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If it is rational, reasonable, and in line with the constitution and laws, beijing recently moved to clamp down on opposition, voices in hong kong by imposing a National Security law. After months of antigovernment, protests rocked the city last year. Hong kong semi autonomous status was originally guaranteed until 2047. But for some, the end date has already arrived. For the latest on this story, but it obvious joycelyn in hong kong, lawmakers have handed in their resignations. What have they been saying . Most of the lawmakers have handed in their resignation that to us today, and the earliest day in fact will be today and tomorrow, and some of the resignation will take effect december. Many of the resigning lawmakers were saying that it was showing the antiwar that beijings decision to disqualify them for lawmakers. And then they also say that it shows that beijing thats no respect for hong kongs basic law, which is the main constitution from now on. The Hong Kong Government could expect any lawmakers who are deemed unpatriotic all the dependence. It was time to seize this most resignation as an open challenge to its authority. Can we expect any repercussions . Yes, the hong kong and Macau Affairs Office Released a Statement Today saying that it is an open challenge against the beijing authorities. And it is anticipated that the resigns prodemocracy lawmakers will not be able to participate in any future election. So it is soft french on the nation. Some say that this mosque resignation also inadvertently plays into chinas homes in yesterdays press conference, hong kongs to the dark areas. Im actually said that she was excited that after the monstrous a nation off, the prodemocracy camp in the legislature, all of the gulf among those and goals. What more effectively . So the monster s. A nation is within the calculation beijing as well as the Hong Kong Government. So are some critics said that the prodemocracy cam should not fall into the trap that beijing has set. But another kind of fuse is that the prodemocracy camp should have resigned earlier, not off to beijing disqualified the fold. Lawmakers. Josie there for us in hong kong. Frank, you join us now lets have a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. The typhoon vanco has lashed the philippines, leaving millions without power. Rescue teams were overwhelmed in america. A city close to the capsule, manila where around half the houses have been flooded. Its the 3rd typhoon to hit the philippines within. As many weeks. The storm has now we can is heading towards but not protesters have taken to the streets for the 3rd day in armenia calling for the resignation of the Prime Minister. He sparked by giving up large parts of the disputed and going to her back region in order to seal a Peace Agreement in the conflict with neighboring azerbaijan. Virtually a summit on libyas future achieved a breakthrough talks in tunisia, sponsored by the un. The conflict parties sketched out a roadmap to elections within 18 months. The negotiations are the latest push to end a decade of violence in libya. Germanys Public Health institute is warning that its expecting an uncontrolled spread of covert 19 infections in some parts of the country. Numbers are still rising rapidly despite a partial National Lockdown bars and restaurants are shuttered. But more than 20000 cases have been recorded in a single day. And tens of carol, you can see, has more than doubled in the past few weeks. The all that caught institute germanys Public Health body is warning of more deaths to come, and the Health Minister says restrictions are likely to last through the winter institutes president has urged people to keep socialising to a minimum and says the situation is already serious. Defied sounds in 2 men right now. The number of cases is very high yield a few times, leading to a lot of people missing work and not become a part of me speaking a lot of people are becoming seriously ill and may possibly stop for long term effects or even die. Any movements we need to accept that the situation is going to get worse. Over the coming weeks, some clinics could reach the limits of their capacity crowd. Its possible that patients will not be able to receive optimum care. And some cases im not on the political correspondent, thomas sparrow. Thomas, germany is still recalling high numbers of new infections. Intensive care occupancy has doubled. Put that in perspective for us regarding total capacity. Well, its certainly a very serious situation that some of that Germanys Health institute, the robert costa institute, also acknowledged, although the head of the institute said he was also cautiously optimistic by the fact that the curve had started to flatten. Although he also specifically stressed that they are not sure where that is coming from and whether its something that can be considered to be stable. Specifically, when you talk about the situation in german hospitals, they have been stressing that the situation now is worse than it was actually in april, during the 1st wave of the coronavirus pandemic. Many hospitals are certainly saying that they are at the limits of their