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Slaughterhouses. Thousands of people have been infected by the virus in germany to companies. Often the workers cant keep their distance at work or in that day sions. Many of them have come from Eastern Europe for seasonal work. Some of these workers are employed by agencies that provide temporary staff and who dont shy away from dubious methods wage. Dumping long, working hours, fake documents, foreign as who signed contracts, as hes in a workers are often vulnerable, like a group of young ukrainians who had been lured by the false promise of well paid illegal jobs. Our reporter traveled to advice and failed in eastern germany to find out more about this story. We 1st met next. Our name for him. At the end of september, hes from a small target in western new clean and works in the restaurant industry. But he wanted to earn more money. So he went online to find a job. In germany i found a ukrainian job agency. There they said the jobs were legal. They gave me papers so that i could travel to germany and work in a meta factory in the town of vice and as much for 9 euros 35. 00 per hour. Because you more thought is that it would support 0. The key is based ukrainian job Site International workers organized the trip for him and other job seekers. They took a minibus from ukraine to their place of work in germany, accompanied by a supervisor as known, e. U. Citizens. It should not be not easy for them to enter germany. But maxime says the agency gave him false papers. Who stated that he was a student with a vacation job. In reality, hes never studied. The Agency Charged over 500. 00 euros to find him a job. Preparing of the queue, when i said i wasnt a student and asked why i was issued these papers, they said, dont worry, not your problem is in the book of birds. Dozens of ukrainians like maxine turned up for work at a meat factory in saxony and halt in 2020. All of them supposedly students looking for a vacation job some have been offered a very different jobs before their journey. But marina, which is not her real name, was secure. There were 3. Jobs on offer a supermarket, job one in candy and one in a bakery. But we ended up with a very different one in a Meat Processing factory. The work was extremely difficult for women and men. The women had to lift heavy crates of meat and Meat Products that weighed between 25 and 30 kilos. Thats how the work for the socalled students started in mid september, but lasted only 5 days. The German Authorities quickly realized there was something odd and the ukrainians find out that the police had searched their accommodation. When i came home, i discovered that the door had been broken and there was a new lock. Our translator had written a note saying that the police had raided our partner and broken the lot and put on a new one. It was level and this was a coordinated police operation. In the 23rd of september, across 5, german states, 800 Police Officers searched the apartments of people working illegally, as well as the offices of job agencies. The authorities focused on each and seize for temporary jobs, suspected of bringing workers into germany with false documents. Public prosecutors also question the young ukrainians who were told they had to leave germany and were banned from returning for 3 years. The prosecutor see them as both perpetrators and victims. As hundreds show, i didnt stop the mobility getting into the charges are relatively minor. Illegal entry into germany and a legal residence are not crimes. Theyre misdemeanors. If someone has never been in trouble with the law, we will most likely drop the charges against funding to the top. During their stay in germany, moxy many others were officially employed by the german e. C. Back khana, and lends hope to the meat factory. A company which does not want to speak to us is currently under investigation, says major penalties if found guilty. But its top shocking decision, this involves an actual crime which means that the minimum penalty is one year in jail. For each separate ephesus, we looked online for the ukrainian job Site International work which organized the, journey for maxine and the others. Its still advertising jobs in the e. U. , but did not want to speak with us. Many of the jobs with german work certificates currently do not seem to be feasible because of restrictions related to the coronavirus. Many young people in ukraine seek better paid jobs abroad and they too can become the victims of criminal job agencies. Paying a lot of money to get a job, getting into trouble with the German Authorities and not earning anything. Maksim says that he has learned a lesson i would now check everything very carefully. Are also turn to specialists to find out information about the journey. Not like i did, then. We didnt know where we were going or what we were doing. If you dont know where youre going, you not only risk being deported, you could end up in jail. In the end, maxine, many others were in one way fortunate. They couldnt afford their return journey to ukraine. So the city of vising things paid for them. But they had imagined their trip to germany would be very different. And now the German Government wants to introduce a number of reforms to the meat industry, including restricting temporary staff and increasing controls by authorities. One of the Worlds Largest road and train tunnels is currently being built between germany and denmark. It will be 18 kilometers long, and commuters will only need 10 minutes to travel underground from one end to the other. On the danish side, people are looking forward to the completion of the fair man builds tunnel, but