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Documented in the effects of Global Warming in the sahara. More than a 3rd of our planet is made up of deserts and dry lands and that percentage is rising every year an additional 70000 square kilometers of fertile land turns to deserts the main course is a deforestation over grazing on the over use of Water Resources all of which deplete the soil of essential minerals with temperatures set to rise over the coming decades the rate of disaster for cation is likely to speed up considerably more to scarcity is already a problem for 1000000000 people most of them in africa. The world risk index says the situation is particularly precarious in the star held region. Lake chad in West Central Africa people here have lived from fishing and farming for thousands of years. It appears the democrat at 1st glance. But one of the worlds biggest environmental catastrophes is unfolding here. 20 years ago the lake surface shrank by 90 percent and now Climate Change has brought extreme weather thats destroying the local farmers livelihoods. Photographer andy spiral is working on a photo project that documents the effects of Climate Change in the entire sahara. Spyros the last reporter in the region before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic back home in germany africas problems seem far away still they have a direct impact on europe. 80000000 people live in the sahara region their livelihoods will be taken away in the coming years and decades the people have to go somewhere and go they will just a matter of where. On lake chad spiral experienced 1st hand how the climate catastrophe lead to conflicts wars terrorism and anarchy. Extreme weather is getting worse harvests are failing and large parts of lake chad can no longer be traversed because nature can no longer provide for the people here there are intense fights over the remaining resources entire villages have been burned down. Smaller into villages that ended up at war with each other and it was clearly about resources it was but access to water access to food and fishing rights the weapons they used were as archaic as the landscape spears bows and arrows. Of people die on lake charles year due to the regional conflicts that have embroiled the region. And the spiral has photographed in syria. Afghanistan and in the balkans he shoots with a wide angle lens which means he has to get close up to people. Spyros work isnt limited to farmers he also photographs were islamic extremists women who have to understands the interplay between hunger and a religious extremism from seeing them firsthand including only. Drives around the lake at night and recruits young man you offer a 500. 00 and a k 47. 00 is very enticed into someone whose livelihood is disappearing. From that quarter for you and. Also went to nigeria where the conflict between the nomads and the farmers has been escalating for years its now one of the bloodiest civil wars in the world for a week spiral accompanied Muslim Falana nomads as they drove their cattle herd southward during the dry season. But when telling passengers caused the situation to explode when full money herds grains down farming land the farmers shot the cattle the nomads burned down the farmers villages in retaliation both belief theyre in the right and the government is unable to resolve the conflict. Later we heard the other side of the story we went to the christian farmers and listened to their version of what happened this one village called it was completely destroyed by the full army people dozens of people were massacred people were to capitated and they took the heads with them it was very brutal. In mali internal conflicts lead to a military coup. Troops marched through the streets of the capital bamako and force president and Prime Ministers to resign. Not even the deployment of the German Military which had been in the country for 7 years could prevent the total collapse of the government. In march and the spiral was a. An area that was once popular with tourists today the region is isolated and millions of civilians suffer violence there caliphates and ethnic militias but no government mali hasnt been seen for quite some time. With the Prime Minister we went to visit there with the Prime Minister and there was an armed unit a kilometer long at least a 100 vehicles just so we could visit the village says a lot about security there or. More than 2000000 people from the lake chad region have fled due to hunger war and extremism and aspirants provocative pictures show the impact this has on people and how violence leads to trauma and devastation. They have no choice but to flee and they wont be the last. Hunger is on the rise all over the world it now affects around 820000000 people and yet some 1300000000 tons of food a wasted every year in developing countries this is often down to a lack of infrastructure as a result on average 6 to end levon kilos of food a wasted this way per person per year in industrial nations that figure at least 10 times greater retailers and consumers often toss out food just because it no longer a p. Is fresh extending the shelf life of produce could improve the situation. In the. Fruit and vegetables rotting in fields or during transportation to consumers. According to the un food and Agriculture Organization or f a o some 14 percent of food is lost after harvesting and before reaches the market or returner. If you go to a particular country or particular village youre likely to see varying levels of food losses and these youve been on the situation would go up even to 50 percent if youre talking about or less the fruits and vegetables for example if theyre from a does not find a market for that particular food product in a timely basis now this is huge amount of food and if you you convert it into our monetary quantity this is a lot and if you dont wait it is well into the laws to the environment or the Environmental Impact that is also huge. When that happens water pesticides and resources used for transportation are all wasted. Some 70 percent of global Greenhouse Gas emissions can be traced back to food loss and waste. The chief causes include problems of transportation and refrigeration. To power from harvest to Kitchen Table as a race against time. A California Based Company appeal sciences might be able to help. Founder James Rodgers and his team have developed a liquid that could extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. Appeal is a little exactly like it sounds peel we applied to the surface of Fresh Produce you cant see it yet if you look well it slows down the factors that cause the fruit to age. It helps even without refrigeration. Appeal is a liquid coating that dries into a kind of edible skin. The coating helps the projects