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Police fired tear gas and detained over 200 demonstrators more than 100000 people took to the streets calling for president Alexander Lukashenko to step down last months president ial election has been widely condemned as rigged. Voters in switzerland have rejected a proposal to reduce immigration from European Union countries switzerland isnt a member of the e. U. But under current agreements citizens can live and work in switzerland and vice versa results show almost 62 percent of referendum participants voted against the measure put forward by the populist Swiss Peoples Party this is deja vu news from berlin follow us on twitter and instagram a t w news where visit our website e. W. Dot com. The. Youre. More than half of the worlds population lives to be and this number is one expected to grow in the coming years with modern society geared towards becoming more and more organized how we really around the world and what does this mean for and why but thats what we talk about today how long welcome to equal india some direct call coming to you from my makeshift homes to do your chores in mumbai the city of google was created in 1979 only 40 years ago from what was primarily a rule that its proximity to delhi short huge potential for its development to me its one of the biggest corporate hubs in the country but surrounded by the glitz of modernization is a biodiversity hot spot sandwiched by the expanding city fighting to be saved and kept alive. Its hard to believe that little flash fielden is called a miner by a hill finest lies within an hours drive of the worlds most polluted capital it. One of the forest tribal residents spikes hard each day to protect this clean jewelry. Once a month. I have been attached to this forest ever since i was a little boy could be because i am from the monger community because i was a little different from other games due to my physical disability because of my peers you can at the age when all the other children were running around and playing i would spend all my time to the community elders. Or whatever the reason it is my believe that this should be nurtured and. Joy was saying. The 4000 acre mongol forest is an oasis which lies in the National Capital region flanked by new delhi on one side and its affluent suburbs off google and for on the other so need her so now believes he is one of the weisss of this highly bio diverse batch of cream. It lies in the valley of the obviously mountains and is a tropical dry forest it is home to more than 30 meter of tree species and is buzzing with wildlife part of this rich land is a valley a sacred grove with generations of horse and Ask Community has been trying to protect. The centuries old treasure reflects the communitys reverence for the ancient forest and the spirit which is said to watch over it. d as different people worship different gods. He is the protector of monger granted. For all of us who follow him damaging the monger bonnie is like going against him and his route. With. But unlike just a generation ago mongo bonnie is shrinking. Being slowly sold mind or dug up and the water table has become almost entirely exposed. The biggest threat today isnt growth because when that happened when it was illegal to be. Encroachers occupied for. Going by staying and doing something which as a result they do not allow forests to grow or to decide to build something on their clan then there is no hope. Of ability for a start again. With. You they have installed. On one side and build this gate here. In the 1980 s. Mongers prime location near daily guard the eyes of Real Estate Developers their keen interest led to dampen privatisation of much of the forest the land was once considered religious commons of foreigners to lakehurst and as ancestors it was bought from them for as low as 500. 00 rupees or 65. 00 euros per acre higher than as activism led him to meet land rights experts like jay than a garage who has studied the forest for years their relationship yielded a small victory in 2014 when the State Government identified almost 700 acres of the sacred grove and over 1000 acres of surrounding forest at the north Construction Zone but the future of mongers conservation depends on a simple question does the government even consider mongered afford its. They know that according to. The 1st over there can be used for agriculture and. The exercise to identify. The meaning so therefore they said yes to waiting for more identification. When speaking. Of their door. Then you could make that list. And make a list of. Projects to me. In search of better livelihoods most of the monger community has taken up jobs in the new sprawl is entering the forest useless to them they move to cities to do mostly menial jobs and almost never get on to their forest winning ways. It is almost impossible to engage with the communities. But instead i shifted my focus to the next generation these are children who would be Decision Makers in the next 10 to 15 i want to reconnect them to the forest connect. Them as mission manifested itself into an informal equal and 2151. 