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, but also. Of the arguments, you will now listen to why and i will be the russians in which , in which context, with what arguments to put pressure on our allies not to give us this type of weapon . They are significantly longerrange than the same storm shadow, the french ones that are now being newly armed in the armed forces, they are clearly not yet used, it goes beyond the scope of this secret agreement on the control of the spread of missile psychos there and there it is about transferring to third countries, well, such technologies that make it possible to manufacture missiles a distance of more than 300 km is impossible, this is not a legally formalized agreement, but nevertheless, there is an ee between the nearby and more technologically developed countries in the military sense e. E. Russia, the united states, germany, and now here around this, thats the complex , taurus found there are copies of it. Quite a lot of things happened well, for example , did north korea get such similar technologies or did the russians transfer them to them well, we cant say for sure, but we can guess what must have happened somehow china got such technologies are also where im from, of course, but now it all looks like you know, well, a certain demagoguery on this topic when russia is fully applied in technologies when it hits ukraine with longrange weapons to tell that ukraine should not have such a longrange weapon is of course just pharisaism and we have to understand on the other hand that the only one who can definitely provide it to us is unfortunately well, after all, we had such a base for the production of longrange missiles, perhaps we have to efforts to completely renew it and have them again and now for now really we will have to endure a new round of struggle for otaku already weapons like these taurus missiles which for us now will also become such a definite target in order to have more serious arguments against russia and it is we who will i think in the coming days observe a very reliable struggle around the supply of taurus missiles we will observe pressure on germany regarding these taurus missiles as now we are observing pressure on also regarding the supply of serious weapons because in fact france, er, despite all the publicity, they dont advertise themselves very much, but france supplies us with a lot of interesting weapons, the same longrange missiles. Part of caesars park was handed over to us, and in principle we are counting on them quite a bit. And what did we get in return . Well, actually , what did we get . Well, its as if theyre shouting that. Russian tv broadcasts they are already threatening the spread of such longrange weapons to africa , for example. I understand that chernorussia should be free, we will put a system in them , i am sure that not a few nigerians have been trained in how to work with our systems. все умеюt crew of direct, ready, very tanned people, well, this is such a pressure on france, and you know this, and there is an answer to that uhuh, is it even possible to deal with the russians and have some kind of secret agreements with them no , you cant, because uhuh despite the desire of some of our allies to leave the war on the territory of ukraine, to wage it only to literally limit the territory of ukraine, and this is the source of all these cries that in no case can it be transferred to the territory of russia so that it does not spread to the russians, at the same time, for a very long time and it was still well before 20 er, well, in the 20s, er, on february 22, they already moved the war to the territory of africa, for example , in order to put pressure on the french, that is , they already moved it there, they already did it , they did it not directly, they did it eh with hybrid methods, they made it a proxy of the army, such as pvk wagner, but they did it and they will continue to spread this war as much as possible, therefore, the only way is simply to make it impossible for russia to spread the war, for this it is necessary to attack russia itself. It is not possible for this just watch how she attacks everyone around, because as a result you will suddenly find out that africa is not going to become the same territory of russia, and in general , the russians have to literally take over there, and ours, ours, where is the cultural humanitarian ideological expansion, and where are we, you know lets remember recently he has been waving russian flags for the second week, they are already waving russian flags viktoria well, he has arrived although no one is waving american flags there , where are we . Go through the forum russia africa and in fact russia is actively promoting its presence precisely on the african continent and if we paid attention to the situation with niger , although the presence of flags does not indicate our direct participation in these processes, but here we are talking about what is in russia they see and unpleasantly , even without our participation, they take russian flags in their hands. Its a little bit more fun. Well, its even more fun. That is, the russians are calmly expanding their military operations there, and it is especially important to remember that in these days there was a war in 2008 and an invasion of georgia, which was also not provoked by anything and was only provoked by the fact that the russians consider themselves to be such the same territory that they have to control and everything, and they did it earlier, before all this happened, and in ukraine, now in africa, and so on. And this should have made it clear even then that this country has exactly such invasive plans, in fact, no there was no russian aggression. And if you look historically, what all these events were connected with the destruction of the soviet union. What did the usa do , how did it destroy the soviet union . It destroyed it because of nationalism. We are georgians. Why did we save hundreds of thousands of citizens , because in georgia and uh, yuzhnaya setya and abkhaziatjet, these were territories of many nationalities, and Many Russians lived in georgia, and so on, they are actually ready byly drying up