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Welcome to the program on next peiser 25 years ago today serb forces captured the bosnian town of stubborn needs and carried out europes worst massacre since the 2nd world war a ceremony was held to remember the thousands of muslims killed today serve a general ratko blot it was eventually convicted of war crimes and genocide but the families of the victims say they are still not at peace. With the Bosnian National anthem played at a ceremony to remember the fountains of muslims killed a misstep. The commemorations had to be scaled back to coronavirus but World Leaders like former u. S. President bill clinton who was in office at the time of the genocide contributed via video message. It has been profoundly moving. At every town every opportunity to continue their mum who are still those across the world who grieve for the family roles kill to support the ongoing efforts of sing justice those lost and recover their remains and bring them home many relatives of the victims havent found closure Forensic Experts still havent dug out and completed work on all the remains newly identified victims a buried each year on july 11th in the Memorial Cemetery at port it sorry just outside celebrity it said. That it did get it finished at the book i buried my son in 2013 there were only 2 bones which i had hoped that more would be found but nothing has been so far i still hope theyll be something that they will find im not that tribute their 1st son arch oh yes and here i am with the remains of my father died murdered in the genocide of july 111905 stubborn itsa. Its the only crime in europe since world war 2 theres been declared a genocide and while many Bosnian Serbs continue to deny the extent of the massacre the increasing amount of white gravestones confirms the scale of the suffering. And im joined a studio now by millionaire charter journalist you fled the conflict in bosnia as a child what do you make of all the high level involved including bill clinton we just saw. Well were happy that people are speaking out right now but we remember that a lot of those same politicians were also around at the time it was all happening and some of them had the power to stop it it was actually very easy to stop and there were no nato planes flying around servants so were thinking if they didnt step up then then maybe they should step up now if they say that they know what happened then they should put pressure on serbia to recognize the genocide and take all necessary steps can you just help me understand how much this is actually accepted the genocide in the region does everybody agree what happened. Well its like 2 parallel universes of course those of us next the bearskin muslims know the facts it was proven by so many courts it was the biggest forensic i didnt have cation operation in the history of the world its one of the best documented genocides so theres no problem but then under serbs side theres almost a 100 percent of people who deny it the entire Political Leadership of serbia including the president denies it and if you ask them they will not deny it outright because they also deny their denial so they will say things like i was a tragedy but theyll never use the word genocide which means something thats come back to the people who were at that ceremony today that we just saw in the report. The relatives of the victims the survivors what can the world offer them beyond the remains of their loved ones and events like these well one thing thats very important would be to take steps to recognize the genocide and to make genocide denial a crime as we already have with the holocaust for example which is great. And that would be very great for the victims until also have education about genocide in schools and also offer steps to educate until its a bad thing and to talk about it more in the media because this genocide tonight is very dangerous but its also very difficult to recognize if you dont know enough about the region so there has to be a lot of steps take ok moving aboard shark thank you so much for insight on the streets of commemorations 25 years of thanks for thinking. For time to take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. Serbian police have detained more than 70 people after a 4th night of antigovernment protest hundreds of right wing demonstrators tried to storm the part of the building protester up to dr president alexander through church announced the return of a weekend coronavirus correction he later abandoned the idea. The u. N. Security council is to hold another vote on whether to extend essential humanitarian aid deliveries into syria a single access point at baba howa would serve the rebel held breaching russia and china vetoed an earlier attempt to extend deliveries. Thousands of protesters have marched through the eastern russian city of hama to demand the release of their provincial governor sarah was arrested for allegedly ordering multiple murders he denies any involvement. German carmaker daimler could cut a significant number of jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic according to one of its top executives board member of in said porthos says 15000 employees would have to leave voluntarily in order to avoid layoffs. U. S. President donald trump has commuted the prison sentence of his long time friend and former aide roger stone he was convicted of lying to congress and witness tampering during the investigation into alleged russian interference in the 2016 u. S. President ial race the move has been met with fierce criticism from his political opponents but. He has reason to celebrate only days before rush just own was to bigger chance i could be exonerated i agree with that recent book this this is a this is a horror