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Turned, i didnt hide it, although it may not be very precisely defined, i dont think that the russians are against they dont think about something, maybe they just deliberately didnt want to attack these ports at first and then wanted to. Well, i dont think that they didnt understand that ukraine, actually, increased the capacity of the danube ports by almost 10 times , and if they used to transship there about 200 000 tons, now it reaches 2. 5 million thousand million tons ago, i think that russia and their fsb entourage clearly know what is happening in ukraine, but now they have decided not to touch these ports. Which missile can fly both to the ukrainian side and to the romanian side, as well as any drone aa and the second is actually speaking erer hm the fact that russia left the grain corridor and said that there will be more grain corrida of the side and we will not allow export to ukraine no grain, any kind of export, until we are allowed to remove the sanctions from our Agricultural Products and our fertilizers, that is why such a big war has started here, not only the geopolitical trade war along the grain corridor, because you know that grain is ukraine mainly supplied to countries of small wealth in asia and africa, and many countries are very dependent on our grain, on our wheat, on others, on our oil. I mean african countries. They have the cards in their hands not only to occupy our agricultural expert niche in the economic sense, but also from vinnytsia significantly geopolitical schedules in africa. To continue, but the danube ports entered the grain corridor. I even see reports that the products that passed through them were not checked by this yakimov center, but it was the only actually free artery of ukraine, so except for rail and road transport, which was blocked by our er partners in the European Union. It was like that. Free navigation er and this. Actually, the danube was the only artery and it is suspended for the time being. But i hope it will be restored. And transferred that they also claim this artery and want to block this artery. Well, you can explain for yourself why they did not want to do this before the grain agreement came out. And now and before that there was a grain ode. Of ports to ismail do re min, well, these are the places of attacks, the truth is not just ports, yes, vitaly, you know russians live by the principle of dont touch anyone, er, that is, they er, they actually show that they raise the degree and shelling, including those blackmailing the whole world, including countries and people who are actually starving because of this , showing what you are looking at, we control the situation and we will either allow you to export or we will not allow you and here are our conditions in fact, it is just a trade of nothing. As it is nothing personal, just business, how have the ports of donetsk changed during the war, you can assess the changes in general, you can assess, i want to tell you that they are significant, uh, significant, and this is visible even not only in the ports, but also in uh, well, in the towns and cities around them, they are significant have developed, and i am not talking about the roads, which are now practically so congested that the road from odessa to rina takes 7 hours there , although the distance is not so great, that is, the average speed of movement is 50 km, and this is already if the question of peters goal about this problem will be solved because move here truck its practically impossible. Actually, the capacity of these ports has increased 10 times , and we legally relaxed the rules for construction in the danube cluster more than a year ago. Actually, you can build faster here. It was done absolutely purposefully so that people would invest money here to build alternative ways and well terminals for ee to export or it is through the danube that there were agreements with the romanian side to deepen ee and the river and canals and in a word it was such a hope that it will continue to expand and it will become one of of the main ee plan b lets say so when the sea ports ee large ports of odesa and mykolaiv will be closed and actually speaking, you understand everything exactly sea logistics it is always especially large sea logistics from deepsea ports it is in principle the cheapest it cannot be replaced either by road transport or railway e e for the price no, not even river, that is, sea logistics is always the cheapest well, that is , in fact, all these transportation alternatives to sea are still not correct, i understand that they account for a large amount. Significantly increases the cost of ee logistics, that is, logistics can be 30 per ton, and in the same year, in the 22nd, at the beginning of the great war , it reached 130,000 to 130 per ton. That is , this is a 345fold increase in logistics , respectively, eats, and our prices remain stable on the World Markets. Therefore, it eats up the profitability of agrotraders and it reduces the purchase prices of farmers. And if a farmer sells cheaper domestically, it means that he has less money left for fertilizers, equipment for everything, that is, farming they are beginning to get poorer and reduce their production, and actually this is also, in relation to putin, he wants to destroy ukraine, which is an agrarian country, which is his biggest competitor on the World Markets. That the donetsk ports will work again with full force, how is the situation now, i think that if you install air defense normally and also, er , significantly increase, lets say, train the military who protect er, this zone, then i i think there are chances, that is, that it will work, because