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Chinese. To reduce their pollution in. The democratic republic of congos silent an outbreak of measles is proving more deadly. And for an. Immunization and vaccine. Welcome to the program. French president. Arrived at. A German Government retreat where the 2 leaders. A meeting the chancellor and the president are set to discuss how to further promote their proposal for a multibillion your company fund among other you members of the talks time just 2 days before germany is set to take over the e. U. Presidency last opportunity to define how european legacy therefore should have ties next year. Standing by for us in message back with a meeting east asia place is you know because bonded tons of brown tons mechelen mccraw meeting face to face for the 1st time in portugal and whats on their agenda today but of course you can say that they are meeting face to face is a sign of trust after their la paz meetings have been taking place on video a sign of closeness and also a sign that the coordination that these 2 countries are planning in matters is being strengthened once again is being emphasized once again that is something that has been on the agenda and that has been continuing for many years between france and germany but much more clearly in focus is the Crisis Management is the need to have a calm the effects of the coronaviruses on the buyers on the European Union and as a result of this proposal by germany and france for 500000000000 euros in addition 250000000000 euros from the European Union have been proposed all of this has been become much more in focus here today its a lot of money were talking about and therefore. Seeking support from the other e. U. States for this 500000000000 euro go to a recovery proposal if you can call it that will they get the backing that they desperately need. Well there certainly are many countries in the European Union that desperately need that money what is controversial about this is that the proposal is that particular countries that are particularly in need will get grants all of those 7 150000000000. 00 i would say would be given the money without having to repay it and there are a group of countries in the European Union namely sweden denmark the netherlands and also who do not want that to happen they say that everyone has to take these monies as learns and repay those loans in addition one has to say that france in fact will also benefit from this money so france has a very particular interest in that but whether or not the grants will be approved is very much open to the top in the. Hunt its been 2 years since back kill and mccraw announced a death to vision in the building behind you bothering to read bigoted the european project what has come off that well one has to say that we are facing 2 very different government heads of government here michael is a young president in his 1st term he wants to show that he is a man of action that you can get things moving america as someone whos been in this business for a long time and has from her character a person who tends to be a lot more considerate considered about action taking action so in fact that declaration has not really led to very much in the past couple of years but under the crisis situation that we are facing at the moment both of these leaders have realized that action needs to be taking a lot more quickly that market in fact has moved significantly has approached the position of. And as a result theres much more action happening here no than 100 specs that hans braun speaking to us from mr burke thank you very much for that. Were joined now by francisco a brompton member of the German Parliament for the Opposition Green Party and its spokeswoman for European Affairs mr brown welcome to the double to the president must crawl and Johnson America will have proposed a massive economic rescue plan for the e. U. Do you think this is the right way forward. Yes we certainly need a mass if youre an investment that needs to come quick so we need agreement on it among Member States and the European Parliament by the end of july programs can still grow out during the next phase of the corona crisis to economic crisis so it must be fast but also whats important is what its going to be spent on and am i calling america im not completely in agreement matt is blocking more climate commitments more commitment by being when it comes to lets actually i think we need to really start a commitment at the money its going to be spent for the future youre talking about how this money is going to be spent but lets just talk about the 500000000000 euros that mechanism mccraw have proposed you say that this is the need of the but then there is some strong opposition is there not you have the netherlands austria sweden denmark that do not agree with the mandate in which this is going to be disbursed which is essentially in the form of grants they want just to be given out as lawns do you think that significant opposition can be counted. They have a significantly weakened still position to it when you listen and when you look into the statement and say it tastes change quite drastically so i think also for those 4 countries that you mentioned it is very important what a finding is going to be spent on day one to make sure its not just wasted it which i can understand so we all need to make sure that the money is conditioned by claiming protection this country under the rule of law and if you dont give it to those who bought to destroy democracy so i think its need to introduce an explanation ality it will