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Because like, instead of the, the history of the area in town of lands back. Unless inextricably linked with that of naziism, it was here during his incarceration in the towns prison in 1924 that hitler rotates inflammatory anti semitic manifesto mind comp. During the nazi era, non sped was known as flushed on tickler town. A place where many concentration camps were built right up until the end of the war. As the u. S. Army advanced in april 1945. It deliberated the loss of life is set the concentration camps. In the months that followed some 50000 jewish survivors gathered in southern germany, they had lost everything. They were once again housed in comes this time run by the us army and the united nations. But in post whole lands bag, the Holocaust Survivors werent welcome. Todays day the town cant agree on an appropriate memorial for the victim. So if the show in the could you tell me where it is play here . I dont see this is the play the site is want. Yeah. Okay. The little scene is my whole family and also my uncles and my cousins, we used to get together and we used to sing and the people to assistant outside and the floor sing save my life of the would you like a cup of chino to couple channels yeah, sure helga and months like dinah, a long time residents of lands back. They were both born and raised. Yeah. Right for me to realize most the nation visit to european Holocaust Memorial in months back. Its just very nice ice tires and the be soon. So thats how they framing it, but hes visiting common vega is about this to come and make it be softer. I welcome the opportunity to send to europe and Holocaust Memorial on the size of the former concentration sub to come coughing 7, cuz its also about across the president of the foundation. Month with di lights, i tried cetera, informed 5 minutes an issue about the historical background and the foundations efforts to make the site permanent accessible to the website or from districts with a frequent well, lets see. Do you think anything will come of it . Well have to wait and see some good, some good positives for me. The month dinah used to work for the z mans Company Health insurance funds. Hes also being busy doing work of a very different kind over the last 4 decades as president of the european Holocaust Memorial foundation. He and a group of like minded residents punches the section of the form a concentration camp complex. The foundation runs a small memorial here. Spotty. It has big ambitions. It wants to build a Documentation Center here and its been waiting for years for the town to amend the Land Use Plan for the site. Its being left launch really untouched since 1945. In the lets see a more not than Cynthia Williams and the last 4 months of the war. I told 2000 people were murdered here in camp 7 to still have them for who invest. They died of exhaustion or typhoid fever, pulled our vacation or were beaten to death on the up. And if youre under nourishing in the, if you only way 40 or 50 kilos and you have to stand for 2 hours that the morning roll call fits this kiddo. When this do suffice dwelling, the weather is like it is today finding that and will it might not seem quite so bad, slim business . Yes, on the sun shining, theres still some warm. But i can still imagine how bit by bit the, the do your will to live pads away as you struggled to withstand the cold and the hunger or the movie. And con jacob last night is 94 years old. He was born in poland to a jewish family. When he was 11, he and his family would be pointed by the novices, his father and mother phone sisters and brother. When i did, i wasnt 3, get those all sweets dont how. And then different kids around of the sub gibbs in 1944. He was deported from our states to germany. Would that be offered in the red . Its 10 times more that were bees that were they wouldnt human or jacob wrestler ended up enzymes bag in the counseling concentration, comp, jewish slave labor as well for us to build huge bunkers here intended for use by the german arguments industry. The students here called hans he had a dog ship it a german shepherd. And his pleasure was when we went through on about, you know, within the palace in the morning. We used to get out. And at the stand on the appellate was, the condos used to make it his business to take out one person, mostly another person. And you stood in the middle of the field. And yet the role themselves over to in those walk, roll themselves over. And if you didnt, you send the dog and and then other people die that way. Ive seen it myself because that was at the, at the counseling camp. The nonsense continued the policy of murder until the very end. As the americans approached, the prisoners were sent on death matches was a skeleton of course. I couldnt. Those woke so i picked up the branch from the 3 somewhere. And i was hoping, you know, and we went down to with basically krogan our stomachs to the tanks. Of the American Army and kissed the trex as its so you know, the, that the no one can not imagine. One cannot imagine that the american soldiers looked at us and they sold. So who are those people . Theres from a different planet. And we want you to go there. Were closer to the okay. Yeah. 5. George like mine is 90. 