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A fugitive who dont have to or little know what to we dont have anything and when it does through the. People here are. Very patient there are marching back and forth to demonstrate their anger they tell us well work to stay here weve kept up take care of us. Leave. This time everything remains peaceful but the loner understand of continues the bigger of the risk that the situation could get out of hand. Elizondo phenomenon who filed that report joins us now and she is standing on a science near the morea refugee camp unless 1st alexandra we are getting reports of tear gas being used on the protesters by police just how far is the situation escalating what have you been seeing. So we dont know exactly what while the Police Used Tear Gas on the refugees protesters we dont have any official statement and we are getting contradictory statements from the refugees some of them told us that they were protesting in a peaceful way and then out of the blue the Police Used Tear Gas on them others told us that the police was trying to push them to make their move to the new camp being built new york by they didnt want to go and that is what trigger the use of the tear gas so we are having as i said we are getting confirmed victory statements but tear gas was used here there are tear gas grenades here that the refugee brought and we also could smell it in the year and we also saw the police using tear gas again when they were detaining because several people there are scuffles between police and and the refugees we dont know why those people have been detained whats going to happen to them so this is quite tense situation here and people here are very upset and angry well it is understandable that people are upset theyre angry theyre hungry they have nowhere to sleep alexandra what have you observed as far as authorities providing food or water or shelter for these refugees is anybody taking care of them. Well n. G. O. S are distributing food and water i really have to say i didnt see much efforts by the local authorities to provide to the people here the refugees with food and water and many of them complained that they dont have enough water that they are hungry we talked about with with the governor of the island here he told us that its just taking time to get hold into this area but deaf people will be provided with what they need and he also told us that its the army that it is in charge here but as i said people dont feel that the greek authorities are really concerned about how they are doing well another major concern is coronavirus there were several dozen confirmed cases of the infection among the refugees in the camp before this fire what is being done to control another outbreak not much i would say i talk about that to the governor and he told me that the worst of all its of the 35 people who have tested positive for corona virus are unknown that they are still trying to locate them so this is a major problem but of course if we dont know where those people are its difficult to try to find out how much the virus has spread here in this area w. s alexander phenomena reporting from the greek island of lesbos many thanks indeed. Well wildfires have forced Mass Evacuations across several western u. S. States half a 1000000 people in oregon have been ordered to leave their homes or prepare to do so the governor says dozens of people are missing firefighters are battling to prevent 2 large fires from merging near the most populated parts of the states washington and california are also seeing the worst fires on record. As if 2020 was in a strange enough already this sad francisco Golden Gate Bridge remains tried it in smoke and a pale comparison to what the morning commute looked like this week smoke and ash from wildfires mixed with the cool Pacific Ocean air to produce an otherworldly effect 1115. Crazy 11 seen in the morning and its. Like the middle of the night. Historic fires are ripping through 3 western states in california almost 5 guys and square kilometer is how far and firefighters dont expect to bring the blazes under control until the middle of october some villages have already being incinerated. The governor to herd one scorched forest making up a point about Climate Change as he surveyed the damage. This is a clever them emergency this is real. Its happening this is the perfect storm is happening the precedent it waged year in year out the debate is over for how Climate Change just come to the state of california. Driver in oregon filmed the dramatic scenes as an inferno in the gulf to the forests. Wild this reveals the total obliteration the fires left in their wake. The governor told residents to brace for a huge loss of life and property and said that many residents were missing. In Washington State 2 fires have wrecked havoc and heartbreak everything gone clothes beds everything. Though weather conditions are gradually improving meteorologists are warning that it is not yet even peak wildfire season. Lets get a check now as some of the other stories making news around the world in the u. S. City of minneapolis 4 Police Officers charged in the killing of george floyd last may have appeared together in court for the 1st time prosecutors say they should be tried together but defense lawyers strongly oppose a joint trial George Floyds death triggered widespread protests against racism and Police Brutality around the world iranian champion arrests are innovative cari has been executed despite a Global Campaign calling on iran to revoke his sentence he was convicted of stabbing to death a Security Guard during antigovernment protests in 2018 the athletes sent messages from prison saying he was tortured into confessing to crimes he did not commit. Historic peace talks between the Afghan Government and the taliban have begun today in a bid to end 2 decades of fighting and bloodshed morning in the gulf state of cantarell is the 1st time the warring sides have met face to face theyre hoping to Reach Agreement on cease fires the rights of women and minorities and the disarming of tens of thousands of taliban fighters. Well for more on all this lets bring in journalist who joins us from kabul hello to you ali so the talks have opened today with a ceremony and a number of speeches but what what was the main message at the start of these historic negotiations. So everyone has their own message dr up the law who is heading the peace portfolio for the Afghan Government made it very clear that they want to ceasefire an all around cease fire on humanitarian grounds and this was something very important this is something that theyre trying to stress from the very beginning of these talks wheres the tall a balance that you know that they want to create an islamic system that brings all of the of on people together and that serves them all and that are right some of the wrongs of the past of course of us have on our situation since the founding has always been based on islamic law so you know what that means people still dont know and