on the german side, not everyone thinks the project is such a good idea. Going to get handsome is one of those opposing the tunnel . The baltic sea is his home and his workplace, and hes afraid of what years of construction work will do to the environment. Good. I got hanson heads out into the baltic sea almost every day to empty his traps. He used to fish for cod herring and flounder, but these days its mostly eels. But he fears this could be a thing of the past of construction of the tunnel goes ahead. It gets a tough, it got me was that im totally annoyed by this whole situation with the famine belts, fixed link. Weve been trying to say about fish supplies for decades along with research, as weve tried to keep to all the rules so that we leave behind a healthy baltic sea. And now theres this massive project which will just to write a cape all the efforts of the past 20 years. Good now has examined all the Environmental Impact assessments and the details of the tunnel design. Hes most worried that the seabed will be disturbed for years. And the ecological balance in a particularly important region of the baltic sea will suffer. Thats helped like it beats from healing the main spawning area for herring and cause it is on the famine belt where theyre digging. But there are of course, other valuable fish species and other creatures, such as the porpoises who breed and live there and which are now being scared away by the construction noise. That while many people are still resisting the project on the german side, the excavators have already arrived on the danish coast. At a press conference at the offshore construction site, the Company Building the tunnel wants to demonstrate to International Journalists that everything is going to plan. And that theres no turning back can see if theres a large gap over it. So you can get there, you know, go go. The biggest working harbor in europe is currently being built on the coast of the Danish Island of long island. Just for the tunnel project, the danish Construction Firm thinks that the criticism by the german environmentalists is exaggerated. We are taken by medical church very seriously, and we have actually just signed a project to minimize any impact we may have on your mind at any time. Were working to build the best of the special vessels sailing around the construction sites that take in different measurements. For instance, for said imitation in the water. The Company Presents its vision of the future with coffee and snacks. In the tonneau wont be drilled. Instead, she which concrete construction elements will be joined together on the seabed. The worlds longest immersed tunnel with link germany and denmark with journey times of desk 10 minutes. Denmarks economy expects the 1000000000 euro project will boost growth. People in the port over what the half and also hope for a significant financial boost from the tunnel. New investments and thousands of construction workers would revive the small town and could help generate much needed business for the towns only cub. Its owner daughter of on is excited about the plans we took or what got you. The locals are really optimistic. The project will bring many workers over the next 10 years, which will generate more revenue for local businesses to the Construction Company is doing a good job of protecting the environment and keeping in touch with local v. A. But over on the german side, the mood is a very different one. These blue crosses which can be seen in many places, symbolize the protest against the tunnel. Most residents on the island of fame and oppose the tunnel. They fear it will ruin. Its a delicate charm and deter tourists caught a new man. Rents out, holiday apartments. Shes worried. These are island will suffocate, and all the dust, pollution, and noise. We found that now during the coronavirus pandemic, many people especially appreciate calm getaways like this, but they will become even where our, if our Little Island is destroyed. Back to fisherman got tons and he had hoped the legal action would block the construction project. But the environmentalists claims were rejected at the highest level. Tons of us the christine. I dont understand how Something Like this could be possible in this day and age. And i dont understand our lawmakers who are refusing to stand up and say stop this. We cant be doing this relies on the small island of fame. Unverse is a large scale transport project. The tunnel designed to bring people closer together is causing much unrest in this border region. Tourists mainly know iceland as a place where they can experience the wonders of nature up close volcanoes, glaciers these errors. But scientists, there are also making use of these forces of nature, like in headless havey, which is home to one of the Worlds Largest your thermal power plants. And that added to r. T. M. Is looking for smart ways to get rid of the Carbon Dioxide thats already in the atmosphere. It might sound strange, but it turns out that this gas can be turned into a stone. What better place to save the planet from Global Warming . Been excellent. It has energy to spare. Everywhere the earth is in motion. Scientists call it an accident. Can it be area . Icelanders of long realise that the countrys hot springs can serve as more than tourist attractions. A half hours drive east of the capital reykjavik lies the headless, hindi power station. Its been generating electricity and heat from steam since 26. And has become one of the worlds biggest Geothermal Power plants. But there is another reason why scientists, entrepreneurs and reporters are not flocking here. They want to meet with the c. E. O. Of a Company Called car