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Cnnt turk reports that one of the wheat elevators exploded, it probably happened at the moment when it was still taking wheat, according to preliminary data, there are victims, but there is no official information from the turkish authorities regarding the causes of the incident, the sixth mechanized brigade of the Belarusian Army has started training and exactly near the soval corridor, but military exercises and the threat in this area have nothing in common, because the sixth brigade of the Belarusian Army regularly conducts training on this Training Ground already reports the Monitoring Group of the belarusian gang for decades. Meanwhile, the belarusian Border Guards helped four Illegal Migrants get to the territory of latvia, they cut the wires in the fence and then patched up the passage or the migrants did not turn back, this provocation was recorded by the lithuanian Border Guards, they also detained all the Illegal Migrants and returned them to belarus according to the procedure in the bundestag, an agreement was reached on the transfer of taurus longrange missiles to ukraine , the peoples deputy and deputy the head of the committee on National Security and defense, yehor chernyav, the range of these missiles reaches five hundred kilometers, so they can theoretically hit enemy targets in the south of the temporarily occupied crimea. June stressed that this decision of the bundestag is the result of longterm work with german parliamentarians. One civilian was killed and another suffered the consequences of hostile shelling of nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region, the occupier has been shelling the city since the very morning with heavy artillery , the head of the Regional Military administration, serhii lysak, informed private houses, farm buildings and cars, as well as broken Gas Pipelines and power lines, a ghost house, the head of the Kherson Military Administration , oleksandr prokudinov, published a video of a highrise building that was fired upon by the russians , gutted apartments and lost property. Well, its so light, its clear, and there they started to heat, everyone left, and there he was on the fourth, a woman jumped out and the rest of the gang was standing there everything was in the kitchen with the cat, and immediately in the plans, where were you hiding, where were you on the first floor, near the entrance door, was there all night on the native land, another exchange of prisoners took place, this time, 22 ukrainian soldiers were returned home, among them two officers, as well as private and noncommissioned officers the oldest of them was 54 years old, the youngest was 23. They informed the president s office there that they noted that all the freedmen took part in battles in various directions, among them there are also wounded fighters who will receive the necessary treatment and undergo a course of physical and psychological rehabilitation, as of today, according to the data of the dismissal of Dmytro Lubinets , 2,598 citizens have been returned to the country. In which residents of several regions were involved informed the state Border Service according to their data, the ammunition supply channel from the combat zone was established by residents of transcarpathia and lviv oblast, after which they sold weapons in the territories under the control of ukraine, the organizer of the criminal scheme was detained, the latter was taken into custody for a period of 60 days, during searches of the place of residence of the person involved, firearms, grenades, ammunition, as well as other objects and things that confirm illegal activity, a multimillion dollar find on the border were seized with poland , 700 kg of red caviar was found at the checkpoint of a russian man of goods is about 5 million at least one person died due to torrential rains and floods in austria it is known that a man fell from a bicycle into the river firefighters, divers and rescuers immediately started a rescue, but they managed to pull out only the body of the deceased. Torrential rains and flooding of rivers, hundreds of houses were flooded, so several villages had to be evacuated to six people , the number of dead in slovenia due to floods has increased, it is noted that one of the new victims this is a man who crashed during the liquidation of the consequences of the Natural Disaster when he fell into an open cesspool extreme weather conditions and floods caused damages in slovenia for more than 500 Million Euros according to the estimates of the chamber of commerce and industry in the most affected regions there are almost no businesses left that would not suffer damage this is the biggest a Natural Disaster in the history of the country, russia is on fire, this time forest fires are stealing in yakutia, the area of ​​the fire reaches 125,000 hectares, Russian Media inform about it, firefighters are trying to eliminate it activities in 13 districts of the region more than a million hectares of forest can no longer be saved various quests excursions and now a culinary master class on sushi preparation in vinnytsia for young people every week Interactive Entertainment is held so that they can be distracted for a moment from the war and constant air worries participation in the activities