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And also entered israeli territory by land, sea and air. Militants announced the capture of israeli soldiers, and the Prime Minister of israel declared that the country was in a state of war. This morning , hamas launched a murderous, surprise attack against the state of israel and its citizens. I summoned the leaders of the security establishment and ordered, first of all, to clear the communities, in which terrors penetrated. This is currently being done , at the same time, i have ordered a largescale mobilization of reserves and we have returned fire, on a scale the enemy has not known, the enemy will pay an unprecedented price. Washington is working to ensure that israel has everything it needs to defend itself, us defense secretary lloyd austin said. He added that the pentagon will work to help tel aviv in the coming days, ukraine also condemned the terrorist attack, president zelsky noted that israels right to defense is not is questionable and expressed his condolences to all whose relatives and friends died at the hands of terrorists. We must continue to work hard to provide ukraine with the air Defense Systems and interceptors it needs, and now , in the midst of the counteroffensive, we must also insist that ukraine receive the ammunition it needs to continue fighting, including 155mm ammunition. Edinoroz, vladimir malov, died of his injuries in the hospital of the temporarily occupied new kakhovka, Russian Media reports. Let me remind you that his car was blown up by unknown people, after which the occupier was hospitalized in extremely serious condition. The death was the executive secretary of the local branch of putins united russia party. I should note that at the end of august, partisans blew up the preelection Regional Headquarters of united russians in the city. Further, about the situation in the regions, in mykolaiv during the alarm , an explosion rang out, the mayor oleksandr sinkevich called on the citizens to stay in safe places and definitely not to film anything. He promised to provide all the details later. However, the head of the Regional Military administration vitaly kim insisted that the explosion did not take place in the city itself, but did not specify where exactly. Earlier, the air force warned about the threat of the Occupation Forces using ballistic weapons. In the kharkiv region, it was possible to identify 39 people who died as a result of the russian attack on the village of groza. Using a mobile dna laboratory, experts examined 37 body fragments and found nine matches. Notified. Deputy head of the Regional Police serhii bolvinov. He noted that identified bodies will be handed over to relatives for burial. Simultaneously another 12 dead still remain unidentified. Let me remind you that on october 5 , the occupiers fired rockets into the village of groza , sweating into a shop and a cafe where a Memorial Dinner was held. In total, this terrorist attack took the lives of 51 residents, including a child. Medvedchuks godfather is behind bars, the employees of the Security Service in transcarpathia detained the acting deputy of the regional council, who has the status of a criminal authority in the criminal world. Zlovisnyk is a longtime associate and godfather of viktor medvedchuk, who at one time appointed him the head of the Regional Branch of the banned opzh party. The leader of the gang even planned to become a peoples deputy, instead of fellow party member illikiva. According to the investigation, the detained man organized a gang that kept residents of the border region in fear and extorted money from people. In ukraine, a state program for the development and spread of the ukrainian language will be presented. This was discussed at a meeting between the acting minister of culture, rostyslav karandiev, and the commissioner for the protection of the state language, taras kremin. The program , in particular, will strengthen the status of the ukrainian language, as well as provide an opportunity to create mechanisms for protection and development. This is, in particular, the opening of a network of courses on studying the ukrainian language. Before the day of ukrainian writing, which will be celebrated on october 27, traditions should also take place. Allukrainian radio dictator of national unity. City battles took place in rubizhny, severodnetsk and bakhmut. A group of young scouts of the National Guard of ukraine has been participating in operations in the east of the country since the first day of the fullscale war. Now the fighters are recovering after the rotation. The story of defenders who perform extremely difficult tasks on the front line. Lets see. Find the safest way to approach the house and clear the premises. Scouts of the rubizh brigade must perform such tasks. Fighters will practice exercises that will help in real conditions when introducing urban battles. The average age of the fighters of the Reconnaissance Group is 25 years, in one and a half years. They went through the fullscale war behind the hellish urban battles in seiverdonetsk, the defense of bakhmut, as well as the deoccupation of the liman. The National Guard took these shots last spring in rubizhnoy, where they stood to the end under the barrage of russian artillery. There is simply no village, thats it we live in such conditions, the fighters of the frontier brigade restrained the russians for three months. In order to capture the city, the enemy burned block by block, this is how the burned city looks from the sky. In the burnedout houses, the soldiers held the defense even when the enemy was 50 m away. We were told by the Radio Station that there were 40 soldiers in front of us in the yard, a battalion, so to speak, akhmat kadyrovtsi, firing rpgs at us from a machine gun, sending us wags, we gave repulse, i shot from a machine gun, around the next corner, i ran out first and immediately had the barrels were aimed, and i already thought everything was like, well, the end, dont say the wrong thing in the back, well, dont surrender, but luckily it was our scouts who saved