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I have no way. There must be some other reason. A few months ago, they never thought their lives would improve again so quickly. But none of them will forget the anxious playing around here most birth any time soon. Unfortunately, most countries not like europe, why, when it comes to fighting the pandemic. The Current Crisis has made life much harder for many to cutely women downs have led to a sharp rise in domestic violence. And aside from this, women are the ones typically taking on all the extra child care and home schooling responsibilities. Statistically speaking, women also have a far greater chance of losing their job. So for ling into extreme poverty in indonesia, many women have other things to worry about too. Even newborn babies where a face shield in the Maternity Ward of this hospital in jakarta, the covert pandemic is affecting everybody in indonesia. Davey raju has just given birth to her 3rd child. Her joy is tempered by concern. Shes a homemaker and her husband, a driver. He used to work full time, but now only has 2 days work a week. Yeah. Im very worried. My baby needs milk every day and other things as well. But her income is much lower. Now. We have to somehow scrape by when he has to be from you know, davey raju had chosen to have another child before the pandemic hit, but hundreds of thousands of women in indonesia got pregnant during the pandemic. Without planning to this is bandung 150 kilometers east of the capital you see is pregnant, but she didnt choose to have another child. During the lockdown she ran out of contraceptive pills. The local chemist was closed and condoms are not widely used in indonesia. Then her husband lost his job and now money is in short supply. But he said, during the lockdown, the Public Health clinics didnt want to see women who only needed contraceptives. Or could have come to see a midwife privately. But that would have been much too expensive. And even now that im pregnant, i cant afford to see a midwife to get a check up. The daughter siti and son dava, both still go to school. Money is tight even without a 3rd child. You r. C. Has applied to join the Public Health insurance scheme, but she doesnt yet know if shes been accepted. It doesnt cost anything if youre poor. But hamilton would, i hope will get health care for free. We dont really have any alternative. Well, it makes me dizzy to think about the future and something, im sorry. I hope it works out for you that employees of the National Population and Family Planning board. Go around making announcements via loudspeaker. You can have sex, you can get married, but dont get pregnant. Men, restrain yourselves or use contraception. The authorities are worried about the surge in the number of births. Young thing that the, you know there are various methods of contraception, an injection of pill condoms. Yeah, yeah. I mean, you said 3 on t. V. Is a midwife who works for the Family Planning board. She tells women about their options. Shes one of 24000 counselors across the country. Even before the pandemic, 17 percent of pregnancies in indonesia were not by choice. But because of a lack of access to contraception, even the coronavirus has begun things worse, scepter, jante, enter. Colleagues have only recently gotten back to work and thats what happens during a lockdown. Men and women spend more time together. The men were at home off work and the women didnt dead to go out. Many didnt use contraception and that has meant lots of unwanted pregnancies. But thats absolute. Its estimated that the lock down will mean as many as half a 1000000 more babies than usual. The authorities want to curb the boom. So septra jante and her colleagues go door to door advising women. And providing contraceptives often double the usual amount. Yeah. How do you review mahela gave birth to her 1st child a couple of months ago. Now shes decided to use contraceptive pills. Some are even to say they want to at about my normal and the midwives remind her to take them at the same time every day without fail. A few houses further, they visit, uni. She has one child and until now she has gotten contraceptive injections, but they only work for 2 or 3 months. So now shes decided to go for a hormone implant. Instead, it works for 3 years. The state will cover the cost if women from very poor families get pregnant accidentally, the children often suffer from developmental deficits because the pregnant mother and later the children dont have enough to eat. The rarely leaves the house. The number of new covert 1000 infections remain. Scarily high and she wants to keep her unborn baby as safe as possible. Yeah, i get more and more read every day. What does the future hold for us . How can we even survive under these conditions . And im a god and separate the in the government was aiming to have the number of children with development deficits, juju poverty. Within 4 years. The pandemic baby boom will make it harder to for fill that ambitious goal. And now we head to kenya to meet this weeks i am ok, let me change my name is faith. Im 17. Yes. Well, living much in that village, mayor group in kenya. My dad and i love going to school simply because i believe me. But i want to make my life. You betcha. Make me sexy as you put when im fried. I love listening to music. I love dancing, and i love the great english that is late in fruiting my feeling well, the big global programs, i think of, you are of most places. And it really affects when this form of children are most very clearly not to be able to go to school. Theyre not to get their basic means they want and they can not to dress well. They cannot hear twell, so its so sad and ive been we have the Global Warming that do you when its gams, theres drought and this drought, theres no food. When theres not one people are most likely to stab and even leading to bear my hope for their future. I would like to be done with my high school style lose. And then i join one of the big universities in kenya, or even on the road. And pressure my carry on. And the basics if you for any length of time i like to be on medical practitioner and then door for sure. Im just saying as a hobby, all by same criteria whats makes me happy. Its just everything i know me simply because im grateful for what i have in a way out in happy from because of myself. Because of even when peter and i just as a very am to be alive he always did. And thats all from us that global 3000, this time you know how much we love hearing from you though. So do drop us ally to global street 1000 and d w dot com. Were back next week. See you that take cash to india to misery in trenton, a devastating day destroyed the famous bieber village. As survivors started creating dollars from damage clause giving up was never an option. A story of success. The limits on w. Give us your country the make you rich people. Oil will provide you with jobs. The oil will take good care of. You may see taste of the world. Fever took hold on the west coast of going down in 2007. Investors made big promises, but years later, reality looks very different letters, pages of drinking, water shortage, high unemployment. What happened to gonna stream of black gold . Oil promises starts december 4th. W. Has a virus spread. Why do we panic . And when well all miss just 3 of the topics covered and a weekly radio show is called spectrum. If you would like and new information on the crown of virus or any other science topic, you should really check out our podcast. You can get it wherever you get your podcast. You can also find us at dot com for it slash science. Written letters for media organizations in general competition. The global media forum. Digitization process is posing new challenges to Media Companies and they offer new opportunities to distribute their content from Community Building to pay walls. How can media organizations optimize their revenue models in the digital age and join our discussion . This is the the view news live from berlin. More good news in the fight against covert 19 drug maker astra zeneca says the vaccine its developed with Oxford University is up to 90 percent effective. Plus, unlike other vaccines, it does not need to be stored at ultra cold temperatures. Also on the program 3, prominent hong kong dissidents are in custody after pleading guilty to charges related to last years prodemocracy protests, though they likely face prison sentences. They say they have no regrets

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