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The whole of europe, i believe that this will be the biggest challenge, because russia will attack with disinformation, fakes, this firstly, secondly, it is very important for ukraine to have a protective shield for the winter, because in the winter there will be many attacks on us by various types of russian missiles and iranian drones. More about the importance of helping ukraine with weapons, zelsky already tells the leaders at the opening of the summit, he is given the floor first and himself. 10 minutes are allocated the most time for him in a halfhour session, and the ukrainian president emphasizes that the only way to end this war is an unequivocal victory for ukraine. Russia is considering various scenarios for the coming years. If there will be any in this aggression against ukraine pause, any freezing of the situation will lead to a new critical moment. 2028 year. If russia is allowed to adapt now until 2028, the kremlin with. Can restore the military potential that we have destroyed, and russia will have enough power to attack the countries that are the focus of russian expansion, except ukraine, these are precisely the baltic countries and precisely those countries on the territory of which russian contingents are present, this is clear information from our intelligence, we signal you about it. In the meantime, journalists asked what was going on with the money, whether kyiv was worried about washington will not pass a new aid package, and is brussels prepared to cover you. Which the us would have to take on. Zelensky answered ukraine stopped worrying in the first days of the invasion, since then it has been working, the eu representatives said, they will not replace the us aid, but they are preparing their own. The eu has already mobilized 82 billion euros to help ukraine. And i know that the eu is working hard to pass the additional package. On the table is a proposal to allocate 50 billion euros for ukraine and 20 billion euros for europe. Peace fund to provide more the amount of military equipment for ukraine. It is very tangible, very specific, and it is our duty to support ukraine. And already today in granada, the circle around the discussion table will narrow. An informal summit of 27 leaders of the European Union will begin. They will discuss how to reform the European Union in order to be able to accept ukraine and other candidates. The conversation is not easy, because the new members will radically change the situation in the bloc. Now there are only nine. The 27 countries make larger contributions than receive expenditures from the eu budget, and after enlargement on most countries will become donors to support the new members of the bloc. Olena abramovich, mark hajduk, from brussels, Radio Liberty. This is a summit about free and frank conversations, hugs without promises and. And we return to the events in kharkiv and kharkiv oblast, in these minutes oleg sinyoi, the chief, joins our broadcast. Kharkiv Regional Military administration. Mr. Oleg, i congratulate you. I congratulate you. Thank you for taking the time to join. Lets attack kharkiv in the morning. What is the situation as of now, that we also know why this particular place, wonders, why did it fly here, actually . Yes, indeed, the city of kharkiv woke up today from two, in fact , powerful explosions, we currently know, because the employees of the national, that is, the police , have already identified the debris there, there were two of them. Iskander rockets, one rocket almost the center of the city, historical buildings, private, there were houses there, there were highrise buildings , including another rocket, also a residential building was hit directly in a residential building, where, unfortunately, a tenyearold girl died, well, that is child, a total of 23 people have been identified who have sought medical help, i. E. , are victims. From these arrivals, and at the moment the national police, the units of the state Emergency Service are working on the spot, since the destruction is quite serious, we have to go around each apartment in order to. Make sure that there are no people there, that is, people who have not been given all the unnecessary help, respectively , in parallel , we are working there to ensure that people are provided with all unnecessary places for temporary accommodation, including accommodation, and of course it goes survey about the lack of need, that is, help, including construction materials, our International Partners, volunteer organizations there are also working on the spot. As for the motives, it is unknown, because in fact it was yet another terrorist act, since it was directed exclusively against the civilian population, there are no signs of the presence of any military units or formations there , this is the center of the city of kharkiv, in fact, a historical residential building, eh , please tell me whether applications are already possible people who want them to move out because their housing is damaged to a great extent, they cant continue to live there anymore, you know, at this very time, there is an onsite survey, this, this process has to be organized by the City Government there, we of course we will be there, we will monitor it accordingly, and of course we will contact or provide all the necessary help if needed, and also shortly after the morning strike, in fact, can there still be people under the rubble, or already about people, about residents, all the information known, actually, as of this minute . As of this moment, all the necessary work has already been carried out, which means that the survey has also been carried out, and unfortunately the bodies have been identified there, yes, those who died, and for now, in fact, still, since the destruction is quite serious, we will bypass absolutely all apartments, because