7 years old ago he was one of the us soldiers who lived the right to the area around lands back in 1945 at the age of 18. The volunteer to fight in the war against nazi germany. I remember entering towns that had been completely destroyed. And there were many, many bodies, obviously in the ruins. It has a very certain smell. You know, its hard to describe, you know, its, its and its, its, its apparently the kind of smell that comes from just the 5th when the war in europe finally ended on may the 8th. 1945. The full hara of german is extermination program was revealed. The counseling compound zions bank was no exception offering. It was doubly bad because is the, the attempt to, to burn the bodies. The evidence didnt work. I mean, even you can throw even throw gasoline on dead bodies and light them. But if the dead bodies are only bone and skin and its not going to burn very well, these piles of just almost not recognizable people, the feeling banks and the ones. So its still smoldering. Thats another thing that once in a while wakes me up at night. Thats thats, thats not surprising. This comes with the territory, i think is what they say. Yeah. George like man is a us better in and a holocaust survivor. He flat denazis in 1940 with his mother and both grandmothers leaving australia to the united states. His father, joseph, like men, wasnt able to get a visa and went on the ground. He was murdered by the nonsense. George never saw him again. To me it immediately became something connected with my father. You know, when, when we encounter for example, of fleeing displaced persons, for example, there was always the hope that i would see him. Even though you know, i know that this was as unlikely as, as you can imagine. But nonetheless, you know, the human mind always says, you know, its possible. And it sometimes is, of course, so that sort of this thing mislead me from, from the people i serve within the army for exec of all of that. There was always a personal element, the, the colonel, the commanding officer, colonel johnson, still remember his name was so outraged many and that, that camp there. But the still burning bodies, you know, the stench. So the thing that i can smell to this day, by the way that he ordered so to go all the to all the surrounding villages, the smaller places between landsberg and, and call for him and pick up people and bring them to the camp and make them to march through the camp, and i remember 2 women talking to each other and again, the word stick in my mind. One of them said through the other, the fear she said was right. Americans are barbarians to make us look at this. George like man is a near daily contact with the dinos ends on his bag. Hes helped by his friend santiago chan. This good. The gates but bad is a good of use from germany, especially from last. Right . Yeah, of course. So that makes the ones that you. Ringback busy you know, dr. On the lake slopes uses the is the barrier. So carter to see about how we want to go in the future. Thats good news. Yeah. That comparison. Oh, really good news. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So its whoosh divided by the same thing. Its really not is it is not everybody here likes it well. Yeah, but thats why you have to involve more people because then it becomes part of their interest. Oh excuse me. If you can make the population on your side, then the politicians listen to that to say. So thats why its important to do that. Because people want to be in on something which is important, the new. And it makes it more important themselves. You know, you want to feel you are, you are part of the decision maker. Yes, this was the thank you for the good news by the in lines bad. The foundation is presenting its concept for a new memorial site. Local media have been invited. A story on e design is also here to add a voice to mont, saint dinos. It was eastern size whenever im asked if ive got the official go ahead, i dont have an answer. I have to say no, not yet to my people, me when im trying to get people on board, let them go. When im fundraising, thats a problem. And then whats going on . If we were talking about 2 years on, i agree as i could say, it all just takes time when you work on any money, but 9 years as he thinks, i dont have an answer anymore. And of course i dont want to knock my hometown. This is my home, i was born here. Ive been active and promoting remembrance here for 40 years and i think something, but as i said, it will come on. I dont want to come across as a complainer. Youll find when the war ended on may, the 8th 1945, the germans called it, theyre going to know the 0, our, the moment in which germany broke with the past and made a fresh beginning. The fonts to the jewish survivors liberated from the counseling concentration camp may the 8th did not bring an overnight end to that ordeal. As it is up cl, i realized very early on that this is a complicated subject. There were other things happening in loans bag because thats confusing. Apart from the history of the concentration gap law, it was this have to is i only really started dealing with the displaced persons campbell. The d. P can is a bit later on katya on the go, then i began to delve deeper into that history. So one of us to, to talk about the volume and i looked for my mother and my father were long dead if aspect. And i looked up on that, so i asked an Old School Friend of my mother, so im going for many with the listen. Can you tell me something to talk to my to in the postwar error comes to me about song where theyre choosing lance bang. You wouldnt as long as and she replied, you want to use and launch bag. No way bubble hot, but i kept at it saying thats not what ive heard. Is that the object to but i kept the question coming up and eventually she said nothing comes on. Dont come to think of it. Youre right there. Worse. Oh, sucks stuff. Anything that has anything to do with jews, as well as an insult from memories are precious, then you know and wanted to talk about. It wasnt as far as the industry, but he writes off at the