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Prepared a draft law numbered 1115 on the regulation of the activities of shared access platforms, which have already been dubbed the telegram ban law, but the author himself explains that it is about all social networks that distribute information as media and the draft law does not provide for any prohibitions. Lets listen to what knyazhytsky said. Actively use our social networks. Someone for the objective normal information, someone to manipulate public opinion, because you can write any lie on anyone and not bear any responsibility for it, and no one can settle it, not even the court, because he does not know who wrote it, neither who owns the network that this is written on, nor the regulators, and the law does not propose to ban anyone, all that the law proposes is that. Such a network, which is essentially a mass media, open a representation in ukraine or the countries of the european union, communicated with the national regulator, that is, from the National Council of television and radio broadcasting, provided all the necessary information about who their owners are, because what the Russian Federation does through social networks is hundreds of times more harmful than what any of our services will do some of our leaders in order to promote him and destroy his political opponents, and this will also harm. The leaders and their enemies, because everyone is in the same boat here. By the way, the russians also discussed last week about what to do with this telegram service, and most of the government and other structures in russia, they said that telegram is a good messenger, and it helps us a lot, it should work, and what the russians are talking about, that it helps, it immediately raises certain questions. Mykola knyazhytsky correctly says that communication is needed with those who have access, who, or who is responsible for the entire network and who actually administers this network, if those who are administrators of this network are connected to the ukrainian side, the ukrainian side can appeal to some anonymous telegram channels. Who spread lies, or who spread frank russian propaganda, and in this way these administrators can respond to calls or requests from the ukrainian side, i think that in this case the regulation of telegram as a messenger in ukraine is necessary, because one way or another, all information the campaign that russia is currently conducting against the ukrainian state, it is carried out in different ways, including through telegram channels, through telegram, so do you know that we dont have russian television, we dont have vkontakte , we dont have classmates, we dont have access to most of the russian resources that once influenced and shaped the information policy, including the ukrainian state, but they dont exist because they were banned, they dont exist, and thats right, so the only question is how to regulate. The telegram channel, like this messenger, and to fight against the lies that the russians spread in this messenger, and they use this telegram channel as a means that allows them to collect information about what is happening in ukraine, about obtaining secret information, including about the stay of the ukrainian military, about the movement of ukrainian troops. Because many ukrainians, using telegram, work for the russians and collaborate with the russians, the Security Service of ukraine has already caught more than one ukrainian doing this and absolutely. Quite logical remarks by Mykola Knyazhytskyi are in this story about the need to take certain measures so that social networks are not used by the russians to distort information or to remove information from of ukraine. Friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, we are conducting a survey today, we ask you this, is the west ready for the defeat of russia . If you watch us on tv, please vote for the numbers if you think the west and the western partners are ready to defeat russia 0800211381 , no 0800211382 . All calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. Everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, write. Your comment under this video in the comments, if you have your own opinion, and while ukraine is thinking about what to do with the telegram, the Prime Minister of poland donald tusk in an interview with the publication, the election newspaper, said about the fact that europe is already in the prewar era, it must be ready for confrontation with russia, to quote mr. Tusk i dont want to. Not to scare anyone, but war is no longer a concept from the past, it is real, in fact, it already started more than 2 years ago, we have not seen a situation like this since 1945, i know that this it sounds devastating, especially for the younger generation, but we have to get used to the fact that a new era has begun, prewar, im not exaggerating, its becoming clearer every day, i. I dont know, frankly, uh, what facts or information i was guided by , which was led by donald tusk, apparently he has full information from the polish special services, who report that russia is preparing for war with the countries of western europe, including poland, but publicly putin says that he will hit the airfields of nato countries, if from there ukrainian ones will take off. F16 fighters. Lets listen to what putin said. First, if they deliver f16s, they are talking about it and training the pilots, i think you understand it well, better than others, it will not change the situation on the battlefield and we will simply destroy the planes as we are destroying the tanks now , as well as Armored Vehicles or other equipment, including rocket launchers. Of course, if. That they take off from the airfields of third countries, they become legitimate targets for us, wherever they are. Which can be a legitimate target on the territory of any country neighboring ukraine, be it poland, hungary, slovakia, or romania, if these are countries that are members of the North Atlantic Alliance, and the North Atlantic Alliance can respond to russia. To this strike, i think that putin in this situation is counting on the fact that nato countries will also take a long time to decide on a response, as was the case, for example, just a few days ago, when a Russian Missile flew into the territory of the polish state for 39 seconds , and poles pondered whether you need to shoot down this rocket in your space. Is it not necessary to escalate the situation, which is already so tense, and this story with this missile once again demonstrates to putin the indecisiveness of western countries, in particular poland, and therefore he says that if you bring these planes to the border of ukraine , and from there ukrainian pilots will take off on f16s, we will strike at these airfields, knowing putin, you can even have no doubt that he will. Try to do this, the only question is whether he will receive in the question is whether he will receive a decent response