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President ial and parliamentary elections but opposition parties say the vote has already been corrupted by manipulation and violence. Im going to have you with us germany closes down at least partially today german chancellor Angela Merkel and now its a limited National Lockdown for most of november the goal is to stop an out of control rise in corona virus infections bars gyms and theaters will shut next monday the bundesliga will have to proceed without stadium audience but schools and shops will stay open the government is earmarking up to 10000000000 euros and Financial Support for businesses hit hardest by the shutdown. The deserted streets of the spring are about to become all too familiar again in germany for 4 weeks from november 2nd the entire country will be under a partial lockdown faced with another record high of daily coronavirus cases on wednesday chancellor Angela Merkel in the country 16 state premiers quickly found consensus. Theres a. Lot of it today is a difficult day for policymakers i have to emphasise that because i know how much were asking of people but we have to find a way to ensure that we dont fall into a National Health emergency but at the same time to the greatest extent possible ensure that the economy stays upright. With 3 courses of new cases now untraceable the measures of far reaching cultural and Leisure Facilities as well as bars and restaurants will close with the exception of take out social contact in public will also be limited to just 2 households with a maximum of 10 people schools and daycare however will remain open with new hygiene protocols ahead of wednesdays announcement concerns about the economic effects of a 2nd shutdown were on everyones minds not least of all the thousands of protesters from germanys Hospitality Industry who demonstrated against the closures in central berlin. Event bans would be dramatic for us because then wed have nothing already the cancellations are rolling in if even a small events like birthdays arent allowed then we really have nothing. Imagine and say to you there are hardly any artists left because theyve had to find another job then well have an emergency in the culture sector. We need help were not allowed to work were hoping for some positive talks with the government. Finance minister scholtz however has prepared a 10000000000 euro current virus aid package to compensate businesses hit by the street to measure is the hope now is to flatten the curve before the Holiday Season but it will be a costly feat both for the economy and society now germany does have a track and trace system in place to try and control the spread of the virus but earlier our correspondent hans bruhn told us that the rapid growth in the number of new cases pushed the system to its limits what happened simply is that the authorities were overwhelmed by the number of cases that have been falling in recent weeks and we have to remember that 2 weeks ago under america we heard another meeting had a previous meeting with the 16 premiers of the various regions and after that meeting she went public saying that she felt the measures that have been decided then were not strict enough and in fact she was proven right in the last 2 weeks the number of infections have risen exponentially the situation has become a lot more serious and there are concerns that german hospitals could be overwhelmed within 2 or 3 weeks that is why the emergency brake has been proven all w. s husband in france president and money on mccall has also set out a 2nd coronavirus lockdown a stricter one but here in germany my call an announced on television that most shops plus all bars and restaurants will have to shut from this friday travel between french regions will no longer be possible schools will stay open but people will need to show documentation when leaving their homes france has recorded 500 deaths in the last day alone. Our correspondent in paris lisa lewis told us earlier why the french authorities felt another lockdown was their only option. Prison in my class said you know up until the last moment we thought we could actually prevented but over the past 2 weeks we have been overwhelmed with the number of cases the latest figure of daily infection cases that have been detected is about 70000. 00 and the government said the only way to get through this is indeed another lock down the lock done is less strict than early as i said specially because schools are going to be stay are going to stay open and the government will revisit the measures in about 2 weeks if the situation improves then the government has pledged to maybe loosen some restrictions specially for the Retail Sector which is already obviously complaining about the fact that they might lose money or might actually have to close lots of shops but for now the government is saying really need to stand together be united because this is the only way to prevent from having brendas from having about 400000. 00 deaths within a few months if we dont lock down the country the coronavirus has exposed inequality in many countries with millions around the globe unable to access Proper Health care and the mexican city of it got their pick residents arent just cut off from adequate medical services but also from the water supply that makes basic precautions like washing their hands to protect against the coronavirus almost impossible. A water pipe and a lifeline this filter turns rainwater into clean washing water. Brenda and her colleagues from an Aid Organization have installed 20 such systems in a panic a suburb of mexico city urine is juarez can wash some of her childrens clothes and give them a bath but theres not enough water for everyone especially during the pandemic. Wellness and minimal defensive now for one entire week we had no water they say wash your hands but then they have to give us water. Most people here work informally without a contract thats increasingly the case across mexico and those jobs are under threat. A lot of people here live off of day jobs as soon as they work less means and their whole families suffer. They just cant afford to stay home and do nothing. For him below this us media. With water from the roof these people can at least protect themselves a little from the coronavirus. To spain now where the fight against the virus is taking a blink turn covered 900. 