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Have again marched through the capital authorities are refusing to allow foreign journalists to cover mounting opposition to the. Alexander lukashenko. Germany have confirmed that a 26 year old jewish student was seriously injured in an attack outside the synagogue in the Northern City of hamburg a man dressed in military style clothing struck the victim repeatedly in the head with a shovel place arrested the alleged attacker this is the news from you can follow us on twitter and instagram news website at www dot com. Each decision. Some consequences of this. To us and the above between. Some trees or. How many of us think about like the rights we have the nature of around us has right still went on this week. Alone welcome to equal india. Magazine when stories not only from india but across asia and europe im struck that i could. Report the story of an inspirational comeback. Just the color integral has a troubled past in india the die for which a right was a me just sort of exploitation in the british raj the colonizers commission on indian. Food which led to hunger and despair. But. A sustainable vibrant of the crop. Of. Something magical that describes extracting pigment from an indigo blonde the timing and external conditions must be perfect it is the only way to get exactly the right shade of indigo the 42 year old says his own mood is critical. If im upset. When we 1st grass green leaves. His affinity for indigo today it is hard to imagine that fun and vision and then different going to get bought for himself 15 years ago when he completed his masters degree in geography. Suddenly changed after his fathers untimely death and opportunities led him to the speed of natural dying. It is a physically strenuous process which requires scientific position and artistic ecstatic both of which has none and must. Just part of a himalayan movement that is binding but if i was off its nonpolluting natural diet through a sustainable supply chain that has been built around produces like. Albany is a social enterprise that creates commercial opportunities in textiles and die making. It began using him as a way of connecting the people of the mountain ecosystem years ago. That was. Specially. When it was. By the British Government that the farmers had to go in to go as a contractor crop a percentage of their crop had to be nickel and they were given seeds on very high Interest Rates leading to a lot of starvation debts suicides and so on and so forth looking at that it was it was a tough subject even ventured into the moment that a 3rd toward indigo i had people just telling me that hell can i even think about what will the. Mahatma gandhi considered the father of modern india was among foment to lead a revolt against forced indigo cultivation in 1980 this war was the 1st of its kind provide a clear direction for indias freedom struggle culminating 30 years later in so much on independence from the british coloniser. Today and he hopes to transform the idea of the color indigo as one that resonates with prosperity empowerment and sustainability. 300 who have been creamed and indigo cultivation are growing the dye crop and rotation that food crops using organic farming techniques. This not only increases soil fertility because of indigos nitrogen fixing qualities but also provides much needed additional income for the producers. Over the last 3 years and you davey from des goli village has been planting a small patch of her farmland with indigo together with the crop once a year by 2019 she and 10000 rupees the plant also keeps wild animals away. That she knew were bored in i began growing into google because i know it would. If some magic farming right for example meant having to kill on a constant lookout for wild thanks monkeys and other pests are damaging to crawl through our neck ive always worried about whether thered be anything left for me and then my live but it got me before. Compared with the synthetic version of the organic garden is much cost but also more eco friendly. The crop cycle last about 90 days to the quietest 10 to 12 days of live and nearly guarantees and provided the crop isnt damaged by unseasonal rings or other effects of climate change. What began as a small experiment has blossomed into a sustainable an attic and see to scoff indigo when you change that in short autonomy and selfsufficiency the productive are mainly sold in india but are also exported to countries such as germany japan or the us comment about it beyond through our borders are seen by people around the country remember degenerate of our hard work and we are really proud of it and i know it feels good to know that people appreciate and. You. Ringback with the himalayan indigo project the pigment seems to be bringing in a new kind of. Healing the wounds inflicted by the british eastern here come on the community and the land is gone. Now like many grassroots organizations across india and body of connected Decision Making and become a nation the notional sweat lodge which was the guiding principle during india. And badminton is this curious connection and finding solutions more and more people and organizations. Can benefit from it. So these are all moments where people have actually tried to claim that for all my toes that affect our lives we should be the ones who are making decisions all be central to the Decision Making we cant believe it through governments and corporations and so on. Its what i was actually a very ordered concept in india comes from ancient script shows and then doing the inventions movement against the British Colonial rule it was spoke to the eyes by many different moments such as put in since the moment done on jindal and others where the british were trying to take control over our Production Systems on agriculture and so on. And then Gandhi Brockett especially in his book ins what i was and then in the moment but whats important is still realize that its not just about indias independence from colonial rule about a nations independence. Its actually much more about an individual and of communities hard on