everything is equal , air defense provides serious protection, as we can see , even in kiev, everything is equally lost in 8080 90 of missiles. That is, it is him, not them. They can reach this territory, neither artillery, only rockets, and rockets are all antiantimissile antiair defense and antishukheds. It works simply, it needs to be strengthened here, to train people and equip them properly at the end of the year. Because there is not enough here. Equipment in order to to resist such a number of shaheds and such a number of rockets that are flying here and how do people in this region feel in general, how do they feel somehow detached from the main territory of the country when they are only connected with even odeschyna by only one road, so from one i dont think that people are disconnected from the flow of information, its not even possible to stop it even with a bad road, people dont feel detached, but people feel some shock, uh, because uh, for a year and a half, this territory has not been shelled, well, it was safe territory and people de facto have not seen a big war by and large and now when rockets are flying near them they feel the fullness and this first shock that we experienced there in february in march of 22nd year people are experiencing now for them it changes styles their lives, lets put it this way. Do you even admit that there are still chances for the extension of the grain agreement . Who can, uh, now persuade putin to change his position . Today it seems like yesterday or today blinking spoke with radogan and in principle the Channel America er turkey it remains skazhem so influential for russia er turkey has something blocked from the russians in order for them to agree to restore the export of grain from ukraine and at least not to shell the infrastructure as it was until the 18th of july, when the grain agreement ended. Actually, they started shelling our Port Infrastructure the day after the end of the grain agreement here they showed here we followed and now we dont have to do anything, thats why were going to fire at the turks, they have enough of what they call a lever, because in order to talk to putin, i hope that erdogan will use it. Maybe we have a corridor that will somehow open up, but it will be unstable, but it will have some kind of deadline, therefore, arming, equipping our naval forces and our Defense Forces must constantly and not wait until and not hope 100 for the grain corridor, because it can be interrupted, as we can see, by inadequate actions russia at any moment can be considered that russia trades looted ukrainian grain on World Markets , how to stop this practice, stop absolutely absolute, they are trading. This is an absolutely open fact, moreover, many european countries. In the territories of ee. Actually , they sell ukrainian grain on World Markets, stealing it from ukrainians, and say that they are helping the report to escape from famine, that is, this is a very cynical action, and therefore it can be stopped. This can only be stopped if such vessels stop accepting the ports of turkey and the European Union and other countries, that is, accepting and insuring are two aspects without which, de facto, the ship cannot go out to the sea and approach the port, that is why we need to focus our efforts on this in order to get rid of all this gray fleet, the russian gray fleet is now reaching incredible sizes. It seems to be the second or Third Largest fleet, and it is the gray fleet fleet that is, these are purchased ships all over the world that are registered in a semigray method, and they do not belong to russia, but the money flows into russian pockets offshore, so actually we have to fight this actively systematically, and uh, we cant do it because we can this is partly to be done, but all navigation is regulated by international laws, conventions and rules, and therefore International Organizations should also take part in this. On the black sea is a zone of military threat to what extent. Do you think this can be an effective announcement that will really reduce the number of those cargoes that are sent from these ports to another world, lets say so, look, i dont think it will be effective, we can also tell what is there, for example the air zone is dangerous over some countries , but it is unfortunately not ukraine that establishes this zone, but International Organizations and freedom of navigation and permits and all other practical actions are actually done by International Organizations, so our efforts must be directed first of all, so that International Organizations de facto stop allowing russia to navigate honestly, in general, the russian fleet in the black sea should be banned, the merchant fleet, as it was after the crimean war, and this is the only way to fight these barbarians who themselves do not know how others are not allowed to use the black sea because their gray fleet is a big threat to ecology and human life and navigation because they turn off electronic devices, they can be in the sea and you cant see them, you can visually see them that is, it is a whole complex of ee works ee at the international level, including for our ministry of Foreign Affairs , in order to throw russia out of the black sea as a trading and trading player. It is already freedom of speech. Well, what is the difference between the situation with russian ports and the ukrainian one that we cannot simply physically limit the movement of goods or that we simply do not act like russia the fact that we do not have a military fleet and no longrange missiles that would either destroy the russian fleet completely or drive it away so that it does not threaten commercial ships fleet, that is, if we had