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A dream speech tens of thousands gathered on the same spot rally follows another shooting a black man by place. And black panther stock Chadwick Boseman has died at the age of 43 after a long battle with cancer lets hear about the actors life and legacy. Im Anthony Howard thanks for joining us we begin here in berlin where people are taking part in a protest against germanys coronavirus restrictions more than 20000. 00 people out believed to be in attendance with organized bus trips bringing demonstrators from across the country they know thirtys had initially banned the event of the Health Concerns but a quarter of a turn to the back saying the gathering could go ahead provided they were measures in place to prevent the spread of the virus infections have been on the rise. In germany in recent weeks prompting the government to impose stricter measures to keep the virus in check. With that as the backdrop lets cross over to our correspondent Thomas Sparrow who is at the demonstration here in berlin thomas there were predictions in the lead off of up to 100000 people marching on the streets how big is the turnout. It is indeed big anthony but i cant obviously confirm whether there are 100000 at least from where we are standing there are hundreds of people here in central not far away from the main tourist sites and many of them weve been talking to theyve been stressing that the common denominator if you will is that they want things to improve that there are against those restrictions imposed by the government to try and fight the coronavirus destructions one person even stressing that he believes the pandemic is fake but there is a its a mixed bag of people here as well you can see also other people with other different slogans in fact we saw one person as well with a flag 2020 something particularly important that has happened also in recent minutes here is that police here in berlin have stressed that since people are not complying with social distancing rules people will have to wear a mask and theyre going to enforce such but probably as you can see behind me only very few people are actually wearing a mask to most it seems like indeed there is a very Broad Spectrum of concerns housed within the one protest what is that thats unifying these people. One person actually told me that only dead fish swim with the current so basically saying that all these people want a change but there is as i say a mixed bag of people you have here antibiotics for example you have conspiracy theories do you also have far right extremist groups that have joined on have asked people to come to this protest although when we talk to people here they stress that far right extremists are only a small part of the protest and they also see people here from from the middle class parents actually complaining stressing that they want things to change so its a very varied group of people authorities are particularly concerned by the influence that far right extremists could have on this protest here and theyre also concerned about the fact that this protests actually comes as germany has a marked increase in the number of coronavirus cases in fact numbers reaching highs not seen since the end of april or the beginning of may so thats why authorities are particularly concerned why they particularly want people to maintain social distancing and where they must to make sure that those numbers dont go up and just quickly thomas organizers had to go via the courts to win the right to even gather what was that fight about it was exactly about what ive been talking now about the fact whether they could come here to protest or whether Public Health was actually more important but in your thirtys thought that by banning that they would protect Public Health people here thought otherwise and the courts agreed to people could come to to protest as long as they maintain certain rules you already mentioned them and its also important to stress that this is not the only protest in berlin today theyre also counterdemonstrations not far away from where were standing so theres a lot happening today here in the german capital. Thomas farah many thanks. Ok heres a look now at some of the other major developments in the corona virus pandemic and india has recorded another surge in deadly cases with almost 75000 new infections the total number of new cases now stands at 3400000 authorities in france are warning of an exponential rise in coded 19 cases almost 7400 new infections were registered on friday the biggest daily rise since much the chinese city of wood had meanwhile will reopen its schools and kindergartens next week the city where the pandemic started has not reported any new local transmissions of the virus since made by all men while in the u. S. Huge crowds of marched for Racial Justice in the u. S. Capital washington the rally was held at the Lincoln Memorial where 57 years ago hundreds of thousands gathered to hear Martin Luther king gave his i have a dream speech pleading for racial equality the activism comes after a recent Police Shooting of African American jacob like that has reignited tensions of a pussy to Police Violence against people of color in the u. S. Tens of thousands of people at the Lincoln Memorial in washington d. C. Nearly 6 decades after Martin Luther kings