capacity yet at the same time when you look, for example, at the number of available i. C. U. Beds, you can still clearly see that there are around 6500 available i. C. U. Beds here in germany, nation wide so on the one hand, obviously very serious situation. On the other hand, german officials still stressing that the Health System overall is not necessarily overwhelmed. But the main concern is still that the virus is spreading very fast and if it continues spreading very fast, then the Health System in general will certainly become overwhelmed. Thats exactly what German Authorities want to prevent. That is exactly why germany is now in this possible lockdown. Speaking about lockdown, whats on many peoples minds right now. Christmas is only 6 weeks away and millions will want to travel to their families. Can we expect the government to introduce even tougher measures later in the year . It is still unclear how the government specifically will react for them to decide what the next steps will be. In particular, when were talking about the christmas weeks, they still have to wait and see whether the postle knocked on will have an effect on not only an immediate effect, but also a stable effect. Thats what authorities are actually waiting for. We still have to wait another day, another few days, maybe even another week to see if the lockdown is having a concrete effect on the number of coronavirus cases in germany. Before authorities both at the federal level and at the regional level, decide what the next steps will be and what exactly germans will be able to do during the christmas weeks. So you dont turn out to have a look at some of the other developments in the pandemic. Ukraines president vladimir selenski has been hospitalized after contracting covert, 19 earlier this week. The death toll in the u. K. Has passed 50000. Thats higher than any other european country. New york has ordered restaurants bars and gyms to close at 10 pm. Private gatherings are now limited to 10 people and organizers of the tokyo lympics next year say athletes wont be required to isolate for 14 days. The games have already been delayed by a year. And also italy where people in a care home found a unique, unique way of reconnecting with their loved ones. During the pandemic, friends 2 specially designed to groups elderly people, patients able to safely embrace and even kiss family members for the 1st time in more than 6 months. Stuff that say the hugs and holding have brought joy back to the turkey is one of many countries seeing a big increase in the number of new infections. But as in other places, many citizens are letting their guard down, despite pressure from officials to stick to the rules. But opposition politicians accuse the government of hiding the truth, scale of the outbreak, their views on with ports. From istanbul, the city of 60000000. 00, in which the corona virus is spreading. And one of the teams that are fighting to stop it. The monster google image on is a dentist. At least she was until the pandemic started it. Shes been a contact traces since march 1 of around 35000 in turkey. Gun is surely a book seen from here the size of the city cali. Scary. And i sometimes wonder where this pandemic is headed. But as a doctor, i have a responsibility. I try to think positively and knowing that i help people this would motivates me and keeps me going. Though on the tracing team manages around 10 house calls a day. They work in shifts almost around the clock. The goal is always the same, track down test and isolate those who have been exposed to someone with 90 and all of this as quickly as possible. Googles 1st case today is the collect says all family. The mother recently tested positive. Now the father has symptoms to put you call a close up closer. If the test is positive, gergen will also try to trace his contacts. The whole family has to stay at home for the next 14 days. After each visit, protective clothing has to be changed. Job is time consuming and strenuous but its worth it. She says. Few countries expound that their Contact Tracing capacity to the extent turkey did. These teams were key to slowing the spread of the virus in spring house officials say, but now like elsewhere in europe, the number off infections here is on a rise again. As in many other countries, peoples vigilance here has slackened in a recent survey. More than half of the respondents in turkey said the coronavirus does not affect or worry them. And critics also blame the government for this lack of concern. Because the Health Ministry no longer reports the number of new infections every day, but only the number of symptomatic patients john uncuffed, undiano of the opposition c. H. P. Says the government is hiding. The real scope of the pandemic is thought so slim. Here in istanbul alone, the number of cases is 20 times higher than the tally from the ministry of health from. Im saying this with regret, but the figures and information we have given are not correct. You know, a mere john is on her next house call. Although she does not want to take part in political discussions, she knows the debate about the numbers, but doesnt want to get involved that more and more people disregard