00 deaths have hit their highest number since may authorities have imposed lock downs and curfews in response but not everyone is obeying the rules especially young people the w. C. And Philip Schultz from ports from madrid. Every week and Madrid Police have been knocking on hundreds of doors to shut down illegal parties meetings of up to 6 people who are not related but police have broken up parties of more than 200 who are keen as a business student in madrid he only wants to speak briefly and anonymously as he regularly goes to such parties he himself recently helped organize one. We just rented a place so we could drink and smoke inside just a few visitors even wore masks but that didnt last long honestly young peoples biggest fear is having to pay a fine thats why those places need to be well insulated so the neighbors and the police want to take anything that. Bush want to start off what should i look at. Who are keen and his friends seem unfazed by this that just makes a 3rd of spending has become infected with the coronavirus at private parties 200 illegal parties were broken up in madrid last week alone police chief javier friend this is especially troubled by the new Business Model being developed. Bars that are actually supposed to be closed certainly do take money in exchange for letting people in theres a clear economic incentive for it apart from that we have discovered private homes that were charging entrance fees right at the front door this isnt just about a few Friends Meeting up psychiatrys Diego Figueroa is calling for more empathy with a young people even if you support strictly abiding by the hygiene measures experts are starting to acknowledge the consequences of such drastic restrictions on young people socialites. Right now we have finding that Young Peoples Mental Health problems have increased dramatically as a result of this springs lockdown is suicide safe increased by 22 percent so far and attempted suicides have even increased by 35 percent on top of that theres been a major increase in the consumption of alcohol in psychoactive drugs. Young spaniards unknow confronted with new rules all bars in madrid must close at 11 pm starting this week and curfew begins at midnight after a year of the pandemic as mess of fact at the quality of life of young people all over the world at the same time experts keep emphasizing how dangerous partying can be in the current situation. Even directly trying to spend you with them to refrain from parties at the moment. Even so business student doesnt want to be forbidden from partying he says he can decide for himself what risk hes willing to tolerate even if it means partying in private homes until 6 am for the duration of the curfew. Lets now take a look at some other stories making news around the world democratic president ial nominee joe biden has voted in his home state of delaware he joined more than 74000000 other americans including his rival donald trump who have cast their ballots ahead of election day next tuesday thats more than half of the entire turnout in the 2016 election. Authorities in louisiana are warning residents to take shelter as a fast moving hurricane bears down on the u. S. State hurricane zeta is expected to race across the southeast corner of the state and sweep across the u. S. Southeast asia is the 6th Tropical Cyclone this year to hit louisiana. Nurses in poland have joined a nationwide strike against tighter a box abortion laws women are protesting against a court ruling that bans terminations in cases of fetal abnormalities the new measures restrict abortion to cases of rape and incest or where the mothers life is at risk. Turning now to tanzania where voting and National Elections has closed president john my goofily is seeking a 2nd 5 year term hes up against Opposition Leader to lose so who survived an assassination attempt and 2017 and returned from exile just last july listen to says the election has been marred by vote rigging. Time to cost their abundant. Here in the commercial confidence Dar Es Salaam voting was peaceful with the long lines forming throughout the day. Among those over to polling station president john. Hoping to secure another 5 years in office. And then this is it id like to reiterate that as a nation we should continue to be peaceful because there is life even after an election there which it was. But whats in the hearts of tons of millions may not matter according to the opposition they say there have been widespread irregularities with voters in some cases being given multiple votes like these to then stuff in but of boxes. Prior to the election the opposition said there was a pattern of suppressing bad news and press freedoms and brutalizing rival Political Parties the economy is being hated hard by the pandemic but president michael food he maintains the country has conquered the virus through prayer. Critics say the government has covered up tons of me as i break. To do use who heads a coalition of opposition groups he spent 3 years in exile and after an assassination attempt and claims the government is widening its crackdown on rivals. Kind of bio lives that we we see that were beginning to see. Is is is is different this time i. Mean is is care. Would be better because either free and Fair Election wed be fair and square. The result is expected within a week. Or so sports now and Wednesdays Champions League matches for us at dortmund