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Best time for the resignation has already passed. And the impact here now minimal why he believes hong kongs prodemocracy Movement Continues in subtle ways. And finally, a happy ending for the worlds longest elephant, having been rescued from conditions in a pakistani zoo in cambodia, where he had retired in peace and with company ive been welcome to do. Glad you could join us in less than 24 hours on kong spot a bunch of will in effect, seize to have any opposition. Thats when the resignations of 15 prodemocracy lawmakers come into force. Theyre designed some 2 weeks back to protest. A law passed by beijing that gives the government the right to expend lawmakers without due process. The resignations mean the citys probe aging administration will be able to pass laws without even a mom or of protest. Lawmakers say they have no other option but to quit, but for many its very mean not being able to do work that is vital for many in the city. For hong kong opposition lawmaker show culture and his last week in public office. Its all about prison visits. Hes going to meet the 1st man charged another National Security law in post in july. I believe he still has to be custody for year or so before he gets a hefty sentence. I was told hes having some personal problems or so i applied for special official visit today to meet him in person like turkey in 2016. She was the citys most prominent legislator fighting for prisoners rights. His mate over 200 of his 4 year term. And more than half of them to protest related prisoners. As a council member, he gets to meet inmates in private for an hour each visit, in contrast to their regular 15 minute public visits. But with his term coming to an end soon, he will no longer enjoy such a privilege. I can no longer be on the front line. It will be a huge relief for the Correctional Services department, as i can put pressure on them anymore. Its a shame is there still so much i want to do, but i have to leave office to show solidarity with the democratic camp. Yet there are ways that hong kongs prodemocracy cam resigned on mass only at this month in protest at the expulsion of 4. Other lawmakers. Catalyst for the action was a beijing resolution giving hong kong authorities power to unseat politicians without having to go through the city scots. Shell catch on this, counting down his time in the parliament, although he could see the state coming. Its still ok messer shark. I never thought it would be so far, so we ought to say, i changed him being a new amp or a more ruthless and domineering there. Many leaders in the past, properly, as mouser dong now we see that he could even and one country 2 systems in a blink of an eye. After starting out as a social worker and university lecturer, she became one of the leading activist in the Umbrella Movement in 2014 and was sentenced to 8 months in jail last year. As a legislator. It was a traumatic experience for him, but he still keeps his belongings from prison to remind himself of his mission. I dont say that it was 4 years becoming a low make. It was a peak of my life. But then i was sent to prison. The lowest point of my life, it was so tough in there and i had to find meaning of life by fighting for prisoners rights. I taught myself, im an undercover law making jail. I am here as a prisoner for the checks on possible abuse by prison officers. Im here to monitor the government since the Antigovernment Movement started in hong kong last year, over 10000, people have been arrested with the rise of a generation of political prisoners. Pressing need to provide support for these young people and their families. He had a pen friends scheme earlier this year and has handled a 6000. 00 larger so far. He plans to organize st. Joe workshops after he leaves the console. Being in prison is losing freedom by having a lot of time. And it is the same with the leaving the Legislative Council and you know, i will use Public Resources in return have more time to focus on this particular issue. I dont know how far i can go with the fight on prisoners rights, but i promise i will go as far as i care. I want to but what does the resignation of lawbreakers like shook mean for ordinary hong kong. Its a question im going to put to 27 year old connor, who joins me on the line from hong kong. Nakano isnt my guests real name. He participated in last years antigovernment protests in the city and is hiding his face for fear of repercussions from the government cannot welcome. What does the resignation of almost hong kongs prodemocracy law makers mean to you . Well i think the best time for that resignation has already passed and the impact here now on the movement is minimal. So obviously they move this move has tremendous news value. But if we look back on the movement that has been multiple planes in time when they could have done this, for instance, they could have done this along with the other large lists candidates that also refused to participate in the Legislative Council. So thats an opportunity that they missed. So i think by now their resignation. Now its