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Announces his 1st key cabinet choices. Its a team that reflects the fact that america is back ready to lead the world. Not retreat from joe biden is moving quickly to fill all key positions in his administration. Now that donald trump has stopped blocking the transition im anthony. How it is good to have you with us . German Health Authorities have today reported a record 410 coronavirus related deaths. This milestone comes just as the 16 states laid as a state to decide on stricter lockdown mischas. They have reportedly agreed to extend coronavirus restrictions into december. But exceptions on thing made for holiday celebrations need the infections have leveled off, the geminis caseload remain stubbornly high. The pressure is on for the German Government to ease restrictions for the most important time of the year. For many christmas celebrations, right . No bellinis john dam and Market Square would usually be packed with people and show you the christmas market. Its been cancelled. People will be allowed to gather at home for christmas, but in smaller groups, many accept the reality. This year is different. Theres going to be naturally some push and its naturally to happen, but it is what it is. You know its, theres no policy thats ever going to be 100 percent approved. I believe in god. I dont understand why restriction would be eased for christmas. Perhaps one should stick to them. But i also see what happens with people when they are lonely and happy. So i cant say much about it, but i just talk about it because i also see how it is in hospitals. Thats where i work. But yes, its sad not to celebrate christmas as usual, but how else the measures taken are important and necessary . And does always skypes always see the decision on christmas is expected to become patients as a parliamentary group. Until now we have begun to see a short trend of lower figures in terms of inspections, which means the exponential growth could be stopped. But thats not enough. We need lower figures, especially for christmas, and it inside christmas isnt the only celebration thats on the line. Many say that the much loved tradition of new years eve, fireworks needs to be reigned in, but a nationwide ban on fireworks sales does not appear to be on the cards. And for more on this, lets bring in a man or show stay w. s political correspondent. Good to see you ana. Whats the situation right now . Is the pandemic on the control . Well, anthony, ever since the 2nd, the pasha look down here at the beginning of november, weve seen the number of infections be allies. Theres no more exponential growth, which is a positive news, but the figures us 2 way too high on tuesday. There were more done 1300 new infections, a recorded, we are nearing the w1w infections here in germany and most 1500 pounds and people dead. So no to a pandemic is definitely not under control. Just last week, chancellor merkel called for even stricter measures, but there was pushback from the states. What chance theyll find Common Ground here . Well indeed and of america called many times both tougher restrictions. But as she does have to find a come on line, we used to state premiers now. She backed a draft proposal on monday by the state premiers. And the goal is a coordinated answer at the national level. We can see we can imagine additional measures in areas where the high rates, where there is a high rate of infection that could be introduced, such as gatherings, for example, up until now 10 people from 2 households could meet. That could be reduced to 5 people only a week. And so, according to the draft proposal, see an extension of the current measures. We remain open, the restaurants will remain closed until close until at least december, the twentys whizzes situation being revoked, revaluated every 2 weeks. And of course, people are always encouraged to meet socialising, to avoid travel as much as possible and a lot of the civil go one on christmas and the holidays coming up. What are you hearing . Will they be restrictions specifically for the Holiday Season . Well, according to drafted measures, the members of one household will be allowed to meet always up to 10 other people from although haas holds between december 23rd and generous. So 40 celebrations on the end of the year both christmas and see people are encouraged to say if isolated before and after the set abrasions schools may also break up a few days. Perhaps as early as need december. So as to encourage these quarantine, a religious ceremonies will be allowed and also looking into increasing the test capacities ahead of the holidays and also breaking with a longstanding tradition on new years eve. And here in germany, any to be void of public gatherings. They will be no public fire both and people will also be strongly encouraged, not to set up their own fireworks, their political correspondent, and many many thanks. Ok, lets have a look now at some of the other developments in the corona, virus pandemic, and frances relaxing its coronavirus restrictions following a drop in new infections. Nonessential shops, movie theaters and museums will gradually reopen, but large gatherings will remain banned astride the most populous state. New south wales has eased social distancing measures and allowed companies to bring employees back to work after 3 weeks without a locally transmitted case. And in the us, a restaurant dining ban comes into effect today in los angeles, the countrys 2nd biggest city, the 3 order comes as the state of california faces a Record Number of new infections. Well, meanwhile in finland, restaurants and bars are open for business stores. They are in fact never closed. Its one of the few European Countries thats managed to keep corona virus infection rights under control. In the past 2 weeks, finland has recorded just 55 cases per 100000 people. But while there are few local restrictions, finland does have fairly taught rules aim to keep the virus outside its borders. How has finland managed to keep . The coronavirus said, during this 2nd wave, its not due to harsh restrictions on citizens because there arent any masks are recommended, but not required in most places. All stores are open. Restaurants and bars are 2 orders for alcohol and at 11 pm. Is director of the National Coronavirus strategy. He explains it relies on a sense of personal responsibility. Near recommendations wouldnt work