from the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance, in particular poland , and what tusk says that the world is already in, as he said, a prewar state, in a prewar era, this is absolutely true , the world is preparing for war with russia, russia is trying to. The west, our western partners, well, in the meantime, an interview with the commanderinchief of the armed forces of ukraine Oleksandr Syrsky appeared, who. Said that he does not need half a million new fighters, a large interview appeared in e, on the website to the state agency ukrinform, syrskyi says that the general staff has reviewed the current needs in the reserves, and now there is no question of mobilizing 500,000 ukrainians, but he did not name the exact figure. After reviewing our internal resources, says syrskyi, and clarifying the combat composition of the armed forces, this figure. Was significantly reduced, we expect that we will have enough people capable of defending the homeland, it is not only about mobilized people, but also about volunteers, said the general syrian at the same time, at the same time, the issue of adoption in the second reading of the law on mobilization, so far, has been postponed until april 10. The Verkhovna Rada of ukraine has from april 10 consideration of this law, 400 amendments, they have already been discussed in the committee on national security, intelligence and defense, and this bill with these amendments, with the recommendations of the committee, will be brought to the session hall of the Verkhovna Rada on or after april 10. The only question is whether this law will be passed and whether it will be signed by the president in this case. History , volodymyrs appeal would seem absolutely logical zelenskyi to the parliament as the Supreme Commander of the armed forces of ukraine and an explanation or, lets say, an appeal to the peoples deputies of ukraine would be logical regarding the vote for this law, and it should be explained by the fact that russia is preparing another offensive, which may take place in. In mayjune , as president zelenskyy said in an interview with the cbs News Television company, and to emphasize the fact that it is necessary to prepare for the next offensive of the russians, and for this we need people and we need mobilization, and we need new, new human resources. Against this background, the american billionaire elon musk, known for his. Scandalous statements about the war in ukraine, expressed the opinion that although russia will not be able to occupy all of ukraine, it is capable of reaching the dnipro and seizing odesa, as he believes. In the social network x, which he owns, elon musk wrote the longer the war lasts, the more territory russia will seize, until it reaches the dnieper, which is difficult to cross. However, if the war continues long enough, odesa will also fall, or ukraine will lose all access. To the black sea or not, this, in my opinion, the real issue that remains open, i recommend that this issue be settled through negotiations before this happens. This is the recommendation given by elon musk, completely not understanding that any negotiations with russia, including regarding the control of a part of the already temporarily occupied territories of the ukrainian state, is to make concessions. Putin and encourage putin to even greater aggression, because we remember how in 2014, our western partners swallowed the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula and we see what consequences this led to in 2022, and it is clear that if in the Current Situation our western partners will insist, or encourage ukraine to sit down. For the socalled peace talks and fix some kind of demarcation line, well, for example, there in the donetsk, luhansk, kherson and zaporizhia regions, then this will inevitably lead to a new war in the long run, because putin is not satisfied with peace with ukraine, putin is satisfied with the absence of ukraine on map, and putin wants to do everything so that the state called ukraine does not exist. And the ukrainians accordingly free the territory for the russianspeaking population, which will be brought there from ryazan, saratov, or syzran, and these people, as, among other things, we observe this in the southeast, in particular in mariupol, melitopol, began to develop both land and stolen apartments and houses from ukrainians, to settle there. And this locust, the russian locust, will pollute the entire ukrainian space, this is putins goal, putins goal, the transformation of ukraine into russian territory. It is very important for him to wrest from us not only the territory, but also our history, our memory, and in particular, everything related to of ancient history, and it is clear that it is very important for him to have, to have some connection to kyiv and to the baptism of russia, that is, it is clear to him that the socalled russian empire or the socalled Russian Federation. Will not be able live, relying only on their frail and weak experience, historical experience, they need something grander, grander this is what was in ukraine in ancient times, and he claims this, these, this, of course, next to that, what zelenskyy says about the possibility of a russian offensive in may. June another topic that emerges in the Russian Space is the topic of possible, possible non recognition of the legitimacy of president zelenskyi by moscow, because they are already talking about the fact that by may 21 the issue of recognizing the legitimacy of zelenskyi may lose its relevance, well, in particular, this is what a loyal associate and sharer says , as for may 20 and what will be may 21, lets live until then, maybe we wont need to admit anything. This story with the recognition, not the recognition of zelenskys legitimacy, it is very strange from the point of view of ukrainians, because we understand while there is a war on ukrainian territory. No president ial or parliamentary elections are possible. There is a war, there cant be a president ial or parliamentary campaign, there cant be a vote, we cant elect a parliament or a president now, its absolutely obvious, and its obvious that until the next president and the next Parliament Take office, all these powers will be exercised by the current president and the current one. Composition of the parliament, but it is very important for russia now to start a campaign about the illegitimacy of the president zelenskyi, questioning the legitimacy of president zelenskyi is dangerous for the ukrainian state, because they are trying, the russians are trying in this way to prove to us that we are ruled by an illegitimate president , well. To put the socalled legitimate president yanukovych or someone else on the head there is some gauleiter like tsarev or medvedchuk, and this is dangerous, friends, because in fact the russians are obviously playing this card, the card of possible nonrecognition, or lets say, they want to question zelenskys legitimacy, i frankly