the coronavirus rules frustrates her being, which is surely good. It makes me sad. We are putting so much effort into this work. But whats the point . If so many act as if nothing can happen to that one . And if this doesnt change, we wont see an end to this pandemic sticking, because google hopes that she will soon be able to work as a dentist again. But she also knows that her new job will be needed for quite a while. So the heart of porter, well Contact Tracing was seen as a key factor containing the virus earlier in the year. And many countries did a good job of expanding that capacity. But does it really work . Im now joined by dr. A couple bianco, hes the director of health and chair at the International Federation of red cross and red crescent societies. Dr. In many places numbers are on the rise. Again, even those who did a good job of tracing is it working . Well, the answer is that the context racing when when kept all the rage, that the trooper isolation and quarantine works in needs to be work. The problem is when the numbers are rising so fast that the systems is not functioning well. So what is the response to that east . Strengthening the ability to Contact Tracing, strengthen the number of people doing Contact Tracing. Now to flatten the curve and more importantly afterwards to ensure that outbreaks are immediately detected includes thats the road towards the end of all of these and him. What do you say to those who claim that measures like contact, Contact Tracing, are hurting the foundations of democracy . Well, i. E. Respected. These are we that statement, but i do realize that content tracing needs to be done in a respectful way when it comes to Sensitive Data and information that are passed during the winter, tracy. And thats why we do have a professional in well trained workers perform at least you do you think thats the same and that in all countries, citizens can rely on the fact that it will be done in a way, in a democratic way. Well, i think its eights, he can vary the level of information that hes being asked and requested varies. But what is the principle driving should be defined, recal. 3 simple understanding who has been in contact with a sick person and walk and person do in order to protect their self. But we self from from the rest. Its very important that these Contact Tracing is not undermined about on the contrary. Easy, particularly in places like lake grew up right now where the number are rising so fast and the impetus to flatten the curve is even greater than before. Well, in a recent interview you said that we asked governments to act with speed, courage, and inclusiveness. What do you mean by that speed, because the, when numbers are moving, go, are you so fast that if you dont intervene they cannot be controlled. And so Foster Foster measures are more and more effective measures. Then we talk about corage because these measures are often very difficult and politically are difficult and also for people are, are difficult to take that to take them on. So we need courage in both political and in the people and then inclusiveness because you know, to, to fight the sunday make, we need really to take care of the most vulnerable take care of the most will know from our perspective that once we are more exposed to the virus but also to the ones that are affected economically and ends. This social Protection Measures that are being stepped up in many countries are absolutely critical. I would say just as critical as the Public Health measures that are put in place to protect the people affected by could be 970 in a couple bianco, thank you very much for joining us on to the viewers. Thank you. To poland, nationalists and right wing extremists have clashed with police at a march at the capital walsall, the rally to mark polands Independence Day went ahead. Despite a ban on gatherings imposed during the pandemic flu scuffles between the police and far right. Protesters in Warsaw Police in riot gear, used pepper spray and rubber bullets to push back the demonstrators after they threw stones and firecrackers thousands of fight a ban on public gatherings due to the coronavirus pandemic, and marched on warsaw streets to mark polands Independence Day. The far right groups who organize the march had asked protesters to take part in their cars to respect social distancing. Many stuck to the plan, others parked their cars and continued on foot. Marchers waved banners with n. T. L. G. B. T. Messages chanted slogans of the guard of honor and homeland and called for more sovereignty. For poland. I call on the government to start behaving like the government of an independent state to start behaving in a server in way to stop kneeling in front of the capitals of brussels, berlin, and washington. It was the holiday commemorates polish independence after world war one. But in recent years, massive marches organized by far right groups have frequently led to clashes with left wing groups and police. Organizers say the marches are a display of patriotism. But for many in the country, they are celebrations of nationalism and far right extremism. Some headlines making news this hour violent clashes broke out in peru, capital lima, after