fix. Its working to reverse the greenhouse effect, albeit on a small scale. Basically whats happening is that we are sucking in the office fair through this machine. And the c o 2 sticks to a specific chemical ali there within this year with it. And what comes out the back is so much screen there was fear but, but, but its nowhere near the fact that they began using this kind of vacuum cleaner for Carbon Dioxide peak years ago. And one of the pumping stations here explains what happens to the c o 2. So here we have out on the ground by transforming the c o 2. That was captured after kupchak want and it is all the water. And this is done what we inject into the subsurface, 700 meters underground. To see you to then react with the basle rock and its stored there permanently. Its a method that works especially well in the volcanic rock here. This is a piece of course of the quarter. We see the c o 2, both feeling pains within that, within the past, off the 1st 2 years, but also on the force. So gradually this all of these, these still on course could fill up with monotonous to 2. Depending on how much reenter the technology is still very expensive. It also consumes a lot of water and can only be used in specific terrain. Still car fix is convinced that this technology will eventually help to reduce the amount of c o 2 in the atmosphere worldwide. The few countries in the world are feeling the effects of Climate Change as acutely as iceland. Its once mighty sears are shrinking continually. So icelands environment minister is taking action. The icelandic government aims to make the country see you too neutral by 2040. To do this, theyre relying on new technologies and the belief in ancient sagas. We have these stories and i some thought trolls became storms when if they were exposed to sun we can save us. We are trying to turn c o 2 into stone where us trolls sure turned to stone back to some ice and knew that they cant save the planet on their own. But theyre developing technologies. The other countries can also employ in the future. And the idea that believing in elves and trains can also help just not bother anyone here. This man doesnt take criticism well turkish president trichet by, you know, one is known for cracking down on opponents and critics. And its not just those living in turkey, people whove spoken out against the president are not safe from the government, even when they live abroad. Like a politician betty van asten, she lives in austria and appears to have surfaced on the radar of the turkish intelligence agency. Which allegedly is trying to silence her. The bodyguards never leave barry bannan downside for weeks she was mostly too scared to leave her home. Now she enjoys her 1st visit to a traditional viennese coffee house. She gets protection because an assassination attempt on the green politician is said to have been planned by turkey, you know, to carry, holmes and turkey. Theyve intimidated and silenced all critics by suspending them or locking them up. And so a lot of anger, its now only the european based critics remain a thorn in their slide. The political dynamic theyve become, you know, will turkeys Intelligence Service m, i t, he is said to have ordered attacks on foreign based critics. At least according to one suspected mit employee who was interrogated by austrian police, he reported meeting a middleman code named hugh. I think this is designed to spread chaos. You told me it doesnt matter if she dies or is injured. All that matters is that the lawmakers get the message theyre beyond us, man has been a member of vienna City Government since mid october, given her kurdish turkish roots. She has also been committed to human rights in turkey for many years. As a result, she has already suffered threats and insults in the past. Security experts are shocked by the alleged assassination order. They say austrias government must finally act against turkeys intelligence agency. So we hear different attempt is being made to infiltrate these communities, so chaos and destabilize the political system. Then a red line has definitely been crossed and therefore policymakers here must clearly state so far and no further. We wanted to discuss the allegations with the Turkish Embassy in vienna, but our request was turned down. Instead, the embassy sent a written statement, calling them untrue. Austrias government says there is evidence turkeys Intelligence Service is deliberately creating tensions. For example, between turkish nationalists and kurds living abroad in june 2020, right wing turkish, teenagers attacked a Kurdish Cultural Center in vienna. Mammal near zani, and dozens of others were inside the building when the attackers set fire to the entrance that evening. There was a blaze right there. All these cables burned, club members and other guests on the upper floor noticed the fire and put it out in time. Otherwise, things could have been even worse. If the staircase, our emergency exit and caught fire, things could have become really bad. Austria is no isolated case for years german political scientist who are poor, has warned that ancora husband trying to infiltrate turkish communities in europe. Now hes concerned for his own safety. Several weeks ago, his parents who live in turkey received an anonymous phone call that scared him to buy these oppose war and chime in for the call or seem to have information about me. My father and family that was not available in the public domain. Thats why why i took this phone call very seriously and saw it as a clear threat. As i did back at the end, a city hall where barry van onselen is also accompanied by bodyguards. She says she wont let herself be