more to me anyway. Its more like theyre being forced out of the council and its not their conscious choice to leave the council. And yet the effect on the movement in general, i feel a sight from the news value is minimal. What do you say to those people who syria, that these lawmakers being absent from the Legislative Council allow is the death of democracy in hong kong. Do you see democracy as having died in hong kong . Definitely. Yeah. So to me, along with the rule of law, right. Its been dead for quite some time now. And its just now that the people are beginning to see that its been dead for quite some time. Its only because i think the public tend to have their hopes pinned on these more established prodemocracy a panda matic lead this in that the fall and seeing them fall just shows them the end of the facade. That there is democracy and rule of law and how come so yet said that this is just reckoning with the fact that its been dead . Yes. Where does that leave the prodemocracy movement in the city, your movement that youre also participated in . Domestic resistance has a lot more restrictions now than they used to. But its true, really pivotal to diminishment in general. I think the major shift it took Going Forward would be a shift to its the stage and international stage, because obviously with a lot of the movements leaders being exiled, most of the proponents have moved to, to its the international community. But then going by your argument that would suggest that within hong kong and some of that antoni avenues left to protest or to stand up for dont rather grow its hands of prepare for the Democratic Movement in hong kong itself is dead. Right. So yeah, i dont think the movements that its just been that the course has been changed and a lot of the methods needs to be changed as well along with changing times. Yes. So its not that its just functioning in some other way. So i think domestic resistance, what is a kind of domestic resistance youre talking about . Right, so ive seen a lot of things being proposed by leaders of the movement. So one of 2 things that ive seen in the past couple of months. Its a push by a lot of grass roof, grassroots forces to its the rebuilding of the homecoming economy and what i 1st, im calling the economy with the Central Planning all and all that homecoming for the past 20 is after the handover in that time frame we have lost a lot of our domestic produce and domestic industry. We used to be in the face of the faith proponents in the tech and manufacturing. But thats been that for quite some time and we are all putting everything into travel in financials. So i think seeing a grassroots push to its the revival of our hong kong culture and hong kong community. Thats a way of resistance. Yes. So yes, thats the main thing. Well leave it there for the time being. But thank you so much for speaking to us. Conor, speaking to us from uncle. Thank you. The worlds elephant has arrived in cambodia to begin a new life at an elephant sanctuary. Spent his whole life in islamabad, pakistan, while there he developed psychological and physical problems due to the way in which he was treated. Freeing him became a cause for Animal Welfare experts. And in particular, u. S. Pop star cher, who campaigned actively for his release. Heres a look at his journey changed caged and restricted hatefully for the last time. Its a necessary measures to me and out of islamabad. Many here support the me if. But its also an emotional moment. We think it is the right decision to let him go. Are good regarding him after 37 years of giving happiness and joy to the people of van brought joy to others, but he suffered the elephant, lived in miserable conditions, and was forced to entertain crowds his whole life. His former handlers would project him with rusty bill hooks to make them perform in 2012, matches were made to us female partner and only companion died of blood poisoning. Plunging the bull elephant into great. I remember his girlfriend, so holy. She was also had we all remember how she died many years ago and ever since then he has been all alone states started to change when Animal Rights activists got involved and a high profile campaign, a us pop legend. Shad spent years pushing for the elephants for settlement. Garnering the support of high profile politicians, including pakistans Prime Minister that campaigning has paid off say it was there to welcome. As he touched down in cambodia, the elephant will now be transferred 2810000 hectare wildlife sanctuary. Where hell spend the rest of his days, free of chinese cat full, and no longer lonely. New home houses, 3 potential new mates and to prepare him for his arrival. His carers have made sure hes well fed and looking his best for the ladies and all the best because thats it for today. Theres one our website did up a dog into at the same time tomorrow over what secrets lie behind these walls . Discover new adventures in the 360 degree and explore fascinating World Heritage sites. World heritage 360 starts now. Can you hear me now . Here is, heres, were going, you can hardly the city is german, so its