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Drier weather sparking several new pleases. While Climate Change poses those obvious challenges to human life its only one of a number of factors proving devastating to animal and plant life figures from the World Wide Fund for nature show in numbers a decrease by how much 70 percent of the animal populations theyve been tracking over the last 40 years. The cotton topped tamarin the white rhinoceros. Lions all in danger the situation is also a grim for many other species. The same goes for much plant life which is rapidly losing its diversity. About 1000000 species face possible extinctions amphibians mammals coral reefs are also heavily affected. There are many reasons for this the worlds population has doubled in the last 50 years increasing consumption. More and more land is required for agriculture while resources like water and forests are being depleted. And even if its to combat deforestation increase too much logging is still going on im disturbed natural areas are hard to find and then there are the effects of crime. Change all that has had its effect on wildlife. According to a recent study the numbers in monitored wildlife populations around the world have to climbed by 68 percent in the last several decades scientists estimate that vastly more animals species including birds and mammals would have become extinct without legally protected areas Like National parks. Its not all bad news lets talk. Environment. Lets start with the basics why does it matter why does it matter if these species are all dying out. So much for the species themselves obviously but also humans are still part of the planet and one thing that new studies are showing is your report described biodiversity outlook show is that this has tremendous consequences for people too and i mean it makes sense if you think about it if youve got fewer bees pollinate in crow youve got fewer fish that fish or people are able to catch that all has a good neck anomic cost to get to that really affect peoples lives ok so what is it 10 years ago the International Community has set itself some pretty Ambitious Goals to protect biodiversity how we doing the scorecard is bleak its safe to say there were 20 targets that was supposed to have been reached by this year by 20 and 20 by now and really failed to fully achieve any of them 6 of them have been partly achieved one of them seems to be going back in the other direction where actually moving away from it and concretely this means that were seeing i mean we were supposed to get plastic pollution from plastic and pesticides down to levels that wouldnt be harmful to be consistent we havent done that were supposed to stop subsidizing industry that incentivize damage to be consistent and that will happen there is some good news we have seen for instance without any of our conservation efforts a recent study suggested that 3. 00 to 4. 00 times of many animals. Would have gone extinct so we are doing some things were just not doing enough the thing is that this base can be a tough sell i would you tell added a brazilian laga with a family to feed now that not to work for the illegal logging company not to take that money because theres a rhinoceros somewhere that youve given if youve never seen will die you know if he hasnt made it problem i have to feed my family how do you make that sell to him exactly the problem is that there are tradeoffs involved and particularly if you are in one of the state tropical regions and youre often in the women. The bigger global force of surge like the month and beat primarily is whats fueling a lot of. The rainfall and so one thing the report tries to really bring out of these require these kind of transformative structural changes for instance by the us what mainstreaming the idea of introducing these incentives financial incentives in all levels of Decision Making that sound about im struck but it could mean that we get rid of subsidies that have damaging effects from the environment and introduce ones that actually do so to support the communities who will be affected by these changes. On an individual level oh wait you said there was some good news is. That this idea is now mainstream all we are we actually doing things to follow our good woods and the slogans yes and there is some i mean even on the policy level theres some concrete successes that weve expanded the amount of area that weve named as protected nature as were basically doubled that and water by one and a half a lot but what now needs to happen much more is kind of the bigger policy shifts every scientist i spoke to for the for the research for this made it clear that there are individual actions that people can take you can change your diet for instance agriculture is one of the biggest drivers for the change and im one of the biggest driver of Climate Change and biodiversity loss i keep hearing that if we all became vegetarians that that would Global Warming will go home and thats a problem in itself it isnt sufficient and when you take it together with all these other big structural changes then you can achieve a lot but weve really running out of time things need to be happening now and it is from the science point of view very difficult to see the entire decade has essentially been lost as the ranjan d. W. Environment thank you. Asian Development Bank says the region is in its 1st recession for 60 years the starvation is likely to set back efforts to left hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and he could get worse if the pandemic drags on after months in lockdown her baseness teetering on the brink city where it was finally ready to welcome back dynasty shed even invested her savings on trying to prove her modish jakarta restaurant but just when she thought she was back in business indonesia was again hit with a lot. Of the modern thought that we only just managed to survive the 1st round of large scale social restrictions and here comes another one. For no im just relieved that we are barely surviving but it will definitely cause an impact on our income and. Asias g. D. P. Is expected to be minus 0. 