00 that has brought together more than 20 children from among the religious person our mentors towards developing a Scientific Understanding of monger money. Can you tell us the names of some of those good. Indian. By the people in the. As the children learn to build small check dams to prevent soil erosion or laundered records the changing personnel hopes they develop a will to protect mongar bonnie. Bell im fighting for the forest because this work is my passion im not doing it to appease People Living in delhi or god it is the duty of every person to protect and i am simply fulfilling my responsibility a person as personal fight has turned political which might be the only way to save one of the last remaining green lungs around one of indias most polluted regions. Now lets look at one of the most decisive factor of the day to be life for people in. Traffic can leave people frustrated and in trouble and not to mention how bad the butte contribution and bad mental function in bangkok the gap. The situation is different but according to finding solutions to tackle this problem head on. Welcome to bangkok and to endless clogged streets the traffic crawls along if it moves at all. Most of the drivers here are commuters who live in the thai capitals quiet suburbs. Its very jittery party mine as one of the millions of such commuters she lives in the locks the district of northern bangkok at 7 am she begins her journey and eats her breakfast at the wheel. Its a pattern repeated by commuters all over the city most choose to leave early as they dont know how long theyll need to get to work. At. The traffic various from one day to the next some days the congestion begins right outside my door other days it starts somewhere on the journey but more or less the entire route from my place to work is congested its around 20 kilometers. The journey takes an hour and a half she once worked out that she wastes 32. 00 days of her life every year stuck in traffic not to mention the impact on the environment const by all the exhaust fumes. Monitoring stations across the city measure the air quality and deliver the results to the city authorities officials here say particulate matter is a real problem in bangkok as they know from personal experience. Or body. Personally id like to go for walks in the city where i would go. Sometimes i notice that its difficult to bring me there but there are times when i get home and my ice of water in the. Corner. And sometimes when i walk into the house my family starts new using as if i had brought the particulate matter with me. And this is one of the worst culprits the all these all powered buses that crisscross the city most are around 25 years old theyre popular because theyre cheap to ride they account for around one 3rd of all journeys made in the city but they to get stuck in traffic around 60 percent of journeys are made by private car that will have to change if thailand is to meet its pledge of reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions by 20 percent by 2030. The Government Transport Department says its on the case. When the. The 1st thing we have to do is build up a better public transport network. Only then once there are enough public transport options for people to use we start tackling the issue of private cars. Where the people in still insist on using their own car they will have to pay to charge the. Charge. One of the main plans is to expand the elevated Rapid Transit system for sky train as its known by 2029 the network is sent to cover 500 kilometers right now the Train Service the relatively small number of people only 3 percent of all over journeys are made on the sky train or underground metro system. Most of the passengers are young and middle class. I find this the most reliable way to travel i need. It means i can plan and i know how long i need for the journey not like that which sometimes doesnt turn up all the driver refuses to let you on board. Im about to take the sky train station. Take me 15 minutes. The same journey by taxi would take 40 minutes. Thats why i use the skytrain. For those who dont live near the train line theres a relatively new Service Available and app that allows them to book a took took which will then take them to the nearest train station the auto rickshaw. Providing a relatively quiet emission free journey to the sky train. The Company Behind it move me has only been going 3 years. Were doing quite well weve got. Many area. Like elsewhere many people in bangkok have seen their income take a hit and the current pandemic so the idea of introducing a tool for cars in the city is a sensitive issue. The benefits would surely make it worthwhile but better air quality and quieter and less congested roads and the income from the toll could be invested in further improving the public transport system. But in european cities too the debate over congestion charges continued for many years before action was taken and many western countries still dont have congestion tolls but things in bangkok clearly cant continue as they are the city currently has over 10000000 motorized vehicles 1000000 of them were added last year on my own. Modern city to be a bank or delhi comes with a lot of basics we take for granted the access to toilets a working street lights good schools and even new age books like seamless why fight what rural areas opened remain behind because even though like in india the greater part of the population lives a winter in the desert state of practice time is leaving the week of the bush strand reiko is up early this morning her neighbors will be over soon to help construct a thought outside the harms way she and her brother lived. They lost their parents a few years ago and now the religion is raising the. Or you. Might call the villagers. In every part of the water since both of their parents passed away on