ethnic cleansing, russia responded with a harsh principle, more fiercely. Thats tough, and now, too, we need a firefighter. Pobedy, a tough answer is the only scenario for the preservation of the development of our state, the protection of our brotherly peoples, and the restoration of the friendship of nations in everything after the soviet union. This is the formula of the russian peace , the development of russia at the expense of neighbors at the expense of neighboring peoples, this is actually their national idea, there are increasingly no other National Ideas there, and all these conversations about the fact that they were protecting someone there until the russians intervened and i didnt start lighting the same abkhazia, i was roasting it and so on, there were no murders there, no one died, only after russia started to get out there to incite and in the end , she got in herself, and the murders started there, just like the same thing started here in the donetsk Luhansk Region of the crimea and now it is actually going on all over the south of ukraine before russia comes, for some reason no one. Well, there is no destruction, everyone is alive. Everything is fine. As soon as russia comes to save someone, everyone dies right away, and now they are still telling how they have some rights there. Now about the countries the baltics because they give them something. Yes, they are all for some reason. I think that it is the russians of the countries , the people who live on their land, who should distribute something there, allow and give. here is this corridor that they blocked access to our region, we gave them klaipeda, they had no way out, here is the baltic sea, this is here and then half of the kursk spit, we are here, this is all far away, this is how they conduct themselves , how can they not be punished well, you have to надо пасtив очень на оtдых дороже раз thats how it should be in a different way. That is, you see how deeply it sits in the russians that even there some damn singer with his mouth, which well , far from it, begins to repeat all this and carry it all to the audience about the fact that they you gave something to someone, what can you give to someone . Why did you suddenly start calling the german end of bech a russian region, and suddenly you gave something to someone . But you didnt have any access to the sea there, because there live other peoples who, well, live on this land for centuries, and thats why they say that the russians will stop until they are beaten in the head by themselves. No, this will not happen. They will not continue to iron it all out. They will try to develop it all. Therefore, the only way to stop them is here and simply give them a good beating in the head. Now in Free Education , including taurus rockets, see you there are discounts on diprylif gel 20 in pharmacies podorozhnyk you and savings about so that ukrainians do not think about so that they do not talk about the first place anyway war war and our victory only on espresso from monday monday completely different spheres of human activity Sports Health politics the return of crimea military analytics nine presenters journalists experts opinion leaders in real time about the most Current Events through the prism of war in the authors projects on espresso hello this is freedom morning informational project radio freedom then guests every day this is a ship kherson district inclusion live we dig out bahmut tell the main thing on weekdays at 9 00 watch this week in the Program Collaborators who rolled out the red carpet for the occupiers in oleshki it returns only in the form of the ukrainian spill and how ukrainian children were taken to russia by the sellers, watch on wednesday, august 9 at 17 45 the program of the collaborator with Olena Kononenko on the espresso tv channel , every day, every hour, every minute, we receive a large amount of information, even the most expected event of the year, what is actually happening at the front what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how do we evaluate our successes, the International Community and what moscow is lying about from the flow of news coming from far and wide, we single out the most important ones, closely monitoring whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what the russian occupiers are whispering about behind the backs of the news commanders. The results of the week are an overview of only important events, events of weighty and credible events this is analytics, fact checking, expert comments and much more today, who has Important Information in plain language available to all viewers. Welcome to the news action studio results of the week every saturday at 9 00 p. M. The most express Big Broadcast of vasyl zima my name is vasyl zima two hours of airtime two hours of your time we will talk about the most important things two hours to learn about the war joins our broadcast serhiy zgoretska military summaries of the day and how the world lives. What in the world will be told by yuri the physicist for two hours to stay up to date with economic news. Oleksandr morshchyntsi narrates. He tells us about the economy during the war and new sports. Yevhen pastukhov is ready to talk about sports for 2 hours in the company of favorite presenters lina is ready to talk about culture during the war, or other presenters who have become familiar to many, maybe the weather will give us some optimism, mrs. Natalka didenko is ready to tell us, as well as distinguished guests we will have a studio today volodymyr grishko if everything goes well the events of the day in two hours vasyls Big Broadcast in the winter a project for smart and caring people in the evening the most urgent to deficate says latushko how is this scheme financed the main thing to know about it is that it is being implemented within the borders of the union state of russia and belarus i. E. All major decisions regarding the transfer of children are signed by lukashenko in moscow. Lukashenko himself speaks openly about his role. They were brought in, they left, they didnt want to leave, and the criminal trial for what, at least there, when it started with the face of recovery , somehow he