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And on the show donald trump takes aim at his democratic rival in a fiery acceptance speech he calls joe biden the man who outsourced american jobs to china and says this vote will be the most important election in american history. Also our show. Pianist in the rooms no longer 5 years after some 1300000 refugees and Migrants Center in germany will hear the story of a syrian musician who documented his experience in a book. Im brian thomas great to have you with us today the german chancellor has warned that the song. And to you bill ross must be respected she added there should not be any foreign intervention during her summer News Conference here in berlin among the broad range of topics bellerose playing a major role in machall reacted to russian president putins announcement that he had formed a police force to support the countrys embattled leader Alexander Lukashenko if needed she warned that Foreign Forces would stay out should stay out rather of the former soviet state. It is likely that i hope that such forces will not be deployed. And i hope that the people of bravely taking to the streets who have called out a bad state of affairs that those people have all the freedoms that we take for granted. Freedom to protest freedom of opinion all these things must be fought for him and its what people want and they ought to be able to achieve that independently without external interference from any side thats our hope quintessence of which im joined now for more on this by my colleague on your color from Politics Today to anya what do you make of the chancellors statement on belarus. This was a really strong statement from the chancellor bryan and at the same time it was a plea for restraint im go macko said that the serenity of belarus should be respected and she said that she hoped that those troops we were those forces heard about that they wouldnt be deployed she also stressed the importance of the right of demonstrations she said it is important that the demonstrators can protest in belarus without interference from any side and what i find interesting is she said she tried to reach lukashenko because it is important to keep up the dialogue but he declined to talk to her now during this press conference chancellor was also asked by journalists about alexina volley viewers will record recall hes the russian Opposition Leader currently being treated for suspected poisoning in a berlin clinic lets take a listen to what all america had to say about that ok we dont have that sound bite unfortunately but apparently what we know is that when the chancellor was talking to journalists about novell me she was sounding a more cautious note there or why isnt she taking a tougher stance with moscow on than of all the case. I think she was pretty clear on the novelli case as well brian a few days ago she has given a joint statement together with the foreign minister calling for are clearing up the case calling for transparency and. This this joint statement in itself is already rather unusual germany pushes for russia to investigate the case transparent and in full transparency and i know america sees an obligation to clear up the case and right after she finished her press conference the foreign minister said that there will be diplomatic consequences for russia if it proves that it is indeed a state initiated mud attempt on your thanks very much for looking into that for us today. There was a political agreement among ministers to dizzying nate selected individuals responsible for different elections in their rooms and for the subsequent crackdown under the existing sanctions regime sorry about the technical problems were having today in other news the European Union has agreed to impose sanctions on senior belorussian officials accused of electoral fraud and a crackdown on protesters decision was made by european Foreign Ministers meeting in berlin the talks were also dominated by the brewing conflict between turkey and greece those 2 countries are in a dangerous the speed over Gas Exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean these top diplomats of the bloc was working to bring in belarus sanctions as quickly as possible. You correspondent i was on a phenomenon following this for us thank you alexandra what more can you tell us about the discussions on belarus and the sanctions hi brian a year so the sanctions are coming that its clear and there are sets to be imposed even earlier than expected that this what do you Foreign Ministers one and its quite interesting discussions that they were having on their list of the people who are included we didnt get the full list because its still worked on but we know that where it appears to alexander will question its not on this list for now but as the European Unions chief diplomat he was of burrill said today in the press conference that could change if the situation in belarus is going to further terrio it and that means that those ministers got their way who were in favor of a gradual approach and able in the European Union to increase the pressure on location if needed by adding more names to the sanctions list progressively alexander also being discussed today these dangerous tensions we just mentioned in the mediterranean there are very real concerns about the possibility of fighting between turkish and greece for greek forces as anchor drills for oil and