might pompei o the u. S. Secretary of state who people see as sort of the in force are they really kids whole point in being there is to force these sides to actually come to some kind of an agreement you know he said that he wanted a sovereign of honest on a united of artist on and i want to sit on that could decide for itself what its political system would be but key really urge them to take this seriously and i think that thats a very clear message from President Trump that you know that he wants this to and he wants to be able to say that he ended this war and yet if the taleban won a sure islamic government in afghanistan ali are they likely to share power with a western backed Afghan Government i mean there are very different visions of what afghanistan should be arent they. Well i think this is what the quote anytime that someone from the taliban or any sort of similarly minded people come and say that we you know we want an afghanistan based on. And islamic jurisprudence and things like that what everybody says is that the afghan constitution is already based on that that one legal system is already based on that so you have to tell us what that means to you you know you have to say exactly what that means does that mean you know women not going back to school and work and things like that which no woman afghans are accept at this point again and you know do i was a brief 6 year period in history that people dont want to go back to so the onus is really on the taliban to describe what that means to lay it all out there one thing for all. Journalists. Reporting from kabul thank you very much. And a quick reminder now of the top story this hour. Police have fired tear gas at migrants on the greek island allez those protesting refugees are demanding to leave the island to find safe for a Living Conditions a massive fire on tuesday destroyed at the overcrowded morea migrant camp leaving more than 12000 people without shelter. Thats the latest on the d. W. News coming up next hour magazine shift living in the digital age of marian evans dean from the me and the entire news team here in berlin thanks for the company. On the line. Every journey begins with the 1st step and every language but the 1st word published in the. Ricotta is in germany to learn german why not come with him simple online on your mobile and free shop. Learning course nikos free german made easy. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when will all the. Computers through the topics covered in the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like and the information on the coronavirus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast so you can get it wherever you get your podcasts you can also find us at twitter dot com look forward slash science. Traffic jams crowded trains and cheer and those waiting nothing in building stresses me out more than trying to get from one place to another at the only one traffic is a growing concern in many large cities across the globe. Smart technologies can help us solve this case how exactly thats our topic on ship today. Out there many still use cars as their main mode of transportation aside from air pollution and the Climate Crisis this also has a huge drawback more and more traffic jams in paris for example drive us stock bumper to bumper about 165 hours a year mall and thats nearly as solid week. Honking at strangers but probably not for long in autonomy passengers can use the drive to do something much more productive i for one wouldnt mind brushing up on my friends but for this day to come there are still a lot of things left to work out and the biggest challenge developers still face is humans. Driverless cars use their versions of sense of stick control themselves autonomy sleep. But so far these cars have merely recognized the desk objects in motion. Ai systems are unable to calculate pedestrians unpredictable behavior or to properly understand their body language. London based tech company humanizing autonomy and other Research Institutes are working to develop models for Human Behavior and traffic. This data will hopefully then train a ton of us cars. Humans very complex especially when we come to cities we can treat them with normal motion where there are expertise is in combining behavioral psychology with statistical and deep learning. For pedestrians to its important to be able to communicate with autonomy as car the normal eye contact and just. More help. Developers are working on interfaces that could be used to signal to pedestrians whether or not they can cross the street by using light signals in the windshield for instance. Theres a problem no protest train behavior and nonverbal communication differs around the world. If you look at for example in meaning. No one will jaywalking. Where you come to london people are jaywalking all the time the great thing about vegas today and of course. You know their vehicles know where they are and we have a mission that for each of these places it would be a different set of models that would be each of these races and these novels would be fine tuned specifically for that road. Clearly theres still a long way to go and thats what expos from all around the world gather regularly to discuss future Mobility Solutions like at berlins effects rachel one main topic is how can a driverless car seat or more specifically which sensors does it need to recognize and respond to its surroundings as well as to be expected in the mosque has a very strong opinion on that matter lets take a closer look. At thomas cars and cameras to ultra sound and radar to analyze their surroundings as well as the more modern lidar sensors that use lasers. With all. These different types of sensors because radar and lidar can calculate the distance to objects very accurately but they dont capture enough details to recognize what these objects really are and when it comes to humans its the camera thats best equipped to detect what their intentions are produced a new car they have to cross the road or not you know i just wasnt an issue. The industrys Top Companies are increasingly setting their sights on light or technology which stands for. To technician and ranger here sensors attached to the car sent millions of laser impulses every 2nd this creates a precise 3 d. Image of the surrounding objects Tesla Basilan musk recently ruffled some feathers when he said lighter was too expensive and that cameras radar and ai systems would suffice tesla uses only radar radio waves are used to measure objects distance and speed using this data and the camera images a 3 d. Image of the surroundings is then created with the help of ai. Flowing on pity roboticist and manufacture of light are systems disagrees with the on must. Be freely cut and there is the problem is that cameras dont offer direct information about distance and radar isnt high rez so theres missing information on what this means you need another source of information to be able to navigate safely the question here is can you said cost and safety and i for one im absolutely