me and freedom but responsibility to other peoples and other communities autonomy and freedom which means if it encompasses a deeply ethical well being off living it encompasses my self restraint so that i dont impinge on the rights of others to live. In india the concept of Love Development has been taken all the same from the west in the. Since and we have been boys did all the successive governments have been boys did either to state socialism or now increasingly to capitalism which means that g. D. P. Growth has to happen at any cost which means you can cut down for those who can. Bring out over to learn you can do anything you can displace millions of people in the pursuit of this kind of there was a cunt fortunately in modernized development we seem to think of ourselves as apart from nature we have to figure out how we are actually part of pretty please insert ourselves understand that other species have their own right to exist that everything around us has as a spirit of being order is in is is something in itself which needs to be respected. For the last 40 years what ive seen is a lot of communities in india and other parts of the world that are actually practicing in some senses different notions of what arch for instance Women Farmers in different parts of the country claiming for solar energy which means complete control over everything to do with food you know the seeds the land the water the knowledge of all movements to reclaim Community Control or forests in central india and other parts of the country. To build in the notion off far which is a deeply political and economic concept of independence and autonomy as they said but also the responsibility to the rest of nature and so course what odds but also radical ecological democracy in the sense of trying to rescue the word democracy from its currently liberal interpretation where we think elections is about democracy actually democracy is about power of the people we each have within ourselves inherent power to take decisions or be part of Decision Making many other values that are explicit or implicit in this for instance the value of solidarity among british and but cooperation the value of working with nature as a common is not as a private property the value of rights of all species the value. Living simply because if you if you consume more and more and more youre actually impinging on the rights of other communities or on other species the value of diversity so that i respect your ethics and your ideologies and your beliefs and faiths and you respect mine. You have to fundamentally order the economy in order for people to have much more control over their own Productive Resources and in order for these sorts of occupations also to gain respect and be something that also encourages young people to get into them rather than everybody running boards and machinery and industry and so on. Selfreliance or ogmund advertize become quite a buzzword in india these days everybody seems to realize that crisis tells us that we have to be selfreliant but the way in which its being manned and the kind of packages that are being pushed out actually pushing people more and more towards commercialization privatisation. With it because what id show many many things happen one is that for instance we make the centralised state a much less important probably even withers away and each of us begins to understand how we can take control over our own lives with as i said responsibility for others as collectives as communities wherever we are. Like. We have to recognize that other species and as a whole also have rights and that their value is not determined only by how useful they are to human beings but the way the world runs to be interesting the world can we expect industry for example to use this as a guiding principle a company in indonesia buildings. Here only outskirts of band on a city on internees is main island java something is being cultivated that could be of great value. Mushrooms they rarely draw much attention there are many species with many varied properties some one are showing others contain medicine allegiance here they are the roll material for an innovative kind of textile. Mushroom its a pretty green to be kind of Sustainable Future leather the curious cruel mycelium original piece part of your fondness can mean making perfectly. Without any bjork p. V. C. Or any can we caught on time race material how do you raise in your growth comes from a family of mushroom farmers in 2012 he and some colleagues founded a startup mushrooms but they quickly changed tack to focus on my psyllium they are committed to developing a sustainable animal friendly fashion industry compared to animal or in my school of leather it is having a really huge advantage in Environmental Impact for example we can share much less water we dont have to cure any walls we can move vertical farming so we can save some space and its also a really last carbon emission they feed the mushrooms with organic waste such as sort of just. Their company micro tech sources that locally whats waste for the witch mel is a recyclable treasure here. First the sawdust is cleaned with steam then its mixed with tiny mushrooms. They consume the sawdust and at the same time on the outside of the sawdust blocks they produce tightly woven mycelium which can be harvested within a few days. Percepts uses a fraction of the water used in standard leather production less than 110th. This has caught the attention of how long he makes and sells shoes many of course a major flood but these days hes keen to find alternatives. For Leather Industries one of the biggest contributor for carbon emission and we see that as as long as we keep selling forward whether footwear and as the cells grow we keep damaging the environment and then it came to a realization that we need to find the so sustainable solution at 1st he bulked at the notion of mushroom but his team have now learned how to work with it. My slim fabric is breathable flexible under a bust it can last for years and its an eco friendly Sustainable Product Companies around the world are discovering its