let it in, he didnt even know why they were taking their involvement in the removal of ukrainian children, they dont hide the other involvements here, except for lukashenko , latushka says that four surnames are dmytro mezentsev, the state secretary of the union state of russia and belarus, who signed all the documents on the removal of children, and also ivan golovaty, the old financial source of the Illegal Transfer of children, is the gosudarstvennaya kompaniya of belarus , which lukashenko already obeys, and this company is headed by the socalled senator in the parliament lukashenko, ivan golovat, and it is belarus kalium that is the owner of the largest dubrava camp in the solygur district, where the main group of ukrainian children is housed, as well as olga volkova , who manages the dolphin fund in donbas. Oleksiy talai, he is a member of the National Paralympic team of belarus, who also has his own fund. Both of the mentioned organizations were engaged in the removal of children with disabilities from the occupied part of ukraine in the 22nd year for the socalled rehabilitation and rest in belarus, this is an inexhaustible list of those involved. In the Ukrainian Foreign ministry, it is proposed to add dmytro shotsov, the head of the belarusian red cross, who publicly confessed to the removal of ukrainian children from the occupied territories. Of the ukrainian nation, and everything is going quite well here, and because on the territory of belarus, children study according to Russian Programs, they accidentally threw it into their propaganda film they themselves did not want to reveal themselves without any intention, but we see a book in russian on the blackboard that is, they are not taught there according to the belarusian program well , obviously, definitely not according to the Russian Program evidence of the involvement of the lukashenko regime in the Illegal Transfer of ukrainian children is transmitted by the latushka team not only in international courts. And also in the Ukrainian Office of the prosecutor general, it can speed up the investigation and, most importantly, help return ukrainian children. A logical question is whether there is a warrant for lukashenkas arrest what will this change for the already maximally isolated belarus since 2020 for lukashenka and mean the political end for him as a person who asked himself to build a picture in his head of the one who created an independent , prosperous and prosperous state . Wont go down in history as a creator goes down in history as a war criminal for arrest you will have to spend the rest of your life always looking over your shoulder to see who is probably after you but we also have to remember that there are many people who have warrants for ten years, but they are not arrested, so in the end a lot really depends on political events, in addition to proving the participation of the belarusian regime in the war against ukraine, the opposition is collecting evidence of other crimes of lukashenko, in particular, it is trying to prove the crimes against humanity that lukashenko is committing against his own people. She 15 years since the russiangeorgian war, which is called the fiveday war on august 8, 2008 , Russian Troops invaded the territory of georgia under the pretext of protecting the selfproclaimed southern session, as he currently wrote on his on the Facebook Page of Prime Minister irakli geri bashvili, russia deployed thousands of soldiers after georgia launched a military operation against separatists in South Ossetia , they shelled georgian villages in the region during 5 days of hostilities, 224 civilians were killed and 547 were injured. These are the data of the ministry of Foreign Affairs of georgia the then president Mikheil Saakashvili agreed to the cease fire plan, it was proposed by french president nicolas sarkozy, he was the head of the European Union at the time , the plan provided for the cessation of hostilities and the return of the army to the line before the start of the invasion. Despite this, South Ossetia and abkhazia are still under russian occupation. This is 20 of the territory of georgia. At that time, we did not have such a large or even close to the International Support that ukraine has now. At that time, the west was not so mobilized western leaders had a clear idea of ​​the nature of putins regime and the current russian system, they believed that it was possible to negotiate with russia and putin, although saakashvili and some other georgian leaders tried to convince their western partners that this is for the last time and the next one will be ukraine and i remember the words of saakashvili who told them that the next one would be crimea and this is actually how it happened. The peoples deputy and two of his accomplices were kidnapped for receiving a bribe. The National Anticorruption bureau and the Specialized Anticorruption Prosecutors Office assisted by the sbu of this , the suspects received 85,000 from an entrepreneur for the alleged lease of state lands in advance. This is the first part of the money , the nabu press service informs about it and publishes a video. Law enforcement officers do not disclose the name of the public at the same time, a public source in the Law Enforcement agencies was informed that this is a peoples deputy from the servant of the people, anatoliy hunko. Our correspondents are trying to get a comment from hunko himself. Next, please tell me who is standing under the table. I dont know. Behind the drones , journalists of military television showed and this is an antiaircraft installation that is located along the entire front line, for the most part it is soviet weaponry, the military says that it is hunting russian eagles that carry out reconnaissance, but the biggest threat is posed by lancets, russian kamikaze drones that attack armored vehicles, they worked on the eagle several times when it was lower, now the weather is good for everything, in this weather , they are below two and a half 30,000, there is no point in their very good cameras and they will look around with 5,000 what kind of cigarettes do you have, a lancet is a fortune teller, ammunition is a drone with