against this in my opinion mobility needs to be completely safe which also means using the best sensors. By the way experts believe one out of 10 cars on the road in 2030 will be self driving some are already hitting the streets today like this a dog on the bus at a clinic in florida during the pandemic of a whole new advantage they can help minimize the spread but they had just precursors to truly a ton of those vehicles where opacity only needs to punch in the destination turn over the engine and then lean back and relax. But do we really want to let a robot take the wheel is it even safe and who makes the better drive out man. Dimensions i think humans are very good drivers but machines are better. Its not like their actual driving is thats or in every situation but theyre always paying attention them and you can get distracted by their own origin ice cream or Drinking Coffee and that is the problem he even just on was paying attention im machines of programs always be attentive which is why theyre better drivers april since the off the long if this doesnt fall. As the moment is going to the moment its definitely humans who are the better drivers seen as new donors the machine offers good support especially in emergencies but humans are definitely better than in the future it will definitely be the machine the advantage of an Automated System is that its always activated it has a 360. 00 degree view and its crucial for the city and it has a general understanding of the situation what are the other road users planning to do and. Right now i would definitely say man in the city for sure. But man makes lots of mistakes and this. Led to and continues to lead to lots of injuries and that in cities themselves im optimistic at the end of feature we will have Automated Systems that create a safer and more Pleasant City for already exists walk how could a robot possibly be a better driver than walk. Joking aside how different intelligence does have some obvious advantages it never gets tired of distracted and it always keeps it cool i wish i could say the same about myself either way robot vehicles console the issue of in the city congestion on they all they need additional digital assists Life Software they can factor in my preferred modes of transportation my Current Location and the time of day to find the quickest most efficient way to get where im going. To have teamed up with great minds across europe to develop just that. Team is a smart Navigation System for all. Road users cars bikes buses and trucks its a project thats designed to regulate the entire traffic and help everyone to reach their destination faster. The sat nav supplies information on traffic jams and makes recommendations. For instance what speed the driver will need to travel at to make the next green light the i knew him as a real challenge in Traffic Management us to understand the needs of all road users trying to get from a to b. Then this needs to be analyzed and reconciled with whats actually possible within mobility in the future i could definitely see new technology helping us to react in a more dynamic way than. Team would send data to Traffic Management centers while simultaneously navigates road users Traffic Management would then be able to react to the various situations immediately they could adjust traffic like durations and speed limits change the bus schedule at short notice divert heavy traffic on to unused bus lanes and much more these decisions would have to be made visible on the street you mediately. Does not. Quantify say traffic lanes will be used more dynamically then i have to think of a way to do that maybe with l. E. D. S. Or something what can i bring into the space to make it more dynamic. Virtual traffic lights could be an option if there are lots of cars maybe we need a traffic light but if the road is quiet then this could simply be displayed in the individual vehicle and for years to go. If concepts like these can reduce traffic in berlin and other cities then great but if im being honest the syphon no to me was hoping the future of mobility would look a little cooler like flying cars lucky for me that already research is out there working on some crazy new ideas check these are. The flywheel is an autonomous lead driving vehicle which could replace cars the wheels can be connected to one another to. Longer units. Are designed to use existing subway and railway tunnels as a form of collective transport and then they can disconnect again to bring the passengers to their exact destinations the idea came from architect max she. Is think it is i dont think of the fi world as a form of motorized private transport like a car but its not a public transport either but the subway is something in between it takes the best of both worlds and create something new which weve called a collective my billet system elected who believes its. The volatile up there is an electrically powered autonomys flying taxi that can bring passengers to their destination much quicker than other means of transport. The developers aim to reduce the number of vehicles on the road whilst also reducing air pollution. And this is the hybrid the i pod the truth through to almost at the speed of sound the idea came from tech visionary musk in 2013 the air is sucked out of the 2 creating a vacuum which with barely any Wind Resistance propels the passenger capsules to speeds up to 1200 kilometers an hour developers around the world are currently working on hyperloop projects a 2 hour car ride from abu dhabi to dubai would take just about 12 minutes. With that i might even enjoy commuting to work every morning but it remains to be seen in real goals like these would be a bailable to the wider public if they remain toys for the super rich or whatever happens expos all around the world are working hard on the future of mobility if i had my way id hop off my balcony directly into my flying car then use a bike for shorter routes for example an eco bike. The future of mobility how do you imagine it what would you would. To see it as know what you think i cant wait to hear your ideas thats it for me for today see you next time. The various is one of germanys most popular Tourist Destination the regions incredible variety of landscapes make it a paradise for those seeking a more active holiday fellas like im going to get a lot of exercise and while im here and while im at it i want to find out the ways in which the coronavirus pandemic and climate seems parsecs in taurus and clearly a change of. Life on earth moons are coming to an end. A gigantic coincidence. That example previously earth was just a messy Chemistry Lab some autonomy. Where the impossible cut the 2 pseudo scientists with the creation of our solar system with our planet is a bit like winning the lottery get a hold of their resolution to get a clue to. What is earth the more you need to start september 18th on g. W. Today im in bavaria in southern germany are more precisely. Small bavarian town nestled in the

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