Transcripts For DW Kulturzeit 20240712 :

DW Kulturzeit July 12, 2024

Very well welcome to new edition of your own bags lets see what else we help lined up for you. Out how a pastry chef takes hollywood celebrities and. Probably very uncanny the 2nd enjoys the beautiful. The leader of the even the if you know of and it simply is a very popular destination for decades the Venice Film Festival has taken place here every year the greatest names in Motion Pictures visit the International Event this year the festival is set comments on september 2nd but with the coronavirus pandemic raging procedures have changed and the festival will be a little more modest than usual so it might look a little different compared to this photo from the past we took a trip to the lido before the festival kicks in to visit some of the most attractive and well known locations on the island. The lido diva needs is only 15 minutes by water bust. From venice is old town the island 11 kilometers long and 1. 5 kilometers wide is located in the finnish and lagoon and protects the city from the and can see. This from Mission District is much quieter than the city center and that is exactly what appeals to a less salvadoran she lives on the island and loves its unique but the leader was not always known as a holiday destination. So in vientiane times these islands were norm by the greek and the romans all the way to the centro german regions it was a commercial route than it was also very protected by the venetian since there were fortresses military fortresses with a marine fun tree and 2 engine villages at the edge of really the rest of leave there was a wilderness until the meat of the 19th century when the beach resorts fashions started and little was one of the most exclusive beach resorts in the world from that time on the words. The main town which like the island is also called lido and not just on the island with about 7000 inhabitants as in the old town of venice there are numerous small canals here. The more than 250. 00 venice in the center of lido are an architectural highlight. This family goes from a mix of styles could be near her new york. New your roman. Byzantines. The old style but the old mixed together sometimes the lido is famous worldwide for the Venice International Film Festival despite the coronavirus pandemic the festival is taking place this year as preparations are in full swing the golden lion is not only field. For the best film but also decorate. In the course of time the building built in 1937 was extended several times and is still the main venue today im real. And i could enter every i was seeing more than one movie a day and so im still 3. As a spectator and a lot and like me most of the now because. Of the feeling for a civil. The 1st Venice Film Festival took place in 1982 only a few metres away from the cinema it was held on the terrace of the grand hotel. By the italian architect. It is still a Meeting Place for movie stars. Are incredible because they were built at the turn of the 19th and early 20th century there were 5 stars with their private. Swimming pool and all. Only 15 minutes. From very nice the new day was also made famous by thomas months novella in venice from 1911 the german writer often stayed on the island but the Main Attraction of the leader would be beneath is and mains the beach it stretches along the entire side of the island that is open to the take the word comes from latin and speech will coast a special feature here with the socalled cup on this. Is more of course the jews that are used by the people that go to the beach to have. Shade and a changing room. Only a few minutes away from the ferry pier you can find. A restaurant. Cuisine is famous for its fish and sea. Dishes and bieksa featured on the menu. From the terrace you have a wonderful view of palaces old town. And protege relaxing on the deep beneath the sea. And heres another spot where you can meet celebrities a small pastry shop in the east a city in west germany near frankfurt what do you expect to see celebrities like brad pitt or johnny depp there well actually you can and you can not only meet them there you can also eat them theyre. Sculpts movie celebrities as cakes in her bakery then your craik with chocolate icing isnt that a dream come true. Whether its Hollywood Star brad pitt. Johnny depp as captain jack sparrow. The british Actor Daniel Craig has changed. From big any celebrity as a kid. I 1st discovered banking decorating in modeling after my son was born and i had to bake a cake for him and thats how it all started. He turned her hobby into a profession. She found her bakery in the western german city of his back since 2019 todays speaking british Actor Daniel Craig in his role as james bond. Holders we portrayed stark the staple for meat of Rice Krispies and kate. I sculpt the cake and form a head so i can get the nose and all the features right. Including. Lots for theres room for the eyes. And then. The next step is to smother the celebrity in modeling chocolate 2 to 3 kilograms of it. Originally from pakistan loves working with a. Modeling chocolate. Its like working with clay except you can eat it. Its very easy to work with. But then comes the critical. Thing the features. You. Need to make stream least steady hair. And a sharp eye for the smallest details. For up to 4 days to get the skin color every wrinkle or. Just right. Once youve got the right time and its shiny. It looks absolutely brilliant. And this is the finished creation of daniel craig s w 7 as a kid. And for your taste buds only. To buy into the works of art. As the art of the day its a cake you have to eat thats why its made of chocolate so people will eat it if you make Something Like this for kids without a 2nd thought blink of an eye its gone thank. You find inspiration in your meeting life like right britains jean and. Buy american and israel. Next to. The next. Celebrity i want to make will be Nelson Mandela i like his life story just what he did during his