end of the hall in 1945, the us army town, the former lines back barracks, into a cab. The Holocaust Survivors who was unable to return home several 1000 jews, men, women, and children, lived in the d p comp. Money for years. The one of the cams fast commanders was having haman a major in the us army. He was just 27 years old when he wrote this that to his wife in september 1945, the so swamp. Hardly know where to turn 1st. I have so much delta do, even though its almost midnight that im calling quits to write this letter. I have so much to tell you that again, i hardly know where to begin. I guess at the beginning would be the best we have here in landsberg. I can for displaced people that can population consist of about 5000 jews and 1000 others, all ex inmates of concentration camps. The people sleep in rough wooden beds that are often double or triple stacked on top of each other in the mix ship sleeping issues of the living quarters, attempts are made to resurrect family life. The, as it was explained to me for every family grow, the share of meal is the high point of the day. The i was astonished when i learned from doctors of risky that the house of the people in the can. It is quite good. That almost doesnt seem possible when he noticed the incredulous expression on my face. He looked at me rather askance and said, bear in mind, we are all survivors. Only the strongest have survived the pictures. I have picked to see it, not only for loss, but this is my life and then i did states maybe we can begin with stuff. Well, yes, thats what i would like it to do. If you dont mind. Yeah, i remember, i dont want to tell you what to do. You was, oh no, but this is, my memory is as i have lived it, this was my great love, my 1st grade last lunch, but she is a nobody she is alive. No, im not. This was a girlfriend. Do you remember her name . Yes, this was a head and social and this is this photo was taking in 1945 right after litigation in lunsford when i 1st started either lunsford. As you can see, these are all survivors. Most of them are no longer with us unfortunately. But lets be that memory Jacob Chrysler spent 2 years that the lines, the d p camp from 1945 to 1947. We started to head on normal life. What we call no, for us is, was normal for everybody as it was up. Know because it was not, it was conventional. We will disturb children. News in summer, 1945 conditions and the d. B comes remain. Dia, us president harry s truman, entrusted elegy, harrison, a prominent lawyer, an experienced government official, with inspecting the times, and issuing a report the my damage, the president puts you into a letter of june. The 22nd 1945. I have the honor to present to you a partial revolt upon my recent admission to europe, to inquire into the conditions under which displaced persons. And particularly those who may be stained glass or known replied treble are at present, living, especially in germany and australia. Our sense conclusion was damning. Theres matters now stand. We appear to be treating the jews as the nonsense trade to them, except that we do not exterminate them. They are in concentration camps in large numbers on the military called instead of s s troops. One is led to wonder whether the german people seeing this. Im not supposing that we are following or at least condoning nazi policy. That headline made its way, of course, very quickly to eisenhower and an end to truman and cried out for action. Historian a Tina Grossman specializes in the history of jewish displaced persons that harrison were opponents. He says is one of the most remarkable documents of recent history. He said us, we have to recognize that the jews, because of this special nature, im not quoting directly here, we could pull out the direct quote because of the your very particular nature of the suffering that they have endured. Of the treatment. One could almost say this under behind long the special treatment that they received at the, at the hands of the, of the germans of the nazis has already made them a special group with particular needs that need to be addressed separately. They deserve to be recognized as their own group. The lines about dp comp became a comp for jews alone and conditions for the people that improved jewish survivors began to marry and have children. Many children were born in the camps during the post war period, the d b times what estimated to have the highest bath rate in the world. But the peace didnt want to stay that they wanted to go to palestine, the future israel to the united states, the different mass integration. They learned a variety of trains this is be on a by, on a motorcycle not mine. Because i did not own any and these are motorcycle. My freedom right . Yes. But as i said, i didnt know i didnt own it since its the highest of all of it suited for any drugs. But every day of the summer time and i met people there, but we were separated with they didnt bother with us in we didnt bother with them because the ones were still very, very, are all basically the surviving jews, at least in siri, did not want anything to do with germans, they wanted to be amongst themselves. They uh, the germans were the people of the perpetrator, the perpetrator people, and they were living under the protection sometimes of much resent it, protection, but none the less, the protection of, of, of, of, of allied military government. The germans were resentful on that uh here with this group of people who they had been told no longer existed. It was 1st of all kind of shocking that they were jews at all when supposedly they had been wiped out. And germany was free of jews who seemed to be getting ironically again to repeat