advantages. My feeling im sure you still have a long way to go though not yet widely available they are not yet a mass Market Product it has still higher cost because due to the scale meaning. We still produce a limited quantity its a learning curve but as an Innovation Company we need to and i think the future will be very bright for us. The resin you grow and his team agree that busy ramping up production they already have orders is far ahead just 2027. So if only we are producing 2000 square feet of my silly matter per year over the money its really huge so we need to double down our capacity in order to keep up with him at. The company is growing it used to have just 5 employees now it has 38 monitors carefully the quality of its output even testing samples to destruction. New girl and his team still have some way to go but they hope that mushroom leather alternative is at the least a good step forward. The idea that each one of us is responsible for ourselves our community and of abundant is quite wonderful but in reality this is not a. Result of a project in the netherlands thats good for me and bob and the people who live in it but some. 60 kilometers from amsterdam on a tourist boat the destination is one that only recently appeared on the map 5 islands in an enclosed sea or lake created out of nothing in 4 years called marco water and. In 1976 the construction of a dam sealed off this portion of the north sea which became like a vast pond with no water in that so outlet muddy and stagnant water was right because. Getting rid of the suffocating blanket the slick. We marry. Our oath only refer to them with the soil thats causing the problem one of the islands is now open to the public it has a functioning harbor to several private visiting vessels a Visitors Center a beach and 5 houses that can be rented out for a week visitors are attracted by the remoteness of the place although its only an hour away from the mainland not 12 monument is one of the dutch n. G. O. S behind the project as soon as the silt and sand was pumped from the bottom of the sea to form 5 roughly shaped mounds the water and wind continue the shaping of the needle and at 1st reads in grasses were planted to retain the scent jeans but soon nature took over covering all with a blanket of flowers and plants at the latest count some 120 species of birds have arrived including geese gulls cormorants and more than 2200 nesting common turns but not everyone is happy with the new arrangement. About 20 kilometers to the north fishermen in the town of book say declaring the area and nature reserve has deprived them of the whole mark amanda lake in one stroke Monica Wagner we dont have a problem with the mark of about him but we love nature too because were nature people. But we made all these investments and suddenly we cut our legs we had 450. 00 nets and now we can only use 15 percent and that it would not be buried not fight so then we tried to go outside to the north sea we adapted to boats for that but really there are too small we tried for years to go out there in spring to get back on our feet. On the clock off to run. In the struggle to allocate land and sea in a densely populated netherlands nature has one less time the fish have returned to the market mallaig and for once that only being hunted by the birds. And a lot of that on the world may not be familiar with the work or. Not actually are right to point to that. One wanted to bring more diversity to the undocumented. So she founded the black. In mexico to find out about the behind her. Would see you to come. To the team the way you live is emotional soak sets deeply positioning yourself quite differently in relation to nature so they identify with this movie and i think if i was damage this is something that the west organizing. Can really take on into building up these feelings within the population so that it is the power of force in the environment. In 987 thats 33 years ago the Environmentalists Movement in this country with few of the white people and the group of friends including myself we got together you know what this i use it having been talking to each other they say dont we notice that actually this no black and i think minorities that you see anywhere in the environmental sector so we thought we should do something about it and this all the things goes on and on with nothing happening and this something in the opportunity comes it was a european year of the environment and we applied for a small amount of money and got it and that kicked off everything. When i grew up in hong kong as a child and hong kong in those days was not like the glitzy thing its now known to be it was the era when people will pouring in the cross the border from china because of the unrest and my parents ran out of china so we were very poor my parents came from nothing and you know taking nothing with them and all that but nation almost in the show was such an amazing thing that as a child i was in moon and the chinese still calls have a very deep relation with nature and now a rich in no way of being is very and the mystic so ill close this of nature is something that seemed continuous through my life. Nature is not local is local and global you know you pollute something a blows across the world that doesnt stay where it is and actually a lot about pollution that the moment though it was germany and causes acid rain in the black forest is also doing it but you cant change the patterns of nature so these people will very environmentally conscious of the world a more open to working with people of the world rather than as it now ne intrinsically local and Global People constantly in touch with their countries of origin so in a way they have more investment in environmental themes global things than anybody else they are connected theyre Global People. I hope to be sceptical has given you enough for part on how we can stop tradition ship with me and bob meant to live in ill see you again next week until then. Good care of yourself your loved ones. What keeps us in shape what makes us sick and how soon stay healthy. My name is dr carlson the i talk