Longer have the control of the scope of the spread of the virus and we must change this. We noticed this in various different areas of our infrastructure that more and more people. Becoming infected and we know that its not just about exceeding the response capacity of our Public Health systems but also the infrastructure of our entire country so we must flatten the curve and the rise in new infections must 1st stabilize and then be brought down so that we can again trace contacts because we know that once we have 58 new infections 100000 within a 7 year period a 7 week period a 7 day period rather that was the chancellor speaking just moments ago want to be and how do we use a Political CorrespondentThomas Sparrow who has been of course listening in to that press conference. That took place thomas the most striking thing to hear the chancellor see possibly is that weve lost control and that we have the reached a point where we can see where 75 percent of the cases have come from i mean were you were you struck by that i couldnt agree with you more later that was also the most important the sentence that i took from coles initial statement the fact that they have lost control the fact that they can only trace 25 percent of infections here in germany the fact that many Health Institutions are actually overwhelmed when it comes to trying to identify those infections and this is very important because for a very long time that was one of germanys competitive advantages especially in the 1st wave when it came to knowing exactly how people got infected this is no longer the case this is something that im going to stress there that she acknowledged as well and this is a particularly big problem for germany now im going to michel also stress that because some sectors here in germany have been particularly focused on mentioning the sector is not contributing to the rise in the number of infections and what im going to medical was trying to say today is that dot com no longer be said they can you can say that one specific sector does or does not contribute to the rise in infections because germany simply doesnt know where all the infections come from so a very important statement there from the chancellor i would say that this is one of the key elements to understand just how serious the situation has become here in germany at this point im just warning obviously this is what they call long down like here but ishi actually laying the ground for a general lockdown because they are listening to her reasoning it seems like a general lockdown is inevitable. Well one of the things that im going to stress is that these initial restrictions will be will be applied for the month of november and that hof way through those restrictions on democrat under 16 regional leaders will meet again to see how effective they have been and where exactly they have to work to either improve or limit some of those restrictions so i wouldnt say that this is now laying the groundwork for a general lockdown in fact germans are very wary of that idea of a general lockdown but we can clearly say that the restrictions that have been announced today by Angela Merkel a very serious indeed because they also correspond to a very serious situation in the country weve seen record numbers of coronavirus cases in fact today we saw again another record day of court a virus case in the 15000 and that is something that obviously has authority as not only federal authorities but regional authorities are very worried indeed will the Business Community a pushback on these new measures do you think are the too onerous for a sector thats already suffering so much and thats why the reason one of the key elements here as well was that the German Government will put aside a lot of money to actually pay some of the profits that particularly affected companies would lose because of these new restrictions in fact 75 percent of lost profits is something that the German Authorities are now viewing whether that will be enough to stop some of the critics that criticism we have to see that but for sure we can say that this is something very serious also from an Economic Perspective here in germany thomas ferro reporting and giving us some analysis on the announcement made by german chancellor Angela Merkel moments ago that a new measures will be implemented in this country to help control the spread of the current virus thank you as always. When to turn our attention now to azerbaijan and armenia because they have accuse each other again as killing civilians in the conflicts in the disputed region of nagornokarabakh as a by john says 21 people were killed by shelling in the city of budda today has also reported heavy casualties there are fears now that the fighting could draw in turkey and russia 3 separate attempts at a ceasefire have field. I want to bring in now our correspondent yulia honshu is in azerbaijan and has been covering this conflict from when it broke out yulia you have been at the side of the attack today describe to us what you found and what you saw what weve witnessed some chaotic scenes there environment today when we arrived the dad and severely injured had already been taken to hospital we saw quite a number of ambulances rush past us as we approach to town now at the site of the attack we saw several severely damaged nearly completely destroyed buildings have bought shows shop for example in a store for clothing so clearly locations where civilians would go and i spoke to one man who witnessed the attack who had been injured in the attack himself here is what he told me pushed out of the box thats when the rocket hit there were explosions this is where i was standing next to my car but i didnt move an inch because i was afraid i could be hit by shrapnel are sort of the cars were burning and was such a shock. You know a bit about them. So i should add here that bar that the town of barga is some 20 kilometers from the front line near nagornokarabakh and it was considered to be relatively safe we have been there in the past days filming with people we have been filming with refugees