forces, if we had enough of them both on land and at sea to protect us, then the russians would have no questions , well, you see that they only understand force and you can have free navigation on paper but physically you cant move because no one in the world wants to insure your ship eh because the psycho understands perfectly well that at any moment it can be sunk by a missile of the Russian Federation eh and stopping the insurance actually paralyzes absolutely all shipping on our side you will not be afraid of the situation if the military the actions will end the blockade of ukrainian ports in the future, this is to destroy the ukrainian economy, so it may be, i actually think that this is the scenario. I do not believe in the naval blockade with victory on the ground, so even we in order to, lets say, lift the naval blockade, except for crimea and sevastopol, not just from a part of crimea, but to reach sevastopol and actually destroy the presence of the russian fleet there, we also need serious security in the protection of our coast , so far, unfortunately, it is not visible, therefore, any the end of the war at sea, it will be from the moment when we have a powerful navy that will be able to defend both on land and at sea , until that time, thats all, well, you know, such conversations are a little naive in my opinion, well, or if there will be a political agreement, thats right, there should be a political agreement, what will be a political agreement . Well, i hope that in the political agreement, because it is not written in black and white that they will not have a fleet in the black sea, the russians have it, as it happened once in history, we can refer to a historical example. Well and another very important moment, in principle, how long will the ukrainian economy be able to do without ports , there is another moment when we will understand that this is becoming critical for the ukrainian economy , leading to the destruction of entire industries, our industry will not be able to metallurgical, agricultural, and Chemical Industry cannot exist without sea ports. That is, it exists and conceptually it will have to be completely rebuilt, completely rebuilt, therefore, i think that it is realistic, if we do not have at least some access to the sea. In fact, i think that he is against putin, including his plan b was to cut us off completely from the sea, because economically we lose 60 of our Foreign Exchange earnings, 70 of our exports, and our 70 of our exports go through sea ports before the war. Lets put it this way. To velika wars and actually speaking, this leads to either the complete liberation of sectors or to a decrease , as it will happen, for example, with farms, which , for example, if the state does not support them, the purchase prices will be very small due to the fact that there will be a lot of logistics , they will come at some point to other crops or there they will not sow all the land or they will think twice about what to do with it and this, as you understand, is one of the largest sectors in our country this is agro and these are individual farms that have been successful people saved up money, bought new harvesters, bought new tractors and developed, engaged in other crops, it is the rural population that will actually suffer the most, and that is why without the sea, we have a very, well, how to say it. The forecasts about the economy are not encouraging. Road transport to railway to river transport, but it still will not replace and will not give us competitiveness in the world in the world thank you ms. Yuliya Yuliya Klymenko peoples deputy of ukraine was on our air , she is currently in the danube ports of ukraine so this is such an important dialogue well be back literally after a few minutes of commercial break dont switch the pain can be an obstacle not with my knees from knee pain try dolgit cream dolgit cream relieves pain reduces swelling and improves joint mobility you can also walk dolgit the only yellow cream for pain in joints and with muscle spasms dolgit antisum tablets to relax muscles and calves why am i here i have sensitive teeth i eat ice cream pain cold air pain sweet pain the dentist advised lacalot sensiti what effectively reduces the sensitivity of teeth if i had known the sensiki varnish before, i wouldnt have had to come here. The senset varnish is a reliable protection against pain. 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Its always easier to triple when ordinary water is not enough for adults and children, i recommend reo we will save ourselves with water oreo reo water for special medical purposes deoccupation and how can we live now without stopping, it is possible unsurpassed the history of the liberated cities of ukraine went lets see how our brothers helped us freed from the normal life freed from the normal technology of the prorussian nonhumans it was terrible, very scary every day one by one two houses were burned and the ukrainian people were nazis here yes, we are all nationalist people here did they resist the residents came out here stopped and sent back and became heroes the novel was there and will always be ukraine about unbreakable cities of ukraine from the ukraine project in the documentary series deoccupation that on saturdays at 11 10 on espresso the war raised its head again in europe, reminding us of the darkest hour of our history franz 24 constantly covers the events in ukraine, our team on the ground and in the studio will inform you about the dynamics of events , see the latest news from franz 24 in ukrainian on espresso there is a war going on and not only for the territories , it is also a war for the minds russia is throwing millions of naftodors