even there, in fact, we can well, there may be people in residential premises who may have lost consciousness, etc. , because the explosion. Was quite powerful. Mr. Olezh, and to the events of yesterday, tragic, no less tragic, in what condition are the victims as a result of yesterdays attack on cargo, where are they now, is there a threat to their lives, only in medical facilities, for example . Six people, yes, are in our medical facilities, at the moment, the relevant injuries are quite serious, one person died, there in the hospital, so we already state 52 people, 52. Victims of this terrorist act, these were civilians, it was in fact , there is a Public Catering establishment there, a local cafe, this village is quite small, about 300 people lived there, well, actually there 1 5 of them died as a result of this missile attack on a civilian, and i would also like to draw your attention to the fact that there were no. There were no signs of the presence of the military, they were exclusively civilians, peaceful people. Mr. Oleg, lets clarify, as of this morning we knew about 51 people, 50 two, you say , as of now are victims of the actual roundrobin attack, and this morning a person died in the hospital, and who was it, yesterday, last night, last night, please tell me more about the farewell to the dead, because the identification of the bodies is currently ongoing, as we understand, will there be some kind of joint processions, will these people be buried, or have these issues not yet been raised until all the bodies have been identified . No, at the moment these issues are not being raised, we will work there in a planned mode, so to speak, in this regard, as of yesterday, 25 bodies still needed identification there, in addition, our units of the state Emergency Service will still work there, sort through all the debris in order to make sure that there are no remains, so to speak, bodies on the mission. There is no, since the explosion was quite powerful, the epicenter was directly in this, so to speak cafe , so, actually, according to our information, there may still be people who were in this room, but we have not found the bodies yet. Thank you very much, for joining, direct condolences, oleg synigubov, head of the kharkiv Regional Military administration on the situation regarding the morning shelling by Russian Troops of kharkiv and yesterdays attack on the village of groza, where, as reported. As of now, 52 people have died in ochilnikov. Social benefits under the knife, the ministry of social policy plans to review the existing aid from the state, as they say, for adequacy and determine the maximum terms of its receipt. Also , the department is writing a new social code and wants to reformat benefits globally, so the state will stop paying someone, but there is no question of the complete abolition of social benefits. The ministry of social policy says that they want to create a transparent system of several clear and sufficient payments in cases of poverty, forced unemployment, loss of housing or other risks, when support from state at the same time, support in case of poverty should not only help a person survive, but also give him the opportunity to achieve economic independence. For example, for people to retrain in a new profession, look for a new job or organize a new business. The reason for such a revolution in social benefits was determined by the ministry to be the fragmentation and confusion of the system of social benefits. According to minister of social policy oksana zholnovich, social benefits in ukraine have unclear reasons for providing them. Regarding domesticated persons, who became on in september 2023, there are almost 5 million people, according to the ministry of integration, now checks are ongoing, from august, ukrainians who went abroad with idp status for more than 30 days, or returned home to the occupied territory, may lose payments, their places of residence are checked representatives of social services, and from september 1 they promised to cancel Social Security payments for those who , in the opinion of the ministry of social policy, do not need them, for example, those who bought a car manufactured less than five years ago, or. Real estate, currency, or have deposit on the amount of more than uah 100,000, or those who own housing in the occupied territory, not in the occupied territory and not in the combat zone, if there is enough space for each resident, that is 13. 56 meters, and oksana dzholnovych, minister of social policy of ukraine, in these seconds are already with us on the air, i congratulate you, good afternoon, ms. Oksana, how many ukrainians are now legally receiving their own assistance from the state as immigrants, how many of the checked ones, and the information that was submitted earlier, may have been deprived of this social benefit, and in what were the biggest violations . Well, if we are talking about internally displaced persons, then assistance was given to them for housing , accordingly, we must understand that there is a period of time when a person needs to adapt, additionally find a job, find housing and actually try to adjust his life on his own. Because we have a lot of people moving from different parts of ukraine, but the criteria by which we stopped these payments were very clear, i. E. If you have any of your own housing in the territory that is not occupied and that is not in the war zone, it is obviously not entirely appropriate to pay additional Housing Assistance to that person, if the person went abroad and lives there, received asylum there, then it is clear that International Partners support us because this assistance for internally displaced persons is 100 financed from the funds of the world bank , as well as those funds that are provided to the countries of our neighbors to pay our citizens, these are