scored a much needed victory to get their campaign back on track too late goals against jamie St Petersburg gave them 3 points at home like they were not so lucky thumped away by Manchester United messi scored and barcelona as a victory and terrain while paris and her men were also winners. Thats it for me to weigh in as africa is up next after a short break stay tuned for that dont forget you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our web site thats d w dot com im to call for early for me and the entire team and for tuning in to. My 1st boss was a sewing machine. Icon for all women are balanced by the social influence in something as simple as learning how to write them by said isnt. Since i was a little girl i wanted to have them by cycle of my home and it took me mr been there. Finally they gave up and mentored by me and i say this but returns because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more apt procreates for goes than writing advice. No i want to reach out to those women back home who are bones by their duties and social norms and inform them of our dead basic rights my name is the about of people and i work at z. To. This as did all the news off we got coming up on the program its being called on. Cruelty to cover audience are devastated after a talk a scary out. Of the School Article is a speech to the parents mourning dad dad and a visit some of the children fighting to stay off of also coming up. She was driven from her country by war but choose to return despite continuing violence now smiley activist it was a lot of mana cost being awarded the special prize here in germany for her efforts to help others. I am Eddie Michael jr and youre welcome to the program the u. N. Has as cameron to investigate and prosecute the gunmen who shot and killed at least 8 children at the school the horrific attack happened in the town of combat southwest cameroon the area is a 1000000 habit said by the countrys English Speaking population where separatists seeking to create a break are we state our reports are blase young now reports from combat. A grandmother in mourning last week he really gone men killed highlevel year old grandson. Victual shot dead alongside all the children at a school. With think im rude. He has got the country and a family diversity to. Their boy was pasta one if uses only son. And my soul so. Significantly one like. Barely for me if. It were not. Only i will never ever go to these classrooms still bears the scars of the brutal attack schools have been targeted in the past but not like this sistering to 17 fighting between government soldiers and the countrys anger for separatist militias has brought kills to the anger for regions separatist wants to create an independent state away from that my journey to front before nature. This is the scene of the crime where gunmen are believed to be under 4 separate is fighters known as the im a born shot and killed children as young as 11 that you dont was taught in french inside this classroom when gunmen stormed his school and shot them at least children have died as a result of this attack the conflict here between anger for separatist militias and the government has taken its toll on the local population sees that you dont was slow to the population has mobilized to do now so skillings groups of mostly women across the country have been one individual so such to do such attack separatist militias and the government in order for the country however people here just want an end to the conflict and michael i did not run. I thought every guy fun at another thought that if you then had become what you do you can as our troops read were going to have them but i cannot recall at my that i think of if im quote very very angry. I have given my theory is my wont let down i can have one income alone and its not good i am very very angry but we need income or when i was in africa when i think obama at a local hospital. Blessing is in pain she survived the attack but a bullet shot at has too much effect on her kidney and liver. She has been a pretty at a point twice. One ice happy shes a life but also grazed. It means my have seen made that theyre going through all the spin was not something that was planned and if i knew something that if you open up with my dhaka i just lemme go bendis on mission im feeling this pain in my hug my head need seen many to get crying every day and night pains. Camerons interior minister travel to the town to meet families and local authorities. They go missing says super to dont return to school but affect their families do not agree. Joining me now is our correspondent blase young in cameroon who sent us the reports hello please can you explain to us why gunmen will enter a school of in a sense children and shoot to kill them. Im assuming can really reach by. On innocent shouldnt be cool but only one thing comes to mind not many use of power so a lot of people hear us through life. To separate system and soldiers using that power and they are using them in our sent syrians in this case children as well now we do not know for sure who carved out this attack but what we look is that so produce fighters are wished want is huge and going to school in that different region and some time for them to get attention is so uptight children like this but we cannot see or shocked with this attack but it should be just to seek attention and also use our our. Wants and us to the end user. And now the conflict has been going on for some years now and what impact called this leaves us tragedy have on the ongoing conflict. Up dr judy house. Deep in the crisis because for dawson the government site that the government has said it was when i was equal 40 dont we got an official going to be a crime down like in seventys and from the experience you know whenever theres a crime down its not just good separatists he also states the local people because there