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To see a loyal troops i am sure. Secret Service Starts december 26th. Up the. Libyan coast guards are hunting down sicilian fisherman on prime fishing grounds where the red shrimp are waiting to be caught. There is a particularly large number of them off the coast of libya but there libyans lot italian fishermen from accessing the fishing spots a political power play sicilian fisherman are repeatedly arrested and detained in libya. I no longer have a sense of the future when i look towards the sea. Cannot see how i am afraid that my husband will not return. An afternoon and that saturday valuable coastal fishermen are hauling in their daily catch these are the few who wont risk venturing further out into the open sea the local fishmongers are already waiting they appreciate the fresh catch here in western sicily even though they are paying prices that are no longer profitable for most fisherman the only people still making real money are deep sea fisherman their crews are at sea for up to 2 months they fish primarily for red treb which are sold at a profit all over the world the shellfish are sorted by size and then stored in deep freeze while they are still at sea. Captain filippo i dabble is particularly proud of this catch. Fish all these are the famous 1st class red shrimp. They dont get any bigger than this and this mediterranean delicacy as in high demand at the finest restaurants around the world. If they get what it is when times are good we can make 550 euros with 1st class read for a 12 kilo box. Will it be. 45. 00 euros per kilo here on board. Up to 100000 euros can be made from a good catch in return the crew risks a lot fishing grounds for red tremblay off the libyan coast are particularly lucrative and theyre actually International Waters but the libyans have been claiming them as their own for years but incidents keypad. A name like this one during the summer of 2018 or the libyan coast guard wanted to stop the italian fisherman and arrest the crew now mark on my own as crew has been caught in Early September his 2 fishing trawlers were detained by the libyans the vessels owner is desperate 18 men have been detained in a benghazi prison for months no dispute within the dns has ever lasted this long so how can it just be about sovereign rights. Its horrible not being able to see the ships anymore. Or the men who work for them. Its like having a missing son who you cant hug anymore what. A total of 9 italian fishing trawlers are involved in this clash with the libyans unlike some of the other captains colona was able to save his ship barely. The libyans approached us they wanted to capture all of the trawlers captains along with their paperwork. As this couple who we risk our lives when we escaped because the coast guard is armed. With they could have shot us. There with their words but. This is a photo of the fisherman taken into custody it appears to have been taken after they were arrested in benghazi not on the photo mohammad benhur data mohamed is one of the 6 tinnies and crew members held by the libyans since he has been arrested by the libyans twice before his family has already feared for his life both times but this time uncertainty is wearing on the nerves of both his daughter now rests and mother money. We were always in contact and knew how he was doing with his phone always worked thinking that i will be me this time we havent heard from him in months we dont know whats happening or if hes even still alive. I feel really exhausted. What we have i no longer have a sense of the future and when i look towards the sea. Im afraid that my husband will not return as difficult as it is in libya i just hope that he is in a safe place. At the port of metz outta mohammed starter meets with the families of other detained fisherman as much as she can together with the ships owner marco they hold a small protest to comfort one another. Christina im a believe no worries about her husband salvo the 1st officer on one of the fishing trawlers in our city at our children are waiting for their fathers mothers for their sons and wives for their husbands. The government must act swiftly lawyer thermal bond we are fighting for 18 italian fishermen which includes 6 tunisians for 2 senegalese and 2 indonesians who have all lived here and was out of their bhalo for many years some since before i was born. We are talking about 18 fishermen from us out of the bar low pay their taxes and who have families here but with the thought it was the other 1. 