Transcripts For DW Arts 20240704 :

DW Arts July 4, 2024

With little gladstone, one the best actress building to for killers of the flower moon. She spoke in blackfoot for native con, phoenix, mesa. And it could be documents that those 6 get to be new to got. It took hollywood nearly a century to finally show Indigenous People on spring free from stereotypes include shays but long before little gladstone stripes, native stars were making movies. The digital stories are nothing new and hollywood from the start american directors were pointing their cameras in need of people from the origins of american cinema. And it just people calls were not at the margins of the screen. They were at the center 3 world war, one in the silent era. There was a real, a hunger and an audience, a see what they called indian drama. Story was the silent movies were a mixed bag. Some propagating clearly racist stereotypes, others depicting more positive and complex indigenous stories. You had images of villains and noble indians. You had india, white relationships or marriages that worked out. You had those that fell apart. And you also had mixed images of what they referred to, was quote, a good the evil half breed, but also the noble half rate. And you had native stars like james young, dear, an anti cope actor writer and director involved in the production of more than a 150. 00 silent films. Many with his wife, lilian, st. See or, or red wing. They were the 1st native american hollywood power coming for americas cowboy philosopher. Will rogers, a citizen of the cherokee nation. At one point rogers, who starred in more than 70 films, was the highest paid actor in hollywood, a steven host of the oscars and 1934. So the only native american to do so. But most of the early indigenous stars have been forgotten replaced by an image of native americans drilled into the culture by hundreds of hollywood western the. We all know the stereotypes, the brave white cowboy fighting the savage indians to bring civilization to the wild west. Imagine youre in indigenous person watching one of these classic hollywood westerns. Who would you identify with the cowboy or the india . The are you watching these westerns and the stereotype is that the indians are stupid and they always get killed. And when i found out it was an indian, its like, you know, you did the, you dont want to be about the car as a power. Youre the represented on the westerns, the 1st hollywood western. This took their queue from earlier forms of popular entertainment paintings, pump novels and circus style spectacles that sold a particular image of the wild west, and invented history. Thats all white settler expansion across the america as well, justified and inevitable, a concept known as manifest destiny. That goes back to wild west shows, it goes back to dime novels. And the paintings of that era, like Frederick Remington is, who we are as individuals. We very much are rooted in individual ism in there in this country, as well as manifest destiny. I am sorry to say what happened to that boy who was our lives as wider. Consider john fords 1939 film stagecoach, about a group of settlers traveling west who get attacked. What ford doesnt mention is that its the settlers who are the real invaders here. Its apache, land, its indigenous land. And theyre all is represented on the margins as flattened. The western is southern colonial genre. It is about invasion, but it is selling invasion as self defense. Most hollywood, west friends also engage in red, facing casting white actors to play natives. Practice mocked, and the 2009 documentary real engine. The stereotypes of these old hollywood westerns continues to shape popular sentiment and popular perception of native peoples today. Even nowadays people ask like, oh do you live in a t p or like no, i live in a house. Oh, does it have electricity . Yeah. Is that on the reservation . No. And do you guys ride horses to work every day . No, you know, does the government pay for things . No, i, i pay taxes. I have a ton of student debt. You know, many westerns made, Indigenous People background players and their own stories. It would take decades in a role reversal in the native narrative. Before hollywood put introduced characters back in the spotlight the by the early 19 forties with america entering award. If like nazi germany, film showing white settlers shooting natives, wasnt a good look he was really wasnt interested in sending abroad images of white men killing indians, one by one that resembled too much fascist genocide. The end of the war brought a new kind of west in broken arrow from 1950 james stewart, please of army scale, to negotiate a peace treaty with apache leader to cheats. The film put its native and white characters on equal footing. The do you think because i am an indian, im a fool, you can trick least i would not have come here if i thought that a full season, only today it is because i respect you as a leader of your people that i think ive 2 more all the start having things like broken arrow with Jimmy Stewart and 1950, and anthony mans devils doorway also 1950. Both of those are our sympathetic westerns with strong and native characters, but played by white actors and red face, but there dramas of white sympathy, the late 19 sixties and early seventys hollywood sympathies entirely with the natives. New your revisionist questions like soldier blue and Little Big Man. Flip the script a manifest destiny. Dustin hoffman, and Little Big Man plays a white man. Raised by the cheyenne, retails the old wild west stores. But now the cowboys and soldiers are the good ones. And the natives, the victims plain hoffmans mentor is neat, an artist, an activist chief scan. George. He received an oscar nomination for his performance. A 1st front indigenous act. I am blind in a fight that i went wrong. If its my duty to die, i want to do it here within a sir. 2000 kilometers from hollywood in vancouver. A young need of girl had found a role model. That was kind of a huge moment because he lived in north town and he lives not that far away from where i live. And so i used to follow him. And