last up to 4 times as long but buys time time to transport to produce to store it and to eat it before it spoils. Based on lip its another natural compounds found in fruits and vegetables. Theyre extracted and blended into a tailor made solution. By combining them in the rate ratios when they dry a dry eye into an arrangement that allows us to control the factors that cause street age which are basically water going out and oxygen going in so same materials were just a new trick by finding the right formula to apply to different kinds of produce early given the same kind of protection that you have about women on a cucumber or on a. Wholesaler natures pride sell some 120000 tonnes of fruits and vegetables a year they import from 59 countries especially latin america in rotterdam the important projects continues to ripen before it sorted packed and shipped to the retailer spoilage and waste is a common problem in the industry but the Company Hopes to minimize these losses in the future. The way they actually bought it and they dont use it and that costs money so in the chain if we dont know what way you dont spend that money wrongly with the be a we can reduce food waste well since you present every day level. Food that used to land in the trash can now be sold. Every day natures pride treat 6 tons of those with appeal before sending them to supermarket shelves across europe. The main customers are in scandinavia germany and the netherlands. Natures pride is the 1st company in europe to use appeal. Theyre planning to start treating other kinds of fruits and vegetables. As far as going by air by using a few we might give them the possibility go by boat and that is of course is they would be fantastic so theres lots of opportunities. So far the new technology is mainly being used by Large Companies smaller ones cant afford it. But appeal says planning to change that with a new Business Model in which retail chains and supermarkets pay smaller produces some farmers to install the necessary set up in return they receive longer lasting produce. Farmers in places that havent had access to National International markets could also benefit. And so the opportunity is to be able to use appeal to reduce the transport station costs and increase the quality so its not a its a way for a small producer to grow something thats intrinsically valuable to collect some of that value. Extending the shelf life of projects will help but it wont end the problem of food loss and waste. For that transportation and refrigeration systems will also need to be improved and expanded. And consumers will have to stop throwing food away and start only buying what theyre actually. This week in global ideas we look at simply mental case how can jobs be created for young people while at the same time protecting our planet and its resources just outside the ugandan capital kampala i reported julius visited a learning harbor which encourages young people to tend their creative patients into reality. Our house collapsed on the bed when mother died from the flood so i turned to my opinion for interim motivation. I never knew thats what im doing. This big tell me im condemned very moment. I thought and out i thought discriminated because of my often fall from malaria i am now part of the solution in my country. 2 people each with a vision jono the beggar produces soap with the sense that repels mosquito according to the un every 2 minutes a child under the age of 5 dies of malaria. Even if im saving all the kids that are suffering right now i am saving the ones that i can john merrick is founder and director of the Green Business up cycle africa which builds houses out of recycled plastic bottles. So we are transforming there with the crisis in africa into improvement opportunities for money most groups of people so all we are doing Affordable Homes consumer and elevator are graduates of the social Innovation Academy all senior official said. Its located in the town of from p. V. About 30 kilometers south of ugandas capital kampala. Here young people including oftens and street kids learn how to develop their ideas into successful businesses due to the coded 900 pandemic a new few students are currently able to attend classes on campus. It is not giving them information over teacher this is what you need to do or does is the right answer but helping them discover their own answers to understand what are the next steps what ive. Achieved what they want to achieve german social entrepreneur etiennes i have one founded sea known 24 team for people who want to build their own career paths the academy is financed by donations its been over 10 years since ive won michoacan and john mary while volunteering in an orphanage theyve known each other a long time. That one quickly realized that a lot of young people in uganda have no form or work. The country has one of the youngest and Fastest Growing populations in africa especially in Uganda People are not prepared to Work Together to present themselves to us critical questions to find their own solutions on answers and we are learning that unseen are and thats why often not everybody will become an entrepreneur but many of our scholars as well that have been so you know have found jobs. One of the Solutions Led to kampala with Plastic Waste is a huge problem. 350000. 00 tons of trash accumulates in the ugandan capital every year and only houses it is disposed of. Much of the plastic lands on this trash dump recycling isnt coming here john mary could be in that pays young trash collectors together bottles that he can then use to build houses. Every time i come here i do give some money to other people for example if locally all keeping our Environment Limited to gives me a lot of hope that even the future diminished a will in the herd it holds the planet that we are we have done all we have protected from plastic with. Earth is pressed into the plastic bottles to make bricks many women work full to v. M. S. Business giving them the chance to earn their own money. Without blowing it up on the theory our wages were raised recently. Phenomena school fees now i can pay my daughters University Tuition and give her the opportunity to graduate. With the. Give him a says the houses are cool inside even on hot days his business has already constructed more than 100 buildings using over 3000000 plastic bottles in the process. Due to the conversion of virus pandemic commissions have slowed but there is funding coming in from abroad we are revising Different Solutions on the way we can be able to survive our company weve also got some people who came along to support us for example we go with some funding from ikea and ultraman that decided to support us and especially and a lot of. This woman supplies jonelle a baker with lemon grass a key