00. But the family still refused to give up and theyre taking their cause to the capital rome they have been staging a protest in front of parliament for 2 months demanding more action from the Italian Government and more protection for fisherman off the coast of libya. It is we risk getting arrested 74 nautical miles off the coast because libya considers the open sea to be sovereign waters europe and italy must step in to stop this because the sea does not belong to just one person or nation it belongs to all of us to this issue but im not a law about it we never expected that my husband would leave home for work set sail and then end up in a libyan prison just become a life. In whats out of their value. Colona also understands what this means the red trim trade her own stew fishing trawlers in 2009 his vessels were also seized by the libyans the. To do this when youre in charge of 2 fishing trawlers each with a crew of 7. Men youve worked with for 25 or 30 years. And an arrest like that really gets under your skin. Just thinking about it today makes me feel awful. The incident off the coast of tripoli lasted for 3 days before the men were released italys then head of government Silvio Berlusconi negotiated directly with the late libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi the son that was. Good off he claimed 74 nautical miles of open sea as his own personal territory. Thats like my neighbor breaking through the wall and saying that my house belongs to him libya has created an International Problem in the mediterranean which no Italian Government has ever tackled myer for. At least the italian navy used to patrol International Waters off the libyan coast until 2018 they also flew in by helicopter to assist italian fishermen when they were being harassed by libyans most of the time their speed boats then turned around and left the sicilians to continue fishing in the waters and then came the turning point 2 years ago rome withdrew from the southern mediterranean the only thing the fishermen were told the operation is too costly and politically complicated from that point on the fish at their own risk the reasoning behind it if the navy withdraws it wont be able to rescue distressed migrants at sea either more and more people were attempting to reach europe by crossing the Mediterranean Sea there is still a dispute between European Countries over their rescue and admittance not only is the right wing populist government in rome abandoning the refugees it is also compromising the security of its own fishing fleet the goal before but we need their protection so that we can fish in International Waters with otherwise what happened to my ship cruise will just happen again next time off the top of the cloud to lottie a security expert on the southern mediterranean cease fishermen as pawns in the libyan power struggle sequester see this is a real kidnapping that is threatening a tie in fishermen and their lives. This is an International Power play that goes far beyond territorial waters or fishing grounds and who has access to them in the southern mediterranean that. This photo proof. Ive spent a lot is point the arrested fishermen were forced to pose in front of a photo of general Khalifa Haftar the longstanding instigator of libyas civil war still controls benghazi but because he has fewer and fewer allies he has been excluded from recent peace negotiations that would affect the entire country because this kidnapping could be a last ditch effort by the libyan general. His backs against the wall and hes trying to get himself back in the game once again with a dramatic stunt. So powell logia colona is convinced that its not just about red shrimp and yet properly marketed the chris station could deliver peace on both sides of the mediterranean as long as the libyans can be convinced that a real deal can be made with the italians. The fight for fishing grounds over red shrimp could finally come to an end if both sides can profit from the sale of this cull unary delicacy or the way the quality here has been given to us by god with the sea that gives us delicacies that are valued around the world. This see could feed italians and libyans just as it feeds the shrimps. Colona dreams of a joint venture where shrimp can also be packed in libya which could shorten the long transport routes in the mediterranean but it can everyone would benefit we could finally fish and peace without fearing for our lives and the libyans would have us the italians as new investors we could build warehouses on our coasts and create new jobs but in order for this to happen peace must 1st prevail across the sea in libya and the fishermen of mazzara would need assurance of free passage. This way we can avoid more arrests. And stop more families from suffering. Going on. Despite the explosive situation nobody here and thats sad that a valid though cant imagine life without red shrimp. Christmas is cancelled not so fast. We heat up the oven and bake some cookies. To bloggers with a sweet tooth and invite us into their bakery they share their favorite recipes. And some valuable tips for making traditional christmas cookies. Your robotics. Next d. W. In these challenging times its especially important to us the issue of how being a healthy home in the current of ours has kept us apart from family and friends always. Easy to feel alone especially during this Holiday Season we go g w were here with you we will keep you informed of the long plan for someone to remind you were all in this together we wish you happy holidays Merry Christmas everyone a very merry Festive Season Merry Christmas and stacy happy holidays everyone happy holidays to you and you know having holidays even when its basically. A. Desert mouse a jungle. Beats time its not so but its all that combined is what i was human

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