also the funds of the European Union, the united states, and they ask, these are the same funds that if they already pay our people in poland, so why are they once again paying them as internally displaced people in ukraine , thats why we did a verification, looked at how many of our citizens. Left for asylum in poland or other countries, and there were almost 115,000 such citizens, their payments have been stopped. We also looked, there were duplications , people moved from region to region, but not everywhere applied for the suspension of payments on time , and well, it was not many thousands of people, at the same time, a certain number of expenses, approximately 26,000, were stopped because they were no, no. Not 10,000, almost 10,000, those that received in several communities, they still turned out, verified those who did not submit a document that a relative died, they were already dead, we found out through the registers, about 10,000 payments were stopped, and about 2,010 people and 250,000 people, related with termination, if they have money in their deposit accounts more than 1000 and also they have purchased currency for more than 1000, we also understand. That these people have enough savings and obviously this money should be directed to the poorest, to those who really need it. Mrs. Oksano, but more than that 100,000, its actually not that big of a sum, it might be enough for a family there , i dont know, for four months, for five, somehow later these people can claim if they run out of money for help from the state , they received these benefits for more than a year, now we generally set a deadline, when for such help, for reintegration, we foresee six months. Then we look, if the person could not find a job, or there is a disability, or there are, accordingly, other risks, having many children, we continue this assistance for another six months, if during this period of time, the person does not lose the risks that make him need help, then he will already receive not aid for idps, but aid, for example, for low income, or aid as a large family, or aid as a person with a disability, that is, we are already , we do not give her this status of internally displaced. Because it does not make sense to pay for one status all the time, but we determine the real risk that a person cannot have economic independence in order to work with it correctly, if, for example, she has many children family. And there is nowhere to leave the children, so we need to help the family with a kindergarten or a day care center, like a child with a disability, that is, we need to address the issue, and while there is general assistance as an idp, it is not clear why a person cannot gain independence. Ms. Oksano, but if you count 12 months a year, there is a payment of uah 2,000 per person , that is, it is also such an amount, in fact, it is not very significant, if you evaluate it within the limits of assistance, but it is not the only one, because people, in addition to that is paid. A subsidy to cover communal expenses, in addition, the owners of housing, in which our citizens rent money, are also reimbursed for communal services, you see, this once again proves that when we give many different benefits, but in small sums, one gets the feeling that the same aid is small, and this aid is small, but if you give them all, sum them up, then accordingly a slightly different amount is obtained, that is why we decided that it is better to provide one aid, in a larger amount, then people feel it as help rather than giving 10 benefits for Different Reasons in small amounts, regarding the review of payments and according to what principle they will be carried out and reviewed, i. E. This single large benefit, what approaches do you apply to this, what you have already mentioned, if a large family , then they will be allowed conditionally to look for opportunities to leave the children somewhere while the parents go to work, or some other approaches, from which also, if the family has many children, they receive their payments, we are talking about the Group Benefits that are related to poverty , well, for example, aid to internally displaced persons is related to poverty, a person cannot provide for his own living for some period of time, also aid to the poor is related to poverty, we have several other types of aid that are related with a low income, and we combine them all into one big aid, about whether it will not turn out that while this reformation in social policy, in the issue of aid will take place, those people who really need this aid can stay in fact, with empty pockets, it does not cancel it, all the benefits that are available today, they continue and are paid, and will be combined only when the new law enters into force and new benefits and new payments are implemented, there is nothing that we have stopped now some payments or they said no, some benefits are not paid, even if these benefits are quite small, for example, we have such a care benefit of uah 34, we will still continue to pay it until we combine it with something more significant. Ms. Oksano, from about how long this reformation in the system of these payments can take, that is, you set yourself a deadline, so we have to do it in such and such a period, are there any preliminary calculations, how long it can last . Well, we have already prepared the draft law, now we are coordinating it with other central bodies of the executive power, but the main thing is the parliament and, accordingly , its passage in the parliament. Of course, we will talk to the deputies, we will discuss. Every point of what we propose will be reviewed in the parliament, i hope that it is in favor we will have time in half a year, all those, not a quick reform, all those benefits that are actually paid out in connection with poverty, and the help for idps, you yourself said