life. And what it means to the lives of other people mention. Her celebrity creations caught up to 450 year roof. But how often we have a chance to take home a real favorite Hollywood Star. I wonder how many calories there are in a movie star cake and talking about things to eat if youre interested in more european specialties and how to make them you can find lots more reports to whet your appetite on our you tube channel g w food hes a taste of what we have so folks. Like you see these. Stories. Louisiana. The smell amazing the best chefs with their best tips from need just to begin dying in the form of a recipe secrets while some are. Jerks diversity is a smorgasbord to my list i. Subscribe and enjoy d. W. For. King luke fish the 2nd reigned over bavaria in the late 19th century today he is known as the fairytale king because the cast lots and palaces he left behind have a touch of magic. Not only splendor and luxury but nature as well this month he would have turned 175. 00 to mark the event a new book of photos of the kings favorite spots in the Bavarian Alps has just been released we took a royal tour of some of these beautiful places and you are welcome to join us. Bill varian all star the scene of countless tales and legends many revolve around king live vic the 2nd who lived here in the 1000 century mountaineer and authors unjustified and has followed his traces. The king looked fake was a great nature lover amount of a mountain this side of him is barely known and that is what fascinates me about him her fascination prompted her to Work Together with photographer stefan rosenberg on a book of photos breaking looted expression for the mountains. 2 days on jeff gordon birds tour begins at the door who palace this is where the king resided and spent the longest period of his life. Standing in stark contrast at the edge of the surrounding park is a colorful moroccan house this is the taliban the house originally this charming house was featured at the paris world fair. Looks like heard about it and had it transported. Guns but it was absolutely enchanting with its orientation style. Change the style very deliberately. In the midst of the strict beat of my a period like many of us who needed an escape and this house embodied the idea of orientalism of sultans in her rooms and water pipes and look they can lift out that fantasy in this house and hollers falls. From the moroccan house english big straight up into the mountains. The 2nd green the bavaria from 1864286. Hes known as the fairy tale as he is less remembered for his governing skills and in his extravagant building projects such as noice ranch thanks castle. Zhamnov frydenberg also takes us to the last well known sites king creek went to. Such as the. Mountain lodge. Its not that easy to reach. As looked like he had also done was to go in look they came up here his footman had to carry his both top up for him. To take wouldnt go without his comforts he brought along his champagne on his wine and had kegs of beer carried out for his servants. It took 20 men to hole everything up here. Alice had officers. In his younger days the king often rode up to the lodge on horseback he celebrated birthdays and dined here on health and curtain up this really is a very special place it simply fantastic you can see that it is a peak in the background and the better shine range and its quite a panoramic landscape now to a commune how beautiful it is. Our tour through the period helps leach past one breathtaking view after another the next point also cast a spell on king libby its one of the deepest largest i mean we make dollars. And then on to my pickup truck stop. Digging heritage hunting lodges upon his fathers death but as an animal lover he immediately prohibited hunting in the area. Which makes me very few point wise a bit higher up a privilege now ive been faithfully rebuilt after the original was destroyed in a fire. Does years this is not picked the 2nd is viewing pavilion he had more of them built on the surrounding piigs and like to see and read and rest up in them. And to enjoy this. From vamp the n. S. A. Landscape that was his kingdom so the feeling up here is indescribable to me its like flying. Sandra has collected her impressions of her from. A real tribute to the period and its fairy tale king. And from bavaria to sweeten now as its time to meet in other major love daniel vest he creates artworks from the one he collects in the forest for example spoon his what carvings are usually not used in the kitchen but show in exhibitions the world over weve met daniel best at his house in sullivan sweden to hear about why he finds wood so fascinating and why he chose to work with it. Sensual is strong and hard yet soft and flexible at the same time and the lie was really i see the speed as an arc. Const of like it has a symbolism and a lot of thought i needed as well as a certain aesthetic i. Was sitting with. That on i mean its done your best. And i work with would. Score going from a forest is a place where i can relax and reenergize at the same time someone is also a place that inspires me a lot less things or a forest is fantastic. Yes no not at the moment im working on these long spoons and he beechwood 4 of them is a blond wood with a very light green fairly pale and not really all that exciting but still majestic and beautiful so its going to be beach story perfect and. Well be able. Second week like a 123 or even 4 of these fabulous long shapes out of that. For lent. Thats to end his living as a commercial photographer only started carving wood in 2016 the 1st exhibitions soon followed for example in stockholm and tokyo. They started with my desire not to have to work for other people but to do my own thing. To find a means of expression thats really all my. Idea 1st was to explore this as an object and find other forms and those were used. And i think these long relate to the search for like the longing for it you see the light and have to stretch yourself. And when you stretch