us, after that, even now, i have nightmares, every dream begins equally we keep the defense and the end, as usual, we are simply taken by the ring and after that i wake up. It was then that foreign young scouts gained enormous experience in battles, which later helped in the defense of other cities of donbas. After that, we were transferred to bakhmut and we led the defense bakhmut. My own recordbreaking distance with the enemy is 10 m. It turns out, as it turns out, one house, two houses and a road, well, just like in the village, thats minimal. Station, i was a machine gunner, so at that time i was my assistant again, there were only two of us, we were sitting in a house, we destroyed them, now a group of young scouts is recovering after an extreme rotation in the silver forestry, despite all the difficulties, young soldiers do not regret their work, because most of these boys and girls came to this battle part, so as not to sit in the rear, but to destroy the enemy. I fully promoted myself to the military service, because i originally wanted, in principle. Something, if i was to do military work, then to do it professionally, not like that, to serve purely, my motivation is such that i dont want to send my son away in 20 years to war, or to watch my daughter being raped, and i think that everyone should have this understanding, because 400 years of war pass it down to us from generation to generation, that is why these young men and women chose the path of war, and despite being extremely difficult they never. Complain about work, on the contrary , they train to return to the legal borders and later live in a peaceful country. And an important gathering is underway. The espresso tv channel and the vesna Charitable Fund are collecting funds for the purchase of modern drones for our scouts. The 23rd separate rifle battalion of the armed forces of ukraine, which is fighting in the hot donetsk direction, needs antiaircraft missiles. Our goal is uah 1. 9000. Already collected thanks to you. 1 million hryvnias, we ask you to actively donate, our defenders will report the losses of the enemy. At this point, i have everything, the next issue of fr the 18th the news team follows what is happening in ukraine and the world, we will tell you about the most important things, and then meet Mykola Veresnya at eter espresso. A cultural monument or just a building, what is happening on reiterska street in kyiv and why activists are fighting the developer, see below. Reiterska street is a historical place of the capital, there are many cultural monuments, some of them, unfortunately, are in a neglected state or have lost their original appearance due to careless reconstruction or restoration. A striking example is the building at 37 reitersky street, this is what it looked like in the 1920s. And yes, it looks like today, pink paint, plastic windows, no hint of authenticity. The Nest Development company undertook to revive the original appearance of the cultural monument and restore the territory. One of the Main Missions is the preservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage objects, which are usually located directly in the historical environment of the city of kyiv. In 2021, the Company Purchased from the Austrian Insurance Company unika the project planned for reiterska street 3737 and 37 b. They are in this project was developed at the time. They received all the relevant permits. Including the final permit for construction works. The relevant permission of the ministry of culture, the project was approved by the ministry of culture. The permission to carry out earthworks was obtained already fresh, because it is always renewed there, including in the 23rd year it was renewed. And valid until the end of this year. After the agreement, net engaged the swedish architectural office, which perfectly. Existing project. It involves the restoration of the main facade landmark building at reiterska 37, inside which a modern Business Center will be built. The project also includes the demolition of the outbuilding, which is located inside the yard at 37 ashtrich reiterska street, and the construction of a Winter Garden, parking lot, and public space in its place. We are definitely not demolishing the historical building, we are not even reconstructing it, but restoring it, and the annex, we have already begun to dismantle it. We disassemble, which is not historical, and build a new architectural volume on the empty territory of the building, and combine them with glass with such a veneer in order to further protect that historic facade, which, at least from the inner, middle of the yard, and we are making a Winter Garden there, we are doing landscaping of the adjacent territory, and when work began on the site to demolish the wing, which according to documents obtained from of the ministry of culture in 200011 is not an architectural monument, activists began to block the operation of equipment, call the police, write statements. Activists accuse that the courtyard wing, which is located next to the architectural monument, is allegedly also architectural monument, but their criticisms do not correspond to reality. The defenders emphasize that the wing inside the yard should also have the status of a historical monument, since it is the only. Structure. This building of the kyiv poviat zemstvo of 1913, it is gshaped, it is one piece. And the works that were carried out to dismantle the left wing, the building, the monument, they are arbitrary, they are illegal. The companys lawyer explains that the wing protected by activists is not recognized as a monument, according to the order of the ministry of culture from 2011. Recognize as not is subject to entry into the state register of immovable monuments of ukraine in connection with noncompliance with the criteria determined by the resolution of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, the object of Cultural Heritage, the wing of the manor at 37 b reitersky street in the city of kyiv. So the lawyers insist that the demolition of this building is legal. Dvorovy grand piano, which has the letter