march on washington the celebration of kings legacy mixed with shock and sadness at recent events. It comes after protests in konoha wisconsin this week turned violent after the Police Shooting of jacob blake a black man arson fendel ism then a 17 year old white vigilante col rittenhouse shown here in exclusive deed of the video allegedly shot 2 protesters dead further stoking tensions. Back in washington relatives of other black people shot by police took the stage oh you know every novel memoir the inside right now. Its happening right now because we demand civil rights leader al sharpton cast Martin Luther kings legacy as one of unfinished business. Is dream is still alive you might have killed the dream oh what u. K. Killed the dri because truth crushed earth shall rise again. One clear theme was repeated over and over speakers encouraged everyone present to vote using the ballot box to make change happen to prevent us from voting the n. B. A. Playoffs will version in florida on saturday off to the league and players reached an agreement on social justice concerns guidance have been halted for 3 days off that the Milwaukee Bucks refused to play in protest of the Police Shooting of jacob life in the hunt state sponsored action led to other sports to follow suit in great to a number of social justice initiatives including turning basketball a brain is into polling stations for the 2020 president ial election. All right lets take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world now. Antigovernment demonstrators in chile have hit the streets in one of the largest protests since the start of the Coronavirus Pandemic Police in the capital santiago dispersed the crowds with water cannon and made more than 20 wrists the demonstrations started last october ever high in metro. The government in cubas capital have on a has announced that starting september 1st new measures will come into force to tackle a new surge in corona virus cases 2 weeks of restrictions will in a travel and movement and include of the not refuse of honor recorded nearly 300 new infections last. Black ants rectus Chadwick Boseman has died at the age of 43 bozeman one international a kind playing in the superhero movie by panther he passed away after a long and private battle against colon cancer. This is. Before finding fame is the regal black panther in the film adaptation of the marvel comic bushman played historical figures such as funk soul musician james brown and get on up and Jackie Robinson the 1st africanamerican to play in Major League Baseball in the film 42 Jackie Robinson. Black and white brace i want you to know him. Think about the abuse hes like. Your enemy will be out in force and you cannot meet him on its own know. What youre doing one of these pictures broke your head. Bozeman was a vocal critic of the endemic disadvantages facing black actors you have equal if not more talent. At times in which you dont have the same opportunities you dont necessarily have the same doors open to you to say nepotism to be young gifted and black is is all of that its is to have everything but not quite be able to grasp it to be able to person through that though weve been really good to play in the psychic or the sideshow or backstage or not here altogether. But it was his role playing king charles in the blockbuster black panther that his family said was the honor of his life we like to know. What happens. To terms. With the rest of the white. Black panther 13 Academy Awards in 2019 the film was a Huge Box Office success and was widely seen as a defining moment for representation in hollywood both men had been battling colon cancer for 4 years his family said on twitter that he died at home with his wife and family by his side he was just 43. From day deadly culture im joined by scott roxboro Chadwick Boseman scott was only 431 of their reactions to his passing. Yeah id say a shot i mean incredible grief and incredible shock i mean i myself im just stunned by the news like so many others i didnt know. And you can see. That across all sort of social media today the reaction of course from his colleagues like don Cheadle Davis people work with them the heads of Marvel Studios and deceit responding to their grief. At his passing but what i think is very interesting is because the. Presence was so far beyond Just Entertainment just hollywood youre seeing reactions from the political side joe biden the Vice President ial candidate the president ial candidate crafts and his Vice President ial nominee amala harris both tweeting their condolences and also in the old of. N. B. A. Stars trey young mark or kevin love and you just see that those men had an incredible presence which was really global and as i say went far beyond the world. So many culturally significant black figures but how will Chadwick Boseman himself be remembered in that context. Yes i think its interesting i mean as i mentioned was a fairly private man i mean he never. He was quite. Vocal about the struggles of being a black man in the Entertainment Industry but i still think his testimony is really the work he did not just playing incredibly significant historical black figures like Jackie Robinson like like James Brown Like the good marshall. The 1st africanamerican. Supreme court judge but in a role like a black panther entirely new standard and i think really