gas and disputed seabed so whats the position on this. Well its quite interesting that despite their different interest and positions their ministers here have agreed to take a tougher stance on turkey. That there is a growing frustration in the face of turkeys actions in the Eastern Mediterranean sea and the European Union of course wants to show solidarity with greece that is at loggerheads with turkey over and the g depose its in the region so for now the European Union is calling on all parties to get to the negotiating table and to solve the problem in a diplomatic way but its also threatening to impose sanctions on turkey or turkish citizens individuals who are involved in debt measure and this is a very Stunning Development because it shows that the European Union is giving diplomacy a chance for now but its willing to toughen its stance on turkey despite its many concerns and this despite the fact that turkey is an important partner in the region and that makes this story so very important continuing to track very closely. Thanks very much for that lets get you break down some of the other stories making news today Recovery Efforts underway in the southern u. S. After one of the most powerful storms there in years hurricane laura left the least 6 people dead after smashing into louisiana with winds of about 240 Kilometers Per Hour meteorologists have downgraded to a Tropical Storm that threatens to bring strong winds rain of course and turn a doze as it moves northeast. Accord here in berlin has overturned a ban on upcoming demonstrations against corona virus restrictions said the protests could go ahead if the organizers are here to strict conditions city authorities tried to stop the events citing concerns about the spreading of the virus thousands of people did not follow social distancing rules at a similar protest earlier this month. The japanese Prime Minister shinzo aba has announced his resignation citing Health Reasons theres a certainly a tragic irony in the fact that the man who was elected to office 8 years ago primarily because of his economic policies well leave the country as he himself says in one of the worst Economic Crises in decades. 7 years 8 months thats how long i was in office longer than any other Prime Minister in japan when he announced his resignation citing Health Reasons he focused on the crippling affects of the pandemic on the jet the release economy this is 2nd quarter so Economic Growth shrink by almost 28 percent. And how will things shape up without. The markets reacted to the news of his resignation with pessimism initial reports the nikkei index dropped 2 point one percent by close of trading it was still 1. 4 percent down well as the mood on the streets of tokyo. And im surprised he looked really tired but i didnt think he would resign i wish he could work harder and stay on in office a bit longer. But the phone. Ive been wanting him to resign for and on time. Is a controversial figure in japan partly because of his emphasis on his public image in 2012 he introduced his ambitious Economic Program naming it unabashedly after himself. With urban a mix i will increase jobs and incomes and revitalize the country site. Was about easing Monetary Policy the Japanese Central bank cranked up the money press flooding the market with fresh new notes there were also credit financed economic stimulus packages initially the program did increase confidence both in the economy and among the japanese population but the risks of other nomics soon became clear the program over leveraged the economy to the point of sovereign bankruptcy and led to a loss of confidence on Capital Markets the already struggling japanese economy has been hit hard by the coronavirus with out of the picture its up to someone else to pull japan out of the crisis. Still to come on our program today. A pianist in the ruins no longer will hear the story of a com mob who has found asylum in germany 5 years. But 1st is in the u. S. Where donald trump has accepted the republican partys nomination for the presidency his acceptance brought to a close the partys 4 Day Convention to a backdrop of the simmering tensions over Police Shootings President Trump depicted his opponent joe biden as quote the destroyer of american greatness and that if elected the man who would oversee the dismantling of the u. S. Per publican convention this thing is anything but conventional. Never before has a white house been used as a backdrop for a president ial candidates acceptance speech leading some to accuse chump of misusing the building as a political prop. But over the next hour trump showed he was determined to use all means that his disposal to make the case for his reelection starting by saying the stakes have never been higher. This is the most important election in the history of our country. At no time before have voters faced a clear choice between 2 parties 2 visions 2 philosophies or 2 agendas. Set out an optimistic vision of the countrys future under a new trump victory. In a new term as president we will again build the greatest economy in history quickly returning to full employment soaring incomes and record prosperity and despite the obvious flouting of his own administrations guidelines on the come to make an event with few Wearing Masks and seats close together he promised to bring the coronavirus under control. Where

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