so it was really kind of cool to see him and Little Big Man and you know, some of the 20s with movies that he did, that was really, i think the 1st time that really resonated that i went pay, wait a minute, that guys, you know, hes intention us and hes a big star, a world away german who was having its own your western moment in west germany predating Little Big Man like almost a decade. You had the winter to fill adventure stories based on german novels and about her role apache chief, one or 2, and his white blood brother old shot her hand, the bind east germany, steep run deepest studios, have its own indiana film, which were our historic stories told from a native perspective, the digits, communities acted to stand ins for socialist ideals and team here list native funding, the greed and imperialism of the us. Army. With these german westerns also featured read facing windows who was play by frenchman, beer police to come see by german, serbian actor. Quite cool. Me touch the but im like those manifest destiny films here. The indigenous characters are the heroes still need of filmmakers like those have come to jeremy for the berlin film festival. Also find these heroic characters. Problematic. What i often say to people is just think about the history of cinema. And think about what you grown up watching as being indian. Its always again, that romantic notion of like, you know, being in the wild. Its very romanticized and never, never done by actually Indigenous People around a play. It would take a big, Hollywood Star and the revival of the western to spark, new interest in need of stories and a digital story dollars the in 1990 the western was considered box office please. And then kevin cost, theres dances with wolves costner, place a Us Army Soldier who leads his former life behind to live with a code of combining the sweeping scale and imagery of the wild west shows and those john ford ero westerns with a new western perspective of violent white man, indigenous victims. The film was a mega hit, earning the equivalent of 1000000000. 00 in todays money, the praise at the time for it, sympathetic betrayal of native characters. Dances with wolves has not aged well. Maybe what you do is youve got to see the idea is that kind of things and its a sound comes out is because costs are as characters, the hero, and because low to depend on him to come to the rescue. The film is held up as an example of the so called white savior, narrative, pico is character, becomes a better look, go to them to look over learning their language and instructing them on how best to say to try and meet your shop. Yeah, we could take the haitian and do you mind me and its very much like yeah, like, you know, natives always needed a savior or you know, natives had problems that we couldnt solve ourselves so we needed someone else to come do it. The white savior narrative is still very much with us. Many critics, the a similar approach and cost nice hit series, yellowstone, and fear his new epic western horizon will again be a white gaze on need of history. Those wagons. The in Science Fiction movies like avatar re purpose the same story with a roll of white man coming to the rescue of the embattled Indigenous People of pandora, after making their traditions is on the civil side side. Yeah. Try but its not going away. You know, the, the top 2 thumbs of the world, i think ive ever tied to when they have a dial one. And theyre both white, save the narratives and the icons watching it because its sort of multi actors. People. I know what our problem advocates framing of native history. The success of dances with wolves, sparks new interest, anita stories worldwide. I mean, the filmmakers stepped up to tell the youre always trying to sound like some of them medicine manner. So, i mean, how many times have we seen dances, 10200 we have seen that, that many times it happens. You dont even know how to be real india, i guess not. No wonder geez, i guess ill have to teach you that. First of all and he reins of course the smile like that gets stolen. No. Like this, chris are smoke signals, the 1st major us film written, directed and stirring Indigenous People for Many American natives. This is the 1st time they recognize themselves on screen. As a 7 year old child, it you dont necessarily relate to the 1700s when youre in teepees and buckskin and stuff like that. Sounds like smoke signals, which is really awesome that showed more modern natives a more modern struggles. Years before in new zealand, lead time, a hari made once were warriors depicting mallory life from the inside. It struck a nerve from a north american perspective, it was an end the film. You know, it was like a very independent stone. But a new zealand. It was a blockbuster, it was the number one stump the months. It was a very confronting film that was written by a mountie alsa the right to and made by monte director old body cost at a very significant portion of monte cruz. And they are telling me the name of the, of is too many young to dinner during the survey canadians and the most drug of milestone 2001 with i to now show at the fast runner, the 1st film written directed and acted entirely in the new language that retails a centuries old and you with legend about occurs that destroys a village and a man forced to flee across the ice on foot. The film sold around the world. It was clear need of filmmakers and left the old, wild west show behind. And they werent looking back or none of the 1st wave of native directive movies were huge hit. But they inspired the Younger Generation of indigenous filmmakers. Including a then a known mallory director named type of what he did. But theres more here right now. Hes a busy man. Hes a mazda calvo diver. It gets the most directly team and people for punching out for most people with one hand. When he comes home, hes taking me to see Michael Judson lies. The in. I live in a room village on the east coast and louisiana, very similar to, to a boy. And when the phone came out, we played it in that Community Holes and they were pigs because people were finally seeing themselves being presented in