the former head of congress, manuel near reno was sworn in as the new president the protests for the removal of the previous leader. Martin biskra demonstrators accuse lawmakers of hijacking the presidency and plunging peru into crises. The us president and president elect have attended separate veterans day events. One of trump attended a wreath laying ceremony at Arlington National cemetery. It was his 1st official public appearance since losing the election. Joe biden marked the day that honors american servicemen and women at the Korean War Memorial in philadelphia. Luminary, us president elect joe biden, has chosen his longtime aide, wrong clane. As his white house chief of staff plane was a key figure during the president ial campaign, he has already served as bidens top intendant during Barack Obamas force 1st term. When biden was Vice President , china has not yet congress elated u. S. President elect joe biden on his victories saying the outcome would be determined by u. S. Laws and procedures. But there is one place in the capital, beijing that is already profiting from a biden bounce. That is a restaurant that he visited back in 2011. This noodle joint in downtown beijing has been popular for years with local residents and tourists, but greece and italy, a new group of visitors has shown up national and international media. All came here yesterday by accident. But i just say this though many my journey is that come here. Thats not a starbucks surprise for me, as for the reason is americas new president elect in 2011. Joe biden, americas then Vice President had lunch and then for something, we felt very honored to say that he had his lunch and talk to our chinese customers as to how i felt he was a very decent and easy going person. Yes. Mrs. E. I was father opened this traditional beijing restaurant in 1909, since mr. Bidens visit the restaurant has become well known beyond the city. This is how does not want to talk politics. But her preferences are clear enough that in a breakdown because biden came to our restaurant, many people in china got to know us. I was one acknowledging how they know he came job place to try traditional beijing dishes. And they wanted to try them out themselves. Only if it yeah, thats why we feel very positive about him. He might even say we are supportive to the restaurant serves traditional beijing dishes noodles, pork buns and livest to its a simple neighborhood joined the chinese public quickly noted the modest choice at the time. Biden paid just 12 u. S. Dollars for a lunch of 5 people. And this really shows how nice the food is here. It means chinese cuisine has already made it to the world. The u. S. And china may now be pitted against each other as rivals on the world stage. When it comes to noodle diplomacy, he says, yah, this restaurant is coming out a winner. So sources now hobbs and tina football legend left hospital and when us iris the 60 year old had surgery to remove a blood clot on his brain. The 986 world cup winner has to spend some time with company and with the help of his family, hell have to completely abstain from Drinking Alcohol off of past problems with the substance supporters turned out to wish more adama a speedy recovery. Youre watching the news. Heres a reminder of the top stories were following for you. China has come down to a mass resignation by prodemocracy lawmakers in hong kong hours in protest at the dismissal of 4 colleagues. The 4 were sacked under a new law imposed by beeching, which disqualifies politicians deemed to be threats to National Security. And thats it. Youre up to date. Next up, focus on europe. Looks islamist terrorism in from its all be back with more news headlines. Thats all of the members. You can get all the latest news and information around the clock in 30 languages. Follow up summit, thats d w dot com for me in the team. Thanks for after 5 years after the attack on the butler climbed the ladder in paris, his son was an assassin. Daughter was a victim. Both of their fathers wrote a book together. A lesson in dialogue, intolerance at a time when, as long as terrorists are killing again, focus on your next trip on t w. N. 2 the conflict zone between sebastian, britains Prime Minister Doris Johnson is on the fast once again, not least for members of his own conservative party. My guest this week here in london is one of his junior m. P. s been mousehole lami elected to parliament 3 years ago. Come mr. Johnson hole to use current slide in the opinion polls a move in the party due to become a conflict of 60 minutes, phone d. W. From the get go to parliament. You gotta know whos bobbing along on the pop star grills against hope, shot violence and how to do despite her being celebrated to become president. She challenges her to be a credible story. The spot you want to start to december turn on t w. A warm welcome to focus on europe. Glad you could join us today. Recent attacks in european cities like defaced and paris, nice and vienna show that islamist terrorism is still a threat. The attacks reveal to europeans, how vulnerable they are, and how difficult it is to protect the population from acts of terror. Special forces in action during the attack in