7 percent this year dragged down by dismal results in india thailand the philippines indonesia itself and china next year is projected to be 6. 8 percent below expectations. The asian Development Bank says pursuing active lifestyles and eating well are vital for recovery and any future pandemics then theres the wellness economy which could also boost those efforts it accounts for 11 percent of output in asia its a growing market this vegan Food Producer in china has his eye on our competition is the whole life stock sector its the Animal Protein industry we think its a game of making the keep for all. And if we need of inspiration why not follow this south korean couples example prevented from taking their annual vacation they decided to set up camp in their living room. When. We were supposed to go on a weeklong trip to new york this summer which we cancelled due to the prolonged coronavirus outbreak. Instead we spent that money buying camping gear which cost us around 8000. 00. Tom i went on talking about here. It may not be the Great Outdoors but it proves you dont even need to leave the house to indulge in some passion or wellness. And german chancellor Angela Merkel has cautioned that anti semitism in the country has not gone away and that today many of the Jewish Community do not feel safe so bring analysis came a ceremony to mark 70 years since the founding of the Central Council of jews in germany the organization was created in the wake of the holocaust and has been a driving force in revitalizing jewish life and culture here in the years since. But day of remembrance 70 years since the founding of the Central Council of jews in germany which since then has promoted the revival of jewish communities and culture in the country today theyre going to zeeshan represents the interests of more than 100000 members across the country. A rule that was celebrated by german chancellor Angela Merkel who expressed her admiration for the strength of the jews who stayed in germany after the atrocities committed by the nazi regime but the chancellor also warned about the rising threat of antisemitism in the country. Its a disgrace and a deep shame for me how racism and antisemitism are expressed in our country in this day and age. It is true that racism and anti semitism never disappeared but for some time now they have been more visible and uninhibited. In results threats or conspiracy theories are openly directed against jewish citizens. Social media is literally oozing expressions of hatred and harassment. We must never remain silent on this months. Last years attack on a synagogue in the city of hala where right wing extremists set out to commit a massacre made the threat faced by jews in germany even clearer. Violent anti semitic crimes have grown by 20 percent over the last 2 decades perpetrators are mostly right wing extremists. Despite this the president of the Central Council of jews said his community was ready to place its trust in germany. But he added that this trust must not be betrayed. Its time to remind of our top story this hour german media reports suggest that the German Government has agreed to take into around 1500 migrants from the greek islands this after more than 12000 people well thats without shelter all of the farms that tore through the overcrowded marring of migrant camp on the greek on the last boss last week. Of next to a d. W. I. Monitored ill be back at the top of the the. Law. To. Kick off. This much is certain something is coming. The fact check for the kickoff of the in this league and. The fever it. Should be nervous where my surprise is. Easy to look and see the new season kicked off. 60 minutes on d w. We know that this is a scary time for us the coronavirus is changing the world changing lives so please take care of yourself keep your distance and wash your hands if you can stay at how were d. W. B. For here for you we are working tirelessly to keep you informed on all of our platforms were all in this together run together from a concert. Stay safe everybody. Stay safe stay safe the priest whose face it. Like. Oh. My god just love our food for the russians so. Steep. And so many different walks of life. Some are pumping. Oddly trying but all of this comes straight from the heart just want to see you put horns in the morning delusion the march will in trucks come up. From the 1st log on to their final resting place the russians all day w documentary. This is a wus a shop coming up today a civilian population still talking. Fights government. The u. N. Says war crimes against the india are continuing in myanmar even address the jews in search of a better life face hunger and death at the hands of people smugglers. And the human rights icon who could have made a difference but didnt Aung San Suu Kyi is removed from a prestigious European Community for help Court Acceptance of ongoing crimes. I. Welcome. Glad you could join us un human rights chief has condemned