is free however, the number of places is limited , how many participants came to master the traditions of japanese cuisine, lets see iryna from vinnytsia loves sushi since childhood, she says that she orders them every month to enjoy, but its a pleasure these are not cheap, and they came to the master class to learn how to cook them at home together with her and a half dozen other people, more about the history of tarol sushi itself, how the idea of ​​their preparation first arose, and the event is very useful and informative for our young people. Students who have graduated from school and are currently on the path to choosing a profession can find out whether the profession of a chef is suitable for them and whether they want to become one. You cant tighten the sushi very much, we check that its super linear. Well, we roll it up and bend it just a little under us. A culinary master class in vinnytsia is taking place for the first time. It was organized by the city s youth policy department. The initiators say that todays youth is burdened with a great burden of responsibility. Education and volunteer work, that is why we organize such events to distract those boys and girls from routine tasks, we spend such leisure time for young people and volunteers to prepare them for the new academic year. Thereby motivating further volunteer activities and an active council of activities in our city, the organizers plan to continue to hold similar events in the future so that as many young people as possible can immerse themselves in the prewar carefree life for a few hours. The rifle battalion really needs a car, they are fighting in the eastern direction , where they are fierce because our goal is uah 400,000, together with you we have already closed a lot volunteer assemblies and defenders , we are grateful for our contribution to the fight against the occupiers. We ask you to actively donate this time, because without you we cannot cope, every hryvnia is important , remember that only together we bring our victory over the enemy closer. Dear viewers, i urge you to invest in our future with you and freedom, that is, the armament of the forces of ukraine, and this is what i tell you. See you at 5 00 p. M. Ivan soroka, Mykhailo Varvarych and anatoliy makhotin, ukrainian soldiers who are undergoing rehabilitation after receiving injuries, their drawings adorn the ukrainian tshirts Womens Clothing brand lesya is our own production with a long history that began back in 1937. You initiated the project under my protection to reflect the gentle attitude of ukrainian soldiers to the women of the family and ukraine. This project is so important to us, we have great hope that it will pass. Yes, and people will respond and they will help us yes , and they will buy tshirts, wear them , distribute them, travel abroad , take pictures abroad, sign so that as many people as possible learn about us and remember the consequences ivan soroka odin of the three soldiers who developed authors prints for tshirts, ivan in the direction of bakhmut. But in august 2022, the soldier received a mine explosion wound, in the end , it was not possible to save his left eye. But this did not prevent him from expressing his feelings in the picture, he came up with the idea of ​​painting me as a bird. My last name is soroka and draw a magpie bird a that protects its values, its country and also represents me and my protection of my motherland Mykhailo Varvarych at the front lost two legs and received a severe arm injury a proposal to his girlfriend he already made on prostheses anatoliy makhotin defended the Luhansk Region and due to a concussion partially lost his memory of how they were created in order to morally support the boys and give them the opportunity to express their feelings in creativity. We were inspired by the military themselves. In those short moments of rest between battles, the military find inspiration, such an outlet, this testifies to their boundless big heart, to their humanity , to the fact that they remember those whom they protect, the project also has a Charitable Purpose 20 from the sale of tshirts will be donated to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, which protect each of us every day, they can be purchased in lesya stores in six cities of ukraine, as well as on the brands official website, lets get back to the conversation, daytime news turner continues on the espresso tv channel Oksana Vysochanska vasyl zima is with you in the studio and in a moment, we will add Andriy Kanashevich to the conversation, you are the head of the kupyan District Military Administration , we welcome you, mr. Andriy, and we actually know about the information that the kupyan direction is that direction, which for a long time was one of the very, very hot ones, we remember all those moments when the occupiers concentrated a large number of personnel there and the shelling continues there constantly, we ask for the situation as of now near the front and also border settlements constantly under shelling , even had to evacuate vulnerable categories of the population aa well, the situation er for the last three days, maybe even er 5 days if we take such a period of time, the situation er has become a little more difficult for us because of shelling we were lucky and the nature of