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, are glad to see you. And now we are passing on the word of the channel we ukrainians take care ukraine the world has gone to the top even with man zero and to the world fortify the borders of ukraine with drones join the gathering of the border guard our weapon is the truth the marathon relay is picked up by the ukraine tv channel every day we step towards victory we highlight the life of a heroic and free country and united news in the center of events, the broadcast of the marathon continues, the team of the channel, we are ukraine, the most important thing is just now, i am igor popkov, we start at night, the enemy once again attacked ukraine with drones , the russians launched them around midnight with in the northern direction, the threat of an attack by martyrs was initially for sumy, chernihiv, and poltava regions, then kyiv region, vinnytsia region, cherkasy region, zhytomyr region, and khmelnytsky region were later reddened, and the western regions of lviv, rivne region, and ternopil region, there are discounts on lospirin tablets 10 in pharmacies to kharkiv, a city that suffers from russian weapons every day, i know that poltava has become a home for tens of thousands of displaced people and for me a second hometown where the best years of my career have passed. Thank you to the armed forces of ukraine for the opportunity to play football hemorrhoids it will be 600 pink french pills for hemorrhoids just drink it with water flbudia 600 see this week in the program judicial control with tatyana shustrava the bribe of the head of the state Judicial Administration two and a half thousand dollars olynyk had to keep for Mediation Services and how did salnykov manage to privatize the official residence, the documents provided to us testify to his stable financial condition, watch the program of judicial control on august 410 at 17 45 tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel joins the community with a ukrainian view of the world become a sponsor of the espresso Youtube Channel and this is access to exclusive content personal thanks pinned comments special icons and the possibility of personal communication with the Espresso Team click sponsor and become part of the community with a ukrainian view the war continues and not only for territories, it is also a war for umy russia is throwing millions of petrodollars to turn ukrainians into a small russian ukraine state of the highway analysis and analysis of information about ukraine of russian propagandists, specific facts and methods by which hostile propaganda turns people into obedient zombies historical residents of the ldr, lets counter the information attacks of the russians in the project of the chronicle of the information war with olga len tuesday thursday friday at 17 10 on espresso tv channel hello this is freedom morning informational project radio svoboda is visiting every day, this is the shipping district of kherson, we are live, we are digging somewhere in the wheels of bahmut, we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9 00 , i am olga lentsa, the chronicles of hostilities and first of all, i will tell you that we have a new urgent collection, intelligence needs our help, the espresso tv channel and the vesna charity fund are collecting funds for the purchase of modern drones for the 23rd separate rifle battalion of the armed forces of ukraine. The defenders are working in the donetsk direction. Models of kamikaze drones and their components , we have such a serious goal of one million and 900 thousand hryvnias, so join now, you can see all our data, there is a qrcode, you can look at broadcast, every hryvnia is an investment in the safety of our heroes and the victory of ukraine, all the collected funds will be used for the needs of the 23rd 23rd separate rifle battalion , join us well, actually, about what is happening now on the front of the armed forces of ukraine , offensive operations continue in three directions of the front this is bakhmut, melitopol and berdyansk ukrainian troops have achieved local success in the zaporizhzhia region and south of bakhmut, and the occupiers are attacking in turn near avdiivka maryanka, and recently especially the direction of the kupyan estuary in particular, in the direction of kupyansk, lets see in more detail what has been happening in recent days on the map of hostilities map of hostilities for the period august 28, 2023 the counteroffensive in the south of ukraine repeats the operation in the kherson region during the week the armed forces of ukraine focused on the destruction of logistics from crimea and Donetsk Region , as well as pushed by the second line of defense in the direction of nadtok. The low quality of their field medicine, then this number will be 22. 5 times higher logistics from the crimea and the Southern Front as is known it is through the railway from the crimea that the occupiers provide the main supply of ammunition to the front, therefore , sundays strikes on the chongar and genichesky bridges cut the main logistical artery of the enemy and provided a guaranteed several weeks of ammunition starvation for the war in zaporizhzhia and Donetsk Region, in addition , the only surviving route from the crimea through the armenian route is not only 200 km longer, smaller and significantly more dangerous because it runs through directly close to the front through brylovka and nova kakhovka, which are in the line of fire of not only highmars, but also of course domestic and foreign artillery in the service of the uzsu. Another railway road goes through volnovakha and is also well shot at, as well as the wellaimed port of berdyansk, so