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Country now a new museum is planned in the heart of berlin to tell their stories of exile. Campaign talk to our main and mehta theme is to present the experience of exile what does it mean to leave to be in transit that state of limbo what is it like to arrive in a foreign land will you be accepted or shaken by home 2nd us stop im going. More than half a 1000000 people were forced out of nazi germany like writer and as a guy in 1933 the nazis burned her books on the run from the gestapo she fled to mexico writing explores the trauma of the statement. And Nobel Prize Winner thomas mann the novelist found a new home in california the villa aurora became a home away from home for exiled german intellectuals from director fritz long to playwright battle plan he. Gets an incredible saga of different fates people who scattered across the world and who didnt just save their own lives but brought about an unbelievable cultural transfer because it wasnt just anyone who left many of the exiles came from the intellectual classes the liberal democratic classes the sciences and the arts. You could say they were the elite of the 5 member cup like the. Republic here is where the contributions from this cultural elite will be remembered the museum of exile will be built on the ruins of the un height upon who once berlins main train station a symbolic spot. On. Here here is where the exiles often began their journey filled with fear then here is where their memories return because this was the last piece of berlin they remember that. The focus of the museum will be on exile and displacement from germany between 19331900. But the issue could not be more topical there are more than 65000000 displaced persons worldwide People Living with the same sense of exile. And the institutions to this so this old story of exile is very current of course the fates of people back then and those now mirror one another the same existential stories are playing out today one from the heart. And my colleagues. More so scott van amps the winning design today well yes no its quite interesting its a design the design that one out is from a danish architect. And basically her concept is to take the old entrance of the of the train station the old train station where hundreds of thousands of. German exiles left germany in the thirtys and fortys and use that as sort of an entrance into this new museum that tells their stories and today of course it was a great moment for i had the most. Nobel prize winning author because it was her original idea and of course its quite compelling because miller herself is an exile she escaped the dictatorship in romania to come to germany and shes been working for almost a decade to make this museum a reality and its unusual also this museum because unlike most german museums its fine its private yeah thats it. Is very unusual really i mean as you know here in germany Public Financing theres Public Finance for almost all museums but in this case it was all privately financed and particularly for one particular patron. Art director art dealer and he auctioned off a lot of his private collection to raise money for this museum and in fact raised around 6300000 euros in selling off his own private works trace money for this in total they expect the museum will cost around 27000000. 00 euros and all of that will be private finance ok lets go back to the good for him i should say but lets go back to him and hear what she had to say about why this museum is so poor. Yeah and 3 accounts on it is a project that reminds us of our history and fills the gap in germanys historical memory no we do it. Because exile next to the holocaust which is the worst thing in our history he was the 2nd worst is the son and they are connected i think it has to be remembered. And you know what rumors. But this isnt just about history it is quite relevant today yeah definitely i mean i would always even say history in general is always about the present moment i mean the story that we tell ourselves about the past informs how we act in the present and if you look at this this museum im talking about the story of exile i mean theres no more politically hot topic at the moment than migration and exile here in germany and i think a museum that looks back and looks at the stories of germans who were who fled war and dictatorship in their own country and went to foreign shores looking for looking for help and looking for assistance i think thats an incredibly relevant culturally and politically relevant topic for right now and i think we can say the germans deal very well with remembrance actually dont i mean yeah i think so you can see that in the way that the cunt culture is dealt with with the legacy of the holocaust that theyve theyve not just tried to make their history into a heroic story about also looked at the very dark and problematic aspects of their own history not always perfectly but i think theyre not sample for for a lot of countries around the world scott. Thanks very much have a great weekend you have said. Now the final part of our mini series on how members of the Artistic Community around the world coping at the moment in the russian capital moscow there was a very Strict Lockdown just like everywhere else this went online and various events happened on social media but now the city is opening up again. People in moscow have been waiting for this the vince of arts center for modern art has reopened after months of lockdown political twitter artist remained