these shellings is such that for the most part everything flies through the private sector and into the homes of local residents, unfortunately we also have dead and wounded people and it should be noted that the geography of these shellings has spread a little and along the entire front line, you can say in Populated Areas today, it strikes in the mountains, and these strikes are carried out both from artillery mortars, and strikes by guided air bombs have become more frequent, and such airstrikes have come over the settlements of kruglikakivka in recent days. According to the settlement of podola, this is the kurilivka community of the kupyan district , the artillery also worked according to the oputnikov ee , the settlement of the dorichan community suffers a lot from shelling. The shelling of petropavlovsk wounded a 59 yearold man, that is, the situation is becoming tense and difficult, a lot of fire is flying, the shelling has unfortunately increased yesterday we lost our employee of the kupyan district of the military administration in the settlement of podola, as a result of enemy shelling, it was in the garden and er, and killed a seriously wounded man. That is, we already feel that er, the front line is very, very close, and the shelling is becoming dense and poses a certain danger to the local residents there why do we constantly talk about the need to evacuate , uh, because people need to think about that and take a responsible approach to their lives and their loved ones. I want to clarify something. Recently, the enemy is more and more often in densely Populated Areas, in the center of places where a large number of people gather, and what is your direction, how is it in kharkiv oblast, you say that the shelling has also increased, but mostly the private sector. Not so long ago when there was a week maybe thats why there was such a cloud where it flew next to a five Story Building with four entrances and when two nineStory Buildings were almost destroyed , all the windows flew out. That is, you can fly where peaceful residents live and unfortunately by in recent days, we can state the fact that this is the system of work of the enemys troops, but judging by the fact that you say you understand the situation, artillery, guided air bombs, it is clear that countermeasures are such a means of fire. We dont have them, you cant beat them somehow dont hide, it is clear that these are constant threats to the residents and to the rescuers who will work for, well , Administration Workers and so on, and in the light of the fact that soon there will also be a layoff, it is clear that these communities are unlikely to be able to adequately to prepare for the winter period and also about evacuation, please tell me if it is somehow centrally decided where people can go, are they offered certain options that they have to go themselves, well, going there will feel safer and what is the main main obstacle for people to leave for some time in their settlements and left for safer regions of ukraine or outside of ukraine. Close to the front line, we carry out evacuations and we constantly recommend people to evacuate. We have a mechanism developed thanks to the support of the Regional Military administration, thanks to the support of the un red cross, we have the opportunity to take people to the city of kharkiv, where they receive they receive housing, they receive help, they receive food kits, hygiene kits, that is, everything that is needed, any help is provided to them here , the telephone numbers of uh, volunteer organizations that are also involved uh, in this evacuation, they are uh, they are in every settlement and people they know who to contact, people know what kind of help will be provided, but they dont make a decision about leaving. Well, here are a quarter of the obstacles. Everyone has their own, someone doesnt want to leave their house, someone doesnt want to live there. In the dormitory, well, that is, everyone finds their own reasons. Unfortunately , people start to leave then. Already when they either fly in or, god forbid, someone is wounded or, god forbid, killed, and then they make a decision about the need to leave a lot. Who goes to his relatives, that is all these possibilities are there, everything is working, everything is fixed, its just that people here are so irresponsible towards themselves, their lives, look at me, here is information from the Kharkiv Region about the fact that a Railway Worker was detained at one of the local railway stations, who had russian, has russian, prorussian views and helps, sympathizes, supports the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Therefore, he recorded data on the location of Ukrainian Military equipment, the personnel of the Defense Forces and Critical Infrastructure facilities on the territory of kharkiv and the Kharkiv Region, and then he simply leaked this information that he had collected to the russians , in particular, about the movement of Ukrainian Military equipment, about the movement of personnel, about their location. With the enemys troops, he understands that already in a year and a half it was possible to comb the population a little and recruit such people, but according to your assumptions, how many of them are still not found at large, well, it is difficult to assume