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Evidence that congress pandemic spending is riddled with corruption. But critics trying to hold the powerful to account for fear they will soon be silenced. As welcome to the program. 3 weeks after the u. S. Election, the president elect joe biden has finally been given the green light to start the transition process. President donald trump tweeted on tuesday that he was directing his administration to cooperate in the handover process. Its the closest hes come to d. C. Conceding defeat. Meanwhile, biden has pushed ahead and begun announcing nominations for his own administration. President elect joe biden efficiently revealed his picks for the top positions of his cabinet, monday, signaling his readiness to take over the helm. Bidens Foreign Policy and National Security choices mark a clear shift away from trumps america 1st doctrine. Instead, a lot of familiar faces from the Obama Administration. So many that some are calling it the Obama Administration 2. 0. The choice is signaled bidens intention to return to a more traditional way of doing business and interacting with other countries bidens choices or veterans with many years of experience like his longtime adviser, antony blinken, named for the position of secretary of state. He will be tasked with steering the country back towards the paris climate agreement, the world health organization, and they run a nuclear deal. The best known of the nominees is former secretary of state john kerry, who is poised to become bidens climate change. And boy. From our Federal Reserve chair, janet yellen, sisters serve as treasury secretary, if confirmed she would be the 1st woman to take over this pivotal role and would face the difficult task of shaping u. S. Economic policies. At a time when the country is facing both a pandemic and recession biden also named avril haynes as the 1st woman to become director of national intelligence. A question is whether this was a wise action and alexandro majorca as the 1st latino to head the department of homeland security. Biden appears to be making good on his Campaign Promise that his cabinet will reflect americas diversity. Linda thomas greenfield was appointed to the helm of the u. S. Mission to the United Nations. But many of bidens cabinet picks will require confirmation in the senate where republicans still hold a narrow majority. For now, at least with the transition process officially underway, some of the uncertainty and turbulence of the past weeks seems to be settling down. Lets bring in the heading of the case with the German Council on foreign relations. Thank you for joining us, mr. The president elect can finally get down to business. Now the transition. Well, this relieved the european allies. You think . I think it is relieved because his picks also reflect a certain view for a policy paradigm that hes following. Living in part, believing in most of the rules of international organizations, the kind of International Order that the europeans would like to retain. But i think in europe, many people who believe that this election was really open. Many were afraid. I think that the polarization and the infighting between trump and biden, and the insistence of the trump team that he has won the election well actually result in 2 more protests have damaged the american democracy. That isnt possibly not as likely as before. Now that he has conceded the transition, but recently weve heard a lot about how europe needs to do more on the global stage. But could it now be, just as easy for the u. S. The e. U. To sit back and wait for the u. S. To take the lead again . I think this is, this is no longer the case and people in europe have understood that america might be a great partner where the president wants it, but this is not a really, really reliable option to bank on i think the europeans have understood that they must do more if they want to, when i retain their own place on the worlds world. Seeing this is true for nato, i think, as obama did biden, will also demand more defense spending and smarter defense spending from, from the europeans, but not as a noxious as the whole prompted. It will be true for other us because passionately when looking at china, that america demands more engagement and more to me, nation, also, europeans. And this is a very tricky issue because many europeans see themselves or european states see themselves very, very much attracted to the chinese market. So to find a balanced approach is something that the europeans have to do. So there is a homework to do also. And in the area of trade and technology where both sides are now looking for low hanging fruit and quick quick areas where cooperation can be reinstalled. But there are many problems looming. Joe biden has also revealed his National Security nominees and said that some veteran diplomats among them. What does that say about his approach to Foreign Policy . You think, i think this is a clear sign that he wants to, to have a more traditional way of handling Foreign Policy with partners with alliances, building up american credibility as a leader in world affairs. But this doesnt mean traditional in a sense that he doesnt pick up new ideas to have john kerry as representative for planet policies or things that are something, you know, an opportunity that will appeal to the europeans very much. And it shows that with the clear and the positioning of a strong figure in the United Nations that he wants to, to come back to an international of the console. The modern problems, the problems of the day with means bridge and anything of that of the German