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To work a lot to restore Economic Growth when you said that consumption fell by half by 50 . This is, well, taking into account, for example, azovstali. We, taking into account Metallurgical Enterprises compared to ukraine, to a largescale withdrawal, yes, taking into account Metallurgical Enterprises, it is also simply terrible, and one more uh, well, if i could say it, another scheme that is superimposed on all this on the one hand in there are people who more or less emphasize on us in more or less peaceful territories well, for example, in kyiv, even the west of ukraine, he, he, he recently suffered from shelling, so although it is possible and not as much as the east, but it was affected, but there is an eastern and southern frontline territory, how can these people who live there survive the winter, because well there is definitely no question of whether there will be blockades, it seems that they are already there, we talked with the communities of sumy oblast, in fact , we are going to continue to cooperate with them and keep this situation under control, what are they asking for, of course, first of all they ask it is possible to obtain generators in order to be able to create some common points for heating or for generation. We are also an Analytical Center, although a classic Analytical Center does not do this. But we also last year were engaged in the search for generators for the communities, it was successful, not as much as we would like, but they put, uh, now there are quite a lot of initiatives, referring to the fact that European Partners support or simply there , foreign charitable funds, to put some kind of greener generator for the communities, some solar panels, of course, they will not completely replace the generation in the winter, but something so that it is possible to combine somewhere, uh, in fact, it is also worth considering, and such communities should go out and be more active in showing what they need to formulate what they need, i would like to give an example. Okay, this is not a presentation of the territory but an extremely good example of zhytomyr, the mayor of zhytomyr did not just formulate his strategy on how to develop the Energy Sector there within the framework of the city, but he is very actively implementing it, they are building their own local they are trying to reduce consumption and improve energy efficiency. This is also a big, big task for all of us. I wont be the first and i wont be the last to say that electricity prices for the population will be raised. They promise not to raise them until the end of the year. Will be until the end of the year, at least according to the governments promises, but at some point an increase will be possible after the next heating season, maybe after the war, but the price increase will be and if you can start thinking about energyefficient technologies at home, it is worth thinking about it, even if it seems that it will not be very profitable now, or why do i need it, then in the longer term, these things will buy themselves. Well, andriy gerus, by the way, he is the head of the Verkhovna Rada committee on energy and housing and Communal Affairs economy because he said this it was the day before at the business breakfast from forbes in kyiv, the winter will be difficult, but we will be able to pass it decently , i will not recommend people to leave the country , gerus said, but we need to minimize all risks, we should prepare for winter well, this clear and then he said an interesting thing, as for me, one of the easiest ways is to replace the usual incandescent lamps with led ones. It is quite simple, but a very effective way to save electricity. Is this true . Now there is a state program for up to five lamps. People can bring old ones and exchange them for leds, and this really saves a lot of electricity, because reducing consumption, well , this is one of the ways, the truth is, of course, because the consumption is better, replacing such lamps , classic incandescent lamps, with energyefficient ones will show a better result if you have, for example, a condominium and you need to replace and you want to replace all the light bulbs in the common area, then uh , i read ok, we have it in our hands, i checked, but i read about reducing consumption by somewhere up to 20 . On such large ones, if at the same time they work there 24 hours a day, i dont know whether its a washing machine or a refrigerator, its basically an economy, it may not be very good to install twozone, threezone meters , they already do that, and im now trying to find some solutions for people who can survive this winter as an expert at what you can advise if i return to the topic if you have a condominium because it seems to me that the creation of a condominium and in general, the creation of such an association of people who live far from each other on the eve of winter will be very necessary, it is very important to know who lives next to you as possible help each other. Maybe someone has batteries and you can come to charge the phone. I think that the creation well, let s get to know each other better, it will also help further. Consumption or what else can be done jointly autonomous heating, well even that or what else can be done jointly in order to be as independent as possible from possible disconnections there are autonomous heatings there are well these are already very expensive options but i heard about such that they bought generators there the whole house so that they can work in many , well at least in kyiv, in many houses now there are generators for these critical things and politicians so that people just dont get stuck there they are there they work and they will help reduce consumption, and therefore