to medical experts. Watch them at work. And they discuss what you can do to improve your health. Staterooms and lets all try to stay. Next to. Mexico is producing School Lessons in a t. V. Studio. Because everyone has a t. V. Can make education accessible to the poor in times of the pandemic. More create even more social inequality in mexico. Treat the. 16th on t. W. This is some dope story a stubborn rice farmer from thailand. His problem pests. His credo no chemical. Plants try and. Step. Sen straight. Students are caught up in the past. Training successful. Such that it. Starts october 1st. W. Welcome to in good shape coming up. Sweet treats why fruit should be eaten in moderation. Ways to treat this tissue disorder. Im fast as fuel how much populism is different for men and women. Hello welcome to in good shape if i would speak chinese i could greet you with the words be chilly ma that means have you already eaten today some cheese meals and a round body a status symbols in china for many people in africa Coffee Society of health and beauty and a sign of wealth in other cultures like here in western europe people strive to have as little fat as possible on their hips for we need our body fat our body fat is not only an Energy Storage it protects us from external impact and against heat loss and without effect for on our heels and our buttocks we could neither walk that fat cells also stalls certain vitamins and are essential for the homeowner balance and false self function nevertheless too much body fat makes us sick and a chart and saw life span spartan exercise assume most successful way to break down excess fat but its not that simple how does fat really burn we did some research did she know that women burn fat differently than men. So he isnt overweight but she still unhappy with her body. Is amusing to find out for me its my legs especially my thighs as i work them out a lot and i want them to be more slender. Currently i weigh about 73. 00 or 73. 00 and a half kilos losing about 5 kilos wouldnt hurt. She has experience with diets as i. Always try to avoid eating carbs and sugar of course i dont eat sweets anymore i know you avoid past and potatoes but somehow the way i always creeps back and it ends up right on my hips. Before working out she doesnt eat anything. As a man and if you eat right before you workout food gets burned up instead of the fat reserves. Textbooks agree eating carbohydrates before exercising causes muscles to 1st burn only carbs and hardly any fat. Only later does the body begin to burn its reserves of fat. To test this theory we conducted a 2 day trial at the German School university in cologne before exercising sophie drinks a half liter of sweet liquid on the 1st day it contains no carbohydrates. As a control her resting Metabolic Rate is measured thats done via her breathing rate. Professor ingo food is the director of the university hes already conducted his own experiments on burning fats. We examine energy burning car burning im fucking burning according to whether theyre written before or after exercising. 25 minutes of moderate Insurance Training on a stationary bike. Then resting Metabolic Rate is measured once again for an hour now comes the exciting part after working out we continue burning fat for up to 3 hours. During the 1st test without sugar sophie burned 9 grams. Fat during the cool down phase. The 2nd test takes place 3 days later the only difference is that this time her drink contains 70 grams of sugar. Once again she cycles for 25 minutes after exercising will have body burn more or less the 90 grams of fat the textbooks say less. But this time we measure increased fat burning in the cool down phase almost 11. 5 grams. As far as house because so weve discovered that consuming carbohydrates before exercising so fear did cause a significantly more fat to be burned than if one had been consumed these cars you forehand which is called about 4 inch tall. But with only one test subjects so far the results still arent definitive. But research is at the university of surrey in england repeated the trial many times and their study reached the same surprising result is this the end of the common wisdom that says you shouldnt eat before exercising if you want to lose weight. Fortunately it isnt the case that the science has to be completely discarded for example there are differences between men and women women reaction the way we just described their fat burning stimulated men on the other hand dont benefit from it to such a great extent and the contrary for them the textbook theory is still a pleasurable for men consuming carbohydrates after exercising is better especially if they want to increase muscle mass or regenerate their muscles thats your 1st. Until recently textbooks only focused on men previous trials were presumably only done with male participants all the differences between the sexes were simply ignored men begin to burn fat only after their carbohydrates have been more or less used up fat so their emergency backup. Women on the other hand burn fat earlier and more easily evolution might provide. An explanation. Didnt fix it so its no surprise that oxidation for women is much more sophisticated as stable greater need for food especially during pregnancy when they need more energy structural decisive always on the other therefore women are better protected because they can use their Energy Reserves better than men who regularly need to consume carbohydrates. Just as evolution did a good job. Women can increase fat burning by ingesting a bit of sugar before working out the results are less pronounced among older people and the extent of the effect depends on varying factors of which there are many and whats most important is that people stay active. As they have a good have learned is that i can eat carbs before working out i always avoided them before because i thought that would be better at it from now on ill eat a carb every now and then medicine. Fruit honey for juices and good options theyre easy to digest just before exercising for just a small portion otherwise he wont burn any fat. Exercise into Good