Employment Feb 2, 2021 Phone : 0191-2535141, 9419196150 2. M.A (English) for teaching 8th to 12th class 1No. 3. M.A (Maths) for higher classes 1No. 4. M.Sc (Botany/Zoology) 1No. 5. M.Com/ B.Com 1No. 6. Nursery Trained 1No. Apply with testimonials and resume with in 3-5 days during school timing 9 am to 2 pm (O.S. Manhas), MD Ph.: 7006824258, 7006444030 (For a Reputed Automobile Co.) EDP Executive (2) : Having minimum experience of 5 years in an automoblie industry in computers (EDP). Driver (2) Required an experienced person, expert in driving LMV and preferabley residing near by Channi. For Interview contact : 9796067115, 7006323855 Crescent public school Email :- infocrescentpublicschool@gmail.com FACULTY REQUIRED FOR JANIPUR BRANCH