the have a range for different. Neighbors also building the toilet behind. Why it is not uncommon for Village Communities to adopt children without catalyst the community is a special they come together to help each other which has resulted in becoming the 1st to smart bridge in the state of roger stone. Building is one aspect this is now one of the few will edges in the country in which every household has a functioning toy they also claim to have it had to get it open definition. Which is still a big problem in india but it wasnt easy winning over the community it took a long time for local engineer named needs to convince each Community Member of the philosophy behind this project. The smart village is a village which provide the basic. Required. And dignified life the smart religious stems from a Government Initiative that aims to develop Village Centers creates jobs and make Rural Communities more selfreliant its also a step to world and slowing down increasing urbanization. Equinix has helped ensure that basic resources are preserved and managed in 2016 together theyve built a 3 kilometer long artificial canard that has since helped recharge the groundwater with 97000000 liters of water per year. This is going to the system on the water im going to be going through this what im going to says to him well water is italian to the ground as it is yours are for agricultural but it was an. Animal but. While the village develops on multiple fronts the next generation including ereka and her brother are being cream unemployable skills. Involved in the computer program. While rekha learns to make snacks which the community sells as a core. Since the project has the full support of the residents stands as an example of a Real Community whose members take pride in the real life while moving further along the path of selfreliance. Now if youre like me you want to escape the fast. And head to the quiet side but in europe the trend of. Religion is harming the environment the band and we can provide some relief from the hordes of rushing in one such hot spot in austria using this time to find solutions. In house not austria many locals were worried that tourists wouldnt come this year to admire the mountains the lake and the quaint village all due to the coronavirus a place where no tourism means no income but theyre not worried any more visitors are here in abundance the hotels still dont have as many customers as theyd like but kaleena hemp spankers boat rental business is doing just fine. Just in we dont have the whole world here because of the flight problems but weve got austrians germans basically europeans before the pandemic the village through Many International tourists and day trippers the alpine setting is popular on instagram last year over 21000 tour buses brought around 1000000 visitors to the village of just 760 inhabitants. Housed doubts mayor doesnt miss the era of over tourism. You have these a coupe. Groups with a guide carrying a flag in front and people wearing headsets so its very loud. It was too much for some locals saying it would stand behind like these will. Then suddenly in spring of 2020 austria had to go into lockdown due to the covert 19 pandemic grew quiet its restaurants were empty and there wasnt any revenue coming in but the local population then rediscovered the original house shot but what about the future actually returning to preterism days isnt an option the municipality depends on income from tourism to subsidise services such as school meals and care for the elderly locals value to reserve but there is a question about what kind of scale because there must be i think that we should cut mass tourism down by half and double quality tourism where visitors stay for longer that would be a good mix. If he could be full. Coupling to hemet spag or has a different view. Than that any day trippers going to want Higher Quality tourists to stay here for longer but i dont think that kind of long term tourism is rational at the moment that was true even before the pandemic. How its done just currently developing a new system to deal with the tour buses. The number of which is expected to increase again in the future. They will have to register in advance and stay for longer its not clear whether this will impact of the amount or form of tourism. The village would rather not become an open air exhibit for massive amounts of day trippers again but avoiding that in the future will require a balancing act by hot shots mayor and its tourism dependent residents. Cities that are. Made of concrete glass and steel often because the rest went for a building is far higher than that for a green space like a park or a garden but when present being green have a positive impact on Peoples Mental Health a german architect had a special idea to strike a balance between the 2. It doesnt get any greener than this this stunning building complex in the western german city of dissolute off will soon be home to shops and offices some 30000 hedgerow plants adorn the outside if. Youre trying to bring some green into the city through a quite radical approach onto the rooftops and facades and such an example to make people stop and take. Of the. Coast of england hovan is a star architect from decide off his cueball going to has the largest green facade anywhere in europe the hedges have a total length of about 8 kilometers they serve a primarily ecological purpose. Their homes have to be experiencing very hot cities it is and theyre getting