the occupiers are standing faced with a choice, either take a lot of risk or accept a decrease in the number of art shots, which they cannot do. The situation on the Southern Front is beginning to become painful for the russians, similar to the events in the kherson region. The strategy of the armed forces of ukraine provides for the creation of conditions for the logistics of this note simultaneously with the overloading of the front line with the intensity of fighting under such conditions, the protection of the rashists must break somewhere in kherson region, it is not surprising that immediately after the strikes on the bridges, the armed forces of ukraine became active on the left bank of kherson region, destroying the command post of the occupiers in the area of ​​the cossack camps on the coast between the ukrainians also conducted an amphibious operation here with new tiles and beams. How successful was it . Whether our defenders managed to gain a foothold is currently unknown, but the russian the public claims that such a threat exists, however, it should not be ruled out that the sons of the defense will soon be able to force the dnipro embankment and in some other place in two months. To the second, and give me where, they have already begun to actively disassemble it into spare parts, in the event of its breakthrough, the third line of defense will no longer be able to hold back the armed forces, because it serves rather to support the first two than realistically to restrain the armed forces of ukraine zaporizhia front melitopol direction our soldiers continue to kill the wedge the second line of defense between the robot and the recruitment while simultaneously attacking the good areas of the rashists who have established themselves in these villages the situation for the occupiers in the recruitment becomes even more threatening due to the fact that the Defense Forces not only entered on the northern outskirts of the village, but at the same time pressing and advancing along the eastern , southeastern and western outskirts of this stronghold, the donetsk front, berdyansky castle, well , after the deoccupation of staromajorsk, the Defense Forces had to repulse a number of counterattacks on this village during the week, at the same time the destruction of a significant number of raschits allowed the armed forces of ukraine to intensify their attack on the neighboring crops. Simultaneously attacking from the east , the russians concentrated their reserves on the main line of defense, novozlatopil, remyovka, volodya, not staromlynovka, kermenchik, and are in no hurry to send them to help the invaders, the harvest it also allows them to leave their garrison in a sheltered area. It is quite logical that soon the rashists in these villages will end or simply flee. Kilometers from ugledar and pressed against the kashgach river in the village of mykilske , the occupiers had to quickly introduce reserves to stabilize the situation, but it should be expected that soon this direction was again taken by the kinerathists from the surprise of the Luhansk Region, the russians were surprised that in the Luhansk Region, during the week, the enemy not only failed to advance in the opposite direction, but also retreated several kilometers in the area of ​​karmazinovka, from where this offensive actually began, here the armed forces of ukraine managed to repel the invaders to the zerebets river was solemnly forced a few weeks ago , so after three weeks of the offensive, the russians were left with a small strip of ukrainian territory in the area of ​​the villages of novy horivka , sergiyivka, russian successes are so it is obvious that the chief of the russian general staff, general gerasimov, was forced to personally come to this part of the front to attack in manual mode, not expecting success in the naboriv direction, the russians launched another massive offensive on kupyansk, the villages of senkivka and pershotravneve district, they had no success, on the other hand, the Defense Forces managed to destroy the enemys command post near hryanikyvka wins daily death to the enemy, you see it , its pretty cool, and its very active, well, now well Start Talking behind you, varchenko, this is a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, an expert on security issues. Congratulations, mr. Ivanychi, glory to the heroes, you know. Lets start a conversation on such a topic, in fact, in such battles , when they are going on, well, it is enough in close contact, when such a slow thrust becomes very important, well, firstly, secondly, what is have the development of er to do those who destroy the force there were at close x distances and on the other hand, recently there has been increased talk about the importance of er Electronic Warfare and that we are in this plan, well, for us it is so problematic just a moment. Could you please explain in more detail why these questions have arisen now . They are more active, why did they Start Talking more actively , that is, how did it develop in the process, because we know that for a long time ukrainians dominated and in drones and what are the possibilities of such activity, well, now i understand this situation. Well, it may be more problematic, but it is such an important enough component that it would be correct for me to say that the ukrainians dominated for a long time in drones, we are talking about Unmanned Systems are now capable of conducting ee, including strikes, as well as conducting reconnaissance activities and being used in other forms of ee combat. If we talk about unmanned reconnaissance systems, the russians use them very much, they used drones as strike drones and pestered