looking at his body of work and he was a star in the greatest sense were he really created characters that were d or were larger than life and were sort of provided a role model for people around the world not just black and brown kids around the world but everyone around the world who saw his movies provide a true inspiration he was sort of the embodiment of grace of strength and class i would say really sorely missed. Most superhero movies and not cultural turning points but what was it about that role and others in black pants that thats given to their significant plots just quickly yeah i think the interesting book black answer is not only was it the 1st black superhero but the way i put those and played a child a gave him a certain bunder ability certain charm and grace that we really havent seen from sort of typically America America to figure out and i think he provided a different model for not just how a black man could be in a star but also even how we could imagine our hero being different i think that would be one of his really greatest legacy. And i said scott brooks fresh from day doubly culture many thanks. Youre watching the news live from berlin coming up a reporter looks at Syrian Refugees 5 years after arriving in germany there of course lots more news on our website that state com you can also follow us on twitter and instagram as well to handle they used at the news ill have another update for you in 45 minutes time for now im at the house me and all that in here until then thanks of. Beethoven to janis did did did did did. Did is it does it out of 16. True rocknroll. Many rubber bands of stolen beethoven. And of course the subconscious always one thing is clear. Is wildly popular all. I see is sure. The unsound with the biggest composer of all time i cant even begin to imagine a world class one player several lives on a musical journey of discovery. Long without a. Star september 16th to tell you. 5 years ago you must have a son a man and his family fled the war in syria came to germany along with hundreds of thousands of other refugees 2015 was a challenging the answer but chancellor Angela Merkel was convince the country which. Weve managed so much we can do it but many refugees have struggled to build a new life young. In 2015 we accompanied the solomons on the long journey from syria to germany now we want to find out more about how. Its just off to 6 am on the sunday monday has already begun. This. Still needs to brush his teeth mustapha son a man and his wife getting their 4 children ready for taking am school around the says hes come to his hammer reading. 5 years ago the sunday months flett the syrian city of record mustapha came to germany with their sons jude and daughter lemma their youngest child sam was born. But even now most have a son a man and still finding his footing in germany. The uk our situation is gradually improving and we feel more comfortable here i still wouldnt call germany my new home but im getting more used to life here and im starting to understand better how things work now that. The family still depends on Financial Assistance from the state of b. S. Ole man is surprised at how long it took to settle in they struggled with the german language the bureaucracy and finding a place to live and work and sometimes it feels like weve been here more than 5 years weve been through so much and this time. We spent 4 years looking for an apartment moving every few months and it was hard but when i see our children going to school it seems like time has passed more quickly than that. Time to get under way the children like going to school in. The solomons had to move 10 times before they found an apartment of their own like many Refugee Families all they could get what temporary. The constant moves meant they didnt have as much time to study jim and i stayed helped but they didnt give up for the sake of the children. Thats why they left syria to give their children a better life. Their home in record was destroyed by a bomb many were injured desperate to leave in 2015 they decided to flee. We met up with a family in turkey where they were hoping to make the dangerous journey across the mediterranean at bay i was afraid but determined a little bit of me died every day in syria especially after our home was destroyed. I died a 1000 deaths every time i heard the fighter jets in the end i said if we die trying to cross the mediterranean at least ill only die once and i hope will die together my husband my children and me. I want mama whats wrong nothing sweetheart. May god protect you make up protect you. Like thousands of syrians not some of the sunday monks had hoped to reach europe but found themselves unable to enter the new images of stranded refugees made headlines around the world the German Government decided to take them in and when the record 890000. 