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War, famine goings response. We should never have trusted him. Robert jackson was satisfied that albert spears defense had broken through the united front put up by the others. It seems that good man is a friendly demeanor, and public remorse were enough to have an effect on the court. After more than 200. 00 days of hearings, the 8 judges retired. They alone would decide on convictions and sentences. Their decisions would help. And so the question of whether governments could now be held accountable for state crimes. Robert jackson felt that his team had produced the necessary evidence to prove the accused guilty. The case had been made, the evidence was overwhelming. The defendants had not been able to exculpate themselves or deny their signatures their presence in meetings, their knowledge of all of the aspects of the charges. And so jackson, by the close of the case, is very confident that he has done his job as a prosecutor. Jackson had some concern about what the judges were going to do. He didnt really entertain the possibility that the case would be lost or that acquittals would occur in a large number of individual or particular charges. Robert jackson was certain that from now on no state leader or general would be able to explain away war is simply the continuation of politics. By other means, 31st 1946, the accused were given the chance to make final statements. Most claimed that they personally had acted in good faith or were banging orders, him and gurning, now except to defeat in the last battle, his hero, hitler, he told the court psychologist, had condemned himself. I think if i didnt want, nor did i bring about a war that i did everything i could to avoid it through negotiations. I might when war broke out, i did everything i could to secure the tree, kill him kind of have a good catch. I was wrong and im stunned that i wasnt able to prevent what should have been prevented. That thats what im guilty of. And i guess its a tragedy to have to realize that the best things i could give as a soldier, obedience and loyalty were exploited for unforeseeable intention. I did not see that there is a limit to the soldierly performance of ones duty, and that is my fate that if i could not be privation and misery has fallen upon the german people who after this trial will despise and condemn hitler. As the present author of their misfortune. However, what has happened will teach the world not only to heat the teacher ship as a form of state want to but to fear it was that the judges deliberated for 4 weeks. The charge of conspiracy which was at the heart of the trial, made the americans uneasy. Was it possible to see in the ferias conspirator in a powerless . Yes, man, like vilhelm keitel. All those involved in the boundless crimes merely using hitler as a shield. For some verdicts were passed quickly. Other defendants cases were hotly debated. The french judges shied away from the death penalty, as well as from acquittal. The soviet john just were convinced that all the defendants, without exception, had full featured their lives. October 1st, 946. 00. Once again, the whole world looked to Nuremberg International military tribunals to announce the fate of the accused nazi leaders. The accused entered the hall individually filming was prohibited. But radio reporters and newspaper journalists were allowed. Kammen gurning was the 1st to appear on the current 1, 100 year would be perfect to be in your room and here to be indictment on which you were being compared to europe in one regard on the grounds of the indictment on which you are 100, whove been here each the fed came in and receive the setters some 3 were acquitted. 7 receive very in terms of imprisonment or 12 for ex, receive the death sentence. That very cell of room they took the said there was no outburst in the court for all the liquor. The very formal of it alfred yodel, vilhelm keitel fritz zokol, and punch, drunk, and Alfred Rosenberg were also sentenced to death by hanging. Martin borman was sentenced to death in absentia by a lot of fun, chirac and escaped with 20 years in prison, calderon, its got 10 years. Hitlers vice chancellor franz fun, poppen right. Spang, president , shocked, and yosef goebbels associate. Hans richer were acquitted. Their relief was plain to see in the prison in nuremberg, security precautions were once again tightened to avoid the risk of the death row inmates. Committing suicide. Officials wanted all 11 to be ready for the gallows in their cells. The nazi leaders prepared for their execution. Hammond during asked to be shot, but his request was rejected. Months earlier, he had made friends with an american guard, takes wheelus. The u. S. Soldier was apparently willing to fetch during items from the luggage room in exchange for a signed photograph. The executions was scheduled for october, 16th lights were kept on around the clock with the prisoners under constant observation. But during saw his chance, suddenly a guard saw him put an arm across his face and begin to gasp. He died within a few minutes. In his suicide note, in claimed to have had the cyanide capsule with him since his arrest. Another one was later found in the luggage room. Only a few journalists were allowed to report on the executions that night and are prepared, reverting to american berg. Of a combined american network, i was an eyewitness to the execution of the will to flower of nazi down there in a 33 by 7. Which until last sunday had been used by the soldiers for their basketball games. We found the execution chamber. It was just 7 minutes after 1 oclock, european time, when the american side jumped word and his assistant mounted the 1st platform and took up their positions with a rope and both the doors were sent back to the prison to bring in johnnys one progressive separatist foreign minister, youre walking from ribbentrop from sales 7 for only the 13th, there is well known to drop, responded brain julie to the permission given to make a last statement. He spoke intensely and i quote the proof is very much i regret that were committed in fact, but the procedure with the word with difficulty and photographed during the night, the corpses of the military personnel were transported to munich into a branch of the east to imprisonment were taken to the war criminals, prison in the in the following years general would go on to prosecute the subsequent trials against military personnel, industrialists, ministry officials, and the henchmen. Robot jacksons goal had been to ensure that dictators