to turn ukrainians into little russians ukraine will become russia analysis and analysis of information about ukraine by russian propagandists specific facts and methods by which enemy propaganda turns people into obedient zombies countermeasures to russian information attacks in the project chronicles of the information war with olga leni tuesday thursday friday at 17 10 on the espresso tv channel Andriy Yanitskyi keeps the economy under control yes it is about Economic News on the espresso channel but it is not about dry numbers and clear terms it is about the economy available about the ability to analyze forecast and to benefit from what the Exchange Rates of salaries and pensions will be and how the prices of products will change information about everything that affects our wallet and informed means armed see the Economic News project with andrii yanitsky in weekdays at 8 10 a. M. On espresso we continue the broadcast of the ee Television Channel espresso with you Vitaly Portnikov as you can see, there are quite a lot of such real threats, that is why we are watching the conference in jeddah with such attention, this conference, as you know, gathered a whole group of representatives of national governments, advisers from issues of National Security and that it was important to come as representatives of western countries to countries that support ukraine both militarily and financially, provide these weapons, provide assistance so that the ukrainian economy, which is already suffered quite Serious Problems during this time so that it could exist, and together with this , representatives of the countries of the global south and representatives of the countries of the global rooster. Union, that is why this dialogue took place, that on one side were the United States of america, great britain, a country of the European Union, canada, japan, and on the other side were representatives of the peoples republic of china, india, qatar, turkey all this indicates that the ukrainian war, one way or another, is becoming an important factor in international politics. We are always talking about the fact that the war in ukraine should have exhausted the light by now, it has already been going on for 18 months , no one knows how much longer it will continue, is it another 18 months or 18 more years, but you know this. This is a forecast , and the point is that this war is really worrying more and more countries that understand that the world order is collapsing due to the aggressive actions of Vladimir Putin and the fact that the countries of the global western countries should enter into a discussion, this is what it says about the new quality of the international attitude to this situation. By the way, there may be a global peace summit and the heads of state will be there, and Vladimir Putin will not be invited there again. They will talk about his aggressive actions. So this is all quite serious. Such a problem and lets hope that ukrainian diplomacy will start preparing this global miro summit after this meeting, after these negotiations that took place in jiji, we will now talk to the artist and writer civil activist from venice, kateryna margolis hello. Well, actually , i want to talk about the state of Russian Society in russia itself and outside of russia. Therefore, this is such a quick analysis of the state of criminals, and under as for ordinary people who are witnesses of this war, they consider themselves a part of the Russian Society in russia itself and abroad can there are some discoveries of the observation of the last months that are here in ukraine imperceptibly. I think that deportation is imperceptible in ukraine. I think that no one can see the factor. чtо эtо всё описание somehow by itself чtо эtо описание eheh onko beda here is a personal constructor that is used eh and especially opponents to enter aah and eheh some kind of subjectivity participation and not only not only viny how much responsibility responsibility for driving already which is created not by himself with your own hands, this is probably the most powerful and unpleasant postcard that people who are nominally against the war present themselves as putin and antiwar russians of the apartment, and still does not have a focus on ukraine. And this center of antiwar buildup will be against the war, the final aa and eh, secondly, eh , to a significant degree, separation from yourself, this is what happens , different people, different children. Any the crimes of ones own state can simply be, it remains so russia does not understand that they do not have electoral votes, that they do not elect anyone, that the government appoints itself, you are the one who accepts the decision well , why should they not be responsible for the government that they did not elect . Sih pooh until a man looks at himself in the mirror and watches some broadcast and looks at some report and hears the sounds of his native language at the moment when the sound of this language kills peaceful people people in the neighboring country are ignorant and will not realize that he is responsible for this and part by part of the degree. Im going to repeat the story in the pharmacies inside the russians, the firmware is such a preimperial olympics on and im already looking for a country, uh, you dont want to otrekotirovat yourself, you see whats left. It happens in my head and its us, sir. Ive never practiced, and ive never had a rex, shes not in the soviet union, not under the soviets, and the short period is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabinder, lining, firmware, etc. Unfortunately, i carry almost all of my ex, not just to see myself

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