Electric utility ENEO announces an improvement in the energy situation in the Northern regions “ Households are now experiencing p ower supply continuity from 5 pm to 7 am and, in the daytime, rationing periods have been reduced to 5 hours, down from 8 hours previously,” ENEO adds. The electric utility explains that these performances are all thanks to the improvement in the operations of the Djamboutou thermal power plant (32 MW), the installation of an additional 4 MW at the Ngaoundéré thermal power plant, as well as the optimized production at the Lagdo hydroelectric dam. ENEO nevertheless points out that the supply is not stable yet because of several factors. The first is the extreme demand on the thermal power plants, the Djamboutou plant notably. The second factor is the spare parts supply difficulties that are hindering the maintenance of various equipment. Another factor is the extreme heat that is strongly boosting energy demands (because of a rise in the use of fans and other cooling equipment). Finally, there are also extremely high fuel costs (an additional XAF3 billion monthly fuel cost is now required to ensure operations at the new Gaoura and Ngaoundéré power plants).