ingredient in her site she brings some bars by these days for free before the curve of 19 crisis she sold his soap to tourists and hotels for a higher price so she could keep the price down for locals now that there are hardly any tourists shes expanded her Online Business for it helps that the soaps effectiveness has been scientifically verified. In the past. People often get sick with malaria especially children but since weve been using the soap its been a while since anyone here has had malaria. The refugee settlement necchi valley in western uganda it provides shelter for more than 100000 people who fled the violence in neighboring countries such as south sudan. Many people have lived here for years including victim efi get together with. He brought the senior model to nucky valley. Finding work tends to be even harder for refugees than for young ugandans. A few of victors trainees have already been awarded prize money as music festivals. In necchi relatives implement their young people with dormant as heroes people who dont have. To school. Nor opportunities who come to refugee i discovered only depend on ads by bacon also doing something gross. And moving. But there have also been setbacks because of covert 19 is seen a branch in south africa had to be put on hold. Nevertheless. Remains convinced that senior will play a part in more Success Stories like those of John Merrick Avila and joan. I have a vision to make my. Place i have a vision to make africa instead of running away from it to make it a better place. For my one mother huppenthal. For. Him stick to your own agreement the words simple the concern is the agreements are of course those set on Climate Change in paris in 2015 the fridays for future protests have turned into a Worldwide Movement of people young and old calling for governments and individuals to get a handle on global issues they say are shared responsibility to act something one community in northern finland has taken to heart. This is northern finland the baltic coast after hitting the sauna nothing beats a quick dip in the cold river. Very refreshing when you hear in the water you really feel like a part of nature you love walked out of it sometime. Said the way we live right in the middle of nature. We can enjoy the water pick berries and go hunting. Its important for us that we can grow our own food here and that we have the forest and access to nature in general. Terms name is spelt i stressed a simple and straightforward as the town itself a few roads to supermarkets and just under 10000. 00 inhabitants he is considered one of europes greenest communities the town has managed to reduce its c o 2 emissions by 80 percent. Said come out of the c n n again its become clear to us that Climate Change is not on the way its already here. And weve understood that its not just the big players that have to make the change by. Taking we have to be a part of the changes well. Made and. The key to their success has been creating incentives so that everybody does their part in finlands day cares in schools children are taught how to protect the climbers. Thank you i guess it all began with a 5050 project we tried it out in 3 schools the children monitor the water and electricity use and get paid half of what theyve saved the school and those who tell the ts then they can buy something with the money the project was so successful that it was expanded to all the schools and Daycare Centers in. That. In the past 10 years residents in a pub reduced their Energy Consumption by half and the children of use the money saved to buy toys plants even a pool table. So should come out. Those are carrots. Theyre ready now. The town of be surrounded by unspoiled nature as well as some of europes largest peat bogs for centuries piece was burned here as a source of energy but theyre also vast reservoirs of c o 2 protecting them keeps that c o 2 out of the atmosphere. Businessman you her whole goal is from easy you bought large tracts of the nearby people and make them protected areas. We can only change of every person and every family does their part whatever they can doing large and small things is what we need to help fight Climate Change a sea of the 70. Some of scandinavia is told us Wind Turbines are located in the Nonrenewable Energy heating oil that pollutes the air for example has been banned the relies on its own wind and water and produces 10 times more green energy than the town needs an emergency 4000000 euros a year selling its leftover electricity she met dixie and weve had many discussions about when the energy i said about the noise for example and the blight on the countryside and how when turbines disrupt Community Life it just goes out the. 60 new Wind Turbines are being planned for construction around the outer edge of primeval forest not one tree has been felt here in the last 100 years. You wont be able to conceal the Wind Turbines 300 metres high and set up only a few 100 metres from the spot. So will you be one of them its a common goal to protect nature and. We need the wind power but we also need to protect the surrounding areas. So its like a puzzle in the end we have to put all of the pieces together to find the best compromise. On. Protecting the climate is indeed a massive puzzle what impact on a little town has been such a global problem the big one according to the people of. For one thing they can set a good example what works for remote corner finland just might work for the rest of the world too. Thats a live from onset global 3000 this week as always wed love to have youll say its on the program drop us a line teen global 3000 new jobs and dont forget were on facebook change. See you saying take a. Good. Theyre sitting in society and in the labor market versity is called the morning gender and legal background. Orientation held for mobility should be the deciding factor in career success. We talked to this Human Resources director is diversity Just Lip Service loreal or seen made in germany. 90 minutes on t w. Beethoven is for me. Is for. Beethoven is for him. And beethoven is for. Beethoven is for everyone. Beethoven 2022 the 50th anniversary here on d w. Compatible with. Most muslim women choose between their faith and selfdetermination. I dont want anyone to tell me what the right way and scott. Are striving to reform. Away from traditional prejudices. Start september 24th on g. W. Player. Play. Play. This is e. W. News a live from very less a coronavirus clash between the United States and china we want to hold accountable the nation which unleashed display onto the world china u. S. President and john will trump the lashes out at china at the u. N. General assembly blaming at 1st reading the coronavirus also coming up a devastating

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