Council of foreign relations. Thank you for your work, but how easily joe biden can push through his agenda as president could come down to the u. S. State of georgia to runoff elections. Then january will decide if the democrats or the republicans get control of the u. S. Senate seat of his Washington Bureau chief in a sport visited one small town in georgia to examine the political divide more closely. In the heart of one of the most divided counties in georgia, lysa town minutes with half of its population is white and 48 percent to south africa, an american in an antique shop. In downtown we find many items that reflect the time when milledgeville was george. Just the state capital that was during the civil war when the confederacy including georgia, fought to keep slavery some elements of that time still seem relevant to shop owner larry use and he seems to be stuck in the past. There is never, never going to be equality in race. He has a grim take on the current political situation now, and i dont think the republicans and the democrats are going to maybe own level play and feel. Floyd griffin has been doing his bit to level George Allens political Playing Field for decades. He was the 1st democrat to have been elected from this area to the Georgia Senate and also served as milledge rules may or the bottom line is ratios on here and an american president , majority White Community are going to be in a minority here pretty soon. And they fear that the black and brown people are going to take the divisions here in milledgeville, broadly, reflect those of the whole of the usa bringing together people who feel as differently as floyd, griffin, and, and teac shop owner, larry hughes didnt do is a major challenge, but they need to Work Together on the many problems in the country and in the town. Stephen hall was or has some ideas. He is the director of the local library and helps organize the initiative on the table. It brings people together to discuss local issues in a constructive way. The approach is low drama and encourages everyone to get involved. I think the Biggest Issue for us is, what is america . Weve had a lot of changes in the last couple years and a lot of the norms that weve had for better or for worse and gone away. And i think were looking at a future of what is our value . What are our ideas of how we should behave toward each other and what is the common purpose that we have . I think weve lost a little track about and id love to see that come together in the future for that americans have to start listening to one another and stop shouting over each other as some of the other stories making headlines this hour, turkish courthouse resume to trial in absentia of 20, saudi officials, accused of murdering dissidents. Saudi journalist jamal khashoggi, vocal critic of saudi arabias crown prince, was last seen entering the saudi consulate in istanbul, in 2018. Riyadh denies involvement, claiming to shock. Shes chilling on a quote rogue operation. The un has expressed concern over the safety of civilians in ethiopia is to cry region as thousands continue to flee the area after 3 weeks of intense fighting, Ethiopian Military and to Ground Forces have both claimed to dances in the past day. Its not yet been possible to verify the sites. Australias Largest Airline quantas has suggested it could make a coronavirus vaccination, a requirement for International Ad troublous, its c. E. O. Says quantas would implement the measures as soon as facts as a vaccine was made available. And that he thought the rule could become common practice among allies. Germanys government is optimistic that the country might begin vaccinating people before the end of the year. But in the meantime, leaders, an extension of the current partial shutdown case numbers have plateaued since a limited lockdown began, but remained high rising by more about 813000 in the past 24 hours. Following a meeting of the leaders of germanys 16 states, a draft proposal suggests it standing current restrictions until at least december 25th, the potential relaxation over the holiday period. A final decision will be made at a meeting with chancellor Angela Merkel on wednesday. Lets bring it obvious Political Correspondent, emma. Lots of good news on the vaccine from what sort of strategy is germanys government preparing . Well, thats a moment. Vaccination centers are being set up all around to counter you, but 1st there wont be no facts scenes for everyone, but the supply will of course, increase over time. Production increases as a 2 phase is treaty during the 1st phase, Vulnerable People will be prioritized. Im thinking about the elderly, the 1st responders and vaccinations will take place in those centers and through more by teams then there will be a 2nd phase. One of the vaccine will be more broadly available and then the general public will have access to eat and the vaccine will also be available not only in those centers, but does so have medical practices just like any other vaccine ministers will meet every 2 weeks. Not to discuss the measures, but christmas is just around the corner. Has there been any news on restrictions over the holiday period . Yes, a permit is agreed on monday evening to extend the current measures and to december 28th. Im going to america have to say that if it were up to her, the measures would already be much stricter, but she asked a fine, come on line, was this a prime news as well . Now on wednesday, we could see tougher measures being adopted for the coming months, such as more restrictions when it comes to socializing. Up until christmas, the number of people allowed to meet will be reduced from 10 people to 5, but there will be an exception for christmas, where up to 10 people will be allowed to meet. Also, churches will be allowed to conduct religious services and people will be encouraged to self isolate those before and after disintegrations and giving schools and to the gods. Old seems to be a priority at the moment. Whys that . Well, the government made clear. 