even hotter much more so than the surrounding areas because of the many heat reflecting off the top of of course a roof like this is an enormous help because it not only covers the interior but does so in a very comfortable way. And hovan is widely regarded as one of the worlds most innovative architects his designs can now be found from europe to australia. In 2018 the merino one opened in singapore some 350 species of tropical plants are integrated into this residential and office building. Ask yourselves what would be growing here if we didnt build it and how can we go. You might say a clean piece of ground back to the people thats known as replacement we set up our own nursery to do it released a piece of ground and grew the plants almost it was almost a kind of business in itself. Is an. Indian who havent started his firm in hovan architects in 1905 his team has since one several International Competitions keeping in tune with nature and customizing to local conditions have become the hallmarks of his architecture he created an Expensive Health resort on the north sea island of stuart with such grief houses its environmentalists of criticize the project which is close to a Conservation Area in 2006 they look to answer Aviation Center the airlines new head Office Opened at Frankfurt Airport all the work spaces have a view of the integrated garden that also works to absorb some of the airplane noise the offices are also designed to be open and flexible. Were down a bit were up to me modern office work means its no longer work confined to an Office People shouldnt have to spend the whole day sitting at their desks they should be able to work in the cafeteria the hallways and lobbies of the garden. In his home town dislike of Christopher King and hovan wants to harmonize the citys architectural legacy with his visions for its future its green design has been nicknamed mean inhofe and valley. The way to find Solutions Like this what will help your step give and take relationship would be and bob intuitively i hope you enjoy it to the school well be back next week with many Inspiring Solutions and until then and be good care of yourselves and your loved ones good buy. A little. Bit. What keeps us in shape what makes us sick and how do we stay healthy. My name is dr carson he could i talk to medical experts. Watch them at work. And then discuss what you can do to improve your health. State use and lets all try to stay in good shape. New. Mexico is producing School Lessons in a t. V. Studio. Because everyone has a t. V. Cameras make education accessible to the poor in times of the pandemic. More does it create even more social inequality in mexico. 60 minutes on the double. Murder conspiracy of the sewing clothes horse. Bodies that will never be found. A plot connected to the highest levels of government. Why do journalists. Have to die. To string instrument. To years later the reasons are still unclear. In. The case of jump. Start september 30th w. Welcome to in good shape coming up. Giving birth by syria what are the pros and cons. Of plus breastfeeding why many Young Mothers struggle. Hello when welcome to in good shape my topic today is about one of the middle east fascinating events in our life weve all gone through and talking about birth worldwide are never each women have 2. 6 babies my wife and i have 2 kids its interesting to see whether what pregnant is derived from in different cultures in slavek languages pregnant is connected with the word burden in china however being pregnant means being lucky and im lucky too because im going to meet dr nancy stair shes a midwife and she helped to deliver more than 1200 babies over the years and shes taken care of families from all then 60 different countries. Hello doctors to nice to meet here is to meet you were gone in the u. S. You came to berlin 24 years ago and your midwife since 2001 i guess so hows it being in midlife is it still thrilling its absolutely amazing i love every day that i go to work every birth is different every woman is different. Very unique every family is different and being at a birth is something that just makes my joy grow more and more i know the moment when a baby is born and then it really fills the room and as you can see yesterday i had an amazing birth and im still walking on clouds wow so even after all those years of still amazing absolutely i think nearly everybody of us knows how to get pregnant but when does a pregnancy start or 3 what a pregnancy can be different for a woman than what her doctor says the doctor would say pregnancy starts when you see that their heart is beating an embryo for a woman it could be that she feels pregnant before then that she knows that shes pregnant because her body is changing some women actually only feel pregnant when they feel the baby move then they are certain that the president what actually happens in the room during pregnancy when do the pet sure is nice in terms develop in the embryonic stage lets take a look at what is hidden from our eyes. This is one of the smallest human cells and this is the biggest a female ovum or x. L. Just even visible to the naked eye. Male sperm cells however are tiny though they can still travel hundreds of times their own length and only a minute over a 1000000000 sperm cells can be released during a single ejaculate but only the fastest will fertilize the egg when the sperm enters the oval they combine to form the basis for a new human being and. By the time 30 hours have elapsed