reduce and then payments, etc. And, of course, on an individual level, if there is an opportunity to stock up or a generator, it is difficult for an Apartment Building to have a lot of generators. Well, we are our family. Now go to olx and look, well, you know, on any ad site, look at the sale of generators , well, at least 30,000 ads, for sure, this is one of my rectors, just dug up such an interesting fact. What do you think about private business he is so smart, smart, who understands the demand, he makes a reliable forecast that our winter will be like this, seriously, you understand, yes , businessmen, they are all already foreseen, which we will see not only during this autumn, but also during the coming years, how business , and especially large business, will be built around at least i already hear about such an equally certain autonomous generation, and there is a growing interest in creating and placing such large battery installations not far from the Energy Storage er, portable biogas plants, it is true that it costs 5,000, but here, in fact, this is where we return to the topic of what we started with, and where our partners can help us, and how we can simultaneously rebuild and modernize our Energy Sector and here these Cool Solutions that are just starting to emerge somewhere in the world, but they are green , they are modern, they are effective, we can talk, dear partners, lets test it in ukraine , lets bring it here, in fact , i would really support such and such a strategy of ours of the government, and this will definitely help to attract more funds from partners than their brother from the ukrainian consumer. I really like the key of our conversation, you know why. Because despite the fact that we are talking in principle about problems and the problem is serious. I like the way you answer questions. When you every time you give me hope that we will have new technologies, we will have some updated networks and so on. I like it very much. Will be difficult, at least not easy, for sure. And we talked about it. It will be. There will be some kind of situation, but we also talked about the fact that we already have experience. By the way, air defense is better than last winter, and the government also says about it , and we have all these troubles, i would say we have a chance to modernize the country, to rebuild it, sometimes you can hear, well, the muscovites destroyed it. Well, we will not rebuild anything, maybe even better, even so, remember that it is difficult for the guys at the front, that is why we will be able to get through the winter and we will be able to rebuild and we can and must even help those who is at the front, we absolutely have to help, and this is exactly what you predicted the thesis that you prepared for the final of the program, because we know very well that the energy eh, if the stabilization of the Energy Situation , the stabilization of the Economic Situation , the stabilization and even the growth of many more situations that we really want to get depends directly on the efforts of our armed forces, and therefore the best way to approach means a bright future, donate to the armed forces of ukraine for what in a year and a half you know where too you know what needed i think im also in the know ahead at least now 50 uah each for viewing this plow program thats right, right now i also thank you very much, we had such a little messy conversation but i understand that there were several, well, very serious meanings here and im very glad to see you come to the studio, lets talk about energy, god willing, well meet in the winter and talk about how its already inside the situation, it might even happen so that it wont be so serious. As we foresee , well hope, well thank you very much, i i will remind you that we talked about energy today with olena pavlenko, the president of the Analytical Center of dixigroups. Thank you once again. Next, the marathon continues in the news queue. Dont switch. Chevrons that bring victory closer. We are beating the occupier on the ground. And we will definitely have enough strength to achieve victory. Glory to the Defense Forces of ukraine, we are moving forward. If a person close to you has joined the armed forces of ukraine, you should know the title, position, number of the military unit of the battalion company, the contacts of the commanders and the contacts of your comrades will be useful. Keep calm and support each other , join the Civil Defense now, such appeals were widespread on the eve of the Second World War in Great Britain, they bet on an army of volunteers, people were called to undergo special training to help in their in case of need, they had a very important role, because they were the first link in the chain of people who were involved in helping those who suffered aerial bombardment , they determined what services were needed and called fire brigades, rescuers or ambulance teams, they were the first point of contact for many matches, no matter how many trainings the inspector conducts. He will not be able to work effectively without full detailed knowledge of the territory for which he is responsible, you are required to know the shortest paths from one point to another to be able to find a way day or night, despite the destruction after the attack, the first such civilian organization was founded four years before the start of the war, it was the National Service against air raids, its members, who were called inspectors, knew how to behave immediately after the bombing, knew how to distinguish ammunition and even dispose of it. They all had such shovels for extracting bombs in order to quickly take them away, this primarily concerned incendiary bombs that caused fires. Here you can see on their eyes safety glasses and helmets on their