make it easier for those countries to join on board to spread. Climate commitment and digitization something that should be on the agenda do you think this is a tall important. And. She talks about it when but when you look at what she does and fortunately the German Government has reduced its ambition when it comes to finalizing a climate law and e. U. Climate law by the end of this year which i really think its the wrong signal we need to have an improved enhance european climbed call for 2030 very end of his year. So in the same store for digital she talks about European Digital sovereignty but once you keep the German Market have for her way so i think you know you have to make tough decisions if youre serious about climate if you scared of european distills arent you have to take according decisions its an important time for chancellor merkel and germany as a whole as well because starting this month leading to the rotating presidency of the e. U. Considering all the things that you want. To do the whole confident are you that the German Government will be able to bring about significant change in the next 6 months at the universal. I am confident germany is after all the largest country to have we have a quite capable Civil Service so if germany is not capable of doing it who should and i really think that chancellor magnus should put in all her political weight that she has to make sure that your will be better off the crisis at the beginning of the crisis and i believe had a lot on her if shes ready to take the necessary or decisions thought ask from cisco brown a member of the German Parliament to with the green party of pleasurable and to thank you so much thank you theres been a talk in pakistans commercial hub the city of karachi the target was the Stock Exchange been doing police in the 4 sevenths kids at least 6 people before they themselves were coons. Looking for clues where the attack began Officials Say the 4 gunman drove the car to the pakistan Stock Exchange throwing grenades at a security post they then open fired with automatic weapons trying to fight their way in it didnt last long all 4 gunmen were killed by Security Forces before they could enter the Stock Exchange. Of the. Good. The other that was the center gate and the. Good of destruction building the Law Enforcement agency is the bulletin that in years played a very very vital role in combating this. The gunman killed at least 3 people 2 guards and a Police Officer police found large supplies of ammunition explosives and food on the militants and say its possible they had planned for a long siege the assault was likely claimed by the Baluchistan Liberation Army the separatist group has been responsible for a string of attacks in recent years demanding independence from pakistan for the resource rich baluchistan province the Stock Exchange is pakistans largest located in a high security zone bomb disposal teams were called to clear the building of any remaining explosives. Lets just bring you some more background on this for more im joined by my colleague shows of janani from. The attack has been claimed by benoit separatists what do you know about this socalled not just on liberation army. Well this is the militant group which has been active in the province of baluchistan for many years now they have targeted Security Forces theyve also behind the chinese attack on the chinese consulate you mentioned 2 years ago in karachi theyve also attacked a 5 star hotel in port of the water where china is building a huge Infrastructure Project and in the seaport so they are at all but the Pakistani Army the Chinese Development in baluchistan but the pakistani officials believe that they are backed by hostile foreign intelligence agencies and theyve basically point the finger at india and the intelligence and agency to draw. Her out she has in the past been linked to extremist violence what is behind that well for many years going to achieve Political Violence it was also subjected to violence by al qaeda and taliban groups but in the last 3 to 4 years that situation has really improved. Pakistani army and police have really gone after many of these Islamist Groups and separatist groups so this comes after you know after a long time and that is why theres a lot of worry the country is facing coronavirus it is canonically sinking and so this attack. Is a source of worry but officials are saying they have managed to respond quickly and able to save lives and that is why it was wrapped up within like 4 hours because if you spoke of economic problems that pakistan is facing is this attack on the Stock Exchange likely to shake confidence in pakistan financial one. Well the Investor Confidence was already low in pakistan this is even before the endemic came along and made matters worse clearly this will have a psychological impact because pakistani Stock Exchange is seen as one of those a high risk high return Stock Exchanges in emerging markets so theres a psychological impact but i think you know in a country like pakistan which just seems so much violence the government even says you know we were actually we did well weve even prepared and we were able to stop you know more bloodbath. And theyve gone to carry on pakistans economic problems. Are already quite severe and that this will only make it a bit worse should have learned from the asia does thank you very much now to some of the other stories making the news this at least 28 people have died in the barn of a ship. When a ferry capsized after the collision the boat was reportedly carrying around 100. 