00 refugees arrived in germany that year. The fundamentalists are grateful that they are in germany but getting here was an ordeal they wont forget any time soon. I often think about our journey. Especially when we couldnt get an apartment or when we have a hard time with the german language. Then i think we got this far but gives me hope. That being a is picking lemma and jute up from school theyd like to get to the playground but m. P. s says its too hot right now. Its just after lunch. Abby is proud of her children. Theyve settled into their new lives quickly making friends at the Daycare Center and in school and. Then in the end he says that if theyre moving. Im practicing my handwriting. Im going to surprise my teacher that was my moms idea that. My mom doesnt know how good my german last. And my handwriting is. The others are not as good at that im also a bit better at math but my mom doesnt know that either. I can help his study german a bit. But not math because i dont like you. Can use and there might be much more that happened to. Him to help. And i can help you practice german. You can help a lot more than you know. But they dont have to work today school let out early because of the you eat later they all go to the playground not the children of that to. The sunday months have many friends in the neighborhood who help whenever they can like jesse a neighbor as of and my mom i need help at school send her over to us my girls and i were happy to help each one shelter. It. Isnt enough to not hurt them now theres no i have never had such a nice neighbor before. I just had a baby and a beer brought some food down every evening so i had some time to relax that was so sweet. And with the kids things have become much more lively since they moved and. Not everyone has been this welcoming since 2015 and far right and anti immigrant parties have gained influence. But most germans still support macos refugee policy and tough of all refugees who arrived 5 years ago but found. Thanks in part to the billions of euros in aid programs for new arrivals are finding a foothold. Is still struggling to learn german he has a hard time studying the syrian war inflicted invisible wounds that have yet to heal. 5 years on he still traumatized today he has a therapy session with professor mary im sure jack and i mr suleiman please come with me. You have a seat. Today on your appointment is with me as your regular doctor is on holiday is that ok its. Ok no problem. An interpreter helps him share his feelings. Mustapha says his mother died in syria 2 weeks ago. Hes haunted by the fact he couldnt be there with her. Goodness what a. Huddle in recent weeks she was very sick. And then she was taken to the hospital. I tried to speak with her but she could no longer talk and she didnt recognize me anymore. And i thought of me willacy mostafa was just 14 when his father died the eldest child he took on a lot of responsibility his mother raised 9 children on her own. She must have been a very strong woman. A very strong woman yes very strong. Hes experienced a lot of terrible things and borne a lot of pain but i think youre doing well now keep looking into the future and concentrating on yourself and your children you can go the same amount of were going to smile and you can be proud of yourself doctor and they have something. That something mustapha struggles with he still hasnt found his forte many of the syrians he knows here have jobs who have started their own business. Like none now who runs a snap. But it takes time to develop something called our restaurant is now very well known and has a good reputation ask anyone and theyll tell you wow the place is great and its going well. Yes its known for its good food cleanliness and good service. Back in syria moustapha was a lawyer here in germany hes planning to start work as a taxi driver soon hes already passed the german driving exam. In the evening the solomons want to catch up with their family back home in syria. Theyre deciding who to call. The boys want to call nora but then they decide on uncle carrying her every. Now and what. Many of my staff as brothers and sisters fled syria some now live in dubai in turkey and lebanon others are still in syria the only way to stay in touch is by phone. To face and they can you know. Theyre trying to make a video call. The theyre making it then i got out and the kids are excited but no one is picking up. Theres no connection theres no internet in syria. Letters sam is still hopeful but today the call was 3 for the son a mans that children are their prize enjoy best a little but they have to pick plans for the future. Wants to be a dentist. Wants to be an engineer so he can help rebuild the familys house in syria well our home was hit by a rocket so i want to rebuild it with dad. And i dont think theres an infant. Mustapha has been through a lot but there is a lot of love and joy in this family. The solomons children the family new home in germany but it will still take a bit longer until their parents feel really truly have arrived. 3 climb example for the power of critical. Courageous perseverance transcending borders and obstacles. They are now being honored for their engagement with a good. 21. Next. To it was once a paradise. Today its a toxic brew of the ship to roam in indonesia is the filthiest river in the world. The main polluters the International Fashion industry. Can assure im still the same. In 45 minutes on t. W. Im not nothing out of the germans because im dumbfounded but mostly i think with the people german i think deep into the german culture. You dont seem to take his grammar there to you its all about who you know im right so join me for me to get bungee jumping course. When i do want to be just speaking to one people it means a lot when it can resonate with somebody in berlin with somebody in brazil. A warm welcome to our 21. 