the fertilized egg has divided into 2 cells inside 3 days they are 16 and they keep on dividing. As soon as the oddball shape blastocyst attaches itself to the womans uterus membrane she releases hormones which condition her body for pregnancy they ensure for instance that no more eggs ripen in the mean time. Thats why a missed period can be the 1st clear sign up. But the hormonal readjustments can also cause nausea. In the early weeks the placenta and umbilical cord form connecting the embryo with the mothers circulation and metabolism until birth its now high time to drop habits harmful to the child like Drinking Alcohol and smoking. Next the initial signs of a brain and spinal marrow appear the heart begins beating. Buds form which grow into limbs and digits the fetus gradually takes shape. The 1st 12 weeks are the most critical in a pregnancy during which 80 percent of all miscarriages take place usually because the fetus doesnt develop correctly. Growth accelerates from week 13 on the fetus takes up more space leaving less room for the mothers organs she may suffer shortness of breath or backache as a result. Survival rates for premature babies increased dramatically from the 24th week on but children born at this stage have a lot of catching up to do. The fetus still weighs less than half the average child born at full term but that changes rapidly around 4 weeks before birth the baby inverts its position in the womb to head down. The signal for birth is thought to come from the child as soon as its lungs are fully developed the combination of proteins and the mothers hormones trigger the powerful spasms of labor of proteins and the mothers hormones trigger the powerful spasms of labor. Then its only a matter of hours before a brand new human being emerges into the light its 1st new day. When women in that they are pregnant they got a lot of advice from friends but not every advice holds true. So lets ask a profession of the both of those miss heres myth number one pregnant women have to eat food too this is an old wives tale ok this isnt true women should not eat for 2 during pregnancy they should think for 2 they should eat foods that are healthier but they shouldnt eat for 2 in the 1st 3 months of pregnancy they should only 100 calories more predate in the last 3 months of pregnancy only 400. 00 more calories per day myth number 2 if the mother to be has a round belly it will be a girl if she is appointed belly it will be a boy this is true and not true a woman who was smaller she doesnt have as much space between her diaphragm and between her pelvis so her belly is going to be more here more forward more in front of her for a woman whos taller it could be that her belly looks a little bit smaller even though her baby is bigger than the belly of the woman whos smaller myth number 3 in some cultures people believe that the baby is dirty after birth you see any truth about this if its absolutely and there babies are not dirty when theyre born theyre born out of a sterile environment and its very important after birth that babies arent bathed in the 1st 24 hours we know that from the World Health Organization many mothers dont pay their babies for the 1st few days after birth the way that a baby smells is very important to give the woman cues progress feeding and for bonding with her baby especially in the 1st 2 hours after birth its very important that the baby is together with the mother lange skin to skin and have the opportunity to breastfeed with number 4 in some cultures people want the 1st born child to be a boy and some believe that. Women are responsible for the child 6 the woman is absolutely not responsible if its going to be a boy or if its going to be a girl ive heard from some families ive taken care of here in berlin the women believe that if they pray hard enough or if they do some kind of purification ritual before they get pregnant that they can have a boy because thats what their family hopes for them to have but this isnt true its actually the man who is the deciding factor the sperm either has an x. Chromosome or y. Chromosomes. Do you know which organ is usually this size. The uterus the uterus is the place where the embryo and later the fetus develops on for birth during this time this organised like a busy mom working 247 and it has real superpowers. Its pretty remarkable how much can happen in 9 months in a womans belly an embryo grows to the size of a baby and its home grows along with it the uterus before pregnancy the uterus is smaller than a pair and weighs around 60 grams but it already clearly is a major role in conception in the neck of the hooters or cervix glands produce whats called cervical mucus. During our fuel ation the mucus projects sperm cells and guides them to the egg at the same time the hormones progesterone and estrogen cause the mucous membrane of the uterus or endometrium to become more viscous so that a fertilized egg can implant there. During the following 12 weeks the placenta develops an independent organ that ensures the developing childs needs are supplied via the umbilical cord and that waste is removed. In its Little Chamber the fetus has its own survival system as soon as a fertilized egg is attached to the end dimitry of the uterus begins to grow and grow and grow. Hormones like estrogen steer this growth to ensure the baby has enough space. By the end of a pregnancy the uterus is almost the size of 2 soccer balls 20 times larger than before pregnancy. The uterus is active