5 very early on the, during this pandemic that he wanted the schools to remain open when possible, but at the same time they reason need to reduce infection, waits within the younger population as well. And the discussion around stricter rules is very much on the social distancing mosque wearing out schools quarantine that, for example, a mandatory mosque in schools has been a very controversial measure so far we could see becoming a rule. You know me as was more than 50 cases per 100000 inhabitants. Homeschooling, for example, this is something that will be decided on the local level by each state. So we can really see how controversial the school topic is here in germany. Thank you very much. A Political Correspondent time now to have a look at some of the other developments in the global pandemic. The australian state of queensland has announced that its opening its borders with New South Wales on december 1st. It comes off the New South Wales, which includes sydney reported no new transmissions for 28. 00 days. Sweden has introduced a set of new measures to contain their rapid growth of new infections, public gatherings on a limited to people. Sweden adopted a less stringent program to fight the virus than many of its neighbors. A laser says it will close some factories of the worlds biggest rubber glove maker. More than 2000 of its workers have tested positive for covert 90, hungary and poland. The other 2 holdouts and stalled negotiations on an issue budget. Under coronavirus Recovery Fund, both countries object to a plan that would tie funds to rule of law criteria. Hungarys prime minister, viktor orban called the plan blackmail critics. In hungary alleged government is rife with corruption in some cases involving e. U. Funds. But these dissenting voices fear they could soon be silenced. To browse the latest news in 3 minutes. Clip radio is the popular station in budapest, and one of only a few Media Outlets that are critical of the government. But their license expires in 3 months. And the authorities have so far refused to extend it to the vast majority of the hungary and media slave usually follow the wards of the government as for a lot of hungary. And its the only side of the argument that they hear. Club radio does not communicate like this. We are so to speak, an obstacle to the complete domination of the hungarian mind. They called us and their voices seem to be needed now more than ever. With the coronavirus pandemic raging through the country. Congress prime minister, viktor orban. Is using the crisis to seize more power. His critics say, daniel works for the hungry and Civil Liberties union. The n. G. O. Recently published a report showing how theyre condemning, has led to more corruption in the country. One example is the purchase of ventilators by the foreign ministry. Ventilators were purchased in huge quantities and significantly overpriced. Only some of them are likely to be used in intensive care and protection against the epidemic. And thats another concern on top of the fact that they were wired at an inflated price in the us. Or you just take a this mans mission is to uncover corruption at the highest level and to call it out because had, has he is an independent member of the hunger in parliament. He tells me that all bonds government is plagued by corruption and that its high time for the you to take action. Volumnia more dorner, or somehow this has to be resolved. The government cannot continue to steal or spend your funds uncontrolled. All one uses this money to pay his people. This is how he maintains this fraudulent system. But viktor orban deflects any criticism and is challenging the use plans to tie funding to respect for the rule of law. We wanted to speak about this with his spokesperson, but he canceled the interview at short notice. The hungary and government accuses brussels of trying to sink should it for political reasons. But the countrys Civil Society and opposition hope for the e. U. To stand its ground. They fear backing down now would embolden viktor orban, and encourage other populists in the year out. The journalists at club radio hoping for international support, and they are determined to continue their work, if necessary, by streaming their shows via the internet. That however, would mean a much smaller audience views brussels correspondent that summer phenomenon filed this report and joins us now from brussels center. Will the e. U. Stand its ground with regards to poland and hungary in this fight . Well, many people i talk to in budapest are certainly hoping that the p. And union will stand its ground and some members, countries, such as, for example, the neverlands have already announced that its important that they cannot, they cannot back down. Its important now to act. However, we also have to say that for the european union, it is important to, to build a political consensus. There are many areas that require all the e. U. Members to be on board that require unanimity approval. When you deal with the budget, when you deal with Foreign Policy issues and actually now all eyes are on merkel, germany holds the European Councils president c. And will talk to hungry, hungry prime minister, all bantul, his polish colleagues, to, to try to