explosives, which is not a reconnaissance target, but it flies, finds a target, and oh, this Ukrainian Developers have increased production by 5 times the company that produces reconnaissance and attack uavs told the public about the drone process. The number of manufacturers has also increased, but there are still not enough drones for the frontline. According to the calculations of the head of the state Intelligence Service, the soldiers need only 3,000 small reconnaissance drones per month. Where percussion instruments are tested and researched to what extent ukraine can establish Sustainable Production without outside help, details further in the material i worked in a puppet theater, artist, decorator, about a year ago oksana returned to her first specialty, installation of radio equipment, a woman works at the company warbirds of ukraine, which manufactures Unmanned Aircraft systems for aerial reconnaissance and fire correction. They bring us this in this form. Thats right, and then we make all the equipment, fill , collect. Drone, scout, adjuster, galka is an improved version of the valkyrie the drone flies for two and a half hours and the communication distance is an average of 45 km, says the cofounder of the fighting birds of ukraine and shares a video of how their drones work here two cannons were hit before the 30s and their bulls are not isolated cases when two different two drones of different types work at the same time. One adjusts the second, e. Black smoke, when the production was launched, the team had seven employees, they produced three drones a month, in a year they increased production 40 times , the cofounder of the Organization Says that absolutely all volunteer funds buy from us. We have cases when the military buys airplanes to replenish losses at our own expense, we allocated 40 of our turnover to the state, more than half of ukrainian parts, the rest are purchased from germany , poland, china, dmytro says that all components should be manufactured in ukraine, this is a guarantee that there will be no problems with supply, most of the Circuit Boards are already manufactured in ukraine the communication is made in ukraine eh well, the drones themselves are made as a form of a carcass, that is, we dont have so many propellers, engines , regulators, flight controllers are already made in ukraine and a lot of things which we already manufacture in ukraine with better quality, i will tell you more stable drones , consumables, we lose about 300400 of them every day at the front , the head of the air Reconnaissance Support Center , maria berlinska, told the public earlier. Quantity so that it can be taken off the shelf because the intensity of radioelectronic warfare on the part of our enemy is extremely high if we are talking about small reconnaissance drones. We need about 3,000 of them per month for today we provide about 1. 5 thousand and in the coming months we will definitely close this need somewhere. I think in september and october they will be exactly in the amount that you need in order for it to be a permanent conveyor of orders for this equipment. Unites manufacturers , the general staff of the ministry of defense, mine figures and the state Intelligence Service received an order for 100,000 attack drones from the military this year, 12,000 have been purchased so far yuriy shegol says that they plan to complete the order by the end of the year, the process slow because we had to solve bureaucratic issues, all the maximum blockers that hmm did not allow fast production. There were approximately zero in ukraine, 200 companies manufacture a year ago, there were 30, says yury shegol , the head of the production of one of them, it is difficult to fulfill a state order in such a time frame, he says it is difficult for security reasons, we do not show our faces all our buyers who officially purchase drones from manufacturers must close the contract by december 31, this can cause a big pause in the supply of drones because we will wait for the next tranche next year when they plan a new budget and this is the biggest problem for us in Everything Else a and we have a lot of support from the state , says vlad, drones are also sold to volunteers, which the state cannot provide, something incredible , these sums, and despite the fact that they exaggerated , dmytro kozatsky, one of our meetings closes its First Charity fundraiser for the r18 Unmanned Aircraft complex for the frontier offensive brigade, they gave away a book and postcards from mariupol in the charity draw, lastly dmytro offered an authors photo session, three million 540,000 is needed, more than 3 million six hundred thousand have already been collected, this is an unmanned evaluation complex servi 18, which includes two large octocopters eh, then eh, the control point itself is with these augtocopters and there are special ones for the protection of the apartment or under the influence of the reaction , a lot of eh different eh copters drones are lost, and its just not because our servicemen are unprofessional or poorly managed, and this is because this is the specifics of war, and it is normal. When they are lost, and this is the training of servicemen on the r18, for security reasons, we do not show our faces, sometimes we have to come to the front to work with the guys or something new or show something new or add something new to them, well, this is the work and travel program, as we call all drones in nato sergins, ukrainian Reconnaissance Strike drones , foreign partners are already interested, yuriy said goldfinch but i understand that first the victory, then exports, the opening of the economy, karina bugaichenko, Dmytro Suslov and valery ratushnyuk, public news, save our defender in zaporizhzhia, the fighter was wounded twice, he was forced to retreat from his position, a tried andtrue legend, by wounding his leg. He passed out in the direction of the position of the Ukrainian Army , lost consciousness several times they knew where he was, but they could not take him due to the proximity of enemy positions to the enemy, it was less than 200 m. So how did drones help in all operations

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