a shtrich and dvorovy grand piano, which had drub, not entered in the state register of immovable monuments due to noncompliance with the criteria. These buildings do not have any historical or architectural value. We have a historical one the reference, and which says that this building really did not carry any value, that is, it was just a building, a servant lived there. Historian mykhailo kalnytskyi does not see the monument in fligel. Explains, these were two different houses with different purposes. It was the wing that served as the room where the servants lived. It stood in the yard and did not have special architectural forms, there are some. Historical documents showing that they were two separate buildings. It is enough to recall the wellknown citywide plan of 1920 years, and this plan shows the complete development of this homestead plot on reiterska 37, and there it can be seen that there is a volume along the street, a dividing line, and behind this smearing line the volume of the yard continues, that is, it was shown as two separate buildings. The historian says there is a risk that the main already recognized cultural monument may suffer from the clashes around the wing. It turns out that a noble house, which absolutely deserves to be preserved, will simply become a hostage of some mutual ambitions of those who demand not to be touched and those who want to build something, because this house needs to be roofed urgently. Its a straight, straight school. The city, because the final result of such actions may be that the incomplete construction, if the object of Cultural Heritage with a wooden roof is left behind, the remains of the building will remain, which by some miracle can be recognized as a monument, as it was when it was intact, it was not recognized as a monument, and by some miracle it will become a monument when more than half of it was dismantled, meanwhile , on september 29 , the ministry of culture signed an Order Granting the flag. Landmark status of local importance. An order was signed confirming the status of a monument of local importance for the entire building of the kyiv county zemstvo at the address city of kyiv, reiterska street 37. In the process of reviewing the documents, we invited experts who reviewed these documents and found inconsistencies in these, which actually showed what was violated at that time the order and legislation, as it were, of the protection of Cultural Heritage when removing this integral part of the monument from the register of monuments, when considering these documents, our the Expert Commission paid attention to this and decided to correct this error. Architect anatoly frulov notes that such mistakes in the ministry are not uncommon. The ministry of culture should be responsible for their things, why . Because this is not the first time that the ministry of culture has changed. Decisions, their decisions, ugh, it gives, and then takes away, ugh, i am very interested , there are different people sitting there, no, if you look, there, many of those people, experts, have been sitting on it for 10, 15 years, and they made those decisions, and they are making, now others, like result . The integral building, which in 2011 did not have the status of a monument, is now halfdismantled and eventually received it. Public activists believe that if it were not for the machinations of officials, this problem would not exist now. What do you think about the fact that in the 11th year it was not recognized as a monument of culture, but now it was still recognized as the only one. Well, probably you should ask those officials who worked in the ministry in the 11th. Year, now, as i understand, other people are already working there, uh, i think that, this is the result of some kind of fraud, uh, regarding what, the building, which is a monument, his, then it was in the list of recently discovered monuments, and in the city of kyiv, then, uh, actually, yes, the building that was built in one period, i recognize part of it. They wont admit it, so ill say, judging by everything, there were some, some machinations on the part of the officials, but we have hope that this house will be restored, possible machinations are pointed out in the Development Company itself, if the conclusion is positive, then let it be no no no one rolled back, did not rewind, because it should, because it should to protect the interests of business, including, ugh. Because what kind of business will it be when people invest money, people have received all the documents, and then in the middle of the process, when the money is invested, they are told, well, no, lets change it, those who are involved in politics, but they may think that they politicians should have studied well what politics is, well, the economy cannot work like that, i understand politics, but politics is based on the economy, so, while waiting for restoration, this historical complex risks standing for years without innovation and collapsing, because once issued permits and orders signed by officials can be reviewed and invalidated in 10 years, and those who legally purchased the object will simply lose it. Money and refuse to rebuild it. There are discounts on hepargin 20 in podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. There are 10 discounts on volvit at podorozhnyk bam and oskad pharmacies. Tired of heavy and bulky saws. Then the compact and powerful strong saw is perfect. 