that word, special privileges germans living in lands bagging counted self confidence, survivors who was unwilling to put up with any abuse. On april, the 28th 1946 tension spilled into skirmishes. On the streets of lands back beyond rast was branded a jewish uprising. The displaced persons from the camp on lease that time go on residence at the tone. The Joseph Alexander is 100 years old. He was in lands back when the jewish, the peace rose up against the local germans. Joseph is also jewish and was born and own, and he was also de potentate by the germans to the lines bowed, coughing, concentration camp. If god didnt want me to, to survive. I wouldnt be here. One in particular. No, i dont know if you heard me to speak when i so thats the main goal in most. And they told me to go to the left and then when he moved further, the then back to the other side. Then if i didnt the then back to the other side, i wouldnt be here and theyll talk to you. Cuz the people on the left they were talking truck says it went straight to the guest here in april 1946. Joseph alexander was living close to the lines back d p. Cam. This is one of the pictures from lots and is that is here. So this didnt work. The reason for the uprise was it was there was another, can the not 5 month to think was left nothing. There was a huge camp for survivors, young survivors. And one night they said to me to disappear. So people thought that there was, maybe there were kids, up by jim, it was such a short time after the liberation. So the feeling was very bad feeling against germany. You know, thats where there was some 200 dpi, went on a rampage through the town. Us soldiers, mom stayed in with rifles and battles and put an end to the unrest. When that time it happened, i happened to be in the can then spit d beacon. But i lived in the house and i had my car parked on the side street. The and i was trying to get home, so it went from the back of the cam, right . Somebody to go to the car. And i got cut with a bunch of who are right at the, in the back, at a deadman home. So got cut with them and weve kept it and took too long to fix it. And then spigot prison. C 119 or was a u. S. Military tribunal sentence jo. Save to a custodial sentence of one. Yeah. The comp. Newspapers like the lance package, people also reported on the on raft. They became one of the most influential voices of the survivors. The papers were unsparing and that office of ations about the germans off to the war. They also reported on Political Developments in palestine. Id like to israel, but above all, they were a crucial platform for survivors until the closure of the camp in 1950, with a brake round about the 17000. They reached audiences far beyond the region. So it was the 4 friends who is on a quick mine with me closure wrestlin, cadillac escalade. We wish Great Fortune and a wonderful mazda of tough within the last mileage. And emmy was involved in nature, an image always and wide the most like you read it out loud. You can understand you this. Well, i see this leaves and his all kind of is a trends that information nearly every week. Monford receives inquiries from over the world and then benefits. So is thus e month. As you might find the birth announcement, someone born in lands back to home or concentration camp inmates on adoption this month on any can for those people. These are documented and they never knew existed in internet, this thing outside the laser newspapers published in germany and they dont exist wherever they live. Now in vice black this but off. But here they might find a notice of there for a while. I think you put for their parents, wedding and hows on the the, the whole set to and they also contains search notices which might lead people to discover that they have relatives in the us or somewhere. And this is one of the most important historical sources, validate the cameras, was it did not get me wrong. Big picture history was about the history written with a fine brush. The details empty issues to a man from the Doctors Office is in his basement. The Foundation Receives public funding to maintain the former concentration kind of buildings about the work he does is voluntary his research and hes contact with people who experience the events for his time is keeps awful. I do not see a few live in a few minutes. A day and there are still a great many people in politics to drop it off the control. I think we need to control the narratives. This is all reason that means to be steering the story in a way that makes it more palatable to the broader population in findings with the book and at the agency. Thats been the case throughout the entire postcard period. And even now to some extent, the seed sophistic onto the optics side. Sometimes the nazis are always the other assistant in what the under someone else. One save you getting your family, your hometown commission. Theyre all big into it. Within their own rights. Its, its an old phone. Thats how people prefer to tell that history next to montgomery and it gives you that. And if we were to open the next edition now, it would quickly be clear. I was, is, is miss, we can all the victims flushed and thats just wishful thinking. Thats why we also belong to you. Perhaps i shouldnt say the actual perpetrators movies. And so i to those who profited from isnt the delta dental fits you told me as on january the 7th, 1951, almost 6 years after the end of National Socialism and the war, the people of lands bed gathered for a political riley, 4000. 