solve this crisis. You mentioned the unanimous need for you, none of the decisions could the other e. U. Member states go ahead and at least get the Coronavirus Aid Fund on track by themselves. Yes, actually they could do this according to you treat. Is it possible for a certain number of e. U. Members to say, now we are moving forwards by and hands corp. The best example for that is the euro, the european currency, not every e. U. Member fulfill state conditions to have the euro. So the e. U. Members could say ok, we are going, we are moving forward with the Recovery Fund and hungary can think about it. And then join us later this hour for diplomacy, isnt it . If the e. U. Reacts to harshly some say, if you drive into putins arms, what do you think . Well, it is certainly a possibility. And on the our hand, we have to say that hungry has been profiting for from its membership, has been receiving billions of e. U. Funds. And its of course important to still continue to receive them. So that is why there are more and more voices saying now its important to stand its ground and its important to take a stand here. Thank you. Or some of the nominees in brussels. A Chinese Rocket is on its way to the moon with a mission to bring back rock samples to us. Its the 1st attempt by any nation to retrieve lunar samples. Since the 970 s. China has pulled billions into its space program. And the probes mission is a chance to show global competitors just how advanced its become. This launch is a milestone for china, a spacecraft. That symbolizes the countrys technological prowess. And its military might. The unmanned rocket blasted off early on Tuesday Morning local time from high in an island in the south destination. The moon. And you longer have a young woman who was in the Aerospace Control Center Reports that the long march 5 rocket lifted off normally. And the channel 5 spacecraft has entered orbit as planned. I can now announce that the launch mission of long much 5 has been completed successfully several, although government imo, the chuang of 5 rocket is made up of several components. One is the land which will dig for rocks and soil. These materials will then be transferred into the return capsule for the journey back to protocol to haul up the current Lunar Program consists of 3 phases, overseeing landing and returning the chuang. A 5 will carry out the 3rd phase, bringing moon samples back to earth that we hope this will be a success. Was a good your mother q. If successful, it would be the 1st time in 4 decades. That material has been brought back from the moon. Chinas space ambitions are no secret and have been growing for years. In 2003, its a kid, a major breakthrough when it became the 3rd country in the world to send a human into space. 10 years later, china hit another milestone successfully landing an unpiloted spacecraft on the moon. It was the 1st soft landing since the soviet Union Success in 1976. More chinese cheers in january 2900. 00 and the global 1st lunar pro. Touching down on the far side of the moon, boosting chinas space ambitions. Musk is also in that sights. This year beijing launched an unmanned probe to the planet. In july, it put the final satellite into orbit for its chinese navigation system. The countrys rival to u. S. Owned g. P. S. But this Lunar Mission to bring back material from the moon is one of chinas most ambitious to date. And one that beijing is determined will be another success. Some football news now and then the Champions League top european clubs face off later today. Among the fixtures dog wont take on bruges. Why leipsic . In paris for the 2 german sides in plan tuesday. Youth is taking a look at fresh from becoming the bundesliga youngest ever player. On saturday yusuf from a coco faces the prospects of breaking the same record in the Champions League. He only turned 16 on friday and would set a record unlikely ever to be beaten. But speaking on monday, dortmund coach lucien favela refused to be drawn on whether the youngster would make his next record breaking debut in the match against bruges. This is its hard to speak about this or to give a straight answer. We will have to see in training, we have so many options up front. So we will have to wait and see. For a few years ago like 6 you, youre not, goes man became the youngest coach in Champions League history. And in coaching terms is still a Spring Chicken at age 33. He too has put faith in youth. Only 2 clubs in the competition have fielded younger teams, the novels man this season. But hes already wary of the pressures of top level football. To cut a few pressure is a lot about whats in the heads of the players before the game and as much discussed and talked about. But once the game starts, it isnt just the pressure that is the deciding factor. Of course, theres always a lot of it in the Champions League as there arent that many matches in the group phase. So every game is crucial. Every game comes with a certain pressure, but it isnt that different to the bundesliga. Leipsic will face a tough task, awaits a power resound sharma and noddles. Money is unlikely to risk starting any debut tones in this crucial fixture. Youre watching the news. Heres a reminder of the top story were following for you. The u. S. Government has agreed to begin the 1st president ial transition for joe biden, the trumpet, ministration to late to the handover process for 3 weeks over allegations of voter fraud. Thats it from me and the news team dont go away. Stay tuned for all current affairs. So if you mantras it was close up, which asked if colbert 19 is killing couch. As for the for the current