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Mobile once and ready, and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use in hardtoreach places, comes with a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger that will allow you to always have a charged saw at hand, call and order, reliable and a convenient tool, for only uah 1,499, a powerful strong saw, what you need, call, join the community with a ukrainian view of the world, become a sponsor of the youtube channel, which means access to exclusive content, personal thanks, pinned comments, special icons and the possibility of personal communication with the espresso team. Click sponsor and become part of the community with a ukrainian perspective. Events, the most important events. Those that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. Antin borkovskyi and invited guests experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our near future, every saturday at 1 00 p. M. With a repeat at 10 00 p. M. Studio zahid with Anton Borkovsky at espresso. Every week, the saturday Political Club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. Vitaly portnikov, host of espresso and invited experts, based on facts, give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. If you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday Political Club, every saturday on espresso. Every day, every hour, every minute we are here the most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how is our success evaluated by the international community, and what is moscow lying about. From the flow of news coming from everywhere, we single out the most important ones. The world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders backs . News under bags of the week this is an overview of only important events, important, reliable events, this is analytics, factchecking, professional comments, about this and much more in todays issue, about important in plain language, accessible to all viewers. Greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. News, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21 00 on espresso. Good health, ladies and gentlemen, they call me. September, behind my back photos, fresh photos from the middle east from the state of israel, and we will also dedicate our broadcast to this today, but not only to this, certainly in ukraine as well. War, as in israel today, therefore we will also talk about the ukrainian war and ukrainian affairs, we will start with igor harbaruk, international expert, member of the Economic Discussion Club , i hope he will appear before us now, good health mr. Igor, thank you for finding time for us, mykola, i am glad to hear from you, look, the question is very simple and difficult at the same time , what does todays attack on the state of israel by hamas, by the gaza sector mean . And in my opinion, this is rather an attempt to declare themselves, perhaps to spread their influence on a younger audience, to show that they are strong, to show that they will be participate in the elections, show some kind of strength and demonstrate some kind of ability, well, but still more than sure, although no, i am 101 sure that the state of israel will overcome these and settle this situation, but, you understand, now experts talk a lot about the possible ultimate goal of the state of israel with regard to hamas, with regard to the gas sector, and some say that troops will go there, others say that in general they will now be permanently stationed there, and but then it is one and a half, how many there are almost 2 million. People are in the gas sector, how to control it all, how much money is needed and so on, and so on, in principle, what to do with the gas sector, this seems to me to be the most important question, i absolutely agree with you, here you see, as much as possible, i still believe, and it should simply be adapted to the state of israel , as much as possible and to reconcile all the internal contradictions that exist in the state, you know, to be honest, to a greater extent everything, i looked at this situation from points of the future, well with from the point of view of the future of ukraine, and we will see what will happen when ukraine does win, and we will see what donbas will be like at that time, and luhansk region, those regions that were occupied by both ukrainians and ukraine in this case, it is necessary to study in as much detail as possible what is currently happening in israel and, perhaps, the mistakes that are currently being made there, to do everything to prevent them in the country, so in this case, i still believe that we, at the upcoming 12 15 years we are turning into, at least, such a big, big israel, c we are in a very similar situation, we will not be able to change our neighbor in any way, we will have to live with him, we will see how big or fragmented he will be, but at the same time we will understand that we also have certain parts of the regions , which will have similar characteristics to the situation that is currently happening in israel, well, this is my opinion, yes, yes, that is, terrorists cannot be avoided, now to ukrainian affairs, so americans, well, europeans, well, the civilized world sent a letter to ukrainians who it is necessary to make reforms, and banking, that is the administration of the president , offered to save democracy, such a. Its being discussed now, to be honest, i missed all of it this morning because its all about israel, well, how serious is this, because you know, during the first year of the war, they kept saying , that this symbiosis of western pressure, regarding reforms, and ukrainian , so to speak, society, which is also locked in reforms, will put pressure on the government, in a broad sense, and thus reforms will begin, now as if the government is in the form of the president ial administration, at least they say, well, in fact, he says the same thing, that i, like biden , are conditional, so its a collective event, but he says that we are early, well , as always in such cases, we thought about it for a long time, but we didnt have time to get ahead of ourselves, so the event first started, this is actually a repetition of those reforms, here it seems to me that everyone understands what is needed. Reforms, judicial reform, Law Enforcement reform and the fight against corruption, it seems to me that these are the three tasks that everyone understands, i understand correctly, is that all well, from your point of view, the game is certain that the ukrainian government, well, he saw what if the initiative belongs to the west, and he decided to show himself that he also thinks about reforms, that is, whether the Political Class of ukraine has the political will

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