yourself you open yourself up and become. The visits top chef daniel. Thats to is designing a complete set of wooden table where for the top swedish astronomer with 2 mitchell in starts these creations are designed to be used. I think is really magical. Its beautiful just beautiful here it would almost disappears. I 1st i didnt realize the bulls were also made of wood i dont think of it. But i have thats fine its now its pliable and strong at the same time and it aspires also words ever upwards towards the light. Here thats most important then ever forwards and upwards. These are best known for making money but then you know they can also make music d. J. And big deal the sam translates the humming sound that be used to make into electronic music he did this to raise awareness for the a collage problems that tretton why abuse with extinction we met a camera shy d. J. And be a lover in the british capital london to take a closer look at how he produces his so called in sick take music. Keeping bees and working as a d. J. Arts normally activities that most people would see is related in any way but not for be at least 7 his music comes from the buzzing of bees produces cool beats with it and has a message for his listeners as being the hearts of loss of a set during the time i was a child by a performer some audio piece a statement from the sound of 6 weeks of silence people connect today through the silence. The only sense of studied art and design and jam his experimental music while he was still a student he calls it insect just. Uses a special software to isolate the different frequencies the bisa meant. There are 3 types of being a high this is the queen the workers the drawings and the charge of their own frequency range. So the crane has a high pitch piping sound homeworkers has a calming midrange sound drunk by all being asked to use bangs so. He uses a scanner to record the sounds made by the beings the frame he built is fitted with microphone just under a digital recorder which can capture hours of buzzing in libya hardly. Being nice always tinkering with new instruments for his music once hes filled the recorders memory and the london fog bearly sent takes it home to his studio he analyzes the bee sounds and arranges them through various synthesizers to create a track and when you put sounds all of this they become kind of elastic so unique. And if. The interface for this synthesizer is to be flying into the flower. Its moved. Its in the next the sound would. Be a nice and pleasant taken his sound installations all over the world for example to be honest electronica festival invents austria and the media ought to be an ally in fots path poland. Always takes to the stage in a beekeeper suit he wants to remain anonymous he wants the listeners to concentrate solely on the music. But this year his performance as a concert. During luckily being able to come appear to be is just meditating its. You know regardless of the pandemic can lock down everything the bees just carry on as normal. And not happy that theres not as much pollution. This year. If his bees are happy being any semblance to his sounds are ahead especially with Young Audiences at the same time they raise awareness of the world wide decline of the population. And that brings us to the end of the program but dont forget to poll us on social media and visit our website where you can find out how to draw from this watch in an exclusive euro max these well until we meet again about or just. Thanks but. Its a Constant Companion it. Makes us. Headaches dizziness and tonight its just some misses it can be caused by not. And what can do about it. Good shit. In 30 minutes on w. The beat ill tell my. Germanys killed green racetrack for speedsters its a dream come true for. Calm enthusiastic dynaco gives the best heavy foot test. No speed limit no problem. What does a Crash Researcher say for. W. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when well all this. Time for just 3 of the topics covered and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like and new information on the cloning virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at dot com or its slash science. Beethoven instant justice did you did do. Did is it does it does 16 no lie cheat truth roger. Many rubber bands of stolen beethoven. And of course the subconscious always one thing is clear to them beethoven is wildly popular. I see assured. Bush who would sound like the biggest composer of all time i cant even begin to imagine a world class one player several years on a musical journey of discovery. 2 a world where the whole thing. Starts september 16th to tell you. This is deja vu news live from berlin echoes of history as u. S. Protesters are new calls for Racial Justice 57 years after Martin Luther king jrs i have a dream speech tens of thousands of people gathered on the same spot the rally follows another shooting of a black man by a white police officer. Also on the show picking up the pieces after hurricane lara a look at the aftermath of the deadly storm which has left hundreds of thousands of people on the u. S. Gulf coast without power and water. And black panther star Chadwick Boseman dead at 43 after years of long battle with cancer well hear about the actors life and legacy. And why im good thanks for joining us we begin in the u. S. Capital washington d. C. Where a huge crowds have marched for Racial Justice the rally was held at the Lincoln Memorial where 57 years ago hundreds of thousands of people gathered to hear Martin Luther kings king jrs iconic i have a dream speech the recent Police Shooting of African American jacob blake has reignited tensions over Police Violence against people of color in the u. S. Ties their hands gathered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The antiracism demonstration against Police Brutality in the u. S. Was held on the. First story of another famous protest. On august 28th 1963 march in Lut

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