off or if it very clear when you realize that this is this investigation never had any illegitimate or lawful beginning it was a witch hunt and february stone had been sentenced to lying to congress witness tampering and obstructing the house and mr geisha and to whether the Trump Campaign colluded with russia to win the 2016 election whats the word. Comment on the courthouse steps written in an official statement that was published on friday the Trump Administration called stone a victim of the russian hoax that the left and its allies in the media perpetrated for years in an attempt to undermine the Trump Presidency of the us President Donald Trump has repeated the stepped in to protect his associates this marxist highest profile intervention in a criminal case. House Intelligence Committee chair adam schiff tweeted with trump there are now 2 systems of justice in america one for trumps criminal friends and one for everyone else and trumps rival in the upcoming president ial election joe biden vote but donald trump has surrounded himself with people who follow our laws we shouldnt be surprised that he thinks hes above the law. Even if critics might be shocked at trumps use of his unlimited pardoning power the strongest supporters are unlikely to be deterred by it. For his longtime political confident roger stone the president s willingness to help out his friends has helped pave the road to freedom. And for more on this bring in our correspondent carla black are in washington carla how is washington reacting to this news well as we have heard democrats are outraged about the president pardoning someone who lie to protect with republicans the case isnt quite as clear theyre not as unified you have roger stone fans if you will or supporters who have asked for this very thing back at his sentencing hearing in february and rolling a large poster saying pardon roger stone and you also have influential senators here in d. C. Like Lindsey Graham who was saying this was a justified acts President Trump did well after all roger stone was in his seventies and this was a 1st time nonviolent offense you also have a republican so i never were quite critical of those like for example mitt romney he is calling those an act of unprecedented historic corruption and do you think any voters may be feeling the same way come november in the u. S. President ial election other words is this going to have any effect on that race. Well word from the white house as trumps advisers have warned him against those step of pardoning stone for that very reason they fear could negatively influence us chances of reelection now whats sauce from supporters thats highly unlikely if Something Like his impeachment didnt make it and neither is going neither will the pardoning of roger stone but with other voters who already taken a step back from trump and who arent happy with how hes handling the Coronavirus Crisis this could be another factor that either has them stay home come november or maybe even vote for a democratic candidate joe biden ok carla blucher in washington thanks for that. Tarantula rains have battered a areas of chinas central who bay province the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic rivers have risen to Dangerous Levels forcing some 140000 people to leave their homes as downpours continue several cities along the young sea river have declared the highest level flood warnings doesnt go back there is supposed to be a stage where concerts usually take place now with strand in the water. This is jew jobs along the boardwalk of the Yangtze River every day the flood moves closer to han a catastrophe is looming over the city similar to the flood of 98. 1908 was very bad now the water is almost as high again. The residents of have come through the coronavirus pandemic and their response to the flood is a practical one the swelling yanks see chinas largest river is an attraction i mean i was worried they would close a river walk thats why i rushed to come here. And was under strict quarantine for months previously empty streets now filling up as water levels rise its a major setback for businesses which just reopened. Once again people here are not earning any money but they need to pay rent and care for their families. The young sea is flooding parts of china reservoirs need to release water so the pressure will not get too high our driver explains that this is a big problem for the People Living in rural areas. Serve as a basin for the big cities once those are threatened the water is rerouted to the countryside. We drive past the military rescue operations our National Duty Chinese State television tells her stories were everyone receives the help they need the reality though is different the flood destroyed rice fields ruining hopes of a harvest this year and much needed income. All i eat is porridge i dont know what to do my grandchildren also live with me how going to survive. Back to han and recent days water levels rose by more than 60 centimeters special troops are building protective barriers against the worsening flooding even more heavy rain expected in the coming days. And its time for some sports news know Jack Charlton one of the english footballs most popular characters has died at the age of 85 he was a member of englands 966 world cup winning team. Charles and also won the English League title with his club leeds after retiring as a player he became a successful manager he was irelands 1st foreign coach. This is of course to give you news and heres a reminder of our top story at this hour. Bosnia has been remembering the thousands of muslims killed in this rubber need some massacre 25 years ago the killings were europes worst atrocities since the 2nd world war. 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