heads to protect against debris that can fall from above, and in their backpacks they had gas masks, they were somewhat better than those that were distributed to people because the inspectors were in much riskier circumstances at that time , britain was very worried about poison gas attacks, so millions of gas masks were distributed to people and although the work of this service organized by the ministry of internal affairs. It was a completely voluntary organization and, with the exception of a few management positions, most of its members worked for free. In general, during the war, almost 2 million volunteers, these people stayed up all night often helping during air raids and then went to work from nine to five. So it was very exhausting for them during this exhausting time , volunteers from other services worked next to the inspectors of the antiaircraft service. Like the Fire Department they helped evacuate people , provided first aid, cleared debris , looked for pets and selected places for temporary shelter, this is the uniform of the womens volunteer service in 1941, it had 1 million members, they helped people whose houses were bombed, they looked after them in recreation centers, they provided food, shelter, warmth and just attention and reassurance that everything will be fine. They demonstrate that the spirit of this country is unshakable even under blitz bombing. There was definitely an understanding that your country is under threat and everyone must unite and everyone must do Everything Possible to help and many did exert maximum effort to avoid even worse consequences of the blitz, the work of volunteers was very risky, about 200,000 members of the civilian of defense died in the performance of their duties, it was vitally necessary at that time, and if britain had not organized Public Defense and the crane, the consequences of the blitz air raids would have been even more terrible , Civil Defense in britain existed until 1969, then it was disbanded, although now there is a volunteer in the country an organization that wants to reproduce the success of its historical predecessor , the reality is that no one knows what tomorrow will bring, even here we can find ourselves in a situation when a bomb is planted by terrorists or even missiles from a Foreign Force arrive no one knows this. So what we are trying to do is to prepare for everything pangamsport, a former soldier himself says that the Civil Defense service is no less important in peacetime because volunteers can help in any emergency situations, in particular and natural disasters, all our people have broad general skills they will arrive at the scene of the incident and will be able to help all Emergency Services, whether it is to establish a border or provide medical assistance, or in the event of a fire, they will have knowledge of how to help fire brigades , especially in the case of forest fires, mr. Gansport believes that in ukraine it is not too late to create a Civil Defense service, because it will be able to greatly relieve state departments , it can never be too late to prepare to deal with emergency situations, if you think that it is already too late, how many more lives can be lost, this is also a way to maintain the fighting spirit of people there are many who do not want to join the soldiers on the front line and for various reasons, but this does not mean that they did not want to be part of a Public Organization that helps people to survive to a certain extent it should be seen as a way to make it easier for the armed forces to do what is most important, despite the invaluable help of volunteers during the Second World War, dozens of countries in the world have now overtaken Great Britain in terms of Civil Defense, germany, ireland , france, italy, poland and many others have a powerful corps of volunteers in their ranks military veterans also often emphasize the importance of Civil Defense in nato, and it is not necessarily about preparing for war, but about any emergency situations , natural disasters or manmade disasters, although there is still no general approach to the organization of Civil Defense in the alliance, its necessity and scope are determined by each individual country svitlana charnetska Yuriy Romanyuk details British Bureau of the tv channel inter marathon the only news chevrons approaching victory without weapons in their hands but with brave hearts they dare to walk through the flames and smoke in order to save the victims , brave enough to go out on mined lands so that the light in our homes was restored, brave enough not to make a mistake when there is no right to make a mistake, because the fate of millions depends on this, brave enough to give hope and faith that everyone who is waiting for help will not remain in trouble where a person experiences the most terrible moments, heroes without weapons, rescuers of the Emergency Services are approaching victory and fight for every life. Tell me honestly, how anxiety prevents you from doing things, then imagine it as a drawing in a book, and the book is just is lying on your knees now close her drawers and come back to us to find out other ways to improve your condition go to the site how are you. Com mine warfare how do our sappers work on the front line im on my way out im constantly hiding what sapper brigades use to block the enemys way and who insures them, the task is now there, there is an unexplored field to mine completely in a night raid together with the sappers, ruslan went to destroy the defense deficit, what means are critically lacking in our air Defense Forces and how much is the cost of defense alone against a missile that is launched by a petrnet, it costs 950 million dollars, why enemy missiles sometimes such a person achieves goals by rocket programming