nice 3 people are stabbed to death in paris. The teach us time in a petty is the capitated for showing cartoons of the prophet mohammed in his classroom. President mccall wants to take vehement action against islamist and to forge a European Coalition against terror. France has been particularly hard hit exactly 5 years ago on nov 13th, 130 people were killed in islamists attacks. The terrorists stormed the better cloth here in paris, and shot dead dozens of young people at a concert. France never really recovered from the shock. These 2 men will forever be united through the attack for many in france, it is particularly remarkable that they together are standing up now against hatred and for reconciliation. It inflicted a National Trauma on france, the attack on the 90 concert goers, most of them young people were brutally killed in the heart of paris by a commando of islamist terrorists. One of the gunmen was 22 year old who was shot by police before blowing himself up at the scene. 5 years later, we drive in belgium to meet some nice father drinan, i mean still doesnt know what drove his son to take part in the attack. He was atrocious. So many deaths of innocent people. I was sad. I thought, what ingratitude we gave you everything you did to your family in the place where you lived to this day he cant understand why his son became a terrorist. A former law student, some he was working as a bus driver when he became radicalized in a matter of months. As dean says, he can barely look at photos. Memories are just too painful. 7 when his son mysteriously went off to syria and 2013, as dean followed and tried to get him to come home, he was like a zombie for 5 days there, but we barely exchanged a few sentences. I asked him questions, but he wouldnt talk. In the end there was nothing he could do but go home. On nov 13th, 2015, a series of terrorist attacks took place in paris, claiming the lives of 130 people. 28 year old lawyer last saleem was among the victims. She was at a concert at about a clone with friends, a young woman with a zest for life. She sorely missed by her father josh loved to play roller derby, even. He said, you know, i mean, she is with her entire team. Despite his grief and anger agreed to talk with me more who contacted him a year and a half ago to meet me because he was trying to meet his sons victims families to explain himself. And i ask for their forgiveness. And curiously enough, so i could help him understand what has happened to him. I wanted to share in a sorrow and explain to him that were not at all a family of terrorists, not a terrorist. I also feel like a victim and even saw me as a victim of a sort. As dina me more suggested, they write a book together, one in which the fathers tell their stories in a new rest. Or we still have words highlights the things they have in common. Im very interested in the threats against terrorism and the terrorist accomplices. I dont want innocent people to be attacked in the name of this fight. Seems counterproductive to me. So i wanted to show that you can even talk with the parents of a terrorist now, 5 years after the attack, josh said lean and his family are trying to resume their normal lives in paris. By contrast, as dean anymore spends a lot of time alone in his apartment. And during our interview he talked more about his experiences as a film producer, singer and businessman in various countries and less about his son. And what drove him to commit an act of terror . Last father tells us why he thinks that is understand everything about as far as his sons education is concerned. Clean, he made mistakes. They were meeting to see if and honestly see the need for done any better to produce the wounds will likely never fully heal. But for me more, its important to send out a sign of reconciliation, especially because hatred has returned to france since the latest attacks took place. 22 year old is all too familiar with it. Many of his friends are muslims and they feel im fairly targeted by the media, the state society in general, even by their own teachers. Its a situation that leads some into radicalization. They fall for misinformation, especially on social media. Scotty wants to protect other young people and we met him in the notorious of the tom if they want to find something out, they turn to their cell phones. Like most young people in this suburb of paris morris was useful for you in social media or in google i prefer the social networks because the claimants are more interesting. But theres lots of hate speech on social media too. Many young people believe the conspiracy theories and islam as propaganda disseminated there. For instance, that jews rule the world. French president mccall is a satanist fake. Yet many young people in frances poor suburbs, believe it. And thats why it happened. I have a lot of cousins. So i can only see what you saw. There was an incredible amount of fake news on social networks that was presented in a balanced way to make it believable as its often targeted at young people because theyre all these networks. And the quite naive when theyve, when asked why they dont turn to newspapers or t. V. For libel information, scotty and, well, both say