00 people flocked to the main square for most of the towns population they included a Cross Section of society and people of influence, representatives of nearly all the political parties, leaders of the protestant and catholic church. They had come to call for christian charities. Not for Holocaust Survivors, but for war criminals detained in lands bag. The trials were ongoing and they faced the Death Penalty and the citizens of lands back were calling from menissi the they demanded massey for auto on and off. As an s s i is that scope and come on to his job was the mass motor of jews, cynthia and roma, the order to mazda of 90000 people in eastern europe. The they ask is all spelled cold. B s. S general who when he decided to mass matter of jews and desk calms, like our states wasnt proceeding swiftly enough for the points someone else to take over the center of the really strange thing about it is that the demonstrators who gathered on the main square and lunch bag and were citing so firmly with the one criminal ty, cries, these werent innocent people, they were mass murder or send a is like my true mass murderers. Because one of the swan we have a question about some of those on these. No, not people who killed 2 or 3. I know thats, but tens of thousands and looking to see of seen 1000 the, they had so much blood on their hands. They put in and the demonstrators were standing up for them of all people, and discovering their humanitarian side for them on the 10th and take a day. The time was born and raised in lambs bag. She spent decades researching the varying homelands involvement in nazi persecution and tara or these are flushed along this the issue. So this idea that the 3rd device just descended upon us that no one participated and that everyone was a victim because they were forced to take part as they claimed 9 hopefully by not even welcome. There are good reasons why that wasnt the case for lunch back for lunch, but lifetime on his lunch bag had a local nazi Party Chapter as early as 1920. Some kind of there wasnt any pressure at that point. You couldnt say, ive been forced to join the party by the local nazi party leader. So that speaks for a kind of mentality in the region that allowed the dark spirit of naziism to take hold there at a relatively early stage. Start from zillow, the flu, phone, con content account to protest and matched on the side line. So the lines, the rally, organized by d, piece from the region the they would chase the way by the crowd to code using house queues out the push back. As soon as i work at this ball costs of buying and have him as colleagues started to realize, i was a member of that foundation including colleagues who i wasnt working with directly to somebody. So they kind of ever heard me really talk about it. But they found out, you know, one who and nobody has started to nurses that certain people started to avoid making particularly begin and distortion night. And it was the same thing with older colleagues around a group of us who used to go skiing together on weekends and suddenly an older colleague when we approached each other on the street. Hed cross the road. Its not the happened just across inside. They can fix it. I didnt really notice it at 1st. So tell go fine, but then you realize, wow, that someone who doesnt want to have anything to do is man in march, may i have him on to him. And i used to be a private customer consultants. Uh they were customers, ive been advising for years and suddenly they would no longer making appointments with me. They went to other colleagues to repair it off in the habit british and to come to me and that, i mean, it was my phone turned off to its when i started looking into the family background before that i never really gave a 2nd food to my colleagues, Family History or how the family might have been involved in naziism. I wasnt ever really interested in this the, for me get in didnt, thats a natural to this was for what would i think thats what they were afraid of him. I would be still older to happen to youngster for Joseph Alexander. His entire family was mounted by the nonsense he faced, its the Holocaust Museum in los angeles several times a week to talk about these experiences. The, you know, this is its the former to, its not going to america. Yes. Is angela america. I spoke to it and i know they in 2015, 2050. Did you Say Something to you . Oh, i told her to actually i said i liked what shes supporting for easy you just keep on doing that can help and thats where i go. She said to you with of the the day is say the bus 70 percent of the kids never heard about her. So thats why i am here to tell him the truth. And i guess let us then, if the kids amazed the back in nines bag members of the foundation and the president mindful that data or presenting the concept for a memorial site to the public a lot of business, even if its all been a bit much over the last few weeks and im noticing it now. Ive got a scratchy com thats really bothering me through it as a cool. Its not cold and ive tested for that. And im sleeping badly salts night. Whenever ive got images in my head to do with all of this, the cough comes up for me, the mind. So to me, when i get the images out of my head, its gone and its a big open, complicated. Almost all of the towns main decision makers, a here at the invitation of mine, dinah, and hes fellow campaign, is these this page is mine soon as you this image just from 1944 camp 11th, construct. Totally new to camp 7. Not yet occupied clay pipe struck stars 3, no not yet occupied in an interior shot learning 1944 taken by the ot events. You take your doors, can we take the noise level down a bit . Theyll use it. So hes also through the there are 2 non spec matters here i put them on the top on the and mr. Brett schneider. Im to, thanks for coming down because now im