00 passengers but it was hit by a larger vessel christie was a continuing to search the river of victims. Germanys investigating 13000. 00 suspects as part of a probe into an online paedophile the latest in a series of child sex abuse scandals in the west of the country cybercrime investigators began the probe last october with the rest of a suspect near the city of toronto on. The lockdown of the northwestern german city of due to slow has been extended for another week the move follows an outbreak of the corona about assented at a Meat Processing plant that saw 1500 people infected by contrast the restrictions in the neighboring district of expire at midnight on wednesday as well as for the state of north rhinewestphalia. An investigation by the Associated Press news agency has found that the Chinese Government is forcing ethnic minority women to undergo various forms of Birth Control in a bid to reduce the Muslim Population e. P. Says it has evidence that women in the far western region. Have been subjected to sterilise or and even abortion to slush birthrates 2 months in a Detention Campaign zhang young has left scars on summer at dollywood but even once she was released this mother wasnt free along with other we go women in her area she was forcibly sterilized. But the last part of our body we lost our identity as women we will never be able to have children again they cut out one of our organs its gone. To. Go on our own mazak narrowly escaped a Detention Camp like them right she also has 3 children. To avoid prison for the multiple births she was ordered to pay a huge fine if shed already been forced to accept an i. U. D. Birth control device now she feels one of the lucky ones. If they did shots andrew foetuses forcefully. They wanted to ask the spouses permission or anything else. If they say its illegal they make you get an abortion those who didnt have bay were sent to the camps now people are terrified of giving birth wasnt until. March china has relaxed its one child policy across the country according to this investigation in zhang yang its tightened sterilise ations among women in the northern province of increased dramatically in 28243 were officially recorded but in the rest of the country there were just 32. Experts say this is all about beijing exerting control. As part of its policy to try to control the widows populations that do not grow as quickly and rapidly are easier to control as part of bridging scarse of social reengineering strategy in the area china though has hit back at these revelations. You are going with you are told all true through the media reports is purely for all tyria motives and baseless i also want to emphasize that both ethnic minorities and han people need to act in accordance with the law bodies eva humes. Many though see this investigation as yet more evidence that china is trying to cut its muslim and minority populations by any means necessary. While the world waits impatiently for a vaccine to be developed. Its hard to believe that a disease for which there is a vaccine is still killing thousands of people the Worlds Largest Measles Outbreak is spreading in the democratic republic of congo but while much attention has been paid to it and now the new coronavirus fighting missiles has been a lower priority with deadly consequences. Kristy lee is just receiving her measles vaccination shes not happy about the shot but her mother now feels reassured that her child is safe from the disease. We know about the importance of prevention if there is an outbreak my child is protected. A little christie v a safe measles has killed more than 6800 people since the beginning of the outbreak and only 29000 but the world and many donor organizations have been focused on the covert 19 threat and 2 separate Ebola Outbreaks here. For less than 2 minutes. Is that stuff if you dont want to is a global threat and thats causing a stir lots of people are interested because its a bone with measles is only a threat to underdeveloped countries in countries dealing with conflicts and that doesnt track the media. The Measles Outbreak as silently spreading as shadow of ebola and covert 19 humanitarian groups say it was neglected from the start supplying clinics with medicine has been problematic and Vaccination Campaigns have been delayed. But weve been. In the country has been experiencing many security incidents which has resulted in population displacement so there are thousands of children who are not being vaccinated on a regular basis you hear. These vaccines are being transported to must see a region suffering from a fresh wave of fighting between armed groups. Just loaded 2 boxes containing 33000 vaccines that will be used in a Vaccination Campaign and the baron b. S. O. Helped sell. The fight and i feel that ive already found it a baby and evil. Efforts continue despite major logistical and security challenges such as entire cities in regions being placed under lockdown to fight the spread of covert 19 to consequence children are missing out on routine vaccinations. Will refer to morris measles seems to have been forgotten even though its the most contagious disease more so than in bowler cove in 1000. 