such to do well, of course there are such people, of course there are those who, even under such conditions, when the population of the points of the kupyan district of the kupyan district is simply trying to save the face of the earth, as well as dvorichna, as well as petropavlivka, there are still such people, er, i think that there are people who have er, a completely different point of view and are ready to cooperate with god, our Security Service works constantly , raids are constantly being processed , information is constantly being revealed, er, those who worked during the occupation, that is, this work it does not stop, it is relevant and very necessary especially since we understand for ourselves that from some of the shelling that passes through Populated Areas, we understand that they do not happen just like that, that somewhere or intelligence is working very well for the occupier or someone is providing them with information, er, about er, these or other places in Populated Areas that are approaching the front line, thank you very much mr. Andriy for your comments. Take care. Andriy konashevich temporarily finished his duties as the head of the kupin District Military Administration. About us, such enemy shelling of the kupin region was with us. And now we have a short break, then we will return, please wait, i sprained my back flamidez gel quickly reduces inflammation and treats pain from back and joint pain flamidez it was me before bleeding acuteactive actively overcomes bleeding gums protects against periodontitis and noticeably tightens gums lacalut active the effect you feel immediately is a novelty lakalut aktiv plus even more active protection, there are 20 discounts on diprylif gel in pharmacies. Traveler for you and savings. 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The set includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger, which will allow you to always have a charged saw under by hand, call and order a reliable and convenient tool for only uah 1,499, a powerful strong saw and what you need, call vasyls Big Broadcast in the winter, two hours of air time , two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, 2 hours to stay up to date with Economic News and new sports for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeforlike to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours , vasyls Big Broadcast in winter, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening, the most espresso war in ukraine the main topic for ukrainians, victories and losses, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics , Serhiy Rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this, people who have information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and create the future, the main and interesting thing in the program is the verdict of Serhiy Rudenko from monday on friday at 8 00 p. M. Repeat at 12 10 p. M. Back to the conversation the Russian Federation will be left without ships until the end of the war if they continue to attack ukrainian ports this is what our president zelensky said, quoting ukraine must respond to any attack on our civilian population on our grain brokers. What a wonderful statement. Guest of dmytro kyrychuk, deputy of the zaporozhye city council, volunteer mr. Dmytro , i congratulate you good day glory to ukraine glory to the heroes i want to ask you right away about the information that was voiced by mr. Tarnavskii by the commanders of the operationalcivilian troop grouping tavria that the enemy used chemical munitions and hit the settlement of nova danylivka there, the offensive line of the Ukrainian Armed forces went a little further into the danylivka operation area, so it is more in the rear, so whose information about how it could affect the local residents in general and whether this is the first use of chemical weapons by the enemy or not, please, mr. Vasyl, we will note one thing and immediately add that the enemy continues to fire chemical weapons in including yes, what about cassettes, if phosphorous projectiles were to be translated, this is not something new there, that these monsters were used there , including in the zaporizhzhia direction, that is why dasha is informed here about two issues of information , the main summary of the general staff and tarnavskyi was informed on this very matter, so that it should be noted yes, it was indeed used, of course, from this point of view, they tried to strike you with this blow, but we note that it is not in the area where the hostilities are actively advancing. And we note that this work is very the dynamic picture is such places on the map where they are constantly very hot and the process of movement in the direction of berdyansk is constantly continuing, but we note that our eyes are used to solve these monsters. The specifics regarding the civilian population affected there are currently not reported, that there is a very good sign in this situation, but we note that they clearly had to go very big there, because a certain area , lets say, a certain square in a strange way such bad consequences as a result of the use of these weapons, but this will not in any way stop the advancement of our boys in this direction. Defense that the armed forces of ukraine

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