for inaction in Holding People accountable for crimes against several young muslim and other minorities speaking at the Human Rights Council on monday she also said that recent civilian casualties in myanmar may constitute a war crimes. People from that record keen moral and working in the communities are increasingly affected by Armed Conflict and 100 fakes including through disappearances and executional killings of by the civilians massive civilian displacement id be trying to restore true in their custody under destruction of civilian property. Civilian casualties have also been increasing in some cases they appear to have been targeted or attacked in this can relate we may constitute further war crimes or even crimes against humanity. These crimes that prompted more than 700000 to flee to overcrowded refugee camps in neighboring bangladesh 3 years back but faced with extremely poor Living Conditions and a lack of opportunities many have attempted to make dangerous sea crossings to countries like malaysia and indonesia just last week nearly 300 finally able to reach learned in our chief province in indonesia after spending some 200 days at sea this is the story of what theyve barely lived through. This was the night their ordeal ended but theres no joy on the faces of these women men and children only fatigue and despondency. Their journey started in coxs bazaar the Worlds Largest refugee camp in bangladesh people smugglers had promised them a better life in malaysia and to take them there safely. But what followed was more than 6 months crammed into a small wooden boat adrift in the open sea with little food and water. The mission the broker took our money and kept us waiting for 7 months then he bought a small boat and we started sailing. Then they abandoned us we floated for several months until we reached this area. Days after coming ashore in sumatra the migrants are still exhausted. About at least alive. The United Nations Migration Agency says more than 30 people died during the journey and one woman the day after. We watched people die several people. I thought i would die too. And he kept praying to allah. The survivors us safe at a shelter today theyve been given food and drink and access to much needed medical care. The question now is whether theyll be able to remain in indonesia. Become gets more and one take grow hindraf refugee. For more lets bring in Phil Robertson hes deputy assured director of Human Rights Watch and he joins me now from bangkok welcome how is it possible that 300 range of refugees remain at sea for more than 200 days at a time that their plight is the subject of International Concern well it is extraordinary and this group of rohingya on that boat were pushed off by thailand and by later they were basically sent back out to sea rather than allowed to land and be brought ashore and provided protection so akshay became the final place that they could actually try to get ashore and fortunately the local authorities agreed to allow them come shore and taking care of them what does that say about the International Response to the crisis in myanmar on the atrocities of the rohingya having to face. Well what it shows is the frontline states particularly in Southeast Asia are essentially trying to maintain its not their problem theyre trying to push it off on each other and unfortunately what were also seeing is a lack of political will within the region to support the kind of action thats needed to hold myanmar accountable the high commissioner for human rights has raised just yesterday number of very very serious points about the continued rights abuses in Rakhine State the lack of the. Possibility of war refugees to return to that situation even the government of myanmar racing to villages from the maps and the response of the countries in the region is to simply shrug and push these boats off let us speak about the myanmar government specially about the mission bashan or was talking about yesterday betting that in mind is it realistic to expect that the myanmar government will ever take any action against the army well we expect that ultimately the myanmar government will be compelled to act through the International Criminal court in the International Court of justice i think that ultimately these International Accountability mechanisms are the thing thats going to compel Political Action by the myanmar government the open question of course is whether myanmar government can exercise its will over the military or whether this military will continue to be a rogue element that does whatever it wants to the people of myanmar when its operating in the field and that is something that the International Community has to respond to there has to be real serious action at the u. N. Security council to take the next steps to hold that more marmie accountable we leave it there for the time being but thank you so much for joining us from robinson from Human Rights Watch. And questions of accountability adults are being raised of myanmars de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi the human rights icon has been criticised most recently by the European Parliament for not speaking up on the rohingya issue it has now suspended from the south side of fries community. For a long deferred tribute finally taking place on sun suchi at the European Parliament in 2013 collecting her human rights prize 23 years after shed won it that honor has now been hollowed out. Citing lack of actions and acceptance of ongoing crimes the European Parliament has suspended