that it belongs to this category, it is now paid precisely from the funds of ukraines partners, is it possible to also take money from the budget . So, i want to explain, today our budget, that is , the funds that come from ukrainian taxpayers, is almost 100 directed to defense, we are at war, and our International Partners, for example, refuse to pay our military and practically everything, including wages, that is why all ukrainian earned funds 100 go to the war and 100 go to pay the wages of the military and so on, and social expenses, in particular, almost all of our social benefits are covered by various International Partners. Basically, these are the tranches that go into the budget, to the accounts of our budget, but are then directed to aid, and we separately report to those International Bodies for each aid, for each cost, for each expense, for each type of aid partners, who provided funds for this in the budget, have already passed several audits by deloitte, the chamber of accounts and more, that is, very strict monitoring, because all foreigners who give money want. How effectively we use it. Ms. Oksano, and one more very interesting point , i would like you to clarify so that there are no misunderstandings in this context, that is when the verification of those people who, for example, receive assistance in ukraine, both internally displaced persons and abroad as refugees, takes place , how does this happen verification, these are physical people who go home, knock on the door, see if the person does not appear, the documents of the Border Service are checked, whether the person has left , how is this process organized, it is automatically organized, we Exchange Everything and no one knocks on the persons door , information is exchanged with the Border Service , the number of days when the person left and did not return continuously is fixed, and if it is a long period of time, then we suspend this payment if the person returned, if he continues to live in the zone hostilities, registers in some other territory, submits an application to receive this aid again and that s it, please tell me more, if we are talking now in the context of exactly those alternatives that the state can offer to people who, for example, will not be given in the future is there Financial Assistance specifically in terms of money, what are these alternatives or auxiliary, lets say things like that . Look, all the benefits that are there, they remain, that is, we have basic things, when a person cannot take care of himself, it is different a kind of assistance for care when a person does not have sufficient income, that is, there is a risk of poverty, this is support in poverty, and these are the main ones, they can be divided into subspecies, but the purpose or goal with which we provide assistance is when you cannot live you are poor, or when you cannot take care of yourself and you constantly need to receive, and accordingly such types of assistance with such a purpose will remain, but we want to add another service to each of them , because for us it is very important that a person feels not abandoned, not alone, for example, when a woman or a family has suffered from Domestic Violence and they are given temporary payments to support their life, along with not giving psychosocial help, not helping to find a job, not helping to solve legal issues with housing or some other property, a person will leave it like that. In this addiction, in this risk and in this helplessness, if a person has an alcohol addiction or some other addiction as a result of some psychological trauma, if this family is not helped to overcome this addiction, we will never stop payments or change anything for this family, therefore, in parallel with payments, it is very important for us to expand the network of services, when each specific family is accompanied by a social specialist who is specially trained and offers them certain actions for that they improve their lives. If it is, for example, a family that is not able to take care of their child, and it may be unintentional, for example, they could also be raised there in residential institutions and they just dont know how, they dont know the skills parenthood, then it is important to help, support, give specialists who will teach and further release the family into an independent life. This is what we are talking about, we do not have enough services in the communities. Services to help our citizens get out of the crisis, and today it has become very acute, because we all feel tired, we all feel stressed, we dont know how to behave in any simple situations, because there are so many challenges, families are separated among themselves, part of the family members are fighting, constant constant experiences, god forbid another loss of someone from the family, it needs to be accompanied, we need to help people survive these difficult circumstances and teach. Them, how they should deal with it correctly, because otherwise people go into depression, stress, and some other difficult circumstances, and then it is much more difficult for them to adjust their lives. Thank you very much, ms. Oksana, for explaining in simple language, because any reform, especially in the context of supporting people there, is always perceived differently by society, it is important to explain how it will actually be, oksana zholnovych, minister of social policy of ukraine, a guest of our broadcast, we talked about what the situation will be with social benefits, and we heard in particular that for a certain number of people social benefits in ukraine have been stopped because they receive them abroad, for example. Ukrainians read books even during the war. The traditional Publishers Forum has started in lviv, this year, according to the organizers, there will be less trade and more discussions, conversations and