everywhere, but here they do start to try to maintain avoid a lot of gatherings, a lot of parties, many people into and through work with the way says many finns are working from home and surveys show in person. Social contacts have been cut by 2 thirds. So while the situation in finland is very good at the moment compared with the rest of europe, Health Authorities warn that this requires constant vigilance. So while they are not making mass wearing mandatory, they put out friendly reminders like this one on city hall. Its a very good idea if fans want to maintain this way of life. But the number of new cases has started to rise. So now the government has ordered students over 12 to wear masks in school, and limited the size of social gatherings in the helsinki area to 20 people. It also extended until at least mid december, a ban on all nonessential travel into the country. Finnish Officials Say in the summer, half of new Coronavirus Infections came from abroad. Thats dropped to 6 percent. Now that tourists arent allowed in. The European Union is pressing governments to restore open borders as soon as possible. As finland is grappling with whether it can do that and stay safe or something that a little bit worried, a little bit terrified. Also that, that we have to have to have very good model to work with the border if you have through this interest im hearing from one government proposal is the travel restrictions could be eased by making it mandatory to be tested on a rival. It is deputy mayor of where the airport is located and hes responsible for security there. He says his city doesnt have enough medical professionals to carry this out. Communicated to the government that if you lift restrictions and if you make the law that forces our staff to move over to the airport. The situation is so that we cannot treat our finished people any more difficult decisions lie ahead for finland as it tries to figure out how to continue blocking the virus, but not visitors. Ok, now some of the other stories making headlines this hour. And the theo p. And Rights Organization says that a local youth group i did by police and militia killed at least 600. 00 people in a rampage in the region. Earlier this month, the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission said members of a group called sangre, carried out the massacre in the town of my god to scotland has become the worlds 1st nation to make period products freely available to all its parliament, unanimously approved legislation that makes free access to watch them such as 10 pounds and sanitary pads, a legal right to end womens period policy, but being the inability to pay for basic sanitary products on a monthly basis. U. S. Media reports say President Donald Trump plans to pardon his former National Security advisor, michael flynn. Flynn twice pleaded guilty to lying to the f. B. I. During the investigations russian meddling in the 26th president ial election. Trump reportedly wants to issue numerous pardons before he leaves office and the transition process is picking up speed u. S. President elect joe biden has introduced 6 key members of his cabinet, each of them with decades of experience in their particular field. He said, diplomacy and consensus. Back and that the new White House Team taking shape will lead by example 3 weeks after the election, the trumpet, ministration has finally given president elect joe biden. The green light to begin the transition process. President donald trump personally directed his administration to cooperate in the handover, but he has yet to officially concede defeat. Instead, he pardoned it. Turkey in the white house rose garden as part of a thanksgiving tradition. I hear but i grant you, i pad. He also used the opportunity to remind americans what he stands for. As i say, america 1st shouldnt go away from that america 1st president elect joe bidens nominations for the top posts of his cabinet point in a very different direction. It way from trumps america 1st doctrine and towards diversity and multilateralism. Work in government. Thats a team that reflects the fact that america is back ready to lead the world. Not retreat from it. Once again, sit at the head of the table, bidens choices our policy, veterans like his longtime adviser, antony blinken, named to secretary of state. We cant solve all the worlds problems alone. We need to be working with other countries. We need their cooperation. The best known of the nominees is former secretary of state, john kerry, poised to become bidens climate change. And boy, in this crisis, the whole world must come together. Youre right to rejoin paris on day one. I expect that we are a former Federal Reserve chair, janet yellen is to serve as treasury secretary, shes trusted in the financial world. And if confirmed, she would be the 1st woman to take over. This pivotal role with optimism about new Coronavirus Vaccine spreading and political uncertainty, seemingly diminishing. The dow surged past 30000 points for the very 1st time on tuesday. So i think people like the cabinet post were seeing from biden, they like the idea that this sort of long period of uncertainty about how much difficulty weak see and outgoing Trump Administration make. I think people like that thats over i think people like janet yellen as an idea for a new treasury secretary, shes a known quantity, was pretty able set of hands and a tough moment for everybody. President trump quickly claimed the latest market rally as the fruit of his own administrations work. But the markets seem to be banking on the current u. S. Leader, being on his way out of the office. Youre watching news live from berlin, stay tuned for adult film plagues. And pestilence, how pandemics change the world thats coming right up. More news at the top of the hour with sarah kelly. In the meantime, theres always the web site. If you need more data dot com, you can also follow us on twitter and instagram as well. For now, though, im Anthony Hallett from me in the team here in berlin. Thanks for watching. Can you hear me now . Yes, we can. You can have last years german sound that will bring you and that magical. And youve never had to have been surprised himself with what is possible, who is magical, really, what was happening. And what also who took the people who followed along the way. Maurice and critics alike join us from eccles last hour

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