is curfew there is anyone who is suspected to be a separatist county time get this same thing for cities now you want to intensify the act acts against the government because a government yes you can in a war against a so this this is going to so that the crisis with dealing with these resent happens and now how does this attack affect education and i region already facing security concerns in schools. Yes as you rightly said 80 for the past 3 years children here have not been able to go to school 3 according to the United Nations most of the schools in the aggregate one reason its not been shut down because of the separatist movement here and now with the recent attacks in kuwait we spoke to one of the dawson parents who split told us that we are not comfortable send india kids to school this year after b. Is it is for very 1st time brain cell as to it was time for them to set back to school some of the children know it killed in this attack and spent 2 years at home no going to school because of the insecurity not good well im more afraid to send your kids to school because there is this year what happened will happen again. Unfortunately its blase young d. W. Correspondent in cameroon thank you. Somaly kind of the end peace activists a lot of the man has been awarded the prestigious 2020 gemini africa prize a foreign minister called on the way the inspiring and deeply human recipient is known among other things for her work in helping chelsea were just victims of a common trauma she moved to come about as a child returned to her homeland in her early twentys to try to help solve the conflict in the country together with her mother she leads the. If you want to write foundation in mogadishu. Joins us now hello welcome to news africa and congratulations on winning in the german africa prize what does this mean to you thank you very much for having me when you award is credible honor and it means a lot to be recognized for the work that my colleagues and i at the un peace center are working for a single day to be supported and to be recognized but it also means a lot for putting young somalis on the map again for a positive representation. Im sure will delve into the positive representation a bit later on but now tell us a bit more about what you want to achieve most with your work peace and Human Rights Center and mogadishu. Well at the core of it our aim is to create solutions to and in the conflict in somalia and we know that we can do that through only Service Delivery but we need to have a multipronged approach and thats what the work of them in pieces its a Service Delivery to make sure that people that have been affected by the war in the conflict can have access to basic human rights and services its advocacy and social norms work and educating the community and this also working with the government to prevent these heinous attacks from happening again. Now. For reminding you of your pain but your father was killed and your sister was made in somalia there are constant attacks in the country by extremist groups but youre still there helping out as deal with the trauma what inspires you to keep going. I think my motivations to keep going are the same as millions of other somalis around the world we are constantly waiting for the conflict to and work waiting for the situation to get better and. The role that i have taken on that my family has taken on is to be part of the solution and not to win longer and the best way to honor all that weve lost all the people that weve lost is to continue to live in service and purpose well youre definitely doing a great job now heres one thing i noticed when you received the award you said somalia is so much more than ruins and bullets what did you mean by that. Well although weve been in conflict for 30 years we can be defined by the conflict theres so much more that happens there an entire generation has only ever known war but in that period theres also been significant invasion thats happened theres development theres investment that happened from the diaspora we need to also recognize those things and if we focus too much on all that has been lost in the war its very hard to look forward more positively so one of my personal missions also is to change the image that people have of somalia and the somali youth the overwhelming majority and thats important because that also has a deep impact on how Foreign Policy is engaged on how humanitarian interventions are designed and if we dont have more than just a conflict based outlook on an entire people then limits the opportunities. Now theres definitely a lot of after guns that youngest virtually woman was speired by your work what is the one advice you want to give them. That despite the challenges despite the systems and all the odds i seem to be stacked against you your voice and your dreams and your ability is valid and its needed and i think its important for women across the continent young women particularly to forge partnerships not to reinvent the wheel or try to do their own thing all the time but to create alliances because only then we can be Strong Enough to challenge the status quo together. Ill tell you what i have definitely been inspired by those words while the somali activist when the german africa prize to its weensy many thousands for sharing your time with us thank you very much. Well thats it for now the show to check out some of the stories on d. W. Dot com africa all you can also visit our facebook on twitter top teach us its by for now but definitely see you soon. Into the conflict zone the 1st time or lose it with mounting demonstrations against the Prime Minister used of corruption and responding this falling house prices for this week in jerusalem is near fatfat the former mayor of the city the leading politician mr netanyahu sleep politics all the news finally coming off the Prime Ministers wife. Puts the field 16 years. What secrets lie behind. