and life is good for him. They come over the governor was. Mum gourds is. Your stay or graduate. Ready the way out. 7 of order. By. You both more a child of us home is a mixture of apartments and gotcha she has everything to make her happy according to dimitris definition. And more. Of the yes well acquainted with cream cheese and meat and this fish in the lake. Between brain stems and balloons to visit yvonne bob and his family is to experience a blurring of the border between his professional life and his personal mission and that is what makes him feel fulfillment. Of the depression honestly i feel that my work brings me. Closer to god. That might have been an excellent final statement for our film if it hadnt been challenged by the life of farming pragmatism more the child of. From lake baikal i am i guess you would you good thought and some people are never satisfied they think everything is bad you know the were the you know the kind one wants a lot of money another needs a palace to live in the 50. 3 planks on a roof a person doesnt need more than that look you know that were all going to die one way or another even if you live in a palace but it was i and that ends our encounter with russia and 6 generations of russians between birth and death weve heard their stories full of joy and hold ups and downs stories full of life. I am. I am. I am. Mozart needs meanspirited dancing. A pretty cool musical. The economy the brooklyn classical the plus cuban. Long player sarah willis joins in with gusto. In the arts 21. In the 30 minute spot dolly. For. What secrets lie behind. Discover new adventures in the 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. P. W. World heritage 360 getting up now. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when well all miss. Just 3 of the topics covered and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the chrono laroche or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at dot com and slash science. Take to. This is deja news live from berlin some 6000000000 euros more pledged for the fight against the corona virus in high risk comes. The European Union kicks off a virtual pandemic fundraiser to help develop vaccines tests and treatments worldwide organizers are hoping a star studded concert will chords for more people to open their wallets. Dool demonstrations in berlin thousands of people take to the streets against racism and for gay pride

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