00 this time from weimar for a special edition devoted to the good to medal every year since 955. 00 germanys go to institute on those luminaries whove made outstanding contributions to International Cultural exchange well the theme of this years awards is the burden and benefits of contradiction which simply put is intriguing us to avoid black and white thinking and to engage in the kind of debate that encourages a more profound reflection well its certainly evocative of the work of the 1st. Of our 3 go to medal recipients british author ian mckeown and because hes currently sitting out the pandemic at his residence in the cotswolds west of london we conducted this interview with him over skype. Mckeown has a keen eye for detail little escapes him hes interested in every aspect of the Human Experience the murky depths of our souls our political debate the latest developments in science his insatiable curiosity as reflected in his novels an essay. With whats happening in the world and sometimes its pulling me out of this private space to get involved whether its great cities or Climate Change and its a struggle for me because im not naturally an activist. But i think i have a strong moral sense and its a push and pull between wanting to see in the solar actually world a lot down world. In his image right and this invasion. Mckeown his 1st book 1st love last rites appeared in 1975 hes published 20 novels and collections of short stories so far many of which have been adapted for the screen. Atonement was critically acclaimed both as a novel and a film a sweeping tale of betrayal guilt and love. The children act from 2014 was also made into a film a High Court Judge has to make a life or death decision a teenage boy refuses a life saving blood transfusion on religious grounds once again mckeown proved to be a con a sewer of the Human Experience on afraid to ask the Big Questions novels or forms a little vest again we are what condition is. What its like to be human what it is. To be human now at this stage of history and novels are also increasingly exploratory and what the impact is all new technologies on private lives as well as social existence something he explores in his latest novel in machines like me published in 2019 he tells the story of an android and asks are robots perhaps better than humans. Only months later he published a cockroach up biting satire about breaks it mcewen imagines an insect transformed into the british Prime Minister its the most overtly political novel hes ever written mckeown as a vocal and passionate remainer describing brags it as the most pointless masochistic ambition ever dreamed up in the history of these islands we lost that battle we were outmaneuvered we were divided among ourselves in many ways. And we dont just have to poke the. We can get away with that it works out. You know were now in a paradoxical business of hoping that bricks it somehow works. In theres nothing else we can. In mcewen has garnered numerous awards in the course of his career but the good to metal has a special significance to him he partly grew up in germany france kafka he says was his introduction to literature and bought his introduction to music he has a huge following here and confesses he has a strong sentimental attachment to germany i was in berlin for the fall of the wall. In 89 new member it meant more to me than 80 geopolitical Public Events in my life than than to be there in berlin in those 4 or 5 days and that is also a country very very. To be honored in the name of gutter is a privilege indeed. Sometimes we talk about what information we should send. An unmanned space ship that was going to need our solar system we sent. We had to send a representative with humanity and i think gertrude would come pretty close to the top of my list because his interests were not only in literature in drama. In the nature of. Public Administration Politics and in music. He says the era of the great polymaths is over. But if theres a thinker today who comes close. Its in mcewen. Well normally in mcewen would have been here in weimar on august 28th go to birthday to accept his get a medal in person and as is the custom he would have received it from klaus to tell a man the president of the good to institute at a festive gala event complete with music and an enthusiastic audience but of course because of the covert 9000. 00 pandemic none of that was possible and the event has had to be taken online ill happily the Good Institute was able to team up with dart savella as media partner for a streamed event but laureates and guests alike will of course have to forego their visit to weimar a city that like no other embodies the spirit of german enlightenment. By mark interring and wrote european cultural history in the late 18th century giving rise to what today is known as a by marc klass a system a center of intellectual life weimar was a hotbed of creativity. The little dutchy in eastern germany attracted the greatest writers thinkers musicians and scientists. Of the era. Of one of the most prominent personalities of the time johann both come from good made weimar his home he and his work thrived here. He lived in this house for 50 years until his death and 1832. The noble helpful and good was his credo humanity and tolerance his Guiding Principles summed up in the