their own way or physically size their own people. Thank you. Boy. You want to get up to go to my name is tommy newton. My days notice. Hes in jail for roper shuttle. Can you know if hes in the same cell, brooke is, margie 3 more escaped. So he doesnt go underneath the fence. Was what screwed up. The got the voice good. My name is alia, spears i am from the cree nation in manitoba, canada. Your native cold stories reframe need of history. Canadian mini series bones, crows, shows the generational trauma rod, a native communities to the Residential School system. The government for native children from the families, forcing them to convert to christianity, and banning them from speaking native languages. The explosive purpose was to kill the indians in the trial, the for native communities. Screenings of bones of pros work. The 3rd have a feeling, the something that is coming you wont be able to protect the whole world. What we know from Residential School is that, you know, some of these secrets are some of the, these things that we held in our families. I hadnt been released, you know, havent been told by members who had experienced it. So sometimes in these communities, after watching balinsa crows, you know, someone from their own community would reveal experiences that they had, that not even, you know, their daughters knew theres going to come even when dealing with Serious Problems like alcoholism violence. So the legacy of colonialism, these native told stories, have hope, humor, and a spirit of resilience. And when, you know, we have survived as Indigenous People throughout the world, even though governments have tried to annihilate us or show us off or chill, our language is. And our cultures was to hear the message that needed to be involved and telling their own stories appears finally to have reached tinseltown. So and hollywood is biggest movie star, and its most the claim director tried to tell a story about native history. They knew they needed help. The was land is Martin Scorseses killers of the flower movies set in 19 twenties, oklahoma tells the true story of a series of murders of osage needed by white men. Many married native women leaving r dicaprio as character ernest to marys. Molly play by Lily Gladstone in a conspiracy to seal the rights to their foil rich land. Hungry planning is 200000000. 00 epic. Oh score says hes 1st visit. Was the osage country land possible today. How smart everybody, marty went to the tribe 1st and he asked blake, can i tell this story when they had concerns of like, well, you know, like, whats the story going to be like . How are you going to pick the, the violence . How are you going to pay it to pick the the sisters . How are you going to pick the family in the tribe . I think he very much listen to their concerns. No stage consultants let score says that you to completely change a key scene for ernest, visit smally at home, and theres a storm coming. The you dont understand about our culture. He said, for example, when i was a young kid or 5 of 6, id be running around my house and my grandma would be there and. And then one day i was running around, she goes, stop it, stop it sits, sits still. So theres a storm coming and she said, sit and be quiet and let the blessing of the storm. The content is giving us, but it wash over us and we have to sit and let the storm pass and relish actually appreciate, appreciate the blessing of nature. Storm is powerful, so we need to be quiet for awhile, the scope of the cross judge for sure its s b still originally the theme is that were drinking and some he gets drunk and she can hold and liquor and thats or so now this is more interesting, but its that sense. So thats so much also about the different cultures, the totally different culture. Yeah im, he, im, its in a, in the sense i found with the sage im as a sense of giving, giving away giving gifts, giving and the leos group its taking, taking theres plenty of violence and killers. It is a score, says the film after all. But the focus is on the personal furnace, intimate the trail of his wife, the violence of settler colonialism playing out on a domestic scale. But killers. The flower moon is still a native story told from the outside, from the perspective of a white man. The score says he kept saying, this is not the white hero like dances with wolves. No, it wasnt. It revolved around the white villain. So you still had a white person or anti hero. The center of the movie and the camera lingered constantly on dicaprio, and it really reinforced that he dominated that story. The night of the community looked at it and say, oh what a missed opportunity. But it needs to be a native made and native directed and native risk risk. And theres and all that story. But everybody agrees on the gladstone native r as worldwide are cheering on for success. Lily gladstone, being nominated for an oscar, you know, she talked and, and blackfoot, and you know, at her award i accept in speech and it makes us all proud. And it makes us all believe that were, were able to get there, you know, and uplift each other. Thats why native artists are looking beyond killers of the flower moon, to a Brighter Future were in digits. Narratives are not bound by the stories of the past. The forget the world wish native made story telling today can be anything and everything that could be big bunch of fantasy, like marvel movies for wagner, off from our director type of what do you think class it can be low, but syfy like night graders from pre meetings, director done a split. Are you ready to give yourself to your country completely . Which re imagines the Residential School system as a futuristic disturb you. It can be hor, like Blood Quantum from the lake mac mac director jeff barnaby. Its about a virus that turns everyone non native into zombies. It can be comedy. Oh, thank you for your donation. Excuse me for my beauty now for our so ill give you some ancient native american wisdom here. Lets just beginning serious reservation dogs gonna take what the d and seminal filmmaker stolen. Hodge. Kind of gang wa

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