the french media often provokes antipathy towards muslims. Although then not to muslims themselves. As its normal, as its not the best, it is good to inform people another concern. Over nonstop they will be used different words, but theyre letting muslims know theyre not welcome for me to feel that if we close, the borders would be better off there. Take us in the ku klux klan small. Well know what on earth would associate the ku klux klan with christianity . So its not ok to associate muslims with these crazies who use terrorism to enforce their ideas. The young people in frances bond liers feel stigmatized. And now that is a mess, tara has resurfaced in europe. Fake news is booming, teaches in troubled districts like this one finds, their pupils are no longer willing to listen to facts in their eyes. Teachers are part of the establishment and spreading lies. Its worrying that students begin to question our knowledge. It happens regularly that they call into doubt everything. Were trying to teach them to start a band. Nothing teachers are going about things the wrong way and know too little about social media, which is a big problem. So hes trying to do something about it. Along with the journalists association, hes founded the you tube channel, or liar, to fight fake news at all, only sort of a remake. The videos. Were going to read where we decipher true from false and scotty, the dynamic duo, the order of the most important thing is to teach young people to always look at where something comes from, who put it online, so their most recent video warms for us about islamist propaganda video, this metol his message, be wary when people try to pull at your heartstrings the players indoctrinate young people whove had a difficult time at home school and who want to bring so well emotionally. And so we give them tips of developing a critical attitude when it comes to ideas that see idealistic in reality are completely crazy. But the more you fall for more you with help from signed meton also exposes fake news about the corona pandemic. We have some questions, we found a really crazy info graphic on masks. And then wed like some clarification on things we didnt understand. A lot of people will bangs their you tube channel is pretty cool. Good. What they do. You really need to Pay Attention to stuff the tollway still in its infancy, but thousands of young people are already watching scotty and my nieces videos. And that makes them proud to be young person whos seen one of our videos reflects a bit more when watching a dubious video than weve already won. Youve probably often heard this phrase over the last month, but over 1000. 00 pandemic has brought a lot of devastation. But its good for the environment. Well, it has definitely brought some relief to wales. Fewer ships are currently in the waters and that means less noise. Its actually never been this quiet. In 150 years, our reporter went whale watching near the norwegian fortan islands. And there he witnessed how the giants of the sea are gradually taking back their territory and refurbish trawler heads out to scene near the norwegian port of caring. 50 expectant tourists on a whale watching expedition. But sightings have become less frequent in recent years. Growing noise levels are driving the giant Marine Mammals away heard of a little sprigs differently under water from pier 2 on land and species are highly sensitive to noise. Considerable distances. So we have to be very careful not to generate too much disturbance. Weve even installed an ultra quiet propeller in the seabed. Drops sharply near the low foton islands, making the waters here and ideal habitat for whales, but is all over the globe. The volume of maritime traffic has risen steadily in recent years, from trawlers to cruise liners and cargo ships and even submarines. There noise has an irritating effect on whales, similar to tinnitus and humans, and it impacts their behavior dramatically. But now that traffic has dropped off tremendously due to the corona virus pandemic. There is a whale swimming around a mile away from here. And we should be able to hear it in a minute. If the ships underwater microphones pick up the characteristic clicks, which the whales used to locate food. Lets start there. And there she blows a sperm whale, maybe 15 meters in length. In their excitement, the tourists have trouble social distancing. Here too, in the extreme north of europe, the pandemic has led to a big drop in cruise. Liner traffic, most of the ships remain mord for maritime researchers. Those come waters mean a welcome opportunity to deepen their understanding of the worlds oceans. Scientist garryowen sun has been studying light and Noise Pollution in the sea for years. The positive influence of the lockdown can be observed right here and long time short. They were getting caught it. Took that i recently spotted 2 or 3 pilot whales. Well, thats not enough for an empirical analysis. One things for sure. Ive never seen pilot whales so close to the city center. Theyre going to see the researchers use this device to assess the Water Quality off the coast to 20 times. This is a standard procedure

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