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. W. World heritage 316 get kidnapped now. Germany braces for a fresh box down restrictions for the month of november the countrys finance ministry plans to spend up to can a 1000000000 euros in 4 weeks to help affected business it. The c. E. O. s of Google Twitter and facebook faced u. S. Lawmakers to defend their content moderation practices in a fraught nearly 4 hour hearing. And bring on the fake snow chinas hoping to create and creation of Winter Sports enthusiasts ahead of the Winter Olympics here in 2022. This is b. W. Business im joined now the law and brylin thanks for joining us we begin here in germany where the surgeon coronavirus cases has prompted the government to impose a socalled soft lockdown starting monday next week for 4 weeks we need fresh coronavirus aid will be needed to help prop up businesses up to 10000000000 euros is being made available to reimburse the lions share of companies lost sales as restaurants clubs and bars shut down for the month of november that it could mean the difference between being able to reopen after the lock down or going out of business Restaurant Owner christiane as im freeney is nervous many of her customers are counseling the reservations out of fear of the coronavirus and shes also worried about the consequences of a fresh lockdown for the entire sector. Some freeney has run her restaurant near bonn for 20 years the spring lock down his heart but business picked up again this summer some freeney says it would be unfair to be forced to close down yet again after all shes doing all she can to stick to the rules. My waiters walk around Wearing Masks for 8 hours a shift were careful to collect the Contact Details and use the partition walls to maintain social distancing. Sideway significantly reduce the number of tables. In cologne maryon calls the worries about the future of his cocktail bar regardless of any new lock down his patrons usually come at night but theres a curfew in north rhinewestphalia it starts at 11 in the evening bad for business but as with the 1st measures a 1 am curfew we already made a loss of nearly 30 percent closing time 11 pm that became almost 65 percent and attack us earlier or even a complete closure at some point we have nothing and we have to shut down permanently once one. Hard times for hospitality and this despite there being no proof that Restaurant Visits are responsible for the jump and infections germanys Public Health body the robert cough institute believes most infections happen in private settings in the september report the institute says public transmission in places such as restaurants occur much less frequently but with many infections its impossible to tell for sure christiane is on for any hopes any new measures will be quick and painless if not the german Hotel Restaurant Association Says 80000 of the almost half a 1000000 businesses in the sector face bankruptcy. The German Economy grew by 6 percent in the 3rd quarter thats according to estimates by the German Institute for Economic Research however it also forecasts that the recovery will slow down as new restrictions take hold our financial correspondent conard susan has more from germanys Financial Capital frankfurt pessimism has come back with a vengeance to the Financial Markets some investors predict that our economy in germany the Gross Domestic Product will be down to 0 at the end of the year some even more pessimistic for costs this predict that germanys economy will fall into another recession the problem is that compared with the 1st lock down in the spring the financial situation for many businesses here in germany has become much worse which makes a wave of bad quote seize more likely as soon as insolvency rules which have been suspended due to the pandemic will be put in place again also temporary furloughs the socalled shortened work hours schemes might not be enough anymore unemployment is a real threat no wonder about the d w Research Institute says the pen demick is taking away the confidence of companies and of consumers in germany. The chief executives of Facebook Google and twitter faced heated questions on content moderation during a u. S. Senate Panel Hearing republicans on the Senate Commerce committee accuse the tech bosses wall attended remotely of suppressing conservative voices twitter has recently slapped misinformation labels and fact checks on some of president Donald Trumps posts on the coronavirus and the president ial election it also initially blocked the story by the New York Post aimed against rival candidate joe biden. Younes carter followed that hearing for us yes so this was obviously a very wide ranging hearing topics range from anti trust a contact moderation to censorship was obviously very fraught with a lot of the attendees also grandstanding did you have any Key Takeaways from the senate showdown. Well my key takeaway would be that the whole thing was political theater i mean there was a lot of complaining from the democrats for instance on their timing so that republicans siskiyou old this hearing so shortly before the president ial election they also did complain in respect to those companies that not enough has been done to prevent hate speech and misinformation and then on the also on the other side republicans complained to those companies that theyre biased so that theyre blocking a conservative topics more than others serve so there wasnt really that much talk what actually should be changed it was not really that substantial it was mostly a political show for you but lets also talk about what the hearing was meant to be about of course section 230. 