now we bring your uncle out, man, and you never have surprises. So what is possible . Who is medical relief work and want to talk to people who follows her along the way. My runs and critics alike are always the worlds most powerful women say to her, they can feel the metal flaps that this magnificent reconstructive polish right in the center is about to open. The whole mold forum will be a center of cultures from all over the world. More in a minute, also coming up. Italian artists go free, go paint unusual canvases. His art works are created on the bodies of violins and cellos. And then 100, german must reads and get a memoir about her extraordinary mother, who as a german jew, had to escape the nazis with her children. Welcome to arts and culture. Schloss, baroque royal palace in the middle of damaged in world war 2, and then finally demolished in 1950. Now it has been controversially rebuilt, and the newly named forum will become a Cultural Center housing, a number of museums, bringing together artifacts from all over the world. It was reconstructed with money, partially from private donors who were thanked in special ceremony on sunday. I was the musical thank you for the private donors who raised over 100000000 euros for the new berlin city palace in the heart of the capital. A labor of love for the friends of the berlin palace association, headed by businessman rehan. Funny to says the lives of god. Its been a task of a lifetime. Im unbelievably happy and grateful, and also humbled by the support we receive thats allowed us to reach our goal is to charge. On july, the 4th 2002, the German Parliament approved with a resounding majority the reconstruction of the palace originally built by the horn, silent in a city. Subsequent years saw the project become more divisive, not least regarding its purpose as a home for the humbled for them. A museum housing berlins known european collections. But in 20000, the cornerstone was laid for the new palace. The process of restoring the Historic Center of balin to its former glory was underway. One thats been fraught with obstacles, including technical problems and spiraling costs that reach 644000000 euros. Critics also say the ambitious project evokes precious imperial. Past the cross atop its dome has proved especially controversial seen by many as at odds with the humboldt forums aim of transcending cultures and religions. Moreover, beneath it is a band of bible quotes compiled by 19th century king fleetly should be had in the for calling on all peoples to submit to christianity words, the german president frank, i should find my own post in context. Among some may be irritated to see traditions cited this way. Traditions tied to militarism nationalism and ruthless power mongering. Pressure also stands for very different sound and forward looking traditions. Fair in light and intolerant of education and humanistic thinking. And frederick the great samus belief that everyone must find belief in his own way. The early parts of the building will officially open on december the 17th, a virtual opening. Needless to say, due to the current current virus restrictions. A lot of controversy about this project to dissect. My colleague, Adrian Kennedy joins me now. How far back do we have to go to understand the story . Yeah, quite a long way robin. There are 2 controversies that come together here. One is about the rebuilding of the building itself, the berlin, paris. The other is about the home forum. This is the super museum, the center of culture, based on the british museum, which in paris will pound well, lets start with the building. Ok, well theyre building as we know, it was built in the early 18th century. The burning palace was badly damaged during the 2nd world was apparently structurally sound when it was controversially dynamited by the world as a communist east. Germany in 1950, they saw it as a symbol of prussian militarism, the communist rubber stamp parliament, the palace. The republic was then built in its place. It was also a Cultural Center. And then after german reunification in 1980, started about rebuilding the palace. Those in favor started raising money in particularly boy, creating a giant mock up of the burn in paris facade at the original location. And that she was very successful, but there was still quite a lot of opposition. Thats why some people thought that demolishing the past the republic would be more sweeping german history under the carpet. Others said it was part of a disney land trend, creating fake Old Buildings in germany. But those in favor did when the resulting building is rather oppressive. And of course, were going to have great trouble culture in the city. But the controversy is there is there because very early on it was decided, the main function of the new building would be to house to museums, the Ethnological Museum of betting, and the museum of asian art under the auspices of the boat forum at the time, not such a controversial idea, but in the intervening years subject of colonial era loosing has come much more to the fore. Activists, i museum has not done enough to search