suchi from the Sakharov Prize Community effectively banishing her from the circle of honorees how did it come to this fall from grace for decades sun suchi was regarded as the voice of peaceful resistance to myanmars military dictatorship she won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 her advocacy of democratic reform earned her a total of 15 years under house arrest these images show her emergence from one such confinement in 1995. The hopes she embodied seem to have come true when her party the n l d won a landslide victory in elections in 2015 she was barred from running parties delegates took their seats in myanmars parliament. Then the halo slipped. In late 2016 myanmars army and police launched a crackdown on the rohingya people and ethnic and religious minority in the countrys north east saying they were fighting militants troops systematically destroyed rohingya villages and allegedly conducted mass executions and rapes hundreds of thousands of rohingya fled to neighboring bangladesh where most remain in refugee camps today. Suchi has not so much as criticized this campaign although it bears the hallmarks of ethnic cleansing at the International Court of justice last year she defended the same military that once persecuted her she questions rohingya accounts of atrocities and refuses to even speak their name suit shes record since taking office has lost her many of the honors once he done or now europe has turned its back on her to the ground so how did it come to this and what do you want to add because of his from an old salt of the book the daughter a political biography of aung san suu che wrote you on what you thought up too quick to on a aung san suu change. So i dont think so it was too quick we have to think back it was 990 when she was awarded with the sakharov prize of the European Parliament and what has happened before so 9882 years ago there was a student uprising in myanmar and she became like the most important person bringing together all the different political fractions and groups like the students the teachers and she became like the head or the leading figure of this movement then a military government took over and. Squashed the protests and then there were have been elections one year later and to the surprise of the military government on sunset she and her party won that election by a landslide and the military government did not hand over power they rejected the transfer of power and put on sense of she under house arrest so this is the situation where we when she got the prize and i think she got the prize not for what she chief but it was more like a bet on the future but the west made this fairy tale around here and she became really almost superhuman human rights i can write so but you know theres a lot of sort of aftershock talking about betting on the future and making her a fairy tale. Do you think that your are back on her ahead of time and has that been paid off. So in 2011 when the country opened up and when she come to came to power and she became state council after more or less free and fair elections. She was not able to deliver so i think she has been compared to monday lobby for Nelson Mandela from south africa but he was not only a good opposition politician but he became a very powerful politician delivering a lot of progress and development to south africa it is not the same with me with Aung San Suu Kyi and me and mom she has had problems delivering and keeping up to the high expectations. This is in regard to the Peace Process in the country to end the civil war which rages since the 2nd world war more or less this has been regarding Economic Development and last but not least because of the crisis which started in 2016 and in 2017 pushed more than 700002 neighboring bangladesh so i think she was not able to deliver and she did not keep up to this expectations. You know doing every cows and thanks so much for your insights. Thats a phenolic see you back here tomorrow the same time by. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona update. 19 special next on d w. Has a virus spread. Why do we have it and when will all this. Just through the tax and weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the clone of virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast so you can get it wherever you get your podcasts you can also find us and dot com or slash science. Case loads have been lower than forecast but the pandemic is hitting africas economy hard disrupting tourism and other crucial sectors. With work at a standstill for many theres less money for food and shelter here in the Lavender Hill section of cape town volunteers are ever present to feed the homeless and children. Fictions are on the rise and lives are becoming more precarious. The pandemic meanwhile rages across the african continent cases in algeria and egypt are on the decline but theyre ticking up in morocco and tunisia. What would another wave of covert 19 mean for region already so hard hit. And welcome to georgia goes cold in 1000 special. Its good to have you with us 3000000 people in south africa have lost their work because of the pandemic and as a result many have lost their homes correspondent Adrian Krishna takes us to one of the many shanty towns now popping up across the country khayelitsha the largest township in cape town more than 1000000 people live here including. A month ago she could no longer afford the rent and simply built her own hearts on a vacant lot next door

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