could never again hide behind the mask of a sovereign state. The involvement of the soviet union hampered his efforts, but the nuremberg verdicts went on to be enshrined in the charter of the united nations. I think probably the major International Military tribunal was to declare watcher for all war as an international quote. Its the war. Its the aggressive war that flies behind other crimes that we produce a number different not until half a century later would robot jacksons vision receive a new life in the form of the International Criminal court in the hague plugin, charger, and pedal to the mat. Or duck all bull and sheep are remembering their image with the plug in hybrid vehicles sold choice. But looks to see read through. Dont believe in good shape. Sometimes brushing your teeth doesnt make a difference. And white spots on the t. V. It can even make the teeth crumble away. Does your child have this problem too . Its called chalky. Every 7th child worldwide is affected, and the dentist a puzzling why . Find out how to combat this condition . 60 minutes is known as managers, you know, the banks and to watch the language of the bank. Speaking the truth, global news that matters. G. W. Made for mines. Fisty w. News live from berlin. The coronavirus pandemic dominates the g 20 in a Virtual Summit hosted by saudi arabia. Leaders focus their efforts on fighting 19 and economic damage. Countries are also drawing up plans for a fair and just be just tribute of vaccines to include poor countries. Also coming up will tank key to the war torn region of nagornokarabakh way Ethnic Albanians are being forced to fail. Will fail at a correspondent may just drives the green, mixed with defiant class of Battle Royale in frankfurt to buy and sleep part leipzig, look to draw level on points with the League Leaders. No easy task against against a fiercely to mrs. Plame side. Im jared. Thank you for joining me. The leaders of the worlds wealthiest countries have been meeting online for a g 20 summit hosted by saudi arabia. The virtual gathering is dominated by efforts to end the coronavirus pandemic and deal with its economic fallout. A draft declaration shows that the biggest economies will pledge to pay for Fair Distribution of covert 900. 00, vaccines and testing. So that poorer countries are not left out. Debt relief is also likely to be extended. Denied the opportunity for face to face pageantry. This was how so dear rebiya, open the g 20 a 7 plane fly over of riyadh to mark the 1st ever summit hosted by an arab country. On the grown king solomon beckoned the worlds most powerful leaders, bureaucrats, and despots. To meet the challenge of their generation, it is unfortunate that we are unable to host your own passion due to be exceptional circumstances were all facing. As she spoke, flanked by the all powerful crown prince, some participants were running late. The russian turkish delegations, en particular. When Vladimir Putin did arrive, he backed the summits calls for the poorest to get access to a vaccine this year. But years with russia supports the draft key decision of the current summit aimed at making effective and safe vaccine to be level to all. There is no doubt that drugs for immunization are and should be accessible to everyone. Those new york accused in the saudi arabias human rights record had led to awkward questions the faces of jailed female activists projected on the louvre in paris. But many leaders to included that working together with the gulf kingdom to tackle covert 19 was a matter of arjun singh. Thats a good thing that they send. We need to sustainably strengthen the world health organization. We need reliable funding, better cooperation, greater independence, and the g 20 can provide important indeed crucial support in this area. And of the traditional family 4 to the horse project, a mock up of their own on 1018th century palace. It seemed to capture what may well be one of the strangest and most important g. 20 summits ever. Well, 2 years ago, saudi arabia allowed women to drive for the 1st time, and this was part of a series of sweeping reforms. The kingdom carried out and the nation broadcast images of these changes around the world. During this weekends g. 20 summit, the country is making efforts to display this progress regarding womens rights even more. But many human Rights Groups say women in saudi arabia are still oppressed and face imprisonment and torture. It was this video that got had flu thrown into prison the 1st time around back in 2014, she was driving a car, something that was then still illegal for women in saudi arabia. And the men who want to stop us from driving are doing us an injustice. Our oppressing us after she was released, flew continued to campaign for womens rights at home and publicly while abroad. Thats why in 2018, she was put in prison again. There shes been tortured and raped according to her sister who lives in exile. Now lou jane has apparently gone on hunger strike. They want to say, and the only way to do it is to break it. And i think they, theyre not able to release a strong woman who will be willing to speak about everything that had happened. Many think that would contradict the image of saudi women. The royal family wants to portray woman who do business travel, sports and yes, since 2018 are even allowed to drive some believe. These are simply cosmetic reforms by crown Prince Mohammed bin man, to get more women into the workforce rights activists say the reality is very different. What makes our eurabia extremely hypocritical on this road is the fact that they detained, went after the entire saudi womens rights movement. Arresting dozens of activists is beginning in may and 22. Nevertheless, the saudi royals have put womens rights high on the agenda at the g 20 summit portraying themselves as open and liberal minded leaders. Leading flu says the west should confront riyadh on this contradiction. Refuses to engage with us. So its the duty of the allies of the International Community to stand by us and to ask where jane is and to ask for her when he is perhaps this is her last chance. Because until now, riyadh has rejected any external intervention of the European Parliament expressed concerns about saudi arabias human rights record. Before the summit, our correspondent teri schultz has more from brussels. The European Parliament urged e. U. Leaders not to take part in the g 20 summit due to the saudi governments human rights record that European Commission president ursula evangelion and Council President shall. Michel said they simply couldnt sit out a meeting of the worlds most powerful countries when there are so many crises that need global coordination. They did promise to bring up the human rights record, including specifically the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of agents links to the saudi regime. Now whats on the table is very much focused on getting a vaccine for the coronavirus. Ursula vanderlei and wrote a letter along with some other leaders to the g 20 meeting urging leaders to make up a 4500000000. 