the routes of missiles in order to confuse the air defense and mislead us, how to counter this, mykhailo menilyuk figured out the mission accomplished, how to mount the trident on the shield motherland, mother, you work, you see, the heat is completely terrible, the metal reflects off it, its impossible to touch it, its 80 degrees, what kind of persian symbolism remains on the monument and how to remove it, make the organization of these stars, there are four of them in honor of the sword, we know how to make it there in the hatch yevgeny brigar talked with the designer of the trident on the highest mount in ukraine, 8 00 p. M. In ukraine, its time to sum up the main results of thursday, august 17 , inters Information Service in the studio, oleksiy fadeev, the president officially dismissed everyone of Regional Military committees Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed the corresponding decrees and recommended to the commanderinchief of the armed forces of ukraine Valery Zaluzhny to appoint to the regional tcc officers who directly participated in hostilities. Sometimes leaders and the Central Committee often found themselves at the center of scandals, in particular, the head of the donetsk Regional Military committee was taken into custody with the possibility of bail in sumy 3 million hryvnias well, according to the investigation, the odesa military officer illegally enriched himself by hundreds of millions of hryvnias during his work. Lets go on. The first one went to the black sea. A new humanitarian corridor was launched, and the first civilian ship has already sailed from odessa to the bosphorus. What is this route and why its launch is so important . Let us tell you further on these photos, josef shulte, a cargo ship belonging to one of the German Companies has been sailing under the flag of hong kong since the beginning of the fullscale war, that is, for almost a year and a half, this container ship stood in the port of odessa and only a few days ago set course for the bosphorus using the temporary humanitarian corridor with 30,000 tons of cargo on board, including food, ukraine proposed to open a temporary humanitarian corridor in the black sea, primarily to evacuate civilian ships stuck in the ports of chornomorsk, odesa and pivdenny in february 2022 after the fullscale invasion of russia and were unable to return to the counterposts because they were not subject to the grain agreement. Now, in order to use this corridor, ship owners and captains must confirm that they are aware of the threat of attacks from on the part of russia and are ready to take risks. And the ships themselves must have cameras installed that will broadcast the entire process of passage through the temporary humanitarian corridor. More than 60 commercial vessels can potentially use the route. If the route is successfully operational, it will be a demonstration that russia does not fully control the black sea and a big step until the restoration of freedom of navigation. Perhaps in the future the corridor will be able to be used for the export of grain, at the same time , alternative plans for the export of ukrainian grain are being developed about one of them the American Media reported, according to the lostreet journal, the United States is negotiating with turkey and ukraine and a number of other countries on the expansion of the socalled danube route in plans to export up to four million tons of grain per month along the danube to romanian ports by october , and ukrainian ports are proposed to be protected, including military protection, the Port Infrastructure of the danube also needs protection after withdrawing from the sacrificial agreement. Russia is systematically attacking ukrainian ports in the danube delta this week with martyrs we hit reni, its grain hangars were destroyed, seven workers were injured, the explosions were heard even in neighboring romania. And for just one mix, russia tried to destroy the black sea Grain Initiative. Today was already the seventh , the seventh massive russian attack, portreni ports , izmail port, southern porto, odesa , chornomorsk port, mykolaiv, every russian a blow to them is a blow to world food prices is a blow to social and political stability in africa in asia basic things that give every society a normal life is food food on at the tables of families, no other terrorist in the world, except russia , has ever so openly and deliberately attacked the security of several nations at once. Putin is not interested in global food security. The actions of the kremlin have a negative impact on ukrainian farmers and all those in the world who depend on grain supplies russias attacks on ukrainian Port Infrastructure destroyed ukrainian grain intended for world markets. Russia withdrew from the Grain Initiative by revoking shipping safety guarantees and announcing that it would consider all ships heading to ukrainian ports as potential carriers of military cargo to return to the agreement moscow seems to be ready if a number of conditions are met, including the connection of rosylfosbank to the swift system, the resumption of operation of the ammonia pipeline tolyatti odesa, the lifting of restrictions on insurance and access to ports tetyana logunovych ishla frolov details tv channel intermarathon single news well, onward a scandalous statement that shook the Information Space not only in ukraine but also abroad, the nato representative, the chief of staff of the secretary general, suggested that ukraine could be accepted into the alliance in exchange for relinquishment of part of its territories, russian propaganda took the opportunity to interpret the officials expression, of course, on his own, but what did he really mean and what

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