who had come from other religions in azerbaijan very close to the front line who actually moved to barda to seek safety there in Emergency Shelter and what weve seen today i think shows that this conflict can escalate to any time and into any direction and that the fighting really has become part of peoples everyday lives not only here but also on the other side of the front line all right in the a 40 seconds that we have with each other left to a serious order for the attack the claim they have used to cluster bombs are in return denies the attack i mean this is whats been plaguing this conflict from the get go is there any way for you or anyone else to verify what has independently happened verify and apparently what happened well this allegation off Cluster Munition being used here coming from azerbaijan today is a very heavy one because Cluster Munitions is a very deadly and devastating type of weapon and armenia has also leveled such allegations against azerbaijan over the past week so that as i john has targeted some residential areas civilian targets with Cluster Munitions for us here on the ground its very very difficult to in the pen and very fide who fired want to and from where exactly because this is not only a military conflict on the battlefield its also a war of information and all for propaganda so we can only report on what we see on the ground. Thank you for your continued coverage. Now to the u. S. City of philadelphia which has seen a 2nd night of protests after the killing of a black man by Police Officers say 27 year old Walter Wallace jr was shot 20 refused to drop a knife was his family say they called an ambulance not police to help with a Mental Health crisis. The philadelphia night once again lit by flames. Tuesday saw more clashes between police and protesters. With more blood spilled on both sides a speech vented their anger at the death of Walter Wallace jr. Some took the opportunity to indulge in looting earning a stern rebuke from wall to wall a senior. I dont condone nonviolent chain of city who know. All the scales for you know when you think theyve done everything. They must say this stuff is foul and it kills. Security forces and protesters faced off mr wallace refused to blame the police owed right but called for justice for his sons death i mean we got good cant we get big thats the sentiment in the system im not oh so mighty head of all accountable for what he did well to well a student whose mother was more forthright. Yeah that was found in the body but now you have. 30025000 men think we know yet and they think. Yes but why would that mean oh police said that when he was fatally shot he was wielding a knife that he refused to drop but some protesters were adamant that racism and a lack of training on the part of the police led unnecessarily to wallaces death you cannot restrain him 3 how can i tell a younger man will go do that dont do that dont do that were not here to see of barium boom boom boom it was a color thing but it is see its no wonder that its like a 2nd everybody everybodys a going to buy because that could have been anybody trying to get a different neighborhood where its less prominent me that makes your situation. A lot different. Than. Sylvania governor tom wolfe unknowns the deployment of several 100 National Guard troops to philadelphia as the city braces for further unrest. And that does it 1st dont forget you can get all the latest news and information around the clock by heading to our web site thats d w dot com on leyla rock and berlin for now thank you so much for spending this part of your day with us well see at the top of the hour. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona update. Covert 19 special next on d w. It was the 1st International Tribunal in history. The new murder trials. 75 years ago high ranking officers of the nazi regime were indicted by the allied forces. They were the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes. Our 2 part series the 3rd reich in the dark starts nov 12th on t. W. Theyre our best friends and very old friends indeed theres evidence that humans began to domesticate dogs some 30000 years ago as long before we tamed the horse or started keeping livestock. And this is the knows that all. Ways know the dogs a sense of smell is about a 1000000 times better than that of humans dogs also inhale up to 300. 00 times per minute in short breaths that means theyre all factory cells a constantly supplied with new odor of particles and its because of that amazing organ that dogs are being brought into the frontline in the fight against coronavirus. Welcome to this day the way you covered 19 special on rob whats in berlin is great to have you with us we know that testing is crucial to trying to control coronavirus millions of people the world over have already received a swab to the mouth or nose in the name of stopping its spread but researchers in finland are trying a new way of sniffing out 19 for a treat preferably cath this now to can be programmed to find it just about anything more all to bed bugs cancer now it could change the course of corona virus detection meat. Rescued from being euthanized as a puppy in spain hes returned to that fever for years sniffing out deadly disease for the wise no smell Detection Association in billund as coded 19 began to spread q. C. Was asked as an experiment to try to detect it took it but 7 minutes to figure out that this is what they want it to look for so that. You know dog be able to change training sense in 7 minutes. The team quickly learned canines can detect a coded 1000. 