us constantly since the first days of the great war and we understood that they have them, and the breakthroughs occurred during the last year when Unmanned Systems showed more and more efficiency compared to classical means of guidance wars, such as armored vehicles, including heavy or technical equipment, tanks, artillery, and finally classic aviation, we see that drones are comfortable systems of the shock reconnaissance type, they were much more largescale, they had the opportunity to be used on the front line, there were much more of them and, accordingly, the simplicity of their use in management led to that we are the one who had a sufficient number of such systems. Who had the opportunity to manage them more effectively, he found an increasingly wide range of uses. Well, and accordingly gained a competitive advantage. Now we see that the price of one tank and the price of a drone are sometimes commensurate, while when a drone destroys an armored shock tank, i wont remind you, it costs somewhere close to, well , the drone, which is the kamikaze, up to 500 conventional units, at the same time, dollars, at the same time, the e tank is three or more Million Dollars can be worth a modern therefore er here of course as a means of impression and as a means of intelligence and warning in this competition now , including russia, russia has joined at the state level and we now er practically the state catching up with metemfs takes on own part of the responsibility now for the production of Unmanned Systems, but to a large extent this deficit of the balance of the balance was compensated by the private civilian sector, our ukrainian volunteers, which military personnel established such production, and where there were craftsmen in nils, they established production , including directly within the limits of military units we also have such examples and they are not isolated, now, the main direction is developing. It is certain that the introduction of modern warfare is developing around these unmanned various systems of flying platforms and ground underwater ee and, of course, as a means of countermeasures , including means of radioElectronic Warfare, since control is carried out using systems that include radio waves ee, means of radioElectronic Warfare are of a tactical level where they work practically above the front line , defending their positions, these the means can be small in the hands of each fighter, for example, like antidrone rifles, which are enough, and now there are enough of them on the front. Although, of course, these means are also lacking on individual areas, etc. But at the same time, this is something that is available, something that is becoming more and more every day, yes, the system of the operational and strategic level, of course, those that do not allow creating a dome over the parts that do not allow breaking through this dome from radio interference by any radio waves by any controlled ee through ee radio waves do not give these means the opportunity to penetrate therefore ee now there is a competition regarding who is more sophisticated and who is more powerful in whom these systems are able to work in a wider range of radio wave suppression and of course ukraine is here together with our partners, well, we see it, they put emphasis on the fact that we have to improve those systems that worked in ukraine, and we see that dozens of enthusiasts, including developers within our ukroboronprom, are now finding the opportunity to test themselves in ukrainian fields to undergo appropriate examination. And after that , whether or not to enter into service with our Defense Forces. Well, it also concerns the appropriate equipment that our partners have, we ask them to provide it. Equipment, they respond, as we can see. We are trying to counter this russian influx of drones more or less effectively. Well, but we understand that the militaryindustrial complex of russia, engineers and it experts, are trying to find some more sophisticated ways. To go beyond the standards and of course it will be a constant competition. I hope that we , together with our partners, will be ahead in this competition, because ukraine was famous for a reason for our people who work in the field of it technologies. And of course we we understand that the civilized world is much ahead of russia, which is not yet civilized. Well, i would like to think so. And tell me, how much is russia capable of using Electronic Warfare to interfere with uh . I understand, they also need a certain way to guide there by gps coordinates to what extent russia is able to prevent them from hitting the target, thats right, its competition once again eh, ill return to the fact that eh, that more sophisticated means of impression will be eh will be the more sophisticated their countermeasure system will be, it is clear that it is russian, that is, weapons appear, they adapt to it, study it after they begin to understand what principle it works on, then, accordingly, they find opportunities how to create that combination so that it is possible to counter it well, well, i will say exactly now about the combinations of Guidance Systems, they are really combined to a large extent, combined on the one hand, it s radio waves, on the other hand, its satellite navigation, the internet, and a number of other possibilities through memorization through frames, visualization of certain objects, when practically the means are turned on, the radio means are turned on only when the object is practically flying, that is , the programming now and the combination of these various possibilities lead to the fact that each means, if it for example, one of the Guidance Systems, then