forecast. Im told now germanys crashed because of 19 is fundamentally changing a match. How was it in other European Countries . And what are the consequences of this development . Will cope with 19 cash comes up. Next, w give us your country. People will make you rich people oil will provide you with jobs. The oil will take good care of you, pleasant, at least, at the moment. When fever took hold on the west coast of going on in 20070, investors make big promises. But years later, reality looks very different. Litter choose good Drinking Water shortage. High unemployment. That is a good living. Just david and not a trace of oil money to be found. What happened to god is dream of black gold . Oil promise it starts december 4th. W. What do you always carry with you . Your smartphone keys and some cash. Or keys, a smartphone and credit card . Germans are increasingly split on this one. Cash was long came here, but more and more people are switching to credit and debit cards in part due to the Coronavirus Crisis by carlton contactless. Oh yes, because my card, i know im someone who prefers cash because it gives me a better idea of how much im spending. But because it 19 has changed that now i pay with plastic tops. Im almost a shelf. You have to ask yourself, why did people want to abolish cash . So some banks have turned their backs on cash completely. They dont have any brick and mortar branches or a. T. M. s by the Cashless Payments are on the rocks. But experts are warning were paying with our data. Hes a monster. Google, facebook, twitter interfaces that surveillance capitalism. Cash is competing with Electronic Payment Systems. Could it get knocked out of the ring . A former head of interpol says it would be risky to abolish cash completely. What happens if the russians switches off their system and who defends the coronavirus pandemic flu, state Cashless Payments whos profiting and what price are we paying that tax for . Should just be a life without bills and coins . What might that be like in scandinavia . Its already a reality. These i decide to take the ferry, hire a car, and go and find out. It seems safer to me than flying in light of the coronavirus pandemic in denmark, finland, norway, and here in sweden, in particular, cash has practically become a thing of the past. The 1st thing that i do after arriving is go in search of an a. T. M. In sweden, thats not so easy. There are few and far between and then when i go to the newsagents to buy some water and peppermints, im told i have to pay by card. Before you say, im going to meet till a german whos been living in sweden for many years and who works at the university. He cant quite remember the last time he actually held up bank note in his hand. Social distancing has become a habit for me, but my attempts dont really work here. At the moment, few people in stockholm are wearing face masks. Either. Were going to tills, favorite bakery, which has everything apart from a cash till thats what shall we buy. Id recommend theyre good here. What are they doing there . Cinnamon buns made with cardamom. Make out of. I can really recommend them. Feel ok. Really not. Lucas puts our pastries in a box and i get out my card to pay because he hasnt got a cash till we look us is surprised at my surprise, used to see germany, yesteryears, france, and germany still many catch up. But i want to live well, good for us. I guess i do trust that somehow. And they not everybody house. Everyone has a card and debit card credit card. When in bakeries typically cannot pay by card, which is really, i mean, for me living here. So you annoy, going back to germany. Yeah. Ok, im now stuck and i have to go on walk around, got about 5 blocks over to get an a. T. M. You can get your 500 programmers on the software. Its anything you can have as much money as you like. To support anything, you know, mr. Lucas says that having no cash in the store is much safer. I can be completely cold. It is that we can save you, but if you want to see lower problems, different for the good no robots. I think its like that you have your say, so you dont have the out. The cash, you know, the g. P. S. Thats built for us. At least when it comes to paying people keep their distance. We take our pastries and go on our way to would like to buy some strawberry at the market in germany, paying by cash would be the only option, not from just 30 there. But till does it the swedish way, he just has his mobile phone with him. So hes going to use a payments app called swish. Its a much used swedish mobile Payment System. It transfers the payment to the traders, phone number or q. R. Code. A pop up graphic of a bursting bubble confirms its arrived and then you can a ding. Whats the bible for . It proves its not just a photo, but im actually sending him the money. Im impressed, but its not the quickest way to buy strawberries. It does take time. I just hope i dont often side. Oh yes, it does. Thank god, i dont think you and the swedish banks and Payment Services have almost based out cash completely. Most banks dont provide cash anymore. Its too much trouble and paying with smart phone apps is booming, especially among young people here. Transferring money from one mobile phone to another is as easy as sending a text message or an email. Here, money has become merely digital information. This also means that swedish Electronic Payment Systems can track most peoples financial transactions. Big brother is watching you till can keep tabs on his kids spending. Behavior of course, still doesnt give his 2 children their pocket money in cash. Its all digital the system gives him a good idea of