speaking, in the place of zelenskyi and his team, i would have taken. The appropriate step would have turned to the whole world and suggested to the entire World Community not to recognize putins authority, to question the legitimacy of president putin, and there are reasons for this, because the socalled putins elections took place in the temporarily occupied territories of the ukrainian state, that is, all 87 , which we would like to. Putin and his supporters are trying to be happy, in fact this is a number, it is drawn and it is below it there is no reason, that is, if the voter center of the Russian Federation says that 87 of those who came to the elections voted for putin, this is a lie, and this lie is very easily proven, including the vote. Ukrainians who are in the temporarily occupied territories of the ukrainian state , who were simply forced to vote, or throw papers, or threw these papers into the ballot boxes for them, what is the relationship between putin and his election, the socalled election of the socalled president has a relationship with the ukrainian territory, no , a therefore, putins legitimacy is called into question, only. Structures, International Structures must clearly record that in russia there is a dictator putin, there is no president , i. E. The phrase president. Should not be heard at the highest summits, forums , well, in particular , putins possible visit to the g20 meeting is currently being discussed, it will take place in brazil in the summer, and now brazil has submitted some kind of request to the United Nations in order to somehow question the International Order about the arrest of. Putin by the International Criminal court and they are somehow trying to push this story so that putin will come there so that putin will show his legitimacy. All structures, international, should declare that putin is not the president , he is a dictator who usurped power in the Russian Federation, then there will be a completely different attitude towards russia, then there will be a different attitude towards putin, then they will work differently. The mechanisms of sanctions against the russian state, and this should be insisted upon, rather than discussing the legitimacy or illegitimacy of zelenskyi, because this story, of course, is inspired by the kremlin, and we know that zelensky will be in the position of president until another president comes and replaces him in this position. Well, in the meantime, president zelensky announced personnel changes in the government. And says that these personnel changes are not complete, lets listen to what zelensky said. We continue the reboot of state institutions, this week there were several replacements, this is not all, not all the solutions that have been prepared. Today there are new decrees regarding advisers, i am grateful to each of them for work we make the office more functional. So with these personnel vacancies. In the president s office , Serhiy Shefir, zelenskys closest aide and adviser, was fired, this is a person who has been close to zelenskyi and remains close to him for the past 30 years, back in the mid 90s, Serhii Shefir and his brother, boris shevir, they met then still young zelensky, who participated. In kvni, and in fact, since then this friendship has strengthened, they became Business Partners, and during a short stay in moscow, they even they rented a shared apartment in the mytishchi neighborhood when they worked in oleksandr maslyukovs kvn, later serhii shevir and boris shevir became zelenskyis Business Partners during the creation of the kvartal 90 studio. Again, upon returning to ukraine, serhii shevir was one of those who was quite an influential person surrounded by volodymyr zelenskyi, and already after zelenskyis victory in the 2019 elections, serhii shevir became zelenskyis first assistant, he mainly contacted oligarchs, actually he was one from directions, later already. In october 2021, when the scandal with the publication or investigation of the Pandora Papers took place, it was known that zelensky had a relationship with offshore companies, and then these offshore companies were under the influence of Serhiy Shefir, i. E. Serhii shefir is a person who is as close as possible to zelenskyi, but why. They left Serhii Shefir, no one gives any conscious explanations, although shevir says that he was and remains in zelenskyis team, against this background, literally a year thats why it became known that nabu suspected the former head of the derzhmaym fund, dmytro sinychenko, of taking possession of uah 500 million of funds from opz and ogk with his classmates, in addition. Four more persons appear in the case, and Serhiy Shefir was named among these persons. I dont know if the departure of the chief from zelenskyis team is related to this story with the odesa port plant and the united mining and chemical company, but we can state that one of those who led zelenskyi in the last president ial election and was a trusted person , moves a little to the side. Well obviously influence increases. Andriy yermak, a person who now has much more importance and influence for zelensky than serhiy shevir, although, well, we will keep an eye on how and where shefir ends up. He said that he was and remains in the president s team, in an interview with the online publication babel, he said without options, except that he is the president , meaning zelensky, he is my friend, and that is much more important than the position, well these were actually brief summaries, brief comments of the verdict program on the main events, the main statements that have been made in the last few days, along with this. Friends, we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether the west is ready for the defeat of russia, 21 of those who watched us on tv said yes, 79 said no, on youtube the ratio is 24 yes, 76 no, for those who who is currently watching us on youtube, please do not forget to support this broadcast with your favorite and subscribe to ours. Youtube page, im putting a full stop here, it was a verdict program, congratulations serhii grudenko, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your family, goodbye, oh, there are no potatoes, bring them, the ass has already caught something, i remind you, have a doctor with a quick bone. And you get up to work again. Ointment with comfrey is a german ointment for joint and muscle pain. The peritoneum returns movement. From pain in the joints and muscles. Natural bone broth from dr. Tice. Ask at the pharmacies good day pharmacy and mats pharmacy with comfrey 100 g with a 20 discount. What is bahmud . Bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. Who wouldnt say anything . But bravery is not the absence of fear. Bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end our dnibro. The children were born in the era of independence. Who are they . There are many of them, and they are strong and brave. 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