00 ruth brewski but wow those diseases attract interest measles is ignored for example in 2019 there were more deaths from measles than from ebola. Theyre more yellow roll. The death toll from measles is more than 3 times that of ebola the local population knows too well the threat of silent killer such as malaria malnutrition or measles. Joining me now is richard may he go hes the coordinator of the immunization and Vaccines Development program of the world and organizations in brazil really mr me he go thank you for joining us nearly 7000 people have been killed by missiles that too when a vaccine exists do you think all these debts were preventable. Thank you very much for having me on your show yeah unfortunately yes the response is it is very much preventable death we do have a very efficient vaccine thats up events our missiles are our outbreak and the fact that thats not the relation and the children would not be reached to receive the like city scene that is led to such a drama drama in the part of the d. R. S. There are significant just to come and security challenges in the d. R. See im just wondering how do you vaccinate a population in the middle of these challenges. When everywhere we have heard from the report that is just heard here sees a very fast its a country. Where most of the size of western europe. We said very poor network and there are some part of the country or sort of very wealthy countries that military with. Rebel movement around thats so this is not easy really to add to below the necessary just existence of that seem to reach the provision. That their big show unicef and other are working not only with the National Government training or sort of n. G. O. S make in this seth and other International Non Governmental Organization we part of our deployment those are areas that have very few cuts to reach out to provide basic. Services to these issues but its not just measles that youre dealing with is it you also have the. 19 disease how has this pandemic effect of the workers there organization. When youre right we as you know we have just came up from a very big get the ball up and break that was not part of the d r c the province of north kivu with 23. Last week we declared the end of Ebola Outbreak in the parts that is you know there is a new article out of brick that is that emerged in the west part of the country only what their province is us really. Taking a lot of resources in energy in the r. C. C. And this is march the coronavirus 19 outbreak has sources that today were close to 6 more than 6000 cases of course of virus so all of that are different and on top of that we can add other outbreak like our. Measles like a corner there are many judges that the president s not the. Less new there all the time a but thank you dont have running us richard me go over the governator in the president thank you so much. Thank you. Some soccer news now former european champions humbard suffered a shock to feet on the final day of matches in the german 2nd division the 51 home thrashing by son house and destroyed hopes of promotion back to the bundesliga it started badly after an all. Round draw in galen and it quickly got worse for one of germanys best supported clubs a heavy loss meant i didnt took the play off place instead and then face off again but even for a place in the bundesliga hamburg are condemned to a 3rd season in the 2nd division. Possibly the strangest ever been does league a season drew to a close on saturday only one thing remained constant buy in munich won the title again their 8th crown in a row all their spending it meant that the campaign closed in empty stadiums and it doesnt look like fans will be back anytime soon. The 57th been to sleep the season began as normal. Then came the pandemic and the lock turn suddenly distancing and safety were the watchwords empty stadiums must stars given humble sendoff such. Titles. Toasted sensibly with beer showers nowhere to be seen. And instead of players and fans standing together during the relegation battle there were appeals to reason. Better than me please were in the middle of a pandemic watch football at home on your clay here in the stadium at some point when its a load again well make up for it all. But when will that be possible. This is all you know 90 a world the next season that will run reasonably normally will be 22122. 00 so the coming season will likely look similar to the end of this one not the nicest of prospects. Youre watching to dump the news dont forget you can get the latest news and information on our web site thats t w dot com and you can follow us on twitter and instagram as well at d w news im going to try to do french to watch. The law. A little bit. Better but is it bad for our health. Telecoms technology. But how does it differ from. Say anything to the claim that its dangerous. The risks and rewards of a new generation of mobile telecoms tomorrow today. Next on t. W. Did Neil Armstrong really walk on the moon. Isnt the earth really flat after all does the government use planes to poison us. Conspiracy theories are spread like wildfire on the internet. Some people are convinced of the our troops. Serving on the cause of small groups who shout louder than others and profit from a lack of interest among reasonable people. Scientists are studying why some are so susceptible to ideas that are obviously wrong and absurd and how the internet you come to finds it all. It takes a lot more energy to refute rushed into propagated in the 1st place. If a conspiracy theories can provide comfort you dont like reality create another. A film about knowledge and belief trust and deception. Od tomography of the goal of storage joy 1st on t. W. We depend on it but we dont want it to ruin our lives. And our relationship with technology as some of us ambivalent. Most improvements has approved and what risks does it pose to our health on todays show we examine 5 team obama. And delve into the when

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