intimidated, even though the Death Threats have left their mark on her family and she just, its only human to ask yourself again and again. Why are you doing this to yourself . Im thinking but then i think ok, all delicate matters in Human History involve political risks to me. Issues. Im probably paying a higher price than other politicians. But i am paying for human dignity. Decent. I sang very fine asanas fighting for free speech. But for this, she needs constant protection in the heart of europe. It is a steep price to pay. If you see horses on a street of a european city, they are probably pulling a carriage with tourists. But in brussels, some horses have been assigned a Different Task and these 2 are helping keep their city clean by collecting garbage and they may not be as fast as a regular garbage truck. But they definitely are. And i catch and they always make sure they look the best before heading out. Some belgian Public Service employees enjoy a hearty breakfast and submissive personal grooming. Before setting off to work. This is a city of scarves he keeps exceeding the team of echoing trash collectors. The 3 horses are assisted by 7 people today. The 2 youngest horses are in g. T. Pleasure, new york, and julie have a relaxing start. Their human colleagues, pauline carsick, and sebastian a dog are already hard at work. So said, sure, they will have to look after the horses 7 days a week, but i like working with animals, so its not a problem for me. After about an hour their coat shine and their mains are combed. Now the harness horses can be hitched to the carts and to to work starboard hasnt rained 130000 residents, so hauling all their trash would be too much for 2. Horses trucks take care of that. The horses are responsible for keeping the publics players. Bus stops and parks clean up a couple of the dog. Its better than tagging. I walk several kilometers a day in the fresh air. It really keeps me fit. The team empties almost 750 trash cans. Week after week theyve been doing this is garbage for close to a decade now that the Municipal Council is proud, they made that brief decision if you know you have no end and there are several reasons, both financial and ecological for one, its environmentally friendly. We can empty the trash cans without producing any c o. 2 emissions. The other reason is it costs less horses last longer than vehicles and a card costs less than a garbage truck. The local musharaff you may disadvantage is that the forces are somewhat slower than the garbage trucks. But then theyve never been involved in an accident either the engine your attract attention wherever they go. Their local celebrities, businessmen stop by to say hello. But its the children who are most surprised and excited to see them in the wall. Theyre sure people love the horses and the clapping of their hooves. Many come up to our windows or want to stroke them. And sometimes they even get a carrot while youre also, after all the dish, will they work unless theyre on holiday . Like theres human counterparts. The horses in the Public Sector are also entitled to 30 days of vacation. I wonder what horses do when they are on holiday . Well, thats all we have time for on todays show. Thank you so much for joining us. Take care of the back. Familiar story so that people will go for the information they provide the means they want to express g. W. On facebook and twitter up to date in touch follow us. We know this is a scary time for the coronavirus is changing the world changing our lives. So please take care of yourself. Good systems wash your hands. If you cant stay at, how we are d. W. P. , press your free. We are working squire, were going to keep you informed on all of our platforms. Were all in this again, run together. And well make an effort to save everybody, stay safe, stay safe place. Face it. The fight against the corona virus pandemic has the rate of infection been developing. Measures are what is the latest Research Information and context of the coronavirus. A special monday to friday on the above is from the brits, the base the be the best and respect the body this is the dublin years lie from the unprecedented visit to be occupied. West bank as the 1st u. S. Secretary of state to visit a jewish settlement in the palestinian territory. We also visit the Golan Heights disputed land since israels annexation 967. 00. Also on the program, germanys top scientific advisor was the cause of it. Infection rate is still too high, as the daily number of new cases remains above 20000. Despite nearly 3 weeks of a growing numbers of migrants arrive on Spains Canary islands, both from africa, 10 times last years total investigators local officials to do im, feel gail. Welcome to the program, u. S. , secretary of state mike pompei always on what is likely to be his last major trip to the middle east for the trumpet ministration. And hes undertaking a controversial visit to israel and occupied palestinian territories. Marking a break with established u. S. Policy. Hes been in the israeli health, go out hides a disputed area that israel addict in 1967. He became the 1st us secretary of state to visit a jewish settlement in the occupied west bank and occupation. That is still not recognized by much of the International Community, straight to jerusalem that joined d. W. Correspondent tonya craft. Welcome. Clearly, a lot of symbolism involved in this visit. Yeah, this is achieved by the u. S. Secretary of state. My company has been labeled at least in israel as a feather to about one with highly controversial stop to over as he arrived this afternoon on the Golan Heights, the occupied Golan Heights. And this is a rino where