00 infection even 5 days before symptoms appear with almost 100 percent accuracy helsinki airport is hosting a Pilot Project through december that will include cross referencing canine results with those for medical devices if you talk to the skin so here it just takes a simple swab from a restore neck here and there it is there yes in a great couple of seconds a dog can tell immediately if a person has contract it coronavirus and. The only receive the negative is one of the voluntary tests are proving popular but no positive signal yet from the finnish government about scaling up the program so since dogs are incredibly war effective much less expensive and far less intrusive than other ways of detecting the virus why arent public authorities everywhere rushing to use their noses instead of ours we found one who is. Is deputy mayor of vaughan the site of the airport i can see that in 2 minutes took me 2 minutes out and get this budget covers the free tests offered to all arriving passengers he allocated 330000 euros total to the 4 month dog study meanwhile he expects it will cost up to 300000000. 00 euros per month for the medical option the nasal swab its quite expensive operation of course but the docs are like 7500. 00 a month. To says the data from this study should help bring in federal funds for expansion of canine testing as well as legal adjustments to upgrade the virus sniffing dogs authority to that of their counterparts working in customs because i write about i took speeches like this they can smell it and they go to me let me go beat both on a human bjorkman is thinking far beyond. Airports we could train dogs with the same samples with the same training areas to open up. You know the concert halls or or being fair is or go to big working places hospitals or elderly homes football matches whatever both your command and bobby line and mourn if dylan doesnt harness the potential of the darn program itself theyll unleash it elsewhere we can will because theres still a lot of warm. She says Health Authorities from all over the world want to learn what these noses know well im delighted to say we can speak to professor holger folk who is chair of the small Animals Department at the university of veterinary medicine. Thanks a lot for joining us can you just explain to us what exactly it is that the dogs are smelling during these tests. And thank you for the question and its quite interesting i mean at the end of the day we dont know because the virus doesnt smell but we do know that the virus needs a cell and they hijacked that cell and then they changed the medical reason in the cell and that is something the dog can smell so how can we be confident that what they are detecting is corona virus. So thats a very good question to ask what we have done in our study is that we compare people who had an infection with corner virus and actually have clinical signs of work over 1000 patients compared to a control and in those groups we were able to find a difference of 94 percent hit rate saying that what we didnt have and that was people who are personal friends of virus because at that time when we did the study there was no or influenza season so thats what were doing at the moment to see how good is the dog also to be able to discriminate against. Viruses like influence our or also other medical one of ours the stakes are pretty high if the test comes back and the result is is wrong do we know how the reliable c. Compares with more conventional coronavirus testing you know its quite its quite comparable i mean you should never forget that the dog will never replace a p. C. R. Test so its just a very fast weaning mechanism and there think you where else and yeah what you could see how fast these doctors actually able to sniff out that people. So when you look at the fuel and you have 96 percent specifically in 83 percent sensitivity so its probably more comparable to the antigen tests which are out there and then obviously for us to go or stand up test was the p. C. Archosaur all our patients were confirmed with the hours of so if we were to roll this out further maybe nationwide worldwide indeed it would have been a strain of dogs to detect corona virus to actually carry that out. I think you know one of the challenges we are facing is that we often simplify our world too much and what i mean with that is i think you need to have different test scenarios for different circumstances if you run a workplace i mean you know also i dont have an outboard boats never dock but if you but. Even a hospital run one of the things you dont have its time so until you get your p. C. R. Test results by one takes at least a day sometimes 2 or 3 days until then you already have quite a limited workforce so where these underage and has all this no dogs coming in is that you can actually do a very fast cleaning and hopefully then get this confirmed by your p. C. Ourselves so i think thats where i could see the dogs being able to fill a gap or if you go to a concert or you go to any other social events you know they out you could potentially see that they could be reliable to lean into or. Just quickly so if its quick its noninvasive test it could be cheaper than conventional tests that were seeing so what is stopping this being immediately rolled out. Yeah thats a good question and i think you probably are these my my colleagues in court as well i do probably the im not i to be honest im not one of those and sure i think what it stops is that we believe that docs can be so good in detecting in medical things we totally believe when they sniff the bomb but we somehow that they are able to sniff out people who have a certain infection so perhaps we need to trust our 4 legged friends a bit more professor holger folk from the university of veterinary medicine hanover thanks a lot for joining us thank you to. And now is the boss of the program way you get to ask the questions to ask science correspondent deborah queer. How come there are so many fewer covert 19 problems infections and deaths in africa do africans have better immune systems than the rest of the world there have been some pretty dire predictions over the months about the pandemic and africa the belief was that if the virus has done so much damage in europe and the americas including in in many countries that have advanced Health Care Facilities what would it do to the underfunded systems in many african nations around one in 6 people on the planet lives on the continent so with around 43000000. 00 total 1000. 00 cases worldwide so far youd expect at least 7000000. 00 of them to have been in a