the provenance of exhibits the museum in its turn, promising to address all the issues in a very open way. Of course, the 2 controversies come together because when people from around the world come to visit Cultural Treasures from their own countries, they view them in the reconstruction of a palace, which was the former home of the colonial leaders. So they humble form has a lot stu to live up to this vision of a diverse museum, a museum, or for the world, a museum for the world. And well be covering it a lot more in the coming months from now, though educated. They thank you very much q. Now you are not like those is a novel like memoir by and get, a story based loosely on her mothers experience. As a german jew in the 1930 s. , a mother didnt believe her family were really in any danger from the nazis. The memoir is a great example of how the events we read about in history books completely altered normal peoples lives. So deeply. David leavitts a small berlin, open minded, sexually liberated the coolest city in europe. The place where Everyone Wants to be. But imagine suddenly its filled with hate discrimination and violence. Its hard to believe it could happen today. And it was just as hard to believe when it was happening in 1938 like many german jews also doesnt want to believe that her family is in danger. But when the nazis start torching synagogues and destroying jewish businesses, she takes her daughters and flees. She leaves behind her husband, her friends, her wealthy lifestyle, and her freedom. As is daughter and give you a book about her mother. Its called you are not like other mothers. She has a party animal with a stable of lovers and 3 children by 3 different men, pretty wild for the daughter of a well to do family. She recognized no conventions kept, no accounts had no pretensions. When i tried to describe her to myself or to others, i repeatedly come back to the word genuine and her daughters a scape, just in time to bulgaria. They lived there in poverty until after the war. When they returned to germany. I was only lives a few more years. Youre not like other mothers is the story of a german jew who like so many in her generation. Didnt believe it could get that bad. Never in her wildest nightmares could i have dreamed up Something Like the holocaust. Her story is tragic and yet full of life. Its a book that will cripple you and wont let you go. Now stringed instruments have a beautiful shape and this true Italian Office live on auto free. Go to use them as blank canvases creating a musical instruments. He illustrates the entire instrument with pictorial stories, either inspired by historical events by client specific wishes. All, for instance, currently a whole series of violins illustrating an ancient book. The Divine Comedy i done. London based on his Leonardo Frigo uses a nick dips in ink to illustrate stringed instruments, primarily violins. The instruments on his canvas on the shape of the violin is very hard to paint because its like hes 9 dimensions. So hes a 3 dimensional object and its very hard to paint on the side or on the top part is different. I need to be very careful because the ink, his liquid and his if i made a mistake, is, is one cycle of violence freaky has gone motifs like the 7 deadly sins, including fluff and enough down these 4 seasons or scenes from the ancient roman city of palm paint. This cello was inspired by the 19th century english artist william morris. To paint a violin can take up to a month and to paint a trail all takes after 3 months to paint that to relate nature beast, pirates. By the story all the biography, i really like to paint a personal biography as well like costume are for someone want a violin inspired by his life, the violin belonging to israeli concert violinist markovitch in the Street Scenes from the life of the most famous violin maker. Of all time and tony almost there is his workshop back in cremona. I mean, really . Then there is cremona in the muck of it. There is a number of instruments that he built, the homes and 100 is the labor that he used to put inside his instruments. That all the years of which he used to operate as one on behind you can see his family tree. I really love this, not all the violin, theres no, not if they go in the straight, some meant to be played. Even if they arent, what has no effect on this hour . How many times do you see an instrument that is also a painting at the same time . And thats one extra value that i absolutely love about this volume and i enjoy just taking it on stage. Currently, im not overly ego is working on a special project. Hes a nice gratings, 33 violins, and a cello with motives from a 700 year old book, the Divine Comedy by a tommy and all such dante, on the giving. Its the earliest what ever written in the italian language, a series of 33 violins, this close to completion to muck the 700 tonne of a history of down taste and 2021. They are not in for a go plans to exhibit the works internationally and show the world a piece of Italian Culture and culture stories on our website at v. W. 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