Nutrition usually melts away at deposits but this doesnt always work and if your legs are getting bigger and bigger despite all efforts you may suffer from look at this from cold lip edema there is a Fair Distribution disorder that almost exclusively affects women the disease is frustrating humiliating and painful the young woman in our next report tells us about her daily struggle. Lisa gluck now has finally found the right doctor gynecologist Robinson Ferrara thanks to him she can now give her condition a name little demon these notes have you been doing i have the impression its got worse. How ever since lisa was a baby shes consistently gained weight on her arms and legs. Lip stands for found and edema. Means water retention the condition causes and marchment of the arms and legs. Is retained between fat cells and has difficulty being transported away this leads to the deformation and thickening of the limbs. The disorder often runs in families believes her great grandmother had it. Genetic metabolism disorder a distribution disorder explains why people would look the way they do they often are very slender upper bodies and very broad lower bodies hormonal changes are frequently the puberty pregnancy and medications can intensify the disorder. Even walking short distances is very difficult due to the immense pressure on her legs lisa cant exercise anymore. Yeah. It hurts to walk for example my legs stop burning off to 2 minutes and this is way down sensation. Feels like you have 2 bags of water attached to your legs that you have to drag around all over the place. The large amount of weight puts a burden on the joints climbing stairs is a challenge as are other daily activities lisa spends hours with her mother searching for clothes. Off and this is a tough it certainly doesnt make you feel very attractive when you look at your legs in the mirror and they have big indentations and you feel like youre never going to be as beautiful as other people because your skin isnt smooth its sunny. But special treatment can reduce water retention in the body by means of air pressure the lymphatic vessels are encouraged to drain. She goes 2. 00 to 3. 00 times a week for lymph drainage. The manual therapy helps to get the excess water out of the body. Were trying to move the pressure from below to above so a draining motion like milk. I push upward then a relaxation phase by another upward push and that way through the whole body. Finally she puts on support stockings. Lisa notices that the drainage worked because after the therapy she repeatedly has to go to the bathroom. The support stockings and the men for training also help reduce the intense pain caused by pressure and the arms and legs but the treatment has to be regular otherwise the improvements quickly disappear. Ideally her weight would notice really decrease but without surgery losing weight with this practically impossible. Worldwide 370000000 women suffer from this chronic disease it occurs mainly among African American cook asian and india women to make things worse they are exposed to slanted looks and accuse asians these women are fighting a desperate battle against a body fat they simply cant win but theres no effective therapy available the only help you can get is a procedure called life. My kumite says life has changed a lot she has and just a few years ago exercise or yoga would have been impossible. When the pain in her legs became unbearable she decided to have surgery. Im very grateful that i have my mobility back and can move. And i can move my legs without that terrible feeling of having s. And when the sensitivity to touch and the pain i felt when i just touch my legs myself. Michael has suffered from lip edema for years 5 years ago when she was 25 she could hardly climb the stairs. Manual lymph drainage and Compression Stockings helped somewhat but it was my perception that finally made the real difference. The surgery removed a substantial amount of fat today michael exercises almost every day and enjoys. My quality of life has gotten much much better and i was very heavy and inflexible it was hard to move i didnt feel free but today i feel free again and thats the best thing about the surgery. These trousers used to be snug the surgery removed 3 kilos of fat from each leg michael went down to try and she doesnt have to wear Compression Stockings anymore micahs family means everything to her before the surgery enjoying herself with her sunlight this would have been impossible today she finally feels at home in her own skin again to make sure that doesnt change shes had to alter her eating habits for the better so she doesnt gain weight again. But my plans one day its been my son is 2 and a half walking with him on this path or going jogging wouldnt have been possible. For him it means i can do lots more with hammock. Good it means so much to me its made such a difference and makes me happy im really grateful for patients like mike liposuction can be the only thing that truly helps so in the future somebody walks a woman with. Legs so tell him that this is a painful disease and if he asks you how could you possibly know this just tell him that you are. In good shape your weekly help. Covers many aspects of health care. We look at whats new in medical treatment nutrition fitness and. We discuss these topics in depth with specialists and give you the chance to pose your own questions so do get in touch. There are about 40000 different kinds of fruit on mother earth and 20000 there. I of apple. The apple is the most popular fruit on earth the food most consumed in. The tomato is actually both fruit and vegetable lets face it your taste buds dont care how the botanist classifieds this wonder of nature as long as your health is concerned it matters a lot whether you eat more fruit or vegetables. 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day thats the golden rule of nutrition in many countries so when it comes to good health does that mean that more fruit is always better. Not necessarily he says physician and nutritional researcher. Many

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