00 thats what keeps that Companies Like Facebook Google and twitter from being held liable for user posted come for user posted content now what will change for these businesses should that law be revoked thats something weve heard of both sides say that they want or at least some of them. What we shouldnt forget is that the section 230 actually was sick created in the late ninetys of a not mistaken so at that time Companies Like facebook or twitter did not even exist at this point im still if you look at both parties is there is some agreement that changes would be necessary actually Mark Zuckerberg from facebook has and himself is saying there should be changes and that the government so that washington should take more responsibility to get involved when it comes to content on those sites but to me that sounds a bit like theyre trying to push the rest sponsibility away from facebook over to congress or to washington so but a big question mark also is how congress will change after the elections if congress should remain split that might mean that we also might see the status quo when it comes to the section 230 so that not that much will change the stocks by the way of those 3 companies they all went down by a good 5 percent but that might have to do with the overall negative sentiment that we had on wall street on wednesday clearly not the end of that story yet its hard to there on wall street for us thank you very much. Now to some of the other Global Business stories making news. Hot spot is recalling more than 218000 jetta sedans in the u. S. It says a fuel leak problem can cause fires the recall covers models from 2016 through 2080 the us Highway Traffic Safety Administration doesnt say if there had been any fires at documents pension an unspecified number of claims. Italian Prime Minister just thought that qantas announced a new 5000000000. 00 euro relief package to support sectors affected by the pandemic the measures for businesses including Restaurants Hotels and gyms include grants tax breaks and additional funds for temporary layoffs. And 2022 china will be hosting the Winter Olympics till then it hopes to create a nation of skiers 300000000 people will be drawn into Winter Sports according to government plans and hundreds of ski resorts and indoor ski parks are meant to help achieve that goal. These kids are part of chinas crusade to create a nation of skiers by beijings 2022 olympics the country is building a Winter Sports culture from scratch ski education is now part of the curriculum and many primary schools thousands of coaches have been trained to cultivate future medal winners. Organs yeah i love skiing because falling on land hurts more than on snow but if i feel i had. Analysts say china is driving the ski industry to gross in chinese skiers from 2015 to 2022 is expected to equal the growth in north america and europe for the last 4 decades. We believe Winter Sports has its own appeal to people who pursue them get hoped they love it so much with our successful bid on the winter. Lympics even after the olympics we believe it will drive more people to participate in Winter Sports its not only for 300000000. 00 people but the sport for all that. Beijing is funneling billions into the coming games in 2008 when china hosted the summer games the country 100 medals a success it would like to duplicate in 2022. And finally a russian tupolev 154 has made the models final commercial flight before being retired by owner airlines l. The russian Government Agencies and the army will operate the plane designed in the mid 1960 s. If lou 1st soviet carrier aeroflot and was the backbone of russias air transport system for decades it was seen as the soviet competitor to boeings legendary tried at the 727 though it never came close to its rivals International Sales production of the 154 seized in 2013. And thats all from us thank you very much for watching. Its their session for spectacular pictures. Its their passion for nature. Its their complete devotion that makes the best wildlife photographer others in the world. Fascinating and to come at a. Confrontational and stirring. 5 adventures. One goal. The preservation of our planet. Its not just an issue of pardon trees and sitting pandas anymore. Exhausts thats dangerous surat. Passion for china starts november 6th on g. W. This president ial election is a crucial why not just for the United States but for the world whos leading the race in americas polarized politics will be right here for you and well tell you everything you need to know as america decides well bring you the numbers issues the background as it happens and until the last vote is counted join us for a special nice close race front in the u. S. Election november 4th on details of. The fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Has the rate of infection been developing. Good measures are being taken. What does the latest research say. Information and context. The coronavirus of data the code of special monday to friday on w. The countdown is on to the u. S. Election and american writers against trump are warning against what they see as the decline of democracy with acclaimed authors syria host fred and paul auster 2 of the most prominent voices more on that as well as the storys coming up. The Cannes Film Festival originally scheduled for may kicked off in much reduced form on record as 0 for a 3 day edition with pandemic restrictions and with livable space in london increasingly scarce and pricey dont move improve is the new motto as architects search for Creative Space saving Solutions Welcome to the show well its only 6 days away the 2020 u. S. Election which from both domestic and geo political perspectives is widely believed to be a watershed moment for the deeply divided United States of america which is why multiple groups of artists and creatives have been using their voices and their art to inspire voters to get trump out of office. Donald trump during his 1st Election Campaign even back then few well known artists and intellectuals supported him but that hasnt changed

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