active online but shes happy to be back outside again. The pandemic is the topic of conversation even in exhibitions this graphic work depicts a covert 19 infection curve. Having to spend months in lockdown gave us time to think and develop new ideas and new approaches so it was also a productive time. During lockdown moscow citizens werent allowed outside without permission elisa yasha set things out in her basement studio the punk political artist had no lack of material. She says the police used the quarantine as an excuse to break up unwanted demonstrations she covered the issues in her newsletters posted online. And supports us going to the people in power use the coronavirus to push through changes in the constitution that cemented putins power no one was allowed to protest against it the only lifted the quarantine to let people vote the measures through the civil rights. Moscows triumph gallery has dedicated an entire exhibition to corona inspired work yaffa has a piece here about government repression during the pandemic. Other artists denounce new digital surveillance methods by the government. Across town the article toadfish is holding the 1st Classical Music concert since locked down its a charity affair for artists in need of. Some moscow galleries have gone broke because of corona the citys artists are trying to help each other out. And if by successful artists have been buying works from those who are at the end of their road its that its helped pump money back into the art market but committing to. The russian art scene has been hard hit by the crisis and not just financially artists have come out of lockdown to face a new and oppressive political reality while the virus continues to rage artists like elisa young to fear putins government is using the coronavirus as a cover to further restrict Political Freedoms in the country. As we see the autistic people are by then creative and in these strange times we have to adapt and change now a museum in rotterdam in the netherlands has created a unique corona proof drive through exhibition not possible everywhere of course but the museum has borrowed space in a Convention Center that which has no events at the moment. Im off to the museum in these corona times evil cop and dont even have to get out of the car there at an exhibition organized by rotterdams museum by mans fun binding. As a staple here theres a prescribed route thats not usually the case in a museum where i can decide myself in what order i look at things so thats a totally new experience for nearly all of our fighting. Visitors can experience 40 different artworks in a new way large format pieces hang on the walls installations are mounted on the ceiling. The show includes works by cook kasha kiefer and mccarthy in this new setting the artworks literally appear in a new light. And its quiet very very quiet no footsteps no buzz of voices like in a museum you can listen to sounds and explanations on the cars radio. Or the character theyre always looking through a frame the windshield or side windows or sunroof drive underneath the art works and feel as though you could touch them. The show is about the confrontation between man and nature at a maximum speed of 5 Kilometers Per Hour visitors roll from installation to installation in eco friendly electric cars we think of a bargain i think its a good idea for invigorating museums in the future too it will definitely draw new visitors because its not a static its really special also the fact that youre driving an electric car. And if you dont have your own electric car the exhibition has 30 of them to lend to visitors at no extra cost. Is an ingenious idea and evidently its working well that wraps up the show for today and culture stories on our website at g. W. Dot com slash culture facebook or twitter. Thanks for watching and see your. Contacts. To the future that i did. It was designed by. The new 3. D. See if that could work. To speed. Intelligence spaciousness testing. All of the cars read. 30 minutes. The areas one of germanys most popular Tourist Destination is the regions incredible variety of landscapes make it a paradise for those seeking a more active holiday fell in love is like going to get a lot of exercise and while im here and while im at it i want to find out the ways in which the coronavirus endemic and Climate Change are affecting tourism here in the us again. Double. Dealing to one official estimates more than 1200000 venezuelans and in colombia legally and illegally. Already was returned to the. Visiting friends is that i dont think id ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i dont know so im not sure plenty bearing witness global news that matters. Made for minds. Were all set. To go beyond the obvious places that were written. As we take on the world. Were all about is the stories that matter to you to tell something. Even to people what ever it takes place if you are running out the Economic Outlook speaking the exchange burton i know that w. Mark made for mines. This is d w news and these are out top stories tens of thousands of people have joined fresh demonstrations in means against bella russian president Alexander Lukashenko theyre angry about a Brutal Police crackdown on peaceful protest is following just beach at Election Results demonstrators have been joined by factory workers once considered loyal to their cause shankar authorities sought to ease tensions by free more than 2000 people who were gyal jury previous part

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