what his son miles is buying with his allowance of others can either concerts or i can see every transaction and the stores that hes visited, plus the times of purchase and the sums he spends with and do you see how much money your house . I dont know how, but that he can see how much money i have to get the shop. Do you kind of sense if you have money left over . As it is us, this is just for shopping. I know that i have some last when, but when i buy something for more than 20 krone, i kind of get the feeling that i shouldnt be doing that. Its my society. Yes, thats quite good. I saw that you stayed under 20 most of the time in june, but you went shopping pretty regularly. I dont know if you can see that. Really every purchase is listed. Im sure to this one that tells daughter lu only pays by card and occasionally uses a mobile app to say your dad can see what money youre transferring and what you buy. Host going. Now what i think he can see where i shop, but not what i buy with the bank card. After i cut, and that doesnt bother you. We know this at the moment, but in a couple of years i realize my cache isnt much use here in sweden. I wonder if baal even be able to spend the crowd that i withdrew. But then i come across a little tight eating place in the countryside, where the owner is kind enough to let me play with real money. Right out front is sweeten the shape of things to come up future in which cash is a thing of the past. And every payment for everything we buy can be traced and tracked. In germany, things are changing dramatically. Since the emergence of the coronavirus, the number of people paying by card has increased by 26 percent. Is germany following swedens lead. I want to ask, who have a harvard lecturer and Research Analyst at Deutsche Bank . The french economist has conducted a study recently on the subject. Do we have to say goodbye to cash . But whats when that just since the beginning of the year and especially since the chronic crisis came, gushing circulation has the if you increase because its wants you know that the safe event stalls that you and follow if i frequented, i guess as a means of payment it has definitely decreased less honest people in the, i guess in december a further people used to because that less in germany and today, i mean, you know, he must know hes 50 press on up. You got the case many germans are abandoning cash and switching to card payments because of the coronavirus. Other countries have gone even further. South korea to china, we decided to an event destroyed bank notes. And just one more example is the us defendant decided to crown dine bent nuts coming from is to make sure it was seen as its reasonable. The risk is very low. But very personal of you. How do you pay everything back and to see the same . And i mess that. Im putting cash into quarantine, burning bank notes, going cash free. It all sounds a little crazy to me. Is the virus changing our behavior . Just to sense the spread of ive gotten used to paying by card stuff. I used to always have cash during the pandemic, its recommends that we pay by card greater risk of catching cold. And if you use cash. But is that really true . In berlin, im going to meet one of germanys top money man, executive board member of the bundesbank responsible for cash management. I want to ask your highness ballmer whether bills are coins, can spread covert blankstein, and whether germany is likely to go cash free. And on time soon he says many people are afraid that cash could carry the coronavirus and see it is risky. What do you think is there research on this . I would say thats been sufficiently disproven. If you look at the bank notes like the 5 euro or 10 euro bills here, which arent particularly heavy circulation, and they have a special coating. We know from research that bills and coins dont play any role in the spread of infection. Of the banks stopped using 500. 00 euro bills last year. Critics call them impractical. They were also linked to corruption and money laundering. Is that the crux of the matter, theres an initiative called better than cash thats calling for cash to be abolished. They say slush funds are a problem. Money laundering is that declared to the tax authorities or the state im stopped by most of course we have to combat money laundering, tax evasion, and the financing of terrorism. And i think cash has to be monitor as should other Payment Methods that we have to ensure that. But i dont think that this will vanquish the underground economy and question the shop and your trust as i asked them on a cash has seen its day. He says he doesnt believe that cash is about to be replaced by cards or mobile apps any time soon. Its estimated that the german state loses up to 10000000000. 00 euros in tax revenue each year as a result of cash in hand payments. One particular problem, the high cash turnover in the Restaurant Business senator complained in 2019 that up to 80 percent of revenue in this sector was not declared to the tax authorities. With her organic produce and great location. Doesnt need to resort to low wages, cutthroat prices, and cash in hand payments. But she knows these practices arent uncommon in our trade. As of us walk, it goes like this. I implore you to work on a 400. 00 euro a month basis with 0 tax or insurance deductions. In theory, you should work 40 hours a month for 10, your is an hour. But in actual fact, you work 40 hours a week and get paid 400. 00 euros a week cash in hand. But youre only registered as having a 400. 