another Guidance System can work for itself and for what is called for what is withdrawn, we will not get anywhere from this, the further the development of the Guidance Systems again the more they develop, the more countermeasures will develop, it will be a mirror understanding and what the enemy will do, what the russians will do, and what we will do, we will improve both. And all the more , before we call out what is in front of us now, we understand that the russians are fixing now the state register, that is, in fact, we have this one. Well, there is a war like the one that is currently unfolding in our country and everyone must adapt to it. Lets go now for a little advertising, and in the second, well, after the advertising, come to us again guests will be added and we will also be there. Well, we will talk about mahmut and about the south, well, that is, about different areas of the front, so now there is an advertisement on the espresso tv channel. This is a film about how in one moment you can lose everything. It was the dovinites and buryats, houses were set on fire and people were shot , and when i told them, i said, why did you kill my husband , and he says, this is not a moment about how the inhabitants of the village of yagidne were driven into the basement of the school by the occupiers , and one person was hit by a halfmeter square a woman was kept without food, water and medicine for 27 days before dying, they went crazy, a film about nadia and liberation , a russian cattleman died here, and about 150 people, and about the search for new meanings in life, thats all my children , all those who survived the occupation, the hellish month in the occupation is documented the pain of the residents of the ivanivka community in chernihiv oblast saturday , august 12, 11 15 espresso Andriy Yanitskyi keeps the economy under surveillance yes, we are talking about Economic News on the espresso channel, but it is not about dry numbers and clear terms, it is about the economy is available about the ability to analyze, forecast and profit, but what will be the Exchange Rates of salaries and pensions and how will the prices of products change, information about everything that affects our wallet, and informed means armed, see the news project of the economy with andrii yanitsky on weekdays at 8 10 a. M. Espresso, the war in ukraine is the main topic for ukrainians, victories and losses , analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics , all this will be discussed by Serhiy Rudenko and the guests of his program, people with information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and create the future, the main and interesting thing in the program is the verdict of Serhiy Rudenko from monday to friday at 8 00 p. M. , repeat at 12 10 p. M. Actually, i think that we will probably Start Talking about the kupyan direction , eh, and mr. Ivan. Look, in the kupyan direction, the russians tried to advance in the direction of borova, and in principle, we can say that this offensive terrified them a little because they back there, they are pushing back, now they are from the other side, uh, try that through the synkivka in the direction of uh , kupyansk, what is this, this is a search there. They are trying to feel our defenses. In these directions, and no, this is not a probing, it is an attempt to counterattack in other areas of the front in order to divert our forces and means from those areas of the front where ukraine holds the initiative and is now pressing forward, and therefore the kupyan direction is tasty for them. Is the direction that has its own the goal and purpose is to ensure the logistics of the Northern Front , they lost it when they lost izyumi kupyansk, which is a very Large Logistics Center in the Kharkiv Region. All the northern grouping of the Occupation Forces from the beginning of the largescale aggression, i will remind you that at that time their logistics passed through bilhorod , then went through vovchansk of the Kharkiv Region to the raisin of kupyansk, and uh, to them then well, enough it was easy to do all this, now they called it through svatov, through kremyana, they provide their main agglomeration, this is in Luhansk Region , this is severodonetsk, voznechanska, rubizhne, and accordingly, from there they are trying to provide their shock seams, the assault groups, which are currently concentrated to a large extent in the kupyan direction, so they are pressing in the area of ​​the village of senkivka, they are now trying to push through, but according to the data provided by our ministry of defense and the general staff , the ukrainians are firmly holding the defense now and the enemy is not succeeding. And what they will try to do this well, it is obvious that they, uh, they are using classic books on the theory of warfare and striking. In other directions, they expect us to relax our pressure, for example, in the south or in the bakhmut area. On this well, lets put it this way, this past week, various highranking russians, including general gerasimov, uhuh, uhhuh, how can you evaluate them. They went there in nadia, what can they show there . Well, they went there to give out medals after all. In nadia to show that there are successes or was it rather an attempt to cheer up these troops on the spot, i rather see in this a sign that the situation increasingly forces them to leave their comfort zone. That is, we dictate the conditions. We create problems for the russian occupiers. We create problems for them. Practically on every part of the front, and they would really like to sit carefully in the kremlin and enjoy the consequences

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