the ministration also changed. Longstanding u. S. Policy. Last year they made an announcement recognizing israeli over the occupied Golan Heights. That is, of course, what most of the International Community sees differently. It is contradicting International Law before that also as a 1st he made a stop over a divine re in a jewish settlement in the occupied west bank and announced from now on another reverse of u. S. Policy. That products made in the occupied west bank in settlements. Could be labeled as made in israel, another controversial issue that is in line with an announcement last year by the time ministration that they no longer see israeli settlements as inconsistent with International Law. And we saw a few protests also in the line up to this by they say its a provocation, a very small protest, just opposite this settlement in the town of beer. And thats part of some of the actual owners of parts of the land where this settlement is built on over there. Now the question is, of course, you know, with this announcement of new policy, you know what the impact is going to be that most peoples mind to because this is an outgoing administration, but of course it sets, you know, a symbolic president and close to lines in whats admissible in International Law . Of course there was a quite a close relationship between the Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu, outgoing president , donald trump. What is the feeling about joe biden . Well, i think you have to see and different levels. President elect joe biden is known in israel for many years. He himself describes himself as a friend of his. Yes, met every Prime Minister since the 90 seventys, he still speaks about his meeting, this golda meir, one of the Prime Ministers, then. But it will be a different relationship. I mean its no secret to say that the current israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had a very close relationship with u. S. President trump. He always said, you know, he had the doors to the white house. But there is a major concern here now, especially among the right wing, you know, what will happen to all the policies and the power meters, the Trump Administration has set. Will there be a review . Will there be a reversal when it comes to the withdrawal of the u. S. Destroyer from the Iran Nuclear Deal . And also of course, the power need to set when it comes to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. For example, the move of the u. S. Embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem, the cutting of funds for the palestinian and so on and so on. So a general feeling is both ministrations will work together. But this, the main concern, you know, what Foreign Policy will look like, and also how high on the agenda this region will be for the new administration in jerusalem. Thank you. And i will take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. A members of australias special forces unlawfully killed 39. 00 afghan civilians and prisoners according to a damning new report, internal investigation into military misconduct and evidence of summary executions in afghanistan. A jury initiation rituals. The chief of the Australian Defense force has apologized, and the case is being referred to a war crimes prosecutor. In uganda, at least 16 people have been killed and 350, arrested in 2 days of operations by security forces. Authorities are trying to enter a riot, sparked by the arrest of president ial candidate bobby wine. The pop star turned lawmaker is seen as the leading challenger to present your image of any and january election. Japanese lawmakers have declared a Climate Emergency in a symbolic vote by parliaments powerful know it chamber. This follows japans commitment last month to aim to cut Greenhouse Gas emissions to net 0 by 2050. Lawmakers nonbinding declaration cites unprecedented damage from party currents flooding and forest fires exacerbated by Climate Change. Germany, where the Disease Control institute is warning that the National Rate of corona virus infections is still too high. More than 22000, new cases have been recorded in a single day, but there are signs that the latest restrictions are working as numbers begin to plot. So, but the head of the robert call, he institute says the situation is still very serious. In schism the overall case numbers are much too high. The number of survey cases and the number of patients in intensive care are also on the rise. So the number of deaths is also still very high. As we know, this is a flag in severe cases, and it was before to get more on this from the doubly Political Correspondent leoni von hama. Style, welcome, literally. Given that warning from the robert Call Institute is germany likely to see a tougher restrictions . Well, its definitely going to see the measures being on the table again next week when im going to america meets with the 16 state premiers. And firstly, theyre probably very likely to discuss an extension of the current measures beyond the month of november. Because as you mentioned, the case numbers are still too high for the Health System to be able to cope in the midterm. And theyre probably also going to discuss it for the tightening of measures. And one topic that is likely to come up are schools. Because germanys schools are still open, but a lot of people are arguing in favor off for sort of partial lockdown. So a hybrid model that would mean that half of the students are being taught in the classroom while the other half is learning from home. And then they switch in order to reduce the social contacts. Now we saw thousands of people demonstrating outside the bundlers yesterday. Is the government losing public support or miss . No, its not. These angry protesters are definitely in the minority. 