meetings. The main topic of this years forum is the census of the future, at more than 150 events prepared by the organizers, there will be discussions on topics such as the future of ukraine, life after the war, and the Ukrainian Cultural space after the russian expansion. In addition to discussions with writers, book presentations and the traditional night of poetry , a book fair was planned, but for the first time only under the open sky. Radio liberty correspondent Halyna Tereshchuk works at the scene. Halyna, i congratulate you, what will surprise the book forum this year, are authors from all over the world afraid to go to ukraine, given the constant the danger of fullscale war. I congratulate my colleague and good morning to all viewers of morning freedom. As a matter of fact, the book fair was fully operational today, and, but in terms of scale, it cannot be equal to what happened in lviv, say 57 years ago, for comparison. Today, 50 publishers participate in the book fair, previously there were five and six times more. There are several reasons, lets say, the book arsenal in terms of scale. The forum cannot be compared to the book arsenal in kyiv, and the second is, after all, time war, and the organizers paid attention to the safety of all the participants who came to lviv, but nevertheless, publishers present their new book products, they publish books, the average price is 400500 uah, but those who visit bookstores buy books all the time, he knows that books have become more expensive in ukraine today and there are many reasons for this, because a book cannot be cheap in ukraine given the paper and other publishers expenses. Literature dominates, mainly historical stories about prominent ukrainian figures, ukrainian literature literature, classical, lets say, there is a lot of childrens and teenage literature, that is, there is a choice, and it is pleasing that , after all, even during the war, publishers are working and looking for what people like today, actually what they read, and what exactly ukrainians they read, we asked them, i bought a fragment, i am now reading, koznyatsova, i think this one, i bought a lot of Historical Books about ukraine, the upa, well, more like that, i dont want to read something, entertaining, well, that is, there is nowhere, i want more history, the more so , that now a lot has turned out, honestly saying, i didnt want to read anything for a long time, and we are looking for a Nursery School for children, i like such adventure novels, fantasy, to relax, to think less about the war, about what is happening in our country now, there was a period when i read a lot a lot about the war, read a lot of stories. This was the first surge, when it was not clear what was happening, after that there was a mad rush for ukrainian classics, specifically literary texts, there is a separate stand about the russianukrainian war, but lets say, the publishers told me that people buy books about modern war, but rather symbolically, to have them in the library for the future, because we live in reality and today we dont really want to read fiction about war. However, this year the organizers are not actually focusing on the book trade , because there are enough bookstores in kyiv or in lviv or in other cities, but her emphasis on discussions is more important. We are talking about the modern war in ukraine, about what awaits ukraine after the war, many ukrainian intellectuals, writers, journalists, scientists, as well as from the west. 18 people came today from. Abroad, several from britain, from america, these are journalists, these are writers, these are historians, but actually those people who today are investigating the war in ukraine, russias crimes against ukrainians, those who, for whom i dont care about the war in ukraine today, and these people actually came to the Publishers Forum today. I will only remind you that 100 or more participants used to come to lviv from abroad, of course, that security and war made their adjustments, lets say. Regarding arrival organizers, but many participants will take part in online discussions , actually through video communication, video communication, all these events are held meetings, presentations in the movement tower, and in several locations in lviv, today they will present, lets say , the book about xavier mozart, which is interesting for lviv residents, the monument caused great discussions, but lets say, today it will be possible to listen to the presentation of the book about documents and more interesting things about. Xavier mozart, there is such a one, it is worth coming to the forum, it is worth looking and watching so that chestnuts do not fall on you. Thank you very much, halyna teryshchuk, Radio Liberty correspondent, from the Lviv Book Forum of the jubilee, 30, 30th, today it takes place in lviv these days. We thank you for being with us , this broadcast can be viewed on the Youtube Channel of Radio Liberty, subscribe to this Youtube Channel in order not to miss the most interesting, in addition, read our other platforms, there appears information, freedom of the morning. I will be with you from monday traditionally at 9 00 a. M. , see you soon. Greetings, eterispresso news, kateryna shirokpoyas works with you in the studio. Russia. The civilian infrastructure in two districts of kharkiv was fired upon indiscriminately. The body of a tenyearold child was found under the rubble of a residential building. Minister of internal Affairs Ihor Klymenko reported. Another 16 people were injured, including a baby. As a result of the attack , a threestory building was completely destroyed, and two more residential buildings were damaged. A fire broke out on the spot. Rescuers continue to clear the debris. At 5 in the morning, the russians struck in the center of kharsona in

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