to the very end during labor its muscles contract with the clique to force the d. D. L. Through the vagina which shall functions as the birth canal. After birth the uterus begins shrinking again by about one centimeter a day blissful relaxation after 9 months of hard labor. A pregnancy is a very exciting time but sometimes a difficult time as well so are there any tips what a woman can do to feel accommodated absolutely women are very tired in the beginning of pregnancy and also get it and they should definitely get the rest that they need and this might mean taking a nap in the afternoon or going to bed early. And what can the pardon the family do. While the partner Family Friends they should know that womens emotions are a little bit more than they are when the woman is not pregnant so maybe if shes angry angry or if shes sad shell seem sad or she can also be more joyful than she is that other times its really important that these people who are close to the woman that they dont take her emotions personally and think that theyve done something wrong and i think any professional tips concerning the right nutrition. For sure its really important that women get enough to drink during pregnancy and that they especially dont drink drinks that have a lot of sugar in them cocacola its not good to drink during pregnancy for example its better to drink water or to drink teas that dont have any sweetener in them and any absolute strict no gross in pregnancy that also is problematic for women who smoke for example the baby can be a little bit smaller its not healthy for a woman smoking she also shouldnt take drugs and she shouldnt drink alcohol. I have a great idea why dont you write to me about Health Issues and your ideas to share. In good shape for your weekly health. Covers many aspects of health care. Whats new in medical treatment nutrition and fitness and beauty. We discuss these topics in depth with specialists and give you the chance to pose your own questions so do get in touch. We just talked a lot about pregnancy lets focus a bit on the birth so how can women prepare for this because. I think its really important that women. Read and listen to positive stories about birth there are many many more positive stories about good birth than there are these terrible stories so women should definitely stay away from these terrible stories that they might hear during pregnancy and look for books and maybe even look for friends who had good birth experiences and what should they actually expect most women have some fear when they go into labor they have those 1st contractions and then theyre not sure whats going to happen i always tell women to bring that fear with them they should discuss that fear for sure with their midwife or their doctor whoevers taking care of them at birth in addition to that they should expect joy and they should always remember between contractions that giving birth is actually something quite wonderful quite miraculous and that in the end when they have that baby in their arms thats a very joyful experience so youre very experienced professional so do you have some special tips for. Absolutely i think its so important that women actually get to know their baby during pregnancy and when i say that i dont mean that they get to know their baby by looking at an alter sound picture or image they should get to know the actual baby that theyre going to give birth to the baby thats going to be their child so during pregnancy they should take some time every day in the morning in the evening doesnt matter where they are in the park they can do this at work or at home put their hands on their belly close their eyes breathe deeply and just feel their baby feel how their baby is moving this is how they can get to know their baby and this is how they can best prepare themselves for for pregnancy and then for birth and for motherhood. 175000000. 00 babies born every single year and most of them come of age nearly every 3rd baby is born value c. Section called syrian section in brazil its every 2nd baby c. Sections a very important from a medical standpoint but if you dont meet them medically you. Should think twice about having them because after all it is a procedure it is dangerous but only for the mother but even for the child. A baby is about to be born via c. Section the mothers abdomen is cleaned with an antiseptic and a surgical drape is put in place. Through the surgery to make sure the regional anesthetic is working the mother is white awake but she doesnt feel any pain. I have with that its all stripped and wear off the surgeon makes the incision and a baby girl is. Your i live under would not. Be roses and you can thank god. Its a quick and relatively stress free best for the child but one with potential long term consequences to health. In. Recent studies have been investigating the longer term effects of mrs arion bath pediatrician dominic singer is familiar with the research. This is taught firstly through we now know that babies delivered by c. Section end up with very different intestinal bacteria compared to children who are delivered by vaginal birth. By kinda not enough. That comes as no surprise to gynecologist cortege he says that when a baby passes through the birth canal its bathed in the mothers microbes that know youre born that often when babies are born in a vaginal delivery they come into contact with the mothers natural micro biome thats the normal

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