not sure the former mayor comes before the Bavarian Memorial Foundation lies before the lets welcome the former mayor of law inspect 1st, what size the concepts of implicit for long seconds on then the mayor of the municipality, im taking my stuff on the right and then ya, shipments from the Bavarian Memorial Foundation and body. Think of instructions on this working. So let me have another look around. I just told me to wait. Ive forgotten something, but weve also got the City Council Member mr. Ox, if look at here in yellow, thank you for the thank you for coming. Why did the people i know and people i dont know of it is what i hope i havent forgotten any one. This or the next part. Id like to hand over the podium to dr. Line, whos also responsible for the basic concept of the exhibition 17th of june, to the august dental. The demo cut off the schwab, how democratic was the federal republic of germany if it didnt adequately succeed in distancing itself from the nazi era. And yet, in germany, it still seemed easier to engage with the perpetrators then, with the traces left behind by the victims. Easier to acquire funds for exhibitions or Documentation Centers. Then for concentration Camp Memorials us for counseling. 7 is a place where people will be reminded of the consequences of tyranny and violence becomes good. Now were at the point where we should stop focusing on the problems and look for solutions. Thank you. The sounds good. Ill make it brief. I need to get home to bed. I speaking, dont think so. All those who are still here. Nation i need to head out and recharge my batteries. I think you had said monica dyna is fighting for a concentration Camp Memorial in lines back of life. And so his vision of a meaningful engagement with the past almost any 400 i doing, so i could people put on some sort of event. It isnt. Its got table to provide to someone pointed example, lets say a music event. And i daily together with young people, and then a sponsor comes along, so you might be some politician. The shelf committee will normally not this, as a musical performance always goes down. Well, this room was a trend during the event and got your commemorating the holocaust housed on this other. Is this how were pushing back against and semitism nowadays . This was chemist. As i always say, what is it prevents like, these will surely strikes fear into the hearts of anti semites in the far right and make them change their ways. One does it, does i like to call this a light version culture of remembrance. You had a little good to maybe some class, my music, a concert, a few readings on has been cash. Most of people acknowledge the past and say yes and to semitism is bad in the most. And politicians loved to be involved with patrons, because its all very innocuous. I should what you end up with is a pleasant event in a trend thats currently gaining the upper hand and going to go on on the subject to press. No, theres no such thing as a line to us and culture of remembrance, piece of volume, the holocaust singing saved his life. It on him. Brad in the camps. But his entire family was killed. He saw his father time by sir, for the last time in 1943 in the woods getta. And one day, there was a letter on the table for me saying i am going back to prison because i cannot take away and he went back to prison. I have in the same date to present and i wanted to see him. And i scolded them most is why did you do that . After 5 years, what you went through and know that you can be with us is yes, but im going to starve you to your starving as it is. But jesus, you said to me, you are young. If this is live, i dont want it. And this was a reset of advice. I never did. So that gave me strength to survive the story as well as i possibly can. The mind of the star of the 4 or 9 large dines a lose the shift your guide to life and it digital flow of the latest online trend, navigate your way through the digital jungle global perspective will be youll guide and show you whats possible. You decide what really message to you in 15 minutes on the w fold shape in times of or by lydia and its cosca design. Its yes head round represents the strength of women for 2 years now who create just to see is happen, moles. And just add on god. They have also conveyed a clear message, your own back in 30 minutes, dw, this country of mine to this stuff, points in chinese investors. Tail committed to preserving nature on that home. Assuming the impossible against a powerful oppose the 75 minutes on d w. The words people have to say, thats why we listen to every weekend on d w. What do these do for fun . Via do Gravitational Waves squeeze out body . How do i need a drums for the test page . And whats the perfect kid for approx side . Find the on says get with dw signs. Dont need picked up channels. Loading away when its 40 degrees celsius in the shade can be deadly during times of climate change. I asked where hers, what was the most difficult part of their job . Uniformly face spoke about. Shes seen the most difficult part of their job. How do rising temperatures change the central heat stops . March 15th on d. W. The. This is date of the news line from building a new pos for getting humanitarians into the portal and gaza strip. Youre paying commission, president of the best of the funded lions, says the 1st ship carrying supplies from cypress as part of the new maritime cardo. Quickly as early as this weekend, antoinette jerry as president fins in the army to search for hundreds of children and kidnapped from a school, talked about correspondent this out about one of the biggest domestic junctions needs the

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