00 shortfall in one of the w h os programs that would ensure an equitable distribution. Its not clear what the answer to that will be, but vonder lyon and other leaders are very much pushing for the entire world to come together behind this effort. That was teri schultz in brussels there. Heres some of the other stories making news today. The socalled Islamic State says it carried out a series of attacks in the Afghan Capital kabul, at least, people were killed by multiple rocket blasts. U. S. , secretary of state, is in the region to push forward, stalled afghan peace talks with the taliban. A federal judge in pennsylvania has dismissed a lawsuit by the donald trump campaign, alleging voter fraud. The u. S. President wanted to invalidate mail in ballots, but the judge said the campaign presented quote, strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations. Official results show joe biden won the state by more than 80000 votes and protest is in guatemala city, have set fire to part of the countrys Congress Building and made growing demonstrations against the president and legislature. The demonstrators are unhappy with their leaders for approving a budget. Weve cuts to education and healthcare spending. Well, as a says, its troops have begun entering areas surrounding the disputed territory of nagornokarabakh, which was once home to many and separatists that was before russia brokered peace deal ended weeks of bloody fighting with separate is them giving up much of the territory in return for the deployment of russian peacekeepers to use emilys show when reports from the corner karabakh and she met with Ethnic Armenians facing the painful experience of saying goodbye to their homeland gulu. All old prayer for what is lost or who wholl armenians are saying goodbye to the monastery. The house of worship is in one of several regions being handed over to azerbaijan, after a peace deal here says he can only hope the levers will still be able to reach this holy site from armenia. We know that the negotiations about the road leading here are still ongoing, but weve been assured that the church will remain ours. This road should stay in service. We worship here. Why should we priests leave the church . Theres no reason for us to leave. The story is ancient, it most likely dates from the 9th century. For days armenians have been coming here to take a final book. The mood is a mix of grief and defiance. This is a holy place for us when we drive along this route, we usually always stop here. Now we came to say good bye. We probably wont be able to come here any more. I hope this wont be a final farewell to the starry. We will come here again. I know that we arent afraid of anyone. Why should we be scared . If this is the world know that this church is armenian, and will always be armenian . The russian peacekeepers have been stationed here to guard the monastery. Some of the armenian visitors bring them sweets to thank them. Already the monastery stands in the landscape and the village around it is deserted. For days, many locals in the area have been burning their own houses. They being only scorched earth behind for us or by john, the owner of this house was already gone when we arrived the peace deal that armenia and azerbaijan signed officially ended the war here and now. But its clear that peoples anger in nearby villages, people tell us theyre still unsure which areas will ultimately be under control. For now is staying with relatives in the village of it in which will stay armenian. She says shes waiting to find out the fate of her town. I dont know what to do. My things are there and im here. I thought myself and was injured in the last war. I dont want them to take our land. If our house is taken, ill go and burn it. The mountains of may now be peaceful, but many of the Ethnic Armenians leaving say they would rather keep fighting than lose so much of their homeland. Just for now, a rare wobble from bundesliga leaders by munich saw them draw one all at home to vet of the game and some fine play from george sargent. Set up maxi biggest diamond on the stroke of half of half time in germany internationals cool, finished giving the visitors an unlikely lead. A pinpoint header from kingsley coleman. Rescue a point for the champions in the 2nd half. But it was, nevertheless, a surprising setback for buy and that slip up from by and against the game and handed out the live 2nd opportunity to go level on points with the League Leaders late on saturday. A win in frankfurt was what you leonardos months sided needed, but their hosts put up stiff opposition and unexpected chance to go joint top gave you leonardos man a reason to smile ahead of kick off. But there was work to be done yet. The job became harder after frank 1st took a 1st half lead through a man was the Moroccan International using his chest to fashion the perfect shooting opportunity got sick bit back after the break use of poulsen with an unorthodox finish to level the scores of pinpoint cross and a small volley to make it one apiece. Manpower, someone close to winning the game from a corner in the dying minutes. His back post volley expertly handled by frankfurt keeper, kevin trap. And so all square it ended in frankfurt. A missed opportunity for noddles mens title change since before we go take a look at this rare footage. Weve got few of a wild snow leopard filmed in northwestern china. Now you might have thought these animals roll and like other cats, but their vocal cords arent quite the same, which means their voices sound a bit different. As you can hear, this video was captured by a hidden camera in the sun, Genuine National park in northwestern china. Seeing these cuts like this is apparently quite rare, but stop at the poc say theyve been increased activity by the Snow Leopards because of increased numbers of a type of sheep, but they hunt for price. Ok, weve got your up today. This is think of the unions from better than ill be back in 45 minutes for your next update is more on our website. Dot com. 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