24 percent of germans only think that the current measures are going too far and the government is enjoying the support off 2 thirds of the german population. And out of those 20 percent, almost 20 percent even say they would like to see a further increase in the restrictions so further restrictions put in place. So we can see that there is a very broad support of the government action, and that has been consistent for months. Now weve seen some and heard some very promising announcements about vaccines over the last week or so. Whats the German Governments vaccination strategy . The vaccination strategy is still being discussed, but what we know so far is that your muse planning to roll out the nation of banning Vaccination Center is every federal state will be responsible for that. Here in berlin, they Just Announced that they will have 6 Vaccination Centers ready by mid december. What we also know is that the federal government government will cover costs for the vaccination that risk groups are supposed to be vaccinated 1st, including medical personnel. And very importantly about the vaccination against over 1000. 00 will be voluntary. And studies suggest that 2 thirds of germans are actually willing to get such a vaccine, which would be enough to achieve that. Socalled hurt immunity, the only phone pumice time. Thank you so much for that. Well, heres a look at some other developments in the pandemic starting in africa, which has that now more than 2000000 confirmed coronavirus cases. Officials are warning of an impending 2nd. Japans has a regular daily high of more than 2000 infections. The Prime Minister has urged maximum caution, but stopped short of calling for new restrictions. And china says nearly a 1000000 essential workers have been given doses of an experimental vaccine. No serious Adverse Reactions have been reported. And more than 8000, migrants arrived on Spains Canary island by boat from africa last month hoping to reach europe. Human Rights Groups say theyre being held in dire conditions, while local officials and made to being simply overwhelmed. The journey across choppy waters to the Spanish Islands is treacherous. The w. s young philip shelled so has been to gran canaria to see what hes waiting for migrants when they come ashore. From here, journalists can go no further. Some 2000 african migrants are being housed in this camp in the port of morganton, get 5 times as many as was expected. Aid groups have spoken of squalid conditions, but its impossible for the w. News to find out. J. My son tom now works for the islands refugee council. His colleagues have been insipid but another minute. Everyone sleeps on the floor, some intensity and some knowledge in the open sea, the sea. Weve been criticizing this from day one, but we didnt think it would get this bad at the 2300 people in the camp. And then numbers that are growing that every day gets in the only 2000 migrants arrived in the Canary Islands last weekend alone. The crossing is dangerous, but the coronavirus pandemic has cut off about migration routes. The government has started to housing new arrivals in hotels near the camp. Human rights activists say they are not getting a fair shot at the asylum system. These migrants from san diego fia that they will soon be deported as a lawful order that far. But i dont know why you journalists are not welcome here, eva g w n. U assist told to leave in that conversation may not know is angry at the Spanish Government, but also feels abandoned by the european union. Has that im disappointed with spain and with europe. This is shameful. A lot of politicians and representatives have come here recently, but we have no clue what the governments strategy is to deal with the migration crisis on the Canary Islands. But there will be money buying it. And let me get i thought, yeah, spains government refuses to relocate the migrants to the mainland. Critics say this has turned the island into a prison for months, the trends of increasing migration numbers has been visible here on the Canary Islands. Nevertheless, everyone involved seems overwhelmed by the cover situation. Valuable preparation time has been lost. Instead, the island governments, the Central Government and the european union, starting to shift responsibility for the situation to one another. The Spanish Government has now started to procure for of accommodation for the migrants. Many fear that this housing will fill up. Before long. Before we go, the pandemic isnt only affecting humans. Of course, the lives of lots of animals are also being disrupted, but to kill many of those in captivity. Meet ray ray is a 6 year old african penguin. She lives in californias monterey bay aquarium, but its closed at the moment because of coronavirus restrictions. So wright has taken to exploring her home, and she was around following the staff. And just like the zoos human physicist wright has discovered this bots to see some species must look good enough to eat. And she said clearly taking plenty of exercise. But she said, hard work from and one of the worlds smallest penguin species. , i survived the top story. U. S. , secretary of state might compare his visit, think go a lot of heights, a disputed territory that israel objects policy shifts towards the disputed reaches, assists, you know of todays awful world news of the top of the hour. Stephen beardsley has your business updating just a good thing why are people forced to hide in trucks . There are many reasons there are many cancers and theyre armed

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