00 euros. Jump with the author of a minute. So the state loses out. Yes, when i buy my french fries at a budget supermarkets, and i dont declare that either. How do you mean . Well, i buy them, but i dont submit the receipt as an expense. I throw it away. So the tax office cant estimate what you might have earned. Thats right. They dont know what amount of french fries im selling. Electronic cash tills for mandatory receipts and other types of monitoring are helping to eliminate such practices. Zebul pays their employees more than the minimum wage and its all above board. And fewer and fewer of her customers are paying in cash while just a year ago, only one in 10 payments were by card. Now its almost one in 3. She welcomes the development. But side Cash Payments were real boon for us there on tenney disadvantages. We dont have to gather up the cash and take it to the bank every evening. Its become far too dangerous and you cant give anyone the wrong change. Were glad when people pay by card, to be honest, told us in our time of heart about science. Whenever i pay by card, i leave a digital footprint for every beer and back of french fries put out by. But whos interested in this information and why . And what repercussions does that have on our everyday lives . Viennas university of economics and business is the Largest University of its kind in europe. For many years, professors are cash become on has been researching how our Financial Data trails are observed and analyzed. She says, credit card information and data from Electronic Payments are beating an industry of data brokers. Could it happen on time . As we know that Credit Card Companies pass on this data in the mean time, they can observe everyone in real time via all the Digital Media that they use to create large scale profile as its almost become normal to have surgery, 240000 pieces of data on each person, and with this High Resolution history, they know what you do, the routes you take, what you guy, what you pay for way you go on vacation, how much you pay. They know it all. Human that side. How much alcohol you drink, how much alcohol you drink. You can calculate those kinds of things to you and so much information to the highest bidder that weve analyzed. For example, how oracle blue collar i has described collecting 30000 user actually beats from 200 data vendors, which would allow them to create the profiles of 700000000. Well, thats probably the entire western world, and best in her bed, think of the entire western world. And if we look to see whos providing that data visa master card, or axiom google, facebook, twitter interfaces that surveillance capitalism. Surveillance capitalism involves hundreds and thousands of companies with Data Exchange agreements. Working together behind the scenes sidebar. As a result, data about our payment behavior is increasingly determining our everyday lives without seeing or comprehending what is going on. We can feel the effects, not just when we are shopping, us ordinary people, people who are quite similar to each other might find themselves paying different prices for flights, hotels, all kinds of things. Or they might be refused insurance or passed over for a job offer. They might find all those negative things happening to them and put it down to bad luck or fate. When in reality, its the result of databases making some sort of prediction about them. And people behind the scenes are earning money to create these profiles of people. Its disgraceful the Payment Technologies are developing rapidly while we feel that we are at the cutting edge here in europe, if we pay by Smartphone App in china, chinese and u. S. Companies are testing smile to pay facial Recognition Technology to get into the storage facial scan lets you enter a store and pay for goods ai can recognize the person and their credit rating, but it can do more also detect emotions and social affiliations. It can also tell whether someone is under stress or might be coming down with something. And then miss, im let him, but if i pay with a smile and i start to connect smile to economic transactions than this habit will also leave its imprint in my real world. I dont think we really want those kinds of associations to develop a society and social interactions would become subtly commercialized. Comments, hes become on would like cash to be retained and not only for Data Protection reasons, theres told 6 men how it can be rapidly, not town to ask mit systems. Its a matter of security. We need a concrete backup. We still need cash for security reasons. One, as pain becomes increasingly easier, contactless and perhaps more hygenic. Were giving away more and more information about ourselves. Ill probably never know exactly what Companies Know about me. Why are banks interested in what i buy . Where and how much im going to visit and 26. 00, and up and coming mobile bank to find out the berlin, headquartered app, only bank is growing rapidly, but its already faced up fine for breaching Data Protection laws. As well as criticism from germanys financial regulators. Chinas tech giant 10 cent owns a big stake in and 26 i made in gaelic, our general manager for germany, austria and switzerland. Because i want to ask him whether smiles are pay for becoming to us anytime soon and just see it from getting the at the moment. I cant really see that smile to pay or other chinese products will take hold in germany. But other innovations will be introduced into the german market. Its quite clear that Cashless Payments are on the rise, and its time for much. In the end, 26 prefers to let other banks do things like sheep and reserves of cash. Right face to face, customer service. And maintain brick and mortar branches the fin tech startup is a digital bank. The company would like us to use our mobile phone to manage our finances. And once you can see it right off the shelf, how much did you spend on clothes shopping . How much did you spend on insurance this month or on eating out . Was hard. What were your Household Expenses that you couldnt do . Customers feel that their spending behavior is influenced by this . Thats a hit with those i can and want to get when you pay electronically, you can monitor more closely what youve spent. Then when you pay by cash, its hard to say a month after youve spent 50. 