concept of moral beauty the towns greatest minds all shared this deeply humanist approach. Closest friend and collaborator was also interested in philosophy and the Natural Sciences for 20 years they exchanged ideas and inspired one another weimars open atmosphere produced world literature. Believed people should interact with the Natural World appreciating it with all their senses so its hardly surprising that he chose to work and relax in the middle of a landscape park by the river in. Here he pursued his passion for botany and wrote poetry inspired by nature. Just a few 100 meters away is the duchess on a amalia library named after its main patron it houses materials from around the world which are accessible to everyone. For 35 years good to himself was head librarian there under his direction its collection grew to 80000 books in keeping with by mark classicism submission to educate the general public. Alike johan 5 confident good to himself good to Medal Winners are really lentulus of knowledge and conveyors of culture over the years Many International personalities have been on it including the likes of iranian filmmaker and artist shooting nasha nigerian british photographer. Or spanish writer or a good simple our next laureate is the 1st ever african woman to win the gruesome medal and a literary powerhouse whose work transcends borders well beyond her home continent south African Writer and publisher to kiss her well or not only has a way with words she doesnt mince them either. One of the pins that really gets my goat is when i get referred to as a black africanamerican writer that im like how. Why must i have this little what you call it where i just i want to be a good writer. So heres one where there is a woman unafraid to speak her mind born in zambia and now based in kenya the south african novelist and childrens course writer is also a journalist and publisher in response to the code 19 lockdown she also founded and curated a pan african online literature festival that brings together new and established voices probably pick multitalented and with seemingly Inexhaustible Energy how does she juggle her many interests. With very little sleep. I think if you love something you always make time for. Her writing almost always has a political subtext. Her debut novel the madams was published in 2006 its the story of 3 well off middle class women in post apartheid south africa torn between career and family traditional and modern female roles. Im essentially prall. Who very proud for ken im very pro women and i think generally comes out in my books whats the 3 all have in common its about identity. Im writing for readers but more importantly im writing for people will say oh reading is boring fair ive got a book for you finish once i finish one page and told me thats boring. Old writer with the message. Is eager to reach Young Readers and also to support emerging writers. I dont want my generation to be the last generation of writers you know i always to myself to be able to hold on and generation of writers and give them a voice and give them the platform giving people a voice so kids when i was writing often feature slang and dialect that reflects africas diversity and imbues her stories with life my readers should be able to understand the context you know if they dont get the context then it means i have failed its not that the language has failed i have failed as a writer. Frankfurt book fair for 2900. 1 when i took part in a talk hosted by the great institute. Of feminist a citizen of the world shes a regular guest at International Literary and. I think im an itinerant by nature anyway i have always been an outsider looking in if you were but i also get the insiders perspective. So kids where where is the 1st africanamerican woman to win the go to medal making her a role model for many. When youre an artist you want to be just speaking to one people it means a lot where it can resonate with somebody in berlin or with somebody in munich somebody in brazil but above all she wants to resonate as an African Writer they need to be heard more but maybe we need. More voices that are more visible a lot of african country is quick to 60 years from colonialism growing. A story. Well its a relatively small city but weimar is a heavyweight in terms of its cultural and artistic legacy with both classical and modernist traditions as the birthplace of the Bauhaus School just over a century ago it was the starting point for one of the 20th centurys most influential currents in modern design in architecture the museum here behind me recalls that early powerhouse period and the Creative Force that was ultimately shot down by the nazis well now 75 years post world war 2 weimar is an International Cultural magnet. University in our town and when i came here just i was looking. Very. That was 2 years ago farzana whos from tehran wanted to pursue her path and try out different art forms she opted for weimar and for a masters in public art a new artistic strategies ringback. When i came here i made a bundle for artists here from all over the war as our program is international not all the time. And some of our projects we need. Each other and actually this is the one thing that i hadnt experienced before because when i was in iran most of my work was in

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