00 euros in a shop and you no longer know what you spent that money on. If you, if you make an electronic payment, you know exactly what you bought last april. Thats nasty Data Protection is important to the e. U. To us a bank shares that concern that we give the customers this data. If you its an automated process. That means that none of our employees see this data. It can only be accessed by our customers. Great movie, being able to manage your finances better does sound like an advantage. But does it really matter to me what i spent, where last april and im still worried about what happens to my data and who has access to it. A Berlin Company called bought solid d. Is taking a different approach. It offers a modern Payment System that doesnt leave behind data trails. The name might mean pay by cash, but its not as old school as it sounds. Rather, its a kind of digital analog hybrid, not everyone who wants to pay by cash is tech averse. Not to get this all from that. Theres a big group of people who want to use cash in a digital context because they dont want to reveal their personal data online. Cash has many advantages. Its flexible and anonymous. I dont need to own a car. I dont need to be a customer somewhere with the management of so me a World Without any cash. That would mean that europe and germany would be dependent on 2 big u. S. Credit Card Companies that control all our payment transactions. Do i really want that . So how does parts work . For example, it works by a certain stores, but it doesnt matter if i want to pay for an online purchase, or if i want to pay an official bill or receive money for example. Or if i want to pay money into my bank account or get money out of my account, you know, i always receive an encrypted barcode that i use to get money or make a payment. The bar code stipulates how much money is paid in or paid out. It doesnt involve the transfer of any account or credit card data. And a fresh bar code is generated for each transaction. Is up awkward, but you just stand this barcode on the cash till and then the shop assistant will give you 50 euros. For example. In this case, its a withdrawal from my checking account. But it could be a reimbursement for a return pair of shoes that i bought online or a credit for my electricity bill. And i could also use it to make a payment to pay for a parking ticket. For example, you cant tell from the bar code what transaction ive made up. The information isnt passed on to 3rd party. And the cash is a way of stopping everyone from knowing all our business. Even in cash presweetened, there are a few people who want to keep bills and coins. Eriks on opposers going completely cash for the former interpol president is acquainted with the underground economy Cyber Attacks and money laundering. And hes still battling for the retention of cash. For cash as an option, which is a major difference, they want to have a monopoly. I want to have a possibility. Some people can deal with these modern did a lot system. Its about 1000000 people in my county and they are profitable. Just leave them. I dont like that up a society. What happens if the russians off the system . We have no defense. How do you defend yourself if that doesnt function cache suppose option and which young people is what they see in china . Nations where you use these 2, true us citizen. Because if your have a system, you have a technology of cameras, you have a technology, Artificial Intelligence really going to be young. People dont like that. Eric song also believes that its important for Digital Natives to have access to cash. And hes annoyed by the fact that it seems the coronavirus is being used as a pretext for the switch to a cashless society. There is no proof whatsoever that cash is carrying that type of threat. People saying we cash because its a fake. But these type of pressure and some tells me that sweden has passed legislation obliging banks to provide certain Cash Services from 2021 to struggle between cash or card payments has become fiercer, due to cope with Electronic Payments are easy, quick and feel safe for banks and Payment Service providers, lucrative. The data broker industry is in turn, making huge revenues and penetrating our lives in ways we barely suspect. For me, cash represents a form of freedom. A freedom id like to pass on to my children for their digital future. Whats the secret behind this classic 6 percent here they told him he loves your mom or the story behind the music for the agents reducing it. I beethovens 9th symphony for the more starts to simmer down on t. W. This is the news from the transition to abide, not ministration formally begins in the u. S. After weeks of stalling, the federal government agrees to begin the handover process